Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force & NOAA Restoration C

NOAA Customer Surveys

ANS Expert List Survey_rev102910

Aquatic Nuisance Species Experts List Survey

OMB: 0648-0342

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OMB Control No. 0648-0342, Expires 12/31/2011

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force & NOAA Restoration Center
Invasive Species Expert Database Update and Expansion Survey
The Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (ANSTF) is conducting the following survey to update and
expand its Invasive Species Expert Database. This database has been an important resource to many;
including state and federal agencies, colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, volunteer
monitoring groups as well as the general public. The database puts individuals in contact with local
professionals who can provide assistance in invasive species issues including species identification,
preventative operations, control techniques, monitoring, outreach, and local legislation. The existing
Invasive Species Experts Database can be found on the ANSTF website
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center is working closely with
ANSTF to increase awareness of the effects of invasive species during habitat restoration projects. To
assist with this task, the NOAA Restoration Center is creating an online invasive species “toolbox” that
will provide staff, volunteers, and grantees with information on the detection, prevention, and control of
invasive species. The updated ANSTF Invasive Species Experts Database will be linked to the NOAA
Restoration Center website as a part of the toolbox.
If you are receiving this survey your past involvement in invasive species issues has identified you as
someone we would like to include in this database. Your participation is completely voluntary and only
the information you record in this survey will be made available to others.
The attached survey inquires about your profession and area of expertise. This information will be used to
create a profile for you; enabling our database users to find qualified persons to address their specific
questions. Any additional skills not addressed in the survey as well as clarifications or expansions of
your answers can be noted at the end of the survey.
The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Questions should be directed to Susan
Pasko, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1315 East West Highway, SSMC 3, Rm.
15531 Silver Spring, MD 20910; Telephone: (301) 713-0174 x 165; Email:
We appreciate your participation. We believe this is a positive step towards preventing and managing
future biological invasions.
Paperwork Reduction Act Information: In accordance with Executive Order 12862, the National Performance
Review, and good management practices, NOAA offices seek to determine whether their customers are satisfied
with the services they are receiving and whether they have suggestions as to how the services may be improved or
made more useful. The information will be used to improve NOAA’s services. Responses to this survey are
completely voluntary. No confidentiality can be provided for responses, but you need not supply your name or
address. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to Sarah Brabson, CIO-PPA1, Station 9826, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject
to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Contact Information
Please provide your contact information below:
Zip Code:
Email address:
1) Taxonomic expertise:
Please indicate your areas of expertise for each of the following taxonomic groups. Mark all that
Invasion history refers to a familiarity with the invasive species in the taxonomic group
including identification, past invasions, and potential pathways.
If you are only familiar with a particular group (e.g. genus) within these categories, please
indicate this in the comment box below. Specifications will be noted in the database.
Aquatic plants
(including algae)
Terrestrial plants
Wetland plants
Marine Fishes
Freshwater Fishes
Benthic invertebrates
Aquatic Mammals
Terrestrial Mammals
Diseases / Pathogens

Life History /



2) Habitat Expertise
Please indicate the habitats for which you feel you are highly knowledgeable. Mark all that
o Low Order Streams (order 1-3)
o Mid Order Streams (order 4- 6)
o Rivers (< order 6)
o Inland Lakes
o Great Lakes
o Freshwater Ponds
o Salt Ponds
o Estuaries
o Coastal Zones
o Open Oceans
o Coral Reefs
o Oyster Reefs
o Riparian Zones
o Wetlands
o Tidal Marshes
o Other, please specify ______________________________
3) Specific Actions for Prevention and Control:
Below is a list of actions that may occur during habitat restoration projects intended to
prevent or control invasive species. Please indicate the actions for which believe you hold a
high amount of knowledge and would be willing to address questions raised during these
o Application of herbicides or other chemical treatments
o Cleaning and inspecting clothing and personal gear
o Cleaning and inspecting construction equipment and land vehicles
o Cleaning and inspecting watercraft and trailers
o Decontamination for invasive mussels
o Decontamination of crane bags
o Decontamination of shells used for habitat restoration and reef building
o Development of education and outreach programs focused on invasive species issues
o Development of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) or Invasive Species
Risk Assessment and Planning (ISRAP) plans.
o Development of monitoring programs for invasive species
o Disking soil or similar measures
o Disposal of removed invasive species or materials
o Limiting area and duration of soil disturbance
o Locating boat washing stations
o Locating native plants or weed-free material for landscaping and replanting
o Locating and understanding state or local legislation regarding invasive species
o Prescribed burning
o Taxonomic identification of organisms

4) Region of Expertise:
For the actions marked above, please list which state(s) you feel you would be able to
adequately address questions related to these activities. If you would be comfortable
answering questions nationwide, you may simply respond “All”. If applicable, you may also
include locations outside the United States.
5) Agreement
I agree to participate in the ANSTF Invasive Species Experts Database.
I understand this commitment will involve answering questions related to invasive species
prevention and management from federal and state agency employees, grant recipients, and
the general public.
I am aware that my information will also be linked to the NOAA Restoration Center website
and can be removed from the database at any time upon request.
6) Comment
Use the space below for any additional comments or suggestions you may have for data
elements that should be included in the database to further enhance its effectiveness
If you know of anyone who should also be included in this database, please list the person(s)
below along with any contact information you may have. To avoid duplicate response,
please do not forward this survey.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorSusan Pasko
File Modified2010-10-29
File Created2010-10-29

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