Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies, and Abbreviated Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies
ICR 200811-7100-006
OMB: 7100-0244
Federal Form Document
⚠️ Notice: This information collection may be outdated. More recent filings for OMB 7100-0244 can be found here:
Financial Statements of U.S.
Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies, and
Abbreviated Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries of
U.S. Bank Holding Companies
The FR Y-11 reporting forms collect
financial information for individual non-functionally regulated
U.S. nonbank subsidiaries of domestic bank holding companies
(BHCs). The FR Y-11 data are used with other BHC data to assess the
condition of BHCs that are heavily engaged in nonbanking activities
and to monitor the volume, nature, and condition of their
nonbanking operations.
The Federal Reserve proposes to
revise Schedule BS-M, Memoranda, to collect the following data on
trading assets by type of asset: (1) securities of U.S. government
and its agencies, (2) securities of all foreign governments and
official institutions, (3) equity securities, (4) corporate bonds,
notes and debentures, (5) revaluation gains on interest rate,
foreign exchange rate, and other commodity and equity contracts,
and (6) other (including commercial paper). The Federal Reserve
proposes to revise Schedule BS-M- Memoranda, to also capture 1) the
fair value of loans held for trading, 2) the fair value of loans
held for trading that are past due 90 days or more or in nonaccrual
status, and 3) the unpaid principal balance of these loans that are
past due or in nonaccrual status. Collection of these data would
allow the Federal Reserve to better monitor the specific risk
exposures associated with and the delinquency patterns exhibited by
such trading assets.
Scott Farmer 202-452-2253
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the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
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(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
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