Attachment 3

ATTACH 3_NCI Bulletin Survey.doc

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Attachment 3

OMB: 0925-0046

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Online Survey to Help Inform Change to the NCI Cancer Bulletin


OMB #: 0925-0046-01a

Exp. Date: 10/31/2006

The National Cancer Institute

Cancer Bulletin Survey

Dear Colleague,

I hope you will choose to participate in a survey being launched today by the National Cancer Institute.

NCI is conducting an online survey to gather comments about your experiences with its weekly publication, the NCI Cancer Bulletin. I invite you to complete this survey at your earliest convenience. NCI will use the results to determine ways to adapt the publication to best meet your needs.

To complete the survey, please go to, either by clicking on the URL or typing the address in your browser.

Thank you in advance for your participation. I welcome your opinion and will be pleased to share the results of the survey in an upcoming issue of the NCI Cancer Bulletin.


Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D.
Director, National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute

Cancer Bulletin Survey

The National Cancer Institute is conducting a survey to gather comments about your experiences with the NCI Cancer Bulletin and to determine ways to improve it. We appreciate your taking time to complete this survey.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Please be assured that your responses will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside NCI or its contractor, Westat, except as otherwise required by law. Data will be provided to the NCI in aggregate form only, with any potentially identifying information removed. You may skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

If you have any general questions about the study itself, please contact Nina Goodman at or at (301) 435-7789. For technical problems, please contact Carl Setzer at or at (800) 937-8281, ext. 5536.

NCI Cancer Bulletin Survey

  1. Which of the following best describes you (in context of reading the NCI Cancer Bulletin)? (Select one)

NCI staff member

NCI advisor or review group member

Cancer Center staff

Cancer researcher


Advocacy or volunteer organization

Professional organization or society

Federal or state health care agency or policymaker (non-NCI)

Local health official


Cancer patient

Caregiver of a cancer patient

Cancer survivor

General public

Other (specify)

2a. About how often do you read the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

Weekly (every issue) [SKIP TO Q3]

About two or three times a month [SKIP TO Q3]

About once a month or less [SKIP TO Q3]


2b. What is the MAIN reason you do not read the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

Not enough time [CONTINUE TO Q2c]

Not interested [CONTINUE TO Q2c]

Technical problems (specify) [CONTINUE TO Q2c]

Other (specify) [CONTINUE TO Q2c]

2c. We are interested in obtaining a wide variety of opinions about the NCI Cancer Bulletin. If you are willing, please provide the following information so that we may contact you to ask a few more questions about why you do not read the NCI Cancer Bulletin. [END SURVEY FOR NON-READERS]



Phone number:

Email address:

  1. Overall, how informative do you find the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

Very informative

Somewhat informative

Not at all informative

  1. Generally speaking, how do you typically read the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

I thoroughly read it cover to cover

I thoroughly read what interests me and skim the rest

I skim the entire document

  1. What makes you most likely to read the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

The general content is of interest to me

There is a specific or recurring section or feature that is of interest to me

It comes from the director of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. von Eschenbach

Other (specify)

  1. Which of the following sections or features do you find of particular interest? (Check all that apply)

A Conversation With…

Cancer Research Highlights

Director’s Update

Featured Clinical Trial

Featured Meetings

Funding Opportunities

Lead Story

Legislative Updates


Special Report

  1. The NCI Cancer Bulletin is currently e-mailed on a weekly basis. Do you feel that receiving a weekly NCI Cancer Bulletin is…

Too frequent

Not frequent enough

Just right

  1. Currently, the NCI Cancer Bulletin is sent as a downloadable PDF. Would you prefer another format?

No, I prefer the PDF format

Yes, I would prefer an HTML format

Yes, I would prefer a format other than PDF or HTML (specify)

  1. a. Have you ever forwarded the NCI Cancer Bulletin to others?

Yes, I have regularly forwarded it to others [SKIP TO Q10]

Yes, I have forwarded it a few times to others [SKIP TO Q10]

No, I have never forwarded it to others [CONTINUE TO Q9b]

9b. How likely are you to recommend the NCI Cancer Bulletin to others?

Very likely to recommend

Somewhat likely to recommend

Not at all likely to recommend

  1. Overall, how valuable is the NCI Cancer Bulletin as a source of information for…

Very valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not at all valuable

a. Cancer research

b. Funding opportunities

c. Clinical trials

d. Selected meetings, presentations, and exhibits

e. General information about NCI activities

  1. Please rate your satisfaction with the NCI Cancer Bulletin in terms of…

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Not at all satisfied

a. Overall satisfaction

b. Relevance to your work/interests

c. Comprehensiveness

d. Credibility of source

e. Overall visual appeal

f. Number of pages (currently 8)

  1. What information or features would you like to see added to the NCI Cancer Bulletin?

  1. We are interested in obtaining more opinions about the NCI Cancer Bulletin. If you are willing, please provide the following information so that we may contact you to follow-up on some of the questions asked in this survey:



Phone number:

Email address:

Thank you for completing this survey. Your information will be invaluable as we work to improve the quality of the NCI Cancer Bulletin!

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDear DLA Employee:
AuthorLawrence Luskin
Last Modified Bygoodmann
File Modified2006-09-15
File Created2006-09-15

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