Department of Education/Office of Postsecondary Education/HSI Program Profile FormInternational Research and Studies ProgramBusiness and International Education (BIE) ProgramCollege Access Challenge Grant (CACG) Program
OMB Control Number
1840 -074540-08027940795
Enter only items that change Current Record New Record |
Agency form number(s)
Annual reporting and record keeping hour burden |
Number of respondents |
56100100 |
10010056 |
Total annual responses |
100100 56 |
100 10056 |
Percent of these responses collected electronically |
95% 100% |
95%100% |
Total annual hours |
10,0005,600 1680 |
1694 5,60010,017000 |
Difference |
- 0-1147 hours (approximately) |
Explanation of difference
Program Change |
Completion of the Section III, Question 5 (Certifications)new program assurance form maywill require approximatelyan additional 105 minutes per respondent. -0- |
Adjustment |
1714 hours (approximately) |
Annual reporting and record keeping cost burden (in thousands of dollars) |
Total annualized capital/startup costs |
-0- |
-0- |
Total annual costs (O&M) |
-0-$382,015 |
$382,015-0- |
Total annualized cost requested |
-0- |
-0- |
Difference |
-0- -0- |
Explanation of difference Program Change |
-0- -0-
Adjustment |
Other change** This collection is currently active through 0811/3120/20111011/30/09.
Based on the change in the Higher Education Extension Act of 2006Opportunity Act of 2008 (Pub.L.109-292110-315), we are required to include program assurance under Section 613(c) (20 U.S.C. 1130a(c)) three additional activities to the currently active International Research and Studies application. These activities are: Section 605(a)(20 U.S.C. 1125(a))
(10) Evaluation of the extent to which programs assisted under this title reflect diverse perspectives and a wide range of views and generate debate on world regions and international affairs, as described in the grantee’s application; (11) The systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of data that contribute to achieving the purpose of this part; and (12) Support for programs or activities to make data collected, analyzed, or disseminated under this section publicly available and easy to understand. These activities are optional for applicants and therefore the burden is not increased“Each such application shall include an assurance that, where applicable, the activities funded by the grant will reflect diverse perspectives and a wide range of views on world regions and international affairs.”.
Certifications were included in the information collection (CACG Annual Performance Report) based on: 1) The HEA, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, requires States to maintain a level of effort that reflects each states support for public and private higher education; and 2) the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR 75.560 (b) requires grantees to have a current indirect cost rate agreement to charge indirect cost to the grant. effective September 30, 2006, the low-income requirement for Hispanic Students (Section 502(a)), in determining program eligibility has been eliminated. The HEA change also requires that institutions report their undergraduate Hispanic FTE percent at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application. As a result, the Program Profile form in the HSI application package needs to be modified accordingly, .so that staff can use this approved collection for the upcoming 2007 competition.
For OIRA Use
**This form cannot be used to extend an expiration date
OMB 83-C
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OMB Form 83C |
Subject | Clearance Package change worksheet |
Author | James Vaughan |
Last Modified By | doritha.ross |
File Modified | 2008-12-18 |
File Created | 2008-12-18 |