Form ATF F 6 Part 1 (53 ATF F 6 Part 1 (53 Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms Ammun

Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

F6Pt(53303A) Sep 08

Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

OMB: 1140-0005

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OMB No. 1140-0005 (xx/xx/xxxx)

U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Application and Permit for Importation of
Firearms Ammunition and Implements of War

Not for use by Members of the United States Armed Forces.
For ATF Use Only
Permit No. (Valid for 12 months from the date appearing in Item 18 below.)
Section I - Application (Submit in triplicate) - For Applicant Use
1. Federal Firearms License (If Any)
License No.
Expiration Date

Name and Address of Customs Broker (Including Zip Code)

For Applicant's Optional Use
Internal Control #



Check here if permit is to be returned to Customs Broker.

Name and Address of Foreign Seller, if any

Telephone No.


Optional #

Country of Exportation

Applicant's Name and Address (Including Zip Code)

Check here if permit is to be returned to applicant.

Name and Address of Foreign Shipper


8. Description of Firearms and Ammunition (For firearms, enter (SG)-Shotgun; (RI)-Rifle; (PI)-Pistol; (RE)-Revolver; (DD)-Destructive Device; (MG)-Machinegun)
(SG, RI, Caliber Quantity
New (N)
Name and Address
PI, RE, Gauge
of Manufacturer
DD,MG) or Size
Used (U)


Implements of






10. Specific Purpose of Importation, Including Final Recipient, If Known (Use additional sheets, if
11. Are You Registered as an Importer Pursuant to The Arms
Export Control Act of 1976

Certification of Origin. The items sought for importation
in block 8:
Do not contain parts or components produced by or
for the U.S. military and do not contain parts or components manufactured with U.S. military technical
data or assistance.
Contain parts or components produced by or for the
U.S. military or parts or components manufactured
with U.S. military technical data or assistance.
Contain parts or components produced by or for the
U.S. military or components manufactured with U.S.
technical data or assistance that were sold abroad
pursuant to a Direct Commercial Sale licensed by the
Department of State.

12. If "Yes," Give Importer's Registration No. and Expiration Date

Under the penalties provided by law, I declare that I have examined this application, including the documents submitted in support of it, and, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
15. Date
13. Signature of Applicant
14. Title
Section II - For ATF Use Only (Please make no entries in this section)
16. The Application Has Been Examined and the Importation of the Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War Described Herein is:
Disapproved for the Reason Indicated
Returned Without Action for Additional
Here or on Attached Letter
Partially Approved for the Reason
Withdrawn By Applicant Without Action
Indicated Here or on Attached Letter
17. Signature of the Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

18. Date
ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A)
Revised October 2006

Instruction Sheet for ATF Form 6 Part I (5330.3A)
(Submit in triplicate) (Detach this instruction sheet before submitting your application)
enclosed ATF Form 6 Part I permit application without having to utilize
the services of a federally licensed firearms dealer. The nonresident
should include a statement, either on the application form or on an
attached sheet, that the firearms are being imported for his personal
use and not for resale and that he is a nonresident U.S. citizen
returning to the United States, or is a nonresident alien immigrating to
the United States. The firearms must accompany the nonresident on
entry into the United States, since once he is in the United States, and
has acquired residence in a State, he may not directly import a
firearm. If the firearms do not accompany him, either handcarried or in
his baggage (accompanied or unaccompanied), he must engage the
services of a federally licensed firearms dealer in his State of
residence to import the sporting firearms (excluding surplus military)
for him.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
This request is in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
The purpose of this information collection is to allow ATF to determine if the
article(s) described on the application qualifies for importation by the
importer, and to serve as the authorization for the importer. This information
is mandatory (18 U.S.C. 925(d), 26 U.S.C. 5844, 22 U.S.C. 2778).
The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is
30 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual
circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate
and suggestions for reducing this burden should be addressed to Reports
Management Officer, Document Services Branch, Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Washington, DC 20226.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number. Confidentiality is not assured.
General Information


An approved ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A) is required to import
firearms, ammunition, and implements of war into the United States or
any possession thereof, except for certain exempt importations prescribed
in 27 CFR parts 447, 478 and 479. A military member of the U.S. Armed
Forces who is on active duty outside the U.S., or who has been on
active duty outside the U.S. during the 60-day period immediately
preceded the intended importation, should complete ATF Form 6 - Part II
(5330.3B) to import sporting type firearms or ammunition for his
personal use.
Any person engaged in the business of importing firearms or ammunition for resale must be licensed as an importer under the Gun Control
Act of 1968 and, if he is importing firearms, ammunition, firearms
parts or implements of war (other than sporting shotguns, shotgun
shells, or shotgun parts) he must also be registered as an importer
under the Arms Export Control Act of 1976. No permit to import such
articles for resale will be issued until the importer is properly licensed
and registered.


A Federal firearms licensee, other than an importer, may make an
occasional importation of sporting firearms or ammunition (excluding
surplus military) for himself or an unlicensed person in the licensee's
State, provided that the firearms and ammunition are intended for
personal use of the person for whom imported and not for resale. ATF
Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A) is used to obtain approval for such


A permit is not required for a firearm or ammunition brought into the
United States or any possession thereof by any person who can
establish to the satisfaction of Customs that such firearm or ammunition was previously taken out of the United States or any possession
thereof by such person.


A permit is not required for the return of a repaired firearm, or
replacement firearm of the same kind and type, to the person in the
United States who sent the defective firearm out of the United States for


If you are a nonimmigrant alien do not complete this form. A
nonimmigrant alien entering the U.S. temporarily needs to submit an
ATF Form 6NIA (5330.3D) (Application and Permit for Temporary
Importation of Firearms and Ammunition by Nonimmigrant Aliens) to
import his personally owned firearms.


An unlicensed person may obtain a permit to import sporting type
ammunition (excluding tracer or incendiary) and firearm parts (other
than frames, receivers, or actions) without engaging the services of a
Federal firearms licensee, provided that the importation is for his
personal use and not for resale.


A nonresident U.S. citizen returning to the United States or a nonresident alien immigrating to the United States, from a permanent
residence outside of the United States may complete and forward the


Under Arms Export Control Act of 1976 regulations in 27 CFR
447.41(c), a permit is not required for the importation of:
a. U.S. Munitions Import List articles from Canada not subject to 27
CFR Part 478 and 479, except articles enumerated in Categories I,
II, III, IV, VI(e), VIII(a), XVI, and XX; and nuclear weapons, strategic
delivery systems, and all specifically designed components, parts,
accessories, attachments, and associated equipment thereof. This
leaves only non-GCA and NFA articles in Category VI(a) - (d) for
Vessels of War, Category VII for Tanks and Military Vehicles, and
Category XIV for Toxicological Agents and Equipment.
b. Minor components and parts of Category I(a) firearms, except
barrels, cylinders, receivers (frames) or complete breech
mechanisms, when the total value does not exceed $100 wholesale
in any single transaction. The $100 wholesale value supersedes the
previous dollar threshold of $500 wholesale in any single transaction.

10. The applicant shall prepare this form in triplicate. Required signatures
must be in ink on all copies. Other entries must be in ink or be typewritten.
11. The application should be submitted approximately 60 days prior to
the intended importation. All copies shall be submitted to:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
244 Needy Road
Martinsburg, WV 25405
Attention: Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch
12. Any questions concerning the application should be referred to the
Imports Branch at the above address or telephone (304) 616-4550.
13. If a licensee is applying to import an article for subsequent transfer to
a known final recipient (e.g., an individual, commercial entity, or
government agency), the licensee must complete items 1 through 15, and
identify the final recipient by name and address in item 10.
14. Item 9, Certification of Origin: The purpose of this certification is to
determine whether items sought for importation require retransfer
authorization from the Department of State. Applicants should check
block 9a if the articles sought for importation were produced for the
civilian market and were not associated with the U.S. military. Applicants
should check block 9b if the articles sought for importation contain parts
or components produced by or for the U.S. military or manufactured
with U.S. military technical data or assistance, and the articles were
provided by the U.S. government to a foreign government through a
grant or foreign military sales program. Applicants should check block
9c if the articles sought for importation contain parts or components
produced by or for the U.S. military or manufactured with U.S. military
technical data or assistance, and the articles were sold abroad pursuant to
an export license issued by the Department of State authorizing a Direct
Commercial Sale (DCS). NOTE: If block 9b is checked, a written
retransfer authorization from the Department of State must be attached to
ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A)
Revised October 2006

the application or the applications will be denied. NOTE: If block 9c is
checked, either a copy of the export license authorizing the DCS or a
written retransfer authorization from the Department of State must be
attached to the application or the applications will be denied.

Prohibited Persons Under U.S. Law

15. The Director will approve the application or advise the applicant of the
reason for the disapproval. In some cases it may be necessary to
request additional information or to have the firearm or ammunition
sent to ATF for examination to determine the import status.
16. The permit is valid for 12 months from the date of approval. The
approved application will serve as the permit to import the article(s)
described on the form.
17. After approval, the Director will retain one copy and forward the
original to the applicant or his designated agent, along with copies of
ATF Form 6A, Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition
and Implements of War.

The importer of a firearm should be familiar with provisions of law
governing who may lawfully possess a firearm in the United States.
Generally, 18 U.S.C. 922 prohibits the shipment, transportation,
receipt, or possession in or affecting interstate commerce of a firearm
by one who has been convicted of a crime punishable by
imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; by one who is a fugitive
from justice; by one who is an unlawful user of, or addicted to,
marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other
controlled substance; by one who has been adjudicated mentally
defective or has been committed to a mental institution; by one who
has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable
conditions; by one who has renounced his or her U.S. citizenship; by
one who is an alien illegally in the United States or is a nonimmigrant
alien; by one who is subject to certain restraining orders; or by one
who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Furthermore, section 922 prohibits the shipment, transportation, or
receipt in or affecting interstate commerce of a firearm by one who is
under indictment or information for a crime punishable by
imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.

Release From Customs
18. No amendments or alterations may be made to an approved permit,
except by the Director.


19. An approved ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A) which is unused, expired
suspended or revoked shall be returned immediately to the Director,
Bureau of ATF, 244 Needy Road Martinsburg, WV 25405
Atttention: Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch.
20. The ATF Form 6A, in duplicate with Section I completed, the approved
permit, and any other necessary documents, must be presented to the
U.S. Customs Service officials handling the importation to effect
release of the articles. For the commercial import (i.e., import for
resale) of firearms, firearms parts and components, and ammunition,
the importer also must present to Customs in order to effect release of
the articles either a corresponding export license issued by the
exporting country or a statement, under penalty of perjury, that the
exporting country does not issue export licenses.

Federal firearms licensees must retain this form as part of their ATF
required records for at least the 20-year period prescribed by 27 CFR
478.129(c). Importers registered under the Arms Export Control Act
who do not also hold a Federal firearms license must retain this form
as part of their ATF required records for at least the 6-year period
prescribed by 27 CFR 447.34(b).

Additional Forms are available from:
Distribution Center
P.O. Box 5950
Springfield, VA 22150-5950
Or by accessing the ATF website at

21. The Customs officer, after determining that the importation is in order,
will execute the certificate of release on ATF Form 6A.
22. The Customs officer will forward the ATF Form 6A to the address shown
on the form and return the permit and any additional copies of ATF F
6A, to the applicant.

Privacy Act Information
The following information is provided pursuant to Section 3 of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(e)(3)).
1. Authority. Disclosure of the information requested on ATF Form 6 Part I (5330.3A) is mandatory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 925 and Section 38 of the Arms
Export Control Act of 1976 (22 U.S.C. 2778, 26 U.S.C. 5844) to obtain a permit to import firearms, ammunition, and implements of war.
2. Purpose. To determine if the article(s) qualifies for importation by the applicant.
3. Routine Uses. The information will be used by ATF to make determinations set forth in paragraph 2. In addtion, information may be disclosed to other
Federal, State, foreign and local law enforcement and regulatory agency personnel to verify information on the application and to aid in the performance
of their duties with respect to the enforcement and regulation of firearms and/or ammunition where such disclosure is not prohibited by law. The
information may further be disclosed to the Justice Department if it appears that the furnishing of false information may constitute a violation of Federal
law. Finally, the information may be disclosed to members of the public in order to verify the information on the application when such disclosure is not
prohibited by law.
4. Effects. Failure to supply complete information will delay processing and may cause denial of the application.

ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A)
Revised October 2006

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleF6Pt(53303A)
File Modified2008-09-09
File Created2006-12-14

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