5900-172 Agent Notice of Delegation

Acid Rain Program under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments (Renewal)


Acid Rain Program under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments

OMB: 2060-0258

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Instructions for the Agent Notice of Delegation
Note: Designated Representatives can submit the Notice of Delegation online through the CAMD Business System (CBS)
at https://camd.epa.gov/cbs/index.cfm. You must have a user ID and password.
If you need a user ID and password, or if you have questions about CBS, contact Laurel DeSantis at
desantis.laurel@epa.gov, or (202) 343-9191, or Alex Salpeter at salpeter.alex@epa.gov, or (202) 343-9157.
Any reference in these instructions to the Representative or Designated Representative means the Acid Rain Designated
Representative and/or CAIR Designated, as applicable. Any reference to the Alternate Designated Representative means
the Acid Rain Alternate Designated Representative and/or CAIR Alternate Representative, as applicable.
A Designated Representative may delegate, to one or more natural persons, his or her authority to make an electronic
submission on his or her behalf, in a format prescribed by the Administrator. In order to delegate authority to make an
electronic submission to the Administrator on his or her behalf, the Designated Representative must submit to the
Administrator a notice of delegation. This notice shall be effective upon receipt by the Administrator and until receipt by the
Administrator of a superseding notice of delegation. The superseding notice of delegation may replace any previously
identified agent, add a new agent, or eliminate entirely any delegation of authority. Note that the agent delegation applies
to all of the CAMD programs for which the Designated Representative has assumed responsibility.
Agents can be given the varying levels of authority, and a person may be designated as more than one type of Agent. In
addition, a Representative may assign more than one person the same Agent type.
Please type or print. If you have any questions, please contact Laurel DeSantis at (202) 343-9191 or

Enter the information for the Representative delegating authority to an Agent to make electronic submissions on
his or her behalf. Note that the agent delegation applies to all of the CAMD programs for which the
Representative has assumed responsibility.


Enter the information for the Agent to whom the Representative is delegating authority to make electronic
submissions on his or her behalf.


Check the Agent types that apply for the Agent listed in Step 2.

* Please note that for all three Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS)
Submit Data agent types (see below), you MUST include a list of facilities and units for which
the agent type applies. You MUST generate this list from the CAMD Business System (CBS).
CAMD is requiring the use of the CBS generated list to avoid facility ID and unit ID
discrepancies. Anyone with a CBS user id and password can generate this list for any
Representative. To generate this list, log in to CBS and click the Reports button on the upper
left side of the home page. In Step 1, select People Reports. In Step 2, select Units by
Representative. Click the Continue button. Find the Representative in the list, highlight the
name and click the Select button. Click the Print button to print the report. Once the report is
printed, check the Facility Name/Unit ids as appropriate for the selected Agent type. If you
wish to select all Facilities and Units, you can check the "Select All Units" box at the top of the
list. You can NOT check the boxes on-line, you MUST check them manually after the report is


Source Management - An Agent who is given the authority to perform the following using the CAMD Business
System (CBS): exempt units from programs (new and retired unit exemptions), add or edit facility, unit, owner,
operator, representative information (Certificates of Representation), provide facility contact information, or assist
with issues relating to the applicability of a unit to a given program.
Allowance Trading - An Agent who has the authority to perform allowance transfers using CBS.
General Account Management - An Agent who is given the authority to perform the following using CBS: add or
edit account information for existing general accounts, representative and binding party information; or add a new
general account.
Compliance - An Agent who is given the authority to perform the following annual compliance related tasks using
CBS: submit annual compliance certifications (if required); submit allowance deduction information and submit
common stack allowance deduction information.
Retrieve Monitoring Plan, QA and Emissions Data: An Agent who has the authority to retrieve monitoring plan,
QA and emissions data from the EPA host system, and load it into their Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan
System (ECMPS) Client Tool. Retrieve agents have access to all facilities and units for a representative, since
they are only able to retrieve data from the EPA host system, but CANNOT submit to the EPA host system.
Submit Monitoring Plan Data: An Agent who has the authority to submit monitoring plan data from the ECMPS
Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all units for which that responsibility has been assigned. You MUST
include a list of facilities and units for which this agent type applies. See instructions above. *
Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data: An Agent who has the authority to submit monitoring plan and QA data
from the ECMPS Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all units for which that responsibility has been
assigned. If you assign a person as a Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data agent, you do not need to also assign
the person as a Submit Monitoring Plan Data agent. You MUST include a list of facilities and units for which
this agent type applies. See instructions above. *
Submit Monitoring Plan, QA and Emissions Data: An Agent who has the authority to submit monitoring plan,
QA and emissions data from the ECMPS Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all units for which that
responsibility has been assigned. If you assign a person as a Submit Monitoring Plan, QA, and Emissions Data
agent, you do not need to also assign the person as a Submit Monitoring Plan Data or Submit Monitoring Plan and
QA Data agent. You MUST include a list of facilities and units for which this agent type applies. See
instructions above. *

Mark the box if you wish to remove all the agents currently assigned to the Representative listed in Step 1.


The Representative delegating authority to an Agent must read the certification statements, and sign and date
the notice of delegation.

Submission Instructions

Email form to:

(Emailed forms must include the signature pages)


Fax form to:

(if the fax is greater than 20 pages, please email the completed forms, if you are able)

Attention: Laurel DeSantis
If you have any questions, please contact Laurel DeSantis at (202) 343-9191 or desantis.laurel@epa.gov.


Paperwork Burden Estimate
The public reporting and record keeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per
response annually. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain,
retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions;
develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to
comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of
information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any
suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the
Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to
this address.


United States Environmental Protection Agency

OMB Nos. 2060-0258 and 2060-0570
Approval Expires 07/31/2009

Agent Notice of Delegation
Read instructions.
Representative Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
Enter the information for the
Designated Representative or
Alternate Designated
Representative Company Name
Representative delegating
authority to an Agent to make
electronic submissions on
Representative Address
his or her behalf.
Representative Email Address

Representative Phone Number

Representative Fax Number

Enter the information for the Agent Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
Agent to whom the
Designated Representative or
Alternate Designated
Agent Company Name
Representative is delegating
authority to make electronic
submissions on his or her
Agent Address

Agent Email Address

Agent Phone Number

Agent Fax Number

Add CBS Agent Type(s) for Agent listed
Check the CBS Agent Types
that apply for the Agent listed
Source Management
in Step 2. See instructions
Allowance Trading
for description of Agent
General Account Management


EPA Form 5900-172 (Last Updated 6/2009)


Remove CBS Agent Type(s) for Agent listed


Source Management
Allowance Trading
General Account Management

Agent Notice of Delegation
Page 2 of 3

STEP 3 (continued)
Check the ECMPS Agent
Types that apply for the
Agent listed in Step 2. See
instructions for description
of Agent Types.

Add ECMPS Agent Types(s) for Agent listed

Remove ECMPS Agent Type(s) for Agent listed



Retrieve Monitoring Plan, QA and
Emissions Data


Submit Monitoring Plan Data


Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data

You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)

(You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)


Submit Monitoring Plan, QA and
Emissions Data
(You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)

Mark the box if appropriate.

The Designated
Representative or Alternate
Designated Representative
must read the certification
statements, sign, and date.


Retrieve Monitoring Plan, QA and
Emissions Data


Submit Monitoring Plan Data


Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data


(You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)

(You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)

Submit Monitoring Plan, QA and
Emissions Data
(You must specify Facilities and
Units – See instructions for details)

Remove all Agents currently assigned for this Representative

Acid Rain Program (as applicable)
I agree that any electronic submission to the Administrator that is by an agent identified in
this notice of delegation, and of a type listed for such agent in this notice of delegation,
and that is made when I am an Acid Rain designated representative or alternate Acid Rain
designated representative, or when I am an Acid Rain authorized account representative
or alternate Acid Rain authorized account representative, and before this notice of
delegation is superseded by another notice of delegation, shall be deemed to be an
electronic submission by me. Until this notice of delegation is superseded by another
notice of delegation, I agree to maintain an e-mail account, and to notify the Administrator
immediately of any change to my e-mail address unless all delegation of authority by me is
CAIR NOX Annual Trading Program, CAIR SO2 Trading Program, CAIR NOX Ozone
Season Trading Program (as applicable)
I agree that any electronic submission to the Administrator that is by an agent identified in
this notice of delegation, and of a type listed for such agent in this notice of delegation,
and that is made when I am a CAIR designated representative or alternate CAIR
designated representative, or when I am an CAIR authorized account representative or
alternate CAIR authorized account representative, and before this notice of delegation is
superseded by another notice of delegation, shall be deemed to be an electronic
submission by me. Until this notice of delegation is superseded by another notice of
delegation, I agree to maintain an e-mail account, and to notify the Administrator
immediately of any change to my e-mail address unless all delegation of authority by me is

EPA Form 5900-172 (Last Updated 6/2009)

Agent Notice of Delegation
Page 3 of 3

Representative Name

Representative Signature
Submission Instructions:


Email form to: (Emailed forms must include the signature pages)
Fax form to: (if the fax is greater than 20 pages, please email the completed
forms, if you are able)
Attention: Laurel DeSantis
If you have any questions, please contact Laurel DeSantis at (202) 343-9191 or

EPA Form 5900-172 (Last Updated 6/2009)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Agent Notice of Delegation 03242009 - ks edits.doc
File Modified2009-07-17
File Created2009-07-17

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