Burden Tables

LMOP ICRburden Tables 091208.xls

Landfill Methane Outreach Program (Reinstatement)

Burden Tables

OMB: 2060-0446

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Existing State
New State
Existing Endorser
New Endorser
Existing Energy non-dev
New Energy non-dev
Existing Comm
New Comm
Existing Dev
New Dev
Public Candidates-Year1
Private Candidates-Year1
totals & avgs

Sheet 1: Existing State

Table A-1


Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Information Update2

Gather information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 21 10.50 $514
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 11 2.75 $135
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 10 2.50 $122

15.75 $770

1 Labor rates for EPA personnel were used for all public-sector personnel, including employees of State agencies. Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 The only burden for existing State Partners is to submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all existing State Partners will submit an information update each year. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period there are an average of 41 existing State Partners. It is assumed 21 will provide an information update each year: 11 through the Web or e-mail, 10 by telephone.

Sheet 2: New State

Table A-2

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2

Review MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $30 $0 1 0.50 $30
Complete MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $30 $0 1 0.50 $30
Submit MOU to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $3 1 0.50 $13

1.50 $73
Information Update3

Gather information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 1 0.50 $24
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 1 0.25 $12
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 0 0.00 $0

0.75 $37

2.25 109.64

1 Labor rates for EPA personnel were used for all public-sector personnel, including employees of State agencies. Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. As of July 2007, 40 out of the 50 states have joined LMOP. For this next 3-year ICR period it is expected that 1 new State Partner will join LMOP per year.
3 New State Partners may also submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all new State Partners will submit an information update. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period it is expected that 1 new State Partner on average will join LMOP. It is assumed 1 new State Partner will provide an information update through the Web or e-mail.

Sheet 3: Existing Endorser

Table A-3


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$85.46 $86.59 $42.01 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Information Update2

Gather information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $43 $0 13 6.50 $563
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $22 $0 7 1.75 $152
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $22 $0 6 1.50 $130

9.75 $844

1 Labor rates for Endorsers were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 813900, Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 The only burden for existing Endorsers is to submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all existing Endorsers will submit an information update each year. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period there are an average of 26 existing Endorsers. It is assumed 13 will provide an information update each year: 7 through the Web or e-mail, 6 by telephone.

Sheet 4: New Endorser

Table A-4


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$85.46 $86.59 $42.01 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2

Review MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $43 $0 3 1.50 $129
Complete MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $43 $0 3 1.50 $129
Submit MOU to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $21 $3 3 1.50 $72

4.50 $330
Information Update3

Gather information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $43 $0 2 1.00 $87
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $22 $0 1 0.25 $22
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $22 $0 1 0.25 $22

1.50 $130

6.00 460

1 Labor rates for Endorsers were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 813900, Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Endorsers must submit MOU when they join LMOP. For this next 3-year ICR period it is expected that 3 new Endorsers will join LMOP per year.
3 New Endorsers may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all new Endorsers will submit an information update. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period 3 new Endorsers on average are expected to join per year. It is assumed 2 will provide an information update: 1 through the Web or e-mail, 1 by telephone.

Sheet 5: Existing Energy non-dev

Table A-5

ESTIMATED AVERAGE RESPONDENT BURDEN AND COST: Existing Energy and Non-developer Industry Partners

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$105.26 $78.22 $43.51 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Information Update2

Gather information 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $117 $0 243 364.50 $28,513
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 122 122.00 $9,543
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 121 121.00 $9,465

607.50 $47,521

1 Labor rates for Energy and non-developer Industry Partners were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 541000, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 The only burden for existing Energy and non-developer Industry Partners is to submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all existing Energy and non-developer Industry Partners will submit an information update each year. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period there are an average of 486 existing Energy and non-developer Industry Partners. It is assumed 243 will provide an information update each year: 122 through the Web or e-mail, 121 by telephone.

Sheet 6: New Energy non-dev

Table A-6

ESTIMATED AVERAGE RESPONDENT BURDEN AND COST: New Energy and non-Developer Industry Partners

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Legal Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$124.74 $105.26 $78.22 $43.51 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2

Review MOU 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 1.00 $108 $0 70 70.00 $7,577
Complete MOU 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $46 $0 70 35.00 $3,211
Submit MOU to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $22 $3 70 35.00 $1,733

140.00 $12,521
Information Update3

Gather information 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $117 $0 35 52.50 $4,107
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 18 18.00 $1,408
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 17 17.00 $1,330

87.50 $6,845

227.50 19,365

1 Labor rates for Energy and non-developer Industry Partners were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 541000, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. For this next 3-year ICR period it is expected that 70 new Energy and non-developer Industry Partners will join LMOP per year.
3 New Energy and non-developer Industry Partners may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all new Energy and non-developer Industry Partners will submit an information update. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the 3-year ICR period there are approximately 70 new Energy and non-developer Industry Partners each year. It is assumed 35 will provide an information update: 18 through the Web or e-mail, 17 by telephone.

Sheet 7: Existing Comm

Table A-7


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet2

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 127 63.50 $3,106
Gather information 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 127 127.00 $6,212
Complete the spreadsheet 0.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 $94 $0 127 254.00 $11,990
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $0 127 63.50 $1,248

508.00 $22,555
Information Update3

Gather information 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $73 $0 64 96.00 $4,696
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 32 32.00 $1,565
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 32 32.00 $1,565

160.00 $7,826

668.00 30,381

1 Labor rates for EPA personnel were used for all public-sector personnel, including employees of local governments. Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All existing Community Partners must submit a completed LFGE project spreadsheet to review and correct existing project data and provide information on new projects. During the next 3-year ICR period there are an estimated 127 existing Community Partners that will complete a pre-populated LFGE spreadsheet each year.
3 Existing Community Partners may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all existing Community Partners will submit an information update each year. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the next 3-year ICR period there are an average of 127 existing Community Partners. It is assumed 64 will provide an information update each year: 32 through the Web or e-mail, 32 by telephone.

Sheet 8: New Comm

Table A-8


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2

Review MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $30 $0 19 9.50 $571
Complete MOU 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $30 $0 19 9.50 $571
Submit MOU to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $3 19 9.50 $244

28.50 $1,386
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet3

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 19 9.50 $465
Gather information 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $73 $0 19 28.50 $1,394
Complete the spreadsheet 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50 $119 $0 19 47.50 $2,258
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $0 19 9.50 $187

95.00 $4,304
Information Update4

Gather information 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $73 $0 10 15.00 $734
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 5 5.00 $245
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 5 5.00 $245

25.00 $1,223

148.50 6,913

1 Labor rates for EPA personnel were used for all public-sector personnel, including employees of local governments. Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. For this next 3-year ICR period it is expected that 19 new Community Partners will join LMOP per year.
3 All new Community Partners must submit a completed LFGE project spreadsheet to provide information on their LFGE projects and landfills. During the next 3-year ICR period it is anticipated that 19 new Community Partners will complete a pre-populated LFGE spreadsheet each year.
4 New Community Partners may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all new Community Partners will submit an information update. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the next 3-year ICR period it is anticipated that 19 new Community Partners will join LMOP each year. It is assumed 10 will provide an information update: 5 through the Web or e-mail, 5 by telephone.

Sheet 9: Existing Dev

Table A-9

ESTIMATED AVERAGE RESPONDENT BURDEN AND COST: Existing Project Developer Industry Partners

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Legal Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$124.74 $105.26 $78.22 $43.51 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet2

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $39 $0 152 76.00 $5,945
Gather information 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 $235 $0 152 456.00 $35,670
Complete the spreadsheet 0.00 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50 $192 $0 152 380.00 $29,142
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $22 $0 152 76.00 $3,307

988.00 $74,064
Information Update3

Gather information 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $117 $0 76 114.00 $8,918
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 38 38.00 $2,973
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 38 38.00 $2,973

190.00 $14,863

1178.00 88,927

1 Labor rates for Project Developer Industry Partners were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 541000, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All existing Project Developer Industry Partners must annually review project information they have previously provided and submit any corrections and complete a LFGE spreadsheet for any new projects. During the next 3-year ICR period 152 existing Project Developer Industry Partners on average will complete or correct information on their LFGE projects. Because many of these Partners filled out the form in a previous year, and they will only be asked to review or correct pre-populated information on existing projects and provide information on new projects, the burden will be significantly less than that for new Project Developer Industry Partners.
3 Existing Project Developer Industry Partners may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all existing Project Developer Industry Partners will submit an information update each year. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the next 3-year ICR period there are an average of 152 existing Project Developer Industry Partners. It is assumed 76 will provide an information update each year: 38 through the Web or e-mail, 38 by telephone.

Sheet 10: New Dev

Table A-10


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Legal Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$124.74 $105.26 $78.22 $43.51 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2

Review MOU 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 1.00 $108 $0 21 21.00 $2,273
Complete MOU 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 $46 $0 21 10.50 $963
Submit MOU to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $22 $3 21 10.50 $520

42.00 $3,756
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet3,4

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $39 $0 21 10.50 $821
Gather information 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 $548 $0 21 147.00 $11,499
Complete the spreadsheet 0.00 1.50 5.25 3.75 10.50 $732 $0 21 220.50 $15,367
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $22 $0 21 10.50 $457

388.50 $28,144
Information Update5

Gather information 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $117 $0 10 15.00 $1,173
Provide information via LMOP Web site or e-mail 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 5 5.00 $391
Provide information via telephone interview 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $78 $0 5 5.00 $391

25.00 $1,956

455.50 33,856

1 Labor rates for Project Developer Industry Partners were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 541000, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. For this next 3-year ICR period it is expected that 21 new Project Developer Industry Partners will join LMOP per year.
3 All new Project Developer Industry Partners must submit a completed LFGE project spreadsheet. It is anticipated that 21 new Project Developer Industry Partners on average will complete and update a LFGE project spreadsheet per year.
4 The LFGE spreadsheet contains information on each LFGE project associated with the Project Developer Industry Partner. The hour burden estimates represent an average burden for Project Developer Industry Partners. It is based on 2 new smaller developers with 1 project and 1 new larger developer with an average of 17 projects. Time to gather information is 2 hours for a small developer and 17 hours for a large developer, averaging 7 hours per developer. Time to complete the forms is 3 hours for a small developer and 25.5 hours for a large developer, averaging 10.5 hours per developer.
5 New Project Developer Industry Partners may submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of all new Project Developer Industry Partners will submit an information update. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. During the next 3-year ICR period it is anticipated that 21 new Project Developer Industry Partners will join LMOP. It is assumed 10 will provide an information update: 5 through the Web or e-mail, 5 by telephone.

Sheet 11: Public Candidates-Year1

Table B-1

ESTIMATED YEAR 1 RESPONDENT BURDEN AND COST: Publicly-Owned and/or Operated Landfills with LFGE Potential

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet2,3

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 800 400 $19,565
Gather information 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 $73 $0 800 1,200 $58,694
Complete the spreadsheet 0.50 1.50 0.50 2.50 $119 $0 800 2,000 $95,091
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $3 800 400 $10,259

4,000 $183,610

1 Labor rates for EPA personnel were used for all public-sector personnel, including employees of other local governments that own or operate landfills. Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 Recipients with a valid e-mail address will receive an e-mail with instructions and a spreadsheet attachment pre-populated with landfill and/or LFGE project data. If no e-mail address is available, a paper letter with a pre-populated spreadsheet printout will be mailed to landfill owners/operators, who will have the option to respond to EPA through e-mail or hardcopy. Based on a thorough review of the LMOP Landfill and LFGE Project Database, there are approximately 800 public sector landfill owners/operators of landfills that are most likely to support a future LFGE project. During this 3-year ICR period, these 800 landfill owners/operators will receive a single spreadsheet to update critical landfill and LFGE project data.
3 These pre-populated spreadsheets are not expected to ask for any data additional to the types of data requested from LMOP Community Partners, and so the burden was assumed to be equal to the burden estimated for new Community Partners to complete and submit their LFGE spreadsheets.

Sheet 12: Private Candidates-Year1

Table B-2

ESTIMATED YEAR 1 RESPONDENT BURDEN AND COST: Privately-Owned and/or Operated Landfills with LFGE Potential

INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs
Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
per hour per hour per hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet2,3

Review spreadsheet and instructions 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 200 100 $4,891
Gather information 0.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 $342 $0 200 1,400 $68,477
Complete the spreadsheet 1.50 5.25 3.75 10.50 $437 $0 200 2,100 $87,497
Submit spreadsheet to EPA and file copy 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $3 200 100 $2,565

3,700 $163,430

1 Labor rates for other privately-owned landfill owners/operators were estimated using the average May 2006 labor rates for NAICS industry grouping 541000, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Occupational groupings assumed for clerical labor were executive secretaries and administrative assistants, for technical labor were environmental engineers, and for managerial labor were managers, all other. A June 2007 labor rate was estimated using a 3.5% growth factor from the employment cost index to account for increases in wages from June 2006 to June 2007. The growth factor came from Table 2. Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, by ownership, occupational group, and industry located at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/eci.t02.htm. All labor rates incorporate a factor of 110% to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 Recipients with a valid e-mail address will receive an e-mail with instructions and a spreadsheet attachment pre-populated with landfill and/or LFGE project data. If no e-mail address is available, a paper letter with a pre-populated spreadsheet printout will be mailed to landfill owners/operators, who will have the option to respond to EPA through e-mail or hardcopy. Based on a thorough review of the LMOP Landfill and LFGE Project Database, there are approximately 200 private sector landfill owners/operators of landfills most likely to support a future LFGE project. During this 3-year ICR period, these 200 landfill owners/operators will receive a single spreadsheet to update critical landfill and LFGE data. Similar to how Project Developer Industry Partners can be associated with multiple LFGE projects and landfills, private owners/operators may be associated with multiple landfills. Thus, the burden for private sector owners/operators to complete the spreadsheet is higher than that of publicly-owned and/or operated landfills.
3 These pre-populated spreadsheets are not expected to ask for any data additional to the types of data requested from LMOP Project Developer Industry Partners, and so the burden was assumed to be equal to the burden estimated for new Project Developer Industry Partners to complete and submit their LFGE spreadsheets.

Sheet 13: Agency-1

Table C-1


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs

Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
Hour Hour Hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2
Review and sign MOU 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.75 $42 $0 114 86 $4,821
File MOU and return signed copy to the Partner 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $0 114 57 $1,120
Enter MOU information into a database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 114 57 $2,788

200 $8,729
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet3
Prepare and send spreadsheets to new Partners 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 40 10 $489
Prepare and send spreadsheets to existing Partners 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 239 120 $5,845
Prepare and send spreadsheets to other landfill owners and operators4 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 $29 $3 1,000 750 $32,368
Review spreadsheets and follow up, if necessary 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 1,279 1,279 $62,558
Enter information into database and file electronic copy of the spreadsheet 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 1,279 1,279 $62,558

3,438 $163,819
Receive Information Update5
Review information received via LMOP Web site, e-mail, or telephone. 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 208 52 $2,543
Revise data in the database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 208 104 $5,087

156 $7,630
Initiate Information Update5
Call or email Partner and request updated information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 208 104 $5,087
Revise data in database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 208 104 $5,087

208 $10,174

4,001 $190,352

1 Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. In 2008, it is expected that 114 new Partners will join LMOP.
3 In 2008, EPA will compile landfill and/or project information into a single spreadsheet for existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners to review and revise if necessary. Existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners will also provide information on new projects. EPA will prepare and send spreadsheets for new Community and Project Developer Industry Partners along with their copy of the signed MOU, which will require less time and effort. EPA will prepare and send spreadsheets to other landfill owners/operators with landfills demonstrating the strongest potential to support a future LFGE project. In 2008, it is estimated that EPA will need to prepare and review annual spreadsheets from 40 new and 239 existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners, and 1,000 one-time spreadsheets for other landfill owners and/or operator organizations.
4 It is assumed that LMOP will electronically send LFGE spreadsheets to all new and existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners. Agency clerical labor and O&M costs exist only for the other landfill owners/operators, since some of these sites do not have e-mail addresses available to LMOP.
5 In 2008, it is assumed that half of all existing and new Partners will submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. In 2008 it is anticipated that there will be 718 existing and 114 new Partners. It is assumed 416 will provide an information update: 208 through the Web or e-mail, 208 by telephone interview.

Sheet 14: Agency-2

Table C-2


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs

Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
Hour Hour Hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2
Review and sign MOU 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.75 $42 $0 114 86 $4,821
File MOU and return signed copy to the Partner 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $0 114 57 $1,120
Enter MOU information into a database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 114 57 $2,788

200 $8,729
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet3
Prepare and send spreadsheets to new Partners 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 40 10 $489
Prepare and send spreadsheets to existing Partners 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 279 140 $6,823
Prepare and send spreadsheets to other landfill owners and operators4 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 $29 $3 0 0 $0
Review spreadsheets and follow up, if necessary 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 319 319 $15,603
Enter information into database and file electronic copy of the spreadsheet 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 319 319 $15,603

788 $38,518
Receive Information Update5
Review information received via LMOP Web site, e-mail, or telephone. 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 237 59 $2,898
Revise data in the database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 237 119 $5,796

178 $8,694
Initiate Information Update5
Call or email Partner and request updated information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 236 118 $5,772
Revise data in database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 236 118 $5,772

236 $11,543

1,401 $67,485

1 Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. In 2009, it is expected that 114 new Partners will join LMOP.
3 In 2009, EPA will compile landfill and/or project information into a single spreadsheet for existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners to review and revise if necessary. Existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners will also provide information on new projects. EPA will prepare and send spreadsheets for new Community and Project Developer Industry Partners along with their copy of the signed MOU, which will require less time and effort. In 2009, it is estimated that EPA will need to prepare and review annual spreadsheets from 40 new and 279 existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners.
4 There is no Agency burden in 2009 for spreadsheets sent to other landfill owners/operators. Other landfill owners/operators will receive a one-time information collection request in 2008 only.
5 In 2009, it is assumed that half of all existing and new Partners will submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. In 2009 it is anticipated that there will be 832 existing and 114 new Partners. It is assumed 473 will provide an information update: 237 through the Web or e-mail, 236 by telephone interview.

Sheet 15: Agency-3

Table C-3


INFORMATION COLLECTION ACTIVITY Hours and Costs Per Respondent/Activity1 Total Hours and Costs

Mgr. Tech. Cler. Respon. Labor
Number Total Total
$71.34 $48.91 $19.65 Hours/ Cost/ O & M of Hours/ Cost/
Hour Hour Hour Activity Activity Cost Respondents Year Year
Memoranda of Understanding2
Review and sign MOU 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.75 $42 $0 114 86 $4,821
File MOU and return signed copy to the Partner 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 $10 $0 114 57 $1,120
Enter MOU information into a database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 114 57 $2,788

200 $8,729
LFGE and Landfill Data Spreadsheet3
Prepare and send spreadsheets to new Partners 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 40 10 $489
Prepare and send spreadsheets to existing Partners 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 319 160 $7,801
Prepare and send spreadsheets to other landfill owners and operators4 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 $29 $3 0 0 $0
Review spreadsheets and follow up, if necessary 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 359 359 $17,559
Enter information into database and file electronic copy of the spreadsheet 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 $49 $0 359 359 $17,559

888 $43,409
Receive Information Update5
Review information received via LMOP Web site, e-mail, or telephone. 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 $12 $0 265 66 $3,240
Revise data in the database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 265 133 $6,481

199 $9,721
Initiate Information Update5
Call or email Partner and request updated information 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 265 133 $6,481
Revise data in database 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 $24 $0 265 133 $6,481

265 $12,962

1,551 $74,822

1 Source for EPA labor rates: Department of Personnel Management, "Salary Table 2003 - GS," http://www.opm.gov/oca/07tables/pdf/gs_h.pdf. For the managerial labor rate, level GS-15, step 1 was used; for the technical labor rate, level GS-12, step 5 was used; for the clerical labor rate, level GS-5, step 1 was used. All agency labor rates include a multiplier of 1.6 to account for overhead and fringe benefit costs.
2 All Partners must submit MOU when they join LMOP. In 2009, it is expected that 114 new Partners will join LMOP.
3 In 2010, EPA will compile landfill and/or project information into a single spreadsheet for existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners to review and revise if necessary. Existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners will also provide information on new projects. EPA will prepare and send spreadsheets for new Community and Project Developer Industry Partners along with their copy of the signed MOU, which will require less time and effort. In 2010, it is estimated that EPA will need to prepare and review annual spreadsheets from 40 new and 319 existing Community and Project Developer Industry Partners.
4 There is no Agency burden in 2010 for spreadsheets sent to other landfill owners/operators. Other landfill owners/operators will receive a one-time information collection request in 2008 only.
5 In 2010, it is assumed that half of all existing and new Partners will submit voluntary periodic information updates. It is assumed that half of those that update their information will provide information through the LMOP Web site or e-mail and the other half will provide information through a telephone interview. In 2010 it is anticipated that there will be 946 existing and 114 new Partners. It is assumed 530 will provide an information update: 265 through the Web or e-mail, 265 by telephone interview.

Sheet 16: totals & avgs


2008 2009 2010 Average
Partner Existing New Existing New Existing New Existing New
Community1 108 19 127 19 146 19 127 19
Endorser2 23 3 26 3 29 3 26 3
Energy1 93 14 107 14 121 14 107 14

non-developers 323 56 379 56 435 56 379 56
developers 131 21 152 21 173 21 152 21
State3 40 1 41 1 42 1 41 1
TOTAL 718 114 832 114 946 114 832 114
Other LF Owners/Oper. 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 333

1 Staff with experience in managing the LMOP Partner database provided insight on future program growth by Partner category. The number of new Community, Industry, and Energy Partners increased significantly from 2004 to 2005, and again from 2005 to 2006. The number of new Partners anticipated for both 2007 and 2008 is expected to be similar to the number of Partners that joined in 2006. Higher numbers of Partners are expected in the future due to: enhanced media coverage of LFGE, climate change, and LMOP in recent months and the benefit of improved LMOP resources for Partners-only such as LFGcost-Web. Additionally, planned outreach to the 1,000 landfill owners/operators with landfills potentially able to support LFGE will introduce many communities to LMOP.
2 The number of new Endorsers was assumed to equal an average of the number of Endorsers that joined during the 3-year period from 2004 to 2006.
3 Staff with experience in managing the LMOP Partner database provided insight on future program growth by Partner category. The number of new State Partners is anticipated to be one per year. The majority of states have already joined LMOP and there is not expected to be any significant increase in the growth rate during this 3-year ICR period.


New Existing

Partner Average Annual Burden Total
Hours Community 149 668 2,450
Endorser 6 10 47
Energy and Industry Non-Developer 228 608 2,505
Industry Project Developer 456 1,178 4,901
State 2 16 54
Subtotal Hours 840 2,479 9,956
Average Burden per Partner 7.4 3.0 --
Other Landfill Owners/Operators1
Public owners and/or operators 1,333 0 4,000
Private owners and/or operators 1,233 0 3,700
Subtotal Hours 2,567 0 7,700
Average Burden per Owner/Operator 7.7 -- 7.7
Total Hours 3,406 2,479 17,656
Avg. Burden per Respondent 7.6 3.0 --
Cost Partner
Community $6,913 $30,381 $111,881
Endorser $460 $844 $3,913
Energy and Industry Non-Developer $19,365 $47,521 $200,660
Industry Project Developer $33,856 $88,927 $368,348
State $110 $770 $2,640
Subtotal Cost $60,703 $168,444 $687,442
Average Cost per Partner $532 $203 --
Other Landfill Owner/Operators1
Public owners and/or operators $61,203 $0 $183,610
Private owners and/or operators $54,477 $0 $163,430
Subtotal Cost $115,680 $0 $347,039
Average Cost per Owner/Operator $347 -- $347
Total Cost $176,383 $168,444 $1,034,482
Avg. Labor and O&M Cost per Respondent $394 $203 --

1 For other landfill owner/operators, burden and costs are only associated with 2008. To get an average annual burden for the 3-year ICR period, the 2008 burden was divided by 3.


2008 2009 2010 Average Total

Hours 4,001 1,401 1,551 2,318 6,953

Cost $190,352 $67,485 $74,822 $110,886 $332,658

File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
AuthorEnd-User Support
File Modified2008-09-12
File Created1998-03-13

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