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= 2008 =
The following information is intended as a guide to aid the prospective fisher, buyer,
processor, and/or exporter of groundfish with the reporting and permitting requirements of
the state of Alaska. This is only a guide and not a complete summary of all applicable
state regulations. For additional clarification, contact your nearest Alaska Department of
Fish and Game (ADF&G) office.
A person, company, firm, or other organization who is the first purchaser of raw fish, or
who catches and processes fish or byproducts of fish, or who catches and has fish or
byproducts of fish processed by another person or company is required to annually
AND PERMIT APPLICATION, INTENT TO OPERATE. Likewise, a person who transports
an unprocessed seafood or fishery product outside of Alaska must also complete this
application. Once submitted, a unique processor identification number is issued with a
metal plate to be imprinted on all completed fish tickets at the point of sale or landing.
The plate contains the processor code, the processor name, and the year the plate is
Bait or dockside sellers (fishers who catch and sell unprocessed product, such as sales to
the general public dockside or bait sales to other commercial fishers) must complete and
submit the CATCHER/SELLER APPLICATION. Once submitted, a unique processor
identification number and metal plate are issued.
Only licensed buyers (including independent and waivered buyers), processors, exporters,
or catcher/sellers may obtain ADF&G fish tickets or access to the eLandings Internetbased reporting system. Alaska Seafood Processor and Exporter License and Permit
Applications are available from ADF&G. Requests should be made to Lorraine Mullins,
(907) 465-6131. The application is also available on the ADF&G website at, under the title of INTENT TO OPERATE. The application
provides information on obtaining fish tickets.
Fish tickets are forms to document the landing, harvest, and sale of fisheries resources.
ADF&G has produced many fish ticket forms to meet the requirements of unique fisheries.
Figure 1 located on page 3, and Figure 2 located on page 4; illustrate the two groundfish
fish ticket forms. The information submitted to ADF&G on these forms is considered
confidential and is protected from unauthorized disclosure under Alaska Statute (AS)
16.05.815. The fish ticket is considered a legal document and requires the signature of
the permit holder (skipper or operator) and the receiver (buyer). Selected Alaska
Statute, Sec. 16.05.690 (b) states: A person may not knowingly enter false
information on a fish ticket or supply false information to a person who is recording
information on a fish ticket.
Subject to confidentiality constraints, the information recorded on ADF&G fish tickets is
used by fisheries managers, biologists, industry (both processors and fishers), and
economists. Managers use the information as a guide to harvest activities (extraction
from the resource) and yield from those resources. Biologists use harvest data to assess
stock viability and conditions for sustainable yield, while industry uses the information to
determine the value of a fishery based on market conditions. Economists use pricing
information to assess the value of a fishery and economic effects to communities and
users of the resource. Fishers benefit from the fish ticket by being able to prove past
participation in fisheries for limited entry/moratorium/quota allocation programs, if and
when they arise.
The fish ticket may be completed using the eLandings System or the appropriate paper
fish ticket forms. Irrespective of the reporting vehicle, all required elements of the fish
ticket must be completed prior to submission to the nearest ADF&G office within seven
days of the landing date. ADF&G office locations, addresses, and telephone numbers
are provided in the attachment to this document.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Groundfish harvest is reported via the Interagency Electronic Reporting System, eLandings.
Harvest may also be recorded on a G ticket - Groundfish Fish Ticket (Figure 1). The P ticket –
Pacific Halibut Fish Ticket (Figure 2), was developed specifically for halibut and should be utilized
to document sablefish harvest.
As a general rule, fish tickets must be submitted for all sales and/or processing of fish within the
state of Alaska. The state of Alaska boundary extends three nautical miles from shore.
Additionally, the state maintains authority over groundfish harvested within the inside waters of
Southeast Alaska - in Dixon Entrance. The state also maintains authority over certain fisheries in
federal waters (Exclusive Economic Zone - EEZ). These fisheries include the harvest of:
a) Lingcod
b) Demersal Shelf Rockfish:
(Canary, China, Copper, Quillback, Rosethorn, Tiger,
and Yelloweye) – Southeast Alaska, NMFS Reporting Areas 650 and 659
c) Black, Dark, and Blue Rockfish (Gulf of Alaska only).
Upon completion of the off-load, all harvest, purchased, retained or discarded, must be recorded
on a fish ticket and submitted within seven days to the nearest ADF&G office. Completion and
submission of a fish ticket is required for:
a) shorebased processing facilities within the state of Alaska (including Alaska state
b) catcher/sellers conducting sales to the general public dockside or bait sales to other
commercial fishers;
c) exporters of unprocessed fish (live or raw);
d) catcher/processor vessels operating within Alaska state waters;
e) catcher/processor vessels operating outside of 3-miles harvesting:
1) Demersal Shelf Rockfish – Southeast Alaska, NMFS Reporting Areas 650 and
2) Black, Dark and/or Blue Rockfish (Gulf of Alaska only)
3) Lingcod
4) any groundfish in Dixon Entrance in Southeast Alaska.
f) floating processor/buyer vessels operating within 3 miles;
g) floating processor/buyer vessels operating outside of 3 miles as mentioned in e);
h) all harvest in state or federal waters connection with a Community Development Quota
(CDQ) Program fishery;
i) mothership operators, per NMFS regulations, 50 CFR part 679.5 (m).
Additionally, all CDQ operators must complete and submit fish tickets at least once a week.
(See the CDQ section of this document).
ADF&G also maintains records of harvest submitted on fish tickets where the reporting of harvest
may not be required (voluntary reporting). For example, individuals, vessels, and processors
operating in some fisheries solely in the EEZ (managed by NMFS) may wish to report harvest on
fish tickets to document participation in these fisheries.
If you have questions regarding the Alaska Seafood Processor and Exporter License and Permit
Application, contact Lorraine Mullins at (907) 465-6131, fax (907) 465-2604. Her email address is Questions regarding ADF&G fish tickets should be directed to
Division of Commercial Fisheries at (907) 465-4210 or your local ADF&G office, Commercial
Fisheries Division.
Following are requirements for completion of an ADF&G Series G and P fish ticket as specified by
Alaska Administrative Code 5 AAC 39.130. If you are unsure of correct procedures, contact the
local ADF&G office commercial fishery representative. ADF&G office locations, addresses, and
telephone numbers are provided in the attachment to this document. Tickets, which are not
completed in the proper format, or are incomplete, are potentially subject to prosecution under noncompliance regulations.
The ADF&G fish ticket is to be completed at the time of landing and submitted within seven days to
the ADF&G local office in the area where the fish were harvested. Fish tickets printed from the
eLandings application must be handled in an identical manner as paper form fish tickets. They
shall be signed by the CFEC permit holder and the processor agent. The CFEC permit shall be
imprinted on the printed fish ticket. The completed fish ticket shall be submitted to the local office
of ADF&G within seven days of the completion of the landing.
Figure 3
The upper left hand portion of the fish ticket.
Vessel, processor, CDQ No., and date information.
The following information must be provided on each series G or P ADF&G fish ticket submitted:
1. Vessel Name (Figure 3) – the name of the vessel utilized to harvest the documented catch.
The vessel utilized to harvest the catch must correspond to the ADF&G vessel name printed
on the CFEC permit card as well as the ADF&G vessel number. If the vessel utilized for
harvest is different from the vessel listed on the CFEC permit card, the correct vessel name
and ADF&G vessel number must be hand written in the spaces provided (Item 4).
2. Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) Permit Number (Figure 3) – an imprint of
this card is required by state regulation (5 ACC 39.130c(9)) for all tickets submitted. The card
contains information regarding the fishery name, name of the licensee, fishery/permit number,
and ADF&G vessel name and vessel number. It is MANDATORY that the permit card be
imprinted onto the fish ticket. It may not be handwritten or typed. If you do not have an imprint
machine, you can make the imprint by aligning the card in the appropriate area underneath the
ticket and then rub over the top of the ticket with a pencil. The permit information must be
Valid Year of permit
Permitted fishery
Fisher’s permit number
Year/Sequence of permit
CFEC Permit Card
This permit is valid for the Halibut Longline fishery - statewide
Unique permit number in this example is B61B12345B
The valid year is 2006
The year and sequence number is 0601T
The permit card must be current for the calendar year and appropriate to the area, gear and
CFEC regulation (20 AAC 05.110) requires that each Individual Fishery Quota (IFQ) permit
holder possess a valid interim-use permit. Each permit holder fishing IFQ quota shares must
complete a separate fish ticket for his or her portion of the harvest. Therefore, for a single
fishing trip, multiple fish tickets will be completed for each permit holder. When completing
each fish ticket, check the box titled “Multiple IFQ Permits” to identify the tickets as
representing a single landing. Please record the fish ticket number of the corresponding fish
ticket(s) in the space provided below the partial delivery check box. The fish ticket number is
located in the upper right hand corner of each fish ticket.
In order to document sablefish and halibut harvest from a single trip on separate CFEC interimuse permit cards, separate fish tickets must be completed and submitted, noting on each ticket
that the record represents a portion of the delivery by checking the box titled Partial Delivery
(Figure 7). Please record the fish ticket number on the corresponding fish ticket(s) in the
space provided below the partial delivery check box.
3. CDQ Number (if applicable) (Figure 3) – the Community Development Quota (CDQ) number
must be provided if the landing originates from a Community Development Quota fishery. A
fish ticket must record only one CDQ harvest, in other words, more than one quota fished
simultaneously requires separate fish ticket documentation. CDQ and non-CDQ harvest may
not be recorded on the same fish ticket. CDQ harvest requires no unique species codes.
Documentation of a partial delivery for CDQ is the same as outlined above for IFQ. See page
17 for a listing of all CDQ codes.
4. ADF&G Vessel Number (Figure 3) – the vessel identification number utilized to harvest the
documented catch. The vessel number should correspond to the Vessel Name (item 1), and
must be handwritten in the box provided when using a different vessel from that listed on the
CFEC permit.
5. ADF&G Processor Code and Company (Figure 3) – an imprint of the processor identification
code/company name and valid year plate issued upon the completion and submission on the
Alaska Seafood Processor and Exporter License and Permit Application, Intent to Operate.
The processor code must be imprinted on the ticket as described in Item 2, listed above. The
processor code may not be handwritten on the fish ticket.
The processor identification code plate that indicates the owner (buyer) of the seafood should
be recorded on the fish ticket. Processors providing custom processing services for the owner
of the seafood should not use their processor identification code plate when completing a fish
ticket. If the custom processor is completing the fish ticket, please write on this form, in any
available space, the processor code and the name of the company or individual providing
custom processing. Label this information with the term, ‘Custom Processor’.
6. Date Fishing Began (Figure 3) – the month and day (and year) on which fishing began, when
the gear went into the water.
7. Date Landed (Figure 3) – the month and day (and year) on which the fish were off-loaded or
transshipped from the catcher vessel to the purchaser (i.e., mothership processor). If the offload process takes more than 1 day, enter the day on which the off-load was completed.
8. Crew Size (Figure 3) – Number of Crew, including skipper – excluding the processing crew of
at sea operations.
9. Observers On Board (Figure 3) – National Marine Fisheries Service certified groundfish or
ADF&G certified crab observers only.
Figure 4
Upper center portion of the fish ticket.
Port and Gear Information
10. Port of Landing or Offshore Operation Type (Figure 4) – the location where the fish were
offloaded from the catcher vessel to the shorebased plan tlocation. The port of landing for
tender operations is the location of the shorebased plant that received the fish from the tender.
If at sea, the port is defined by the Offshore Operation Type:
FLD – Floating processor or mothership
FCP – Floating catcher processor
IFP – Inside Alaska state waters/ floating processor
(to be utilized when processing inside state waters)
FLB – Bait seller at sea
11. Type of Gear Used (Figure 4) – specify the type of gear utilized to harvest the catch being
recorded. Each gear type requires the initiation of a new fish ticket. Utilize only ADF&G gear
codes as provided by the department. The fish ticket gear codes are located on the front cover
of each Groundfish Fish Ticket Booklet.
Figure 5
Upper right hand portion of the fish ticket
Statistical Area Worksheet.
12. Statistical Area (Figures 5 & 6) – also referred to as the statarea, is the six-digit ADF&G
groundfish statistical area denoting the actual area of catch. Groundfish statistical area charts
may be obtained from your local ADF&G office. The National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) reporting area codes may not
be utilized to substitute for ADF&G statistical area codes. You may enter the area of catch in
one of two ways:
A) Statistical Area Worksheet (Figure 5) – in the top right corner of the G and P ticket,
you will find a grid labeled “Statistical Area Worksheet.” This area may be utilized to
document a single statistical area or multiple statistical areas. The recording of multiple
statistical areas in the Worksheet requires that the following criteria be met:
1) the species that are caught and discarded are equally distributed across all
statistical areas fished; and
2) all statistical areas fished are open to the species fished.
If the above criteria are met, enter all of the statistical areas that were fished in the
boxes labeled Stat. Area and enter the estimated percentage of the catch taken in
that area in the boxes labeled “%” that correspond to the appropriate statistical
area. The sum of the itemized “%” column must equal 100%. If all of the species
recorded on the ticket were from a single statistical area, enter that area as 100%.
If you utilize the Statistical Area Worksheet, there is no need to enter the
statistical area code anywhere else on the fish ticket.
Figure 6
Product Purchase (itemized catch) portion of the fish ticket.
Stat Area Column
B) Stat Area Column (Figure 6) – within the body of the ticket (rows and columns to
record catch) is an area to record statistical area. If the above criteria are not met, you
cannot utilize the Statistical Area Worksheet method to record the area of catch. In
this case, you must list all of the applicable statistical area codes in the corresponding
column on the fish ticket for each species caught in that area.
At-sea processors frequently remain at sea for several days or weeks and may obtain harvest from
several statistical areas. When the vessel has harvested fish from 10 statistical areas, a fish ticket
must be completed. Each fish ticket may be utilized to document only 10 statistical areas of
harvest. Document harvest from all additional statistical area(s) on a second fish ticket.
Figure 7
Upper right hand portion of the fish ticket
Partial Delivery Information
13. Partial or Split Delivery (Figure 7) – The harvest from a single fishing trip can be documented
on more than one fish ticket, either split among IFQ quota shareholders, divided for multiple
fishery bycatch caps or permits, or delivered to more than one processor. To help ADF&G
better understand fishing effort and for enforcement purposes, all tickets that represent only a
portion of the fishing trip’s harvest MUST be identified as a partial delivery.
If the vessel’s harvest was divided among several IFQ shareholders’ permits, check the box
labeled Multiple IFQ permits. If the fish ticket represents only a portion of the vessel’s trip
catch (multiple deliveries to the same processing plant or more than one processor, or multiple
permits other than IFQ), check the box labeled Partial Delivery.
Just below the check box, in the space labeled Ticket #, write the fish ticket number(s) of all
other tickets representing the fishing trip’s harvest. The fish ticket number is located on the
upper right hand corner of each ticket (begins with a G or P). As an example, the fish ticket
number from the illustration on page 3, Figure 1, begins with G07. The fish ticket number in
the illustration below is not completed. This image was generated from a prototype ticket. All
fish ticket booklets contain fully numbered fish ticket forms.
The space provided for processor company name can be utilized for additional fish ticket
If the harvest was delivered to another processing plant, provide the full name of the other
processing plant.
The ADF&G fish ticket is designed to record the LANDED weight of the catch. In other words, the
processor should indicate the weight of the catch and the delivery condition of the fish at the point
the catch is weighed. For example, if the catch is bled at the time of weight, indicate the pounds of
catch and the appropriate delivery condition code, bled = 03. The delivery condition code identifies
a rate utilized to compute from landed catch weight to whole weight. The delivery condition code is
also used to convert to net weight (or IFQ weight) for halibut.
Many at-sea catcher-processors weigh catch after it has been processed into product and at the
time of off-loading. Again, record the weight of the catch and the delivery condition of the fish at
the point it is weighed. For example, if the catch has been processed and is in the form of deep
skin fillets at the point it is weighed, indicate the pounds of the catch (the fillets) and the
appropriate delivery condition code, deep skin fillets = 24.
Round (whole) weight will be calculated during ADF&G data entry from the landed pounds and the
appropriate product recovery rate associated with the reported delivery condition code. In other
words, landed pounds divided by the delivery condition code recovery rate = whole fish weight.
15. Delivery Condition Code
Figure 8
Product Purchase (itemized catch) portion of the fish ticket.
Species Information
14. Species (Figure 8) – list the catch by species from the ADF&G Fish Ticket Groundfish Codes,
dated 2007. The specific species code must be indicated and is very important for
management purposes. Group codes, such as, shallow or deep-water flatfish, general
flounder, unspecified (demersal, pelagic, or shelf) rockfish, may not be utilized. All species –
including landed harvest, discards at sea and at the dock, personal use, and retained bait -must be specifically identified and recorded on the fish ticket.
In the internal state waters of the Southeast District (Northern Southeast Inside and
Southern Southeast Inside) and the state waters of Prince William Sound and Cook
Inlet, CFEC permit holders MUST retain, weigh and document by species on the fish
ticket all rockfish taken.
All rockfish in excess of allowable bycatch limits shall be reported as bycatch overage
on an ADF&G fish tickets. All proceeds from the sale of excess rockfish bycatch shall
be surrendered to the State.
In the Eastern Gulf of Alaska Area (state and federal waters), a CFEC permit holder
fishing for groundfish or halibut must retain, weigh, and report all Demersal shelf
rockfish and black rockfish taken on the fish ticket. Proceeds from the sale of any state
overage must be paid to the State of Alaska. All DSR species taken in federal waters,
that are in excess of allowable bycatch limits may NOT enter commerce, but may be
retained for personal consumption or donation to charity.
Discards at sea and at the dock must also be recorded in pounds on the fish ticket.
Figure 9
Lower right hand portion of the fish ticket.
Discard Information
Prohibited species must be identified, discarded at sea, and recorded on the fish ticket as each
animal and if possible, as pounds, in the discard section of the form. (Figure 9) Please
indicate or label the entry for Prohibited Species as “Each” or “Ea.” and “Pounds” or “LB.”
Prohibited Species and Codes
Chinook Salmon
Sockeye Salmon
Coho Salmon
Pink Salmon
Chum Salmon
Pacific Herring
Bairdi Tanner Crab
Snow (Opilio) Crab
Red King Crab
Blue King Crab
Golden (Brown) King Crab
Scarlet (Couesi) King Crab
Harvest retained for personal use consumption (code 95) must be recorded in pounds on the
fish ticket.
Harvest caught prior to directed fishing or incidentally caught throughout the fishing trip and
retained or utilized for bait (code 92) must also be recorded in pounds on the fish ticket.
Contact ADF&G groundfish biologists at your local office for further clarification on an unknown
species and the applicable code.
15. Delivery Condition Code (Deliv. Code) (Figure 10) – enter the ADF&G condition code that
best describes the condition of the catch at the point it is weighed. Please reference the
ADF&G Fish Ticket Groundfish Codes, dated 2007 for the appropriate code.
Delivery Condition Code
Disposition Code
Figure 10
Product Purchase (itemized catch) portion of the fish ticket.
Species Information
16. Disposition Code (Figure 10) – enter the new disposition code that best describes the
intended use or disposal of the product. Examples of disposition codes include:
41 – For fish meal production
60 – Sold for human consumption
61 – Sold for bait
62 – Overage – specify overage type by code number
95 – Personal use
98 – Discard at sea
99 – Discard, on shore – after delivery/before processing – not sold.
At-Sea Processors:
The following condition codes are considered ancillary products (to the primary product) only
and are not converted to whole weight:
14 – Roe only
15 – Pectoral Girdle only
16 – Heads only
17 – Cheeks
18 – Chins
19 – Belly
34 – Milt
35 – Stomachs
39 – Bones
The following condition codes require a product designation code of Primary – P indicating
that this is the designated product made from each fish; or Ancillary – A indicating that this is
the secondary product in addition to the Primary product from the same fish:
a) 31 – Minced Fish
b) 32 – Fish Meal
c) 33 – Fish Oil
The P or A may be written next to the condition code.
17. Pounds – enter the LANDED weight (scale weight) in pounds. Harvest, sold or discarded,
may not be entered on a fish ticket in metric tons.
18. Price – enter the price paid/received per pound for the recorded weight.
19. Amount – enter the monetary amount paid/received – the calculation of the pounds multiplied
by the price per pound.
Figure 11
Bottom portion of the fish ticket.
Signatures of seller and buyer.
20. Signature of the Permit Holder (Figure 11)– the permit holder making the delivery must sign
the fish ticket in the signature space provided.
21. Fish Received By (Figure 11) – the signature of the person authorized by the licensed
purchaser and/or processor to receive the catch must sign the fish ticket in the signature space
provided. No signature is required if the operation is exclusively in the EEZ (voluntary
reporting - not required to submit fish tickets) and transshipped.
22. Overages – If a bycatch overage has been determined at the time of delivery, the overage
must be documented as a separate item on the fish ticket. The species, delivery condition,
pounds, and price must be reported. Please identify the overage item with the
disposition code – 62/and the overage code number.
Overage codes include the following:
19 – Forfeited Catch – bycatch overage – State Managed Groundfish
20 – Forfeited Catch – trip/season limit overage – State Managed Groundfish
28 – Forfeited Catch – bycatch overage – State Managed Groundfish – Retained
for Personal Use
29 – Forfeited Catch – bycatch only – Federally Managed Groundfish
30 – Forfeited Catch – trip/season limit overage – Federally Managed Groundfish
39 – Forfeited Catch – bycatch overage – Federally Managed Groundfish
40 – Forfeited Catch – IFQ beyond allowable overage
81 – Chatham/Clarence Sablefish Fishery only – Allowable Trip/Season Overage
Southeast Alaska Processors - if the overage relates to a state-managed fishery
please contact the Sitka office of ADF&G for instruction - (907) 747-6688.
Central Gulf of Alaska Processors – if the overage relates to a state-managed
fishery in the Prince William Sound/Cook Inlet areas, please contact the Homer
office of ADF&G for instruction - (907) 235-1726 or 235-1728.
Kodiak Area – if the overage relates to a state-managed fishery in the Western
Gulf of Alaska, please contact the Kodiak groundfish office of ADF&G for
instructions – (907) 486-1840.
Dutch Harbor Area – if the overage relates to a state-managed fishery in the Aleutian
Island or Bering Sea area, please contact the Dutch Harbor office of ADF&G for
instructions – (907) 581-1219 or 581-1239.
Federally Managed Fisheries - Please contact your local office of the National Marine
Fisheries Service – Enforcement Division
The processor must provide ADF&G with any revisions to previously submitted fish tickets,
including overages. The revised fish ticket should be a photocopy of the original fish ticket. The
photocopy should clearly indicate in the body of the fish ticket, “Revision.” The correction or
revision should be highlighted.
All overage adjustments to ADF&G fish tickets must be revised and submitted to the ADF&G office
of original submission. The species, delivery condition, pounds, and price must be reported.
The overage item(s) must be highlighted and marked with the word “overage.”
At the time of initial offload, the scale weight of the IFQ halibut harvest should be recorded on the
fish ticket. In other words, the processor should indicate the weight of the halibut, the delivery
condition code, and whether the weight includes an ice and slime deduction.
The IFQ halibut has to be offloaded from the vessel at one single offload site. Therefore, the halibut
can be:
a) sold at the initial processor,
b) retained for personal use,
c) retained future sale via dockside or to another processor.
Delivery code codes for halibut:
The delivery condition code of the fish at the point it is weighed should be recorded on the fish
ticket. The field to record the delivery condition code is titled, “Deliv. Code.” Delivery condition
codes to be utilized with halibut are:
a) 04 – gutted, head on (gutted only)
b) 05 – gutted, head off (headed/gutted).
Ice and slime deduction for Halibut and Sablefish:
Please indicate if the halibut or sablefish – at the point of off-load and weighing - includes a 2%
deduction for ice and slime. If yes is checked, this selection indicates that the recorded weight
includes a 2% deduction. If no is checked, the vessel was not allowed a deduction, or the off-load
weight was determined after the ice and slime were removed. Please check the appropriate box.
Personal use and discard section:
Figure 12
Lower right hand portion of the halibut/sablefish fish ticket.
Personal Use Information
If retained catch is for personal use and consumption, the harvested pounds, delivery condition
code, and disposition code must be recorded on the ADF&G fish ticket in the space provided in the
lower right-hand corner of the form (Figure 12). Please note beside this space if the personal use
weight recorded has a different ice and slime deduction than check above.
Retained for future sale:
If a portion of the catch is retained for future sale, the catch should be recorded in the itemized
catch portion of the fish ticket (non-personal use section). The species, pounds, and the
disposition code 87 (harvest retained for future sale) should be recorded.
The halibut only disposition code 87 – harvest retained for future sale – is reserved for
halibut harvest only. The future sale may be via dockside sales or to another processor. Halibut
retained for these purposes shall not be recorded on the fish ticket as personal use – disposition
code 95. State law precludes the sale of personal use harvest.
When the retained harvest is sold to another processor or via dockside sales, a second fish ticket
shall be completed. All information elements on the second fish ticket must be completed including
the species, delivery condition code, the weight of the halibut and the price paid.
Completion of an ADF&G fish ticket is required for all harvest in connection with a CDQ fishery.
Tickets should be completed following the instructions provide in this document. Price per pound
and amount must be provided for all purchased CDQ harvest. The following are additional
requirements for completion of an ADF&G Series “G” and “P” fish ticket as required by 5 AAC
39.130 and 5 AAC 16.05.675. If you are unsure of proper procedures, contact the local ADF&G
office representative. ADF&G office locations, addresses and telephone numbers are provided in
the attachment to this document. Tickets that are not completed in the proper format, or are
incomplete, are subject to prosecution under non-compliance regulations.
3. The CDQ Corporation number must be provided in the labeled box. Please do not place AFA
or IFQ codes in this box.
4. No unique CDQ species or delivery condition codes are required to document catch.
5. ADF&G fish tickets must be completed at least once a week or when harvest has occurred in
10 statistical areas.
6. All other requirements as listed above (items 1 through 19).
CDQ Codes:
51 – ADICDA – Aleutian Priblof
52 – BBEDC – Bristol Bay
53 – CBSFA – Central Bering Sea
54 – CVFC – Coastal Villages
55 – NSEDC – Norton Sound
56 – YDFDA – Yukon Delta
Mothership operators should follow NMFS regulations, 50 CFR part 679.5 (m), for direction on the
completion of ADF&G fish tickets.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game administers all programs and activities free
from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, marital
status, pregnancy, parenthood, or disability. The department administers all programs
and activities in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or
if you desire further information please write to ADF&G, P.O. Box 25526, Juneau, AK
99802-5526; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4040 N. Fairfield Drive, Suite 300,
Arlington, VA 22203 or O.E.O., U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington DC 20240.
For information on alternative formats for this and other department publications, please
contact the department ADA Coordinator at (voice) 907-465-4120, (TDD) 907-4653646, or (FAX) 907-465-2440.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Groundfish Reporting Requirements 2008 |
Author | Gail Smith |
File Modified | 2008-08-20 |
File Created | 2008-01-25 |