Reg H-2 IFR


Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Loans Secured by Real Estate Located in Flood Hazard Areas Pursuant to Section 208.25 of Regulation H

Reg H-2 IFR

OMB: 7100-0280

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Notices
• FR 2056: (12 U.S.C. 287, 248(a) and
• FR 2086: (12 U.S.C. 287, 248(a) and
• FR 2086a: (12 U.S.C. 321, 287, and
248(a)); and
• FR 2087: (12 U.S.C. 288 and 248 (a)
and (i)).
Most individual respondent data are
not considered confidential. Applicants
may, however, request that parts of their
membership applications be kept
confidential, but in such cases the
Applicant must justify its request by
demonstrating how an exemption under
the FOIA is satisfied. The
confidentiality status of the information
submitted will be judged on a case-bycase basis.
Abstract: These application forms are
required by the Federal Reserve Act and
Regulation I. These forms must be used
by a new or existing member bank
(including a national bank) to request
the issuance, and adjustment in, or
cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank
stock. The forms must contain certain
certifications by the applicants, as well
as certain other financial and
shareholder data that is needed by the
Federal Reserve to process the request.
Current actions: On June 3, 2008, the
Federal Reserve published a notice in
the Federal Register (73 FR 31684)
requesting public comment for 60 days
on the extension, with revision, of the
applications. The comment period for
this notice expired on August 4, 2008.
The Federal Reserve did not receive any
The Federal Reserve proposed to add
additional signature lines the FR 2030,
2030a, 2056, and 2086a that were
intended to facilitate the processing of
each application form by the
appropriate Reserve Bank. However,
after further review the Federal Reserve
decided to remove from consideration
the proposed additional signature lines
because it could create greater confusion
for the banks while adding little benefit
to the Federal Reserve.
3. Report title: Report of Changes in
Organizational Structure, Supplement to
the Report of Changes in Organizational
Structure, Annual Report of Bank
Holding Companies, Annual Report of
Foreign Banking Organizations.
Agency form numbers: FR Y–10, FR
Y–10E, FR Y–6, and FR Y–7.
OMB control number: 7100–0297.
Frequency: Event-generated, annual.
Reporters: Bank holding companies
(BHCs), foreign banking organizations
(FBOs), member banks, Edge and
agreement corporations.
Annual reporting hours: FR Y–10,
26,712 hours; FR Y–10E, 1,384 hours;

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FR Y–6, 27,069 hours; and FR Y–7, 900
Estimated average hours per response:
FR Y–10, 1.00 to 1.25 hours; FR Y–10E,
0.50 hours; FR Y–6, 5.25 hours; and FR
Y–7, 3.50 hours.
Number of respondents: FR Y–10,
5,952; FR Y–10E, 2,768; FR Y–6, 5,156;
and FR Y–7, 257.
General description of report: These
information collections are mandatory
under the Federal Reserve Act, the BHC
Act, and the International Banking Act
(12 U.S.C. 248 (a)(1), 321, 601, 602,
611a, 615, 625, 1843(k), 1844(c)(1)(A),
3106(a), and 3108(a)), and Regulations K
and Y (12 CFR 211.13(c), 225.5(b), and
225.87). Individual respondent data are
not considered confidential. However,
respondents may request confidential
treatment for any information that they
believe is subject to an exemption from
disclosure under the FOIA, 5 U.S.C.
Abstract: The FR Y–10 is an eventgenerated information collection
submitted by FBOs; top-tier BHCs; state
member banks unaffiliated with a BHC;
Edge and agreement corporations that
are not controlled by a member bank, a
domestic BHC, or a FBO; and nationally
chartered banks that are not controlled
by a BHC (with regard to their foreign
investments only), to capture changes in
their regulated investments and
activities. The Federal Reserve uses the
data to monitor structure information on
subsidiaries and regulated investments
of these entities engaged in banking and
nonbanking activities. The FR Y–10E is
a free-form supplement that may be
used to collect additional structural
information deemed to be critical and
needed in an expedited manner.
The FR Y–6 is an annual information
collection submitted by top-tier BHCs
and nonqualifying FBOs. It collects
financial data, an organization chart,
verification of domestic branch data,
and information about shareholders.
The Federal Reserve uses the data to
monitor holding company operations
and determine holding company
compliance with the provisions of the
BHC Act and Regulation Y (12 CFR
The FR Y–7 is an annual information
collection submitted by qualifying FBOs
to update their financial and
organizational information with the
Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve
uses information to assess an FBO’s
ability to be a continuing source of
strength to its U.S. operations and to
determine compliance with U.S. laws
and regulations.
Current Actions: On June 3, 2008, the
Federal Reserve published a notice in
the Federal Register (73 FR 31684)

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requesting public comment for 60 days
on the extension, with revision, of these
information collections. The comment
period for this notice expired on August
4, 2008. The Federal Reserve did not
receive any comments. The revisions
will be implemented as proposed.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, August 14, 2008.
Robert deV. Frierson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E8–19188 Filed 8–19–08; 8:45 am]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
SUMMARY: Background. On June 15,
1984, the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Board) its approval authority
under the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA), as per 5 CFR 1320.16, to approve
of and assign OMB control numbers to
collection of information requests and
requirements conducted or sponsored
by the Board under conditions set forth
in 5 CFR 1320 Appendix A.1. Boardapproved collections of information are
incorporated into the official OMB
inventory of currently approved
collections of information. Copies of the
Paperwork Reduction Act Submission,
supporting statements and approved
collection of information instruments
are placed into OMB’s public docket
files. The Federal Reserve may not
conduct or sponsor, and the respondent
is not required to respond to, an
information collection that has been
extended, revised, or implemented on or
after October 1, 1995, unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number.

Request for Comment on Information
Collection Proposals
The following information
collections, which are being handled
under this delegated authority, have
received initial Board approval and are
hereby published for comment. At the
end of the comment period, the
proposed information collections, along
with an analysis of comments and
recommendations received, will be
submitted to the Board for final
approval under OMB delegated
authority. Comments are invited on the
a. Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the Federal Reserve’s



dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Notices

functions; including whether the
information has practical utility;
b. The accuracy of the Federal
Reserve’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed information collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
c. Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
d. Ways to minimize the burden of
information collection on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before October 20, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Reg H–2 or Reg BB, by any
of the following methods:
• Agency Web site: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments at
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail:
Include docket number in the subject
line of the message.
• FAX: 202/452–3819 or 202/452–
• Mail: Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, 20th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20551.
All public comments are available
from the Board’s Web site at http://
foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as submitted,
unless modified for technical reasons.
Accordingly, your comments will not be
edited to remove any identifying or
contact information. Public comments
may also be viewed electronically or in
paper form in Room MP–500 of the
Board’s Martin Building (20th and C
Streets, NW.) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
on weekdays.
Additionally, commenters should
send a copy of their comments to the
OMB Desk Officer by mail to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
U.S. Office of Management and Budget,
New Executive Office Building, Room
10235, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to 202–
copy of the PRA OMB submission
including the proposed reporting form
and instructions, supporting statement,
and other documentation will be placed
into OMB’s public docket files, once
approved. These documents will also be

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made available on the Federal Reserve
Board’s public Web site at: http://
reportforms/review.cfm or may be
requested from the agency clearance
officer, whose name appears below.
Michelle Shore, Federal Reserve
Board Clearance Officer (202–452–
3829), Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, Washington,
DC 20551. Telecommunications Device
for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact
(202–263–4869), Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, DC 20551.
Proposal to approve under OMB
delegated authority the extension for
three years, without revision, of the
following reports:
1. Report title: Recordkeeping and
Disclosure Requirements Associated
with Loans Secured by Real Estate
Located in Flood Hazard Areas Pursuant
to Section 208.25 of Regulation H.
Agency form number: Reg H–2.
OMB control number: 7100–0280.
Frequency: Event-generated.
Reporters: State member banks.
Annual reporting hours: 43,298 hours.
Estimated average time per response:
Notice of special flood hazards to
borrowers and servicers, 5 minutes;
notice to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) of
servicer, 5 minutes; notice to FEMA of
change of servicer, 5 minutes; and
retention of standard FEMA form, 2.5
Number of respondents: 874.
General description of report: This
information collection is mandatory
pursuant to Section 12 of the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4012a) and section
1364 of the National Flood Insurance
Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C.
4104a). Because the Federal Reserve
does not collect any information, no
issue of confidentiality would normally
arise. However, should the records
required by the Reg H requirements
come into possession of the Board
during an examination of a state
member bank, those records would be
protected from disclosure by exemption
8 of the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(8)).
Additionally, depending on the content
of the records, the information could
also potentially be protected from
disclosure by FOIA exemptions 4 and 6.
(5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) & (6)).
Abstract: Regulation H requires state
member banks to notify a borrower and
servicer when loans secured by real
estate are determined to be in a special
flood hazard area and notify them
whether flood insurance is available;

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notify FEMA of the identity of, and any
change of, the servicer of a loan secured
by real estate in a special flood hazard
area; and retain a completed copy of the
Standard Flood Hazard Determination
Form used to determine whether
property securing a loan is in a special
flood hazard area.
2. Report title: Recordkeeping,
Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements
in Connection with Regulation BB
(Community Reinvestment Act).
Agency form number: Reg BB.
OMB control number: 7100–0197.
Frequency: Annually.
Reporters: State member banks.
Annual reporting hours: 61,545 hours.
Estimated average hours per response:
Recordkeeping Requirement, small
business and small farm loan register,
219 hours. Optional Recordkeeping
Requirements, consumer loan data, 326
hours; and other loan data, 25 hours.
Reporting Requirements, assessment
area delineation, 2 hours; small business
and small farm loan data, 8 hours;
community development loan data, 13
hours; and HMDA out of MSA loan
data, 253 hours. Optional Reporting
Requirements, data on lending by a
consortium or third party, 17 hours;
affiliate lending data, 38 hours; strategic
plan, 275 hours; and request for
designation as a wholesale or limited
purpose bank, 4 hours. Disclosure
Requirement, public file, 10 hours.
Number of respondents: 874.
General description of report: This
information collection is authorized
pursuant to Section 806 of the
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
which permits the Board to issue
regulations to carry out the purpose of
CRA (12 U.S.C. 2905), Section 11 of the
Federal Reserve Act (FRA) which
permits the Board to require such
statements as reports of state member
banks as it deems necessary (12 U.S.C.
248(a)(1)), and section 9 of the FRA
which permits the Board to examine
state member banks (12 U.S.C. 325); the
requirements are mandatory, depending
on bank size and other factors.
Generally, the data that are reported to
the Federal Reserve are not considered
Abstract: This submission covers an
extension of the Federal Reserve’s
currently approved information
collections in their CRA regulations (12
CFR part 228). The submission involves
no change to the regulation or to the
information collection. The Federal
Reserve System needs the information
collected to fulfill their obligations
under the CRA (12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.)
to evaluate and assign ratings to the
performance of institutions, in
connection with helping to meet the



Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Notices
credit needs of their communities,
including low- and moderate-income
neighborhoods, consistent with safe and
sound banking practices. The Federal
Reserve System uses the information in
the examination process and in
evaluating applications for mergers,
branches, and certain other corporate
activities. Financial institutions
maintain and provide the information to
the Federal Reserve System.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, August 14, 2008.
Robert deV. Frieson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E8–19189 Filed 8–19–08; 8:45 am]

[File No. 071 0193]

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.;
Analysis of Agreement Containing
Consent Orders to Aid Public
Federal Trade Commission.
Proposed Consent Agreement.


SUMMARY: The consent agreement in this
matter settles alleged violations of
federal law prohibiting unfair or
deceptive acts or practices or unfair
methods of competition. The attached
Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes both the allegations in the
draft complaint and the terms of the
consent order—embodied in the consent
agreement—that would settle these

Comments must be received on
or before September 11, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments.
Comments should refer to ‘‘Sun
Pharmaceutical, File No. 071 0193,’’ to
facilitate the organization of comments.
A comment filed in paper form should
include this reference both in the text
and on the envelope, and should be
mailed or delivered to the following
address: Federal Trade Commission/
Office of the Secretary, Room 135-H,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20580. Comments
containing confidential material must be
filed in paper form, must be clearly
labeled ‘‘Confidential,’’ and must
comply with Commission Rule 4.9(c).
16 CFR 4.9(c) (2005).1 Comments should

dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES


1 The comment must be accompanied by an
explicit request for confidential treatment,
including the factual and legal basis for the request,
and must identify the specific portions of the
comment to be withheld from the public record.
The request will be granted or denied by the

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not include any sensitive personal
information, such as an individual’s
Social Security Number; date of birth;
driver’s license number or other state
identification number or foreign country
equivalent; passport number; financial
account number; or credit or debit card
number. Comments also should not
include any sensitive health
information, such as medical records
and other individually identifiable
health information. The FTC is
requesting that any comment filed in
paper form be sent by courier or
overnight service, if possible, because
U.S. postal mail in the Washington area
and at the Commission is subject to
delay due to heightened security
precautions. Comments that do not
contain any nonpublic information may
instead be filed in electronic form by
following the instructions on the webbased form at (http:// To ensure that the
Commission considers an electronic
comment, you must file it on that webbased form.
The FTC Act and other laws the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. All timely and responsive
public comments, whether filed in
paper or electronic form, will be
considered by the Commission, and will
be available to the public on the FTC
website, to the extent practicable, at As a matter of discretion,
the FTC makes every effort to remove
home contact information for
individuals from the public comments it
receives before placing those comments
on the FTC website. More information,
including routine uses permitted by the
Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s
privacy policy, at (
David L. Inglefield, Bureau of
Competition, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Washington, D.C. 20580, (202) 3262637.
to section 6(f) of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, 38 Stat. 721, 15 U.S.C.
46(f), and § 2.34 of the Commission
Rules of Practice, 16 CFR 2.34, notice is
hereby given that the above-captioned
consent agreement containing a consent
order to cease and desist, having been
filed with and accepted, subject to final
approval, by the Commission, has been
placed on the public record for a period
of thirty (30) days. The following
Commission’s General Counsel, consistent with
applicable law and the public interest. See
Commission Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).

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Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes the terms of the consent
agreement, and the allegations in the
complaint. An electronic copy of the
full text of the consent agreement
package can be obtained from the FTC
Home Page (for August 13, 2008), on the
World Wide Web, at (http:// A
paper copy can be obtained from the
FTC Public Reference Room, Room 130H, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,
Washington, D.C. 20580, either in
person or by calling (202) 326-2222.
Public comments are invited, and may
be filed with the Commission in either
paper or electronic form. All comments
should be filed as prescribed in the
ADDRESSES section above, and must be
received on or before the date specified
in the DATES section.
Analysis of Agreement Containing
Consent Order to Aid Public Comment
The Federal Trade Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) has accepted, subject to
final approval, an Agreement
Containing Consent Orders (‘‘Consent
Agreement’’) from Sun Pharmaceutical
Industries Ltd. (‘‘Sun’’) which is
designed to remedy the anticompetitive
effects of the acquisition of Taro
Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (‘‘Taro’’)
by Sun. Under the terms of the proposed
Consent Agreement, Sun is required to
divest all of Sun’s rights and assets
necessary to manufacture and market:
(1) generic immediate-release
carbamazepine tablets; (2) generic
chewable carbamazepine tablets; and (3)
generic extended-release carbamazepine
tablets to Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
The proposed Consent Agreement has
been placed on the public record for
thirty (30) days for receipt of comments
by interested persons. Comments
received during this period will become
part of the public record. After thirty
(30) days, the Commission will again
review the proposed Consent Agreement
and the comments received, and will
decide whether it should withdraw from
the proposed Consent Agreement,
modify it, or make final the Decision
and Order (‘‘Order’’).
Pursuant to an Agreement of Merger
executed on May 18, 2007, Sun
proposed to acquire all of the issued and
outstanding shares of Taro in a
transaction then valued at
approximately $454 million. In the
event that agreement has been properly
terminated, as Taro claims, Sun intends
to acquire controlling interest in Taro
via an Option Agreement executed at
the time of the merger agreement and/
or via a tender offer. The Commission’s
Complaint alleges that the proposed



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-08-20
File Created2008-08-20

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