Form CJ44L 2007 Survey of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

2008 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies


2004 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

OMB: 1121-0240

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Form CJ-44L OMB No. 1121-0240: Approval Expires XX/XX/XX

Bureau of Justice Statistics

U.S. Department of Justice

2007 Survey of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Instructions for completing this survey:

Please retain a copy of the completed survey for your records.

Use “DK” (don’t know) if the answer to a question is not available or is unknown.

Use “NA” (not applicable) if the answer to a question is not applicable.

When exact numeric answers are not available, please provide estimates and mark with an asterisk(*).

Please do not leave any items blank.

Please provide information for the individual completing this form so that we may contact them if we need

to ask follow-up questions about the survey responses:

NAME: ________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _________________________

TITLE: ________________________________________________ FAX: _________________________

AGENCY: ________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________________________

Why is BJS conducting this survey?

Every 3 to 4 years, as part of its Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) program, the Bureau of Justice Statistics sends a survey questionnaire to about 3,000 State and local law enforcement agencies across the country. The data we collect are used to generate national statistics describing law enforcement personnel, equipment, policies and procedures.

This survey is presently the only source of detailed national statistics about law enforcement agency operations. These statistics are used by police chiefs, sheriffs, legislators, planners, researchers, and others to identify resource needs, trends, and priorities in law enforcement. Individual agencies can compare themselves to the national figures and trends.

What do I need to do?


Please respond by July 30, 2007

omplete the survey online if possible. Just go to the following web address for further detail: [enter web location here]

If it is more convenient for you, return it by fax (202-555-5555) or by mail to:

[enter mailing address here]

What if I have questions?

Contact Brian Reaves of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics,

at (202) 616-3287 or

Burden Statement

Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average three hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh St NW, Washington, DC 20531.


1. How many AUTHORIZED full-time paid agency positions and ACTUAL full-time and part-time

paid agency employees did your agency have

as of June 30, 2007? Full-time employees are

those regularly scheduled for 35 or more hours per week. If none, enter '0.'

AUTHORIZED full-time paid positions


agency employees



a. Sworn personnel with general arrest powers……………….

b. Officers without general arrest powers (e.g., jail or court officers in some agencies)…………....

c. Nonsworn employees…………..

d. TOTAL (sum of lines ‘a’ through ‘c’)...

2. Of the total actual FULL-TIME sworn personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a), how many are: Personnel may be counted more than once. If none, enter '0.'

Full-time sworn

a. Uniformed officers with REGULARLY ASSIGNED DUTIES that include responding to calls for service………….

b. School Resource Officers, School Liaison Officers, or other personnel whose primary duties are related to school safety……………………………..

3. Of the total FULL-TIME sworn personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a), how many perform the following duties as their PRIMARY job responsibility? Count each officer only once. If none, enter '0.'

Full-time sworn

a. Patrol duties…………………………...

b. Investigative duties (e.g., detectives)

c. Jail-related duties……………………..

d. Court security duties………………….

e. Process serving duties……………….

4. What is your agency's total operating budget for

the 12-month period including June 30, 2007?

If data are not available, provide an estimate and

mark (X) the box below. Include jails administered by your agency. Do NOT include building construction costs or major equipment purchases.

$ Estimated

5. What was the total estimated value of money, goods, and property received by your agency from a drug asset forfeiture program during calendar year 2006? If no money, goods or property were received, enter '0.'

$ Estimated


6. What is your agency's minimum education requirement which new (non-lateral) officer recruits must have within two years of hiring?

Mark (X) only one response.

Four-year college degree required

Two-year college degree required

Some college but no degree required

High school diploma or equivalent required

No formal education requirement

7. Which of the following screening techniques are used by your agency in selecting new officer recruits?

a. Background investigation……… □ Yes □ No

b. Credit history check……………. □ Yes □ No

c. Criminal history check…………. □ Yes □ No

d. Driving record check…………… □ Yes □ No

e. Drug test………………………… □ Yes □ No

f. Medical exam…………………… □ Yes □ No

g. Personal interview……………… □ Yes □ No

h. Personality inventory…………... □ Yes □ No

i. Physical agility test…………….. □ Yes □ No

j. Polygraph exam………………… □ Yes □ No

k. Psychological evaluation………. □ Yes □ No

l. Second language test………….. □ Yes □ No

m. Voice stress analyzer…………... □ Yes □ No

n. Written aptitude test……………. □ Yes □ No

8. How many total hours of ACADEMY training and FIELD training are required of your agency's new (non-lateral) officer recruits? Include law enforcement training only. If no training of that type is required, enter '0.'

a. Academy training………..

b. Field training………….....

9. On average, how many total hours of IN-SERVICE training are required annually for your agency's field/patrol officers? Include law enforcement training only. If none, enter '0.'

Annual in-service training hours per officer……………

10. Of the total FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a), how many were NEW HIRES during the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007? If none, enter '0.'

a. Entry-level hires (non-lateral) ………………………

b. Lateral transfers/hires ….

c. Other hires ………………

d. Total NEW HIRES ……..

11. How many FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with general arrest powers separated from your agency during the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007? If none, enter '0.'

a. Resignations ……………

b. Dismissals ………………

c. Medical/disability retirements …………………

d. Non-medical retirements

e. Probationary rejections

f. Other separations (e.g., death) ……………………….


12. Enter the number of actual FULL-TIME SWORN

personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a) by GENDER for the pay period that included June 30, 2007.

Full-time sworn

a. Male ………...……………..

b. Female……………………..

c. TOTAL ……………………..

13. Enter the number of actual FULL-TIME SWORN

personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a) by RACE for the pay period that included June 30, 2007.

Full-time sworn

a. White, not of Hispanic origin…………………………..

b. Black or African American, not of Hispanic origin………..

c. Hispanic or Latino…………

d. American Indian or Alaska Native………………………….

e. Asian…………………..……

f. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ………………

g. Some other race ……….…

h. TOTAL …………………….

14. Is collective bargaining authorized for your agency's employees?

a. Sworn employees........................ □ Yes □ No

b. Nonsworn employees.................. □ Yes □ No

15. Does your agency provide special pay/benefits

for any of the following?

a. Education incentive................... □ Yes □ No

b. Hazardous duty......................... □ Yes □ No

c. Merit/performance..................... □ Yes □ No

d. Shift differential.......................... □ Yes □ No

e. Special skills proficiency............ □ Yes □ No

f. Bilingual ability........................... □ Yes □ No

g. Tuition reimbursement............... □ Yes □ No

h. Military service........................... □ Yes □ No

16. What was your agency's salary schedule for the following FULL-TIME sworn positions as of June 30, 2007? If a position does not exist on a full-time basis in your department, enter 'NA.'

Base ANNUAL salary



a. Chief executive (chief, director, sheriff, etc.)…….......

b. Sergeant or equivalent first-line supervisor....……......

c. Entry-level officer or deputy (post-academy)…………….


17. Which of the following functions did your agency have PRIMARY responsibility for or perform on a regular basis during the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007?

Law enforcement functions

a. Responding to calls for service……… □ Yes □ No

b. Patrol services…….…………………... □ Yes □ No

c. First response to criminal incidents…. □ Yes □ No

d. Drug law enforcement……………...... □ Yes □ No

e. Vice enforcement…………………...... □ Yes □ No

Traffic and vehicle-related functions

f. Traffic law enforcement……………….. □ Yes □ No

g. Traffic direction/control……………….. □ Yes □ No

h. Accident investigation………………… □ Yes □ No

i. Parking enforcement…………………... □ Yes □ No

j. Commercial vehicle enforcement…….. □ Yes □ No

Criminal investigation for:

k. Homicide……………………………….. □ Yes □ No

l. Arson……………………………………. □ Yes □ No

m. Cybercrime……………………………. □ Yes □ No

n. Other crime types…………………...... □ Yes □ No

Court-related functions

o. Execution of arrest warrants…………. □ Yes □ No

p. Court security………………………….. □ Yes □ No

q. Serving civil process………………….. □ Yes □ No

r. Serving eviction notices………………. □ Yes □ No

s. Enforcing protection orders………….. □ Yes □ No

t. Enforcing child support orders……….. □ Yes □ No

Special public safety functions

u. Animal control…………………………. □ Yes □ No

v. School crossing services…………….. □ Yes □ No

w. Emergency medical services……….. □ Yes □ No

x. Domestic preparedness……………… □ Yes □ No

Special operations

y. Bomb/explosives disposal………….. □ Yes □ No

z. Search and rescue………………….. □ Yes □ No

aa. Special weapons and tactics……….. □ Yes □ No

bb. Underwater recovery………………... □ Yes □ No

Detention-related functions

cc. Jail operation…………………………. □ Yes □ No

dd. Lockup or temporary holding facility

separate from jail (for overnight detention) □ Yes □ No

ee. Temporary holding cell (not for

overnight detention)…………………. □ Yes □ No

ff. Inmate transport……………………... □ Yes □ No

Other functions

hh. Law enforcement dispatch services□ Yes □ No

ii. Operating a basic training academy □ Yes □ No

18. Does your agency participate in an operational 911 emergency telephone system (i.e., your agency's units can be dispatched as a result of a call to 911)? Mark (X) only one response.

Yes - Enhanced 9-1-1 system

Yes - Basic 9-1-1 system


19. Does your agency's 911 system have the following capabilities for incoming calls from wireless/cellular phones?

a. Displays number of wireless caller □ Yes □ No b. Displays location of wireless caller □ Yes □ No

20. During the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007, did your agency use the following types of patrol on a REGULARLY SCHEDULED basis?

Automobile □ Yes □ No Marine □ Yes □ No

Motorcycle □ Yes □ No Horse □ Yes □ No

Foot □ Yes □ No Bicycle □ Yes □ No

Aviation □ Yes □ No

21. As of June 30, 2007, how many actual FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1a) did your agency have assigned to the following special units or multi-agency task forces? If none, enter '0.'

Assigned full-time

Assigned part-time

a. Drug task force…….

b. Gang task force……

c. Anti-terrorism task


22. During the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007, did your agency engage in any of the following activities related to community policing?

a. Actively encouraged patrol officers

to engage in SARA-type problem-

solving projects on their beats……….. □ Yes □ No

b. Conducted a citizen police academy.. □ Yes □ No

c. Maintained or created a formal,

written community policing plan……... □ Yes □ No

d. Gave patrol officers responsibility for

specific geographic areas/beats…….. □ Yes □ No

e. Included collaborative problem-

solving projects in the evaluation

criteria of patrol officers……………… □ Yes □ No

f. Trained citizens in community policing

(community mobilization, problem-

solving, etc.)……………………………. □ Yes □ No

g. Upgraded technology to support the

analysis of community problems……. □ Yes □ No

h. Partnered with citizen groups and

included their feedback in the

development of neighborhood or

community policing strategies………. □ Yes □ No

i. Conducted or sponsored a survey of

citizens on topics related to crime

or police services……… …………… □ Yes □ No


23. Are your agency's uniformed field/patrol officers required to wear protective body armor while in the field? Mark (X) only one response.

□ Yes, all the time

□ Yes, in some circumstances (e.g., serving warrants)

□ No

24. How many dogs are regularly maintained by your agency for use in activities related to law enforcement? If none, enter '0.'

a. Explosives detection …………..

b. Drug detection …………………

c. Multi-purpose / other use ……..

d. TOTAL Dogs ……….................

25. How many horses are regularly maintained by your agency for use in activities related to law enforcement? If none, enter '0.'

Total number of horses ……….….

26. Which of the following types of less-than-lethal weapons or actions are authorized for use by your agency's field/patrol officers?

Impact devices

a. Batons…………................................... □ Yes □ No

d. Soft projectile (e.g., bean-bag)........... □ Yes □ No

e. Rubber bullet...................................... □ Yes □ No

f. Other impact device............................ □ Yes □ No

Chemical agents

g. OC (pepper spray)............................. □ Yes □ No

j. Other chemical agent.......................... □ Yes □ No

Other weapons/actions

k. Hand-held electrical device - direct

contact (e.g., stun gun).......................... □ Yes □ No

l. Hold or neck restraint (carotid hold)… □ Yes □ No

m. High intensity light source (e.g., laser

dazzler)................................................... □ Yes □ No

o. Hand-held electrical device - stand off

(e.g., taser)............................................. □ Yes □ No

n. Other weapon/action.......................... □ Yes □ No

27. As of June 30, 2007, did your agency use any of the following technologies on a regular basis?

Digital imaging

a. Fingerprints…………………………….. □ Yes □ No

b. Mug shots……………………………… □ Yes □ No

c. Suspect composites………………….. □ Yes □ No

d. Facial recognition……………………... □ Yes □ No

e. Digital photography…………………… □ Yes □ No

f. Other……………………………………. □ Yes □ No

Night vision/electro-optic

g. Infrared (thermal) imagers................. □ Yes □ No

h. Image intensifiers............................... □ Yes □ No

i. Laser range finders............................. □ Yes □ No

j. Other……………………………………. □ Yes □ No

Vehicle stopping/tracking

k. Electrical/engine disruption………….. □ Yes □ No

l. Stolen vehicle tracking........................ □ Yes □ No

m. Tire deflation devices........................ □ Yes □ No

n. Other…………………………………… □ Yes □ No

28. How many vehicles were operated by your agency as of June 30, 2007? Include owned, rented, leased and confiscated vehicles that your agency uses. If none, enter '0.'

a. Marked cars…………………...

b. Other marked vehicles (SUV, truck, van, etc.)…………………..

c. Unmarked cars………………..

d. Other unmarked vehicles (SUV, truck, van, etc.)…………..

e. Fixed-wing aircraft…………….

f. Helicopters……………………..

g. Boats (motorized)…………….

h. Motorcycles……………………

29a. Does your agency allow officers to take marked

vehicles home?

□ Yes □ No – SKIP to question 30

29b. Does your agency allow officers to drive marked

vehicles for personal use during off-duty hours?

Yes □ No

30. As of June 30, 2007, did your agency operate the following on a regular basis?

Agency operates


in use

a. Red light cameras….



b. Speed enforcement




31a. During the 12-month period ending June 30, 2007,

did your agency operate video cameras on a

regular basis?

□ Yes □ No – SKIP to question 32

31b. How many video cameras were operated by

your agency as of June 30, 2007? If none, enter '0.'

a. In patrol cars……………………

b. Fixed-site surveillance (CCTV)

c. Mobile surveillance…………….

d. Traffic enforcement…………….

32. Do your agency's field/patrol officers use any of the following types of computers or terminals WHILE IN THE FIELD?

Type of computer/terminal

used by officers in the field

Agency uses


in use


Yes □ No

Portable (not vehicle mounted)

Yes □ No

33. Do any of your agency's field/patrol officers have direct access to the following types of information using IN-FIELD computers?

a. Motor vehicle records................... □ Yes □ No

b. Driving records............................. □ Yes □ No

c. Criminal history records................ □ Yes □ No

d. Warrants....................................... □ Yes □ No

e. Protection orders.......................... □ Yes □ No

f. Inter-agency information system.. □ Yes □ No

g. Address history (e.g., repeat

calls for service).................... □ Yes □ No

34. How are data from criminal incident reports PRIMARILY transmitted to your agency's central information system? Mark (X) only one response.

□ Paper report

□ Wireless transmission (e.g., cellular, UHF)

□ Telephone line (voice)

□ Computer medium

□ Data device (e.g., laptop download, thumbdrive)

□ NA - agency does not handle such reports

35. Does your agency own or have access to an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) that includes a file or digitized prints?

Mark (X) all that apply.

a. Exclusive owner of AFIS system □ Yes □ No

b. Shared owner of AFIS system □ Yes □ No

c. Has terminal with access to a

remote AFIS system □ Yes □ No

d. Has access to AFIS through

another agency □ Yes □ No

36. Does your agency use computers for any of the following functions?

a. Analysis of community problems.. □ Yes □ No

b. Automated booking………………. □ Yes □ No

c. Crime mapping……………………. □ Yes □ No

d. Data-driven management

(e.g., COMPSTAT)……………... □ Yes □ No

e. Dispatch (CAD)…………………… □ Yes □ No

f. Hotspot identification……………… □ Yes □ No

g. In-field communications…………. □ Yes □ No

h. In-field report writing……………... □ Yes □ No

i. Personnel records………………… □ Yes □ No

j. Traffic stop data collection……….. □ Yes □ No

37. Does your agency maintain its own computerized files with any of the following information?

a. Alarms……………………………... □ Yes □ No

b. Arrests……………………………... □ Yes □ No

c. Calls for service……………………□ Yes □ No

d. Criminal histories…………………. □ Yes □ No

e. Incident reports…………………… □ Yes □ No

f. Stolen property…………………… □ Yes □ No

g. Summonses………………………. □ Yes □ No

h. Traffic accidents………………….. □ Yes □ No

i. Traffic citations……………………. □ Yes □ No

j. Traffic stops………………………... □ Yes □ No

k. Use-of-force incidents……………. □ Yes □ No

l. Warrants……………………………. □ Yes □ No


38. Does your agency have written policy directives on the following?

a. Use of deadly force………………. □ Yes □ No

b. Use of less-than-lethal force……. □ Yes □ No

c. Code of conduct and appearance □ Yes □ No

d. Off-duty employment of officers… □ Yes □ No

e. Maximum work hours for officers. □ Yes □ No

f. Strip searches…………………….. □ Yes □ No

g. Dealing with juveniles……………. □ Yes □ No

h. Dealing with domestic disputes… □ Yes □ No

i. Dealing with the homeless….……. □ Yes □ No

j. Dealing with the mentally ill….…… □ Yes □ No

k. Interacting with the media…………□ Yes □ No

l. Off-duty conduct ………………… □ Yes □ No

m. Citizen complaints……………….. □ Yes □ No

n. Racial profiling……………………. □ Yes □ No

39. Which of the following best describes your agency's written policy for pursuit driving?

Mark (X) only one response.

□ Discouragement (discourages all pursuits)

□ Judgmental (leaves decisions to officer's discretion)

□ Restrictive (restricts decisions of officers to specific

criteria such as type of offense, speed, etc.)

□ Other written policy

□ Agency does not have a written policy pertaining to pursuit driving

40. Enter the current dispositions for all formal citizen

complaints received during 2006 regarding use of force. If none, enter '0.'

a. Unfounded (the complaint was not

based on facts, or reported incident did

not occur)

b. Exonerated (The incident occurred,

but officer action was deemed lawful

and proper)

c. Not sustained (Insufficient evidence to prove the allegation)

d. Sustained (Sufficient evidence to justify disciplinary action against the officer(s))

e. Pending (Final disposition of the

allegation has not been made)

f. Other disposition (e.g., withdrawn)

g. TOTAL use of force complaints

received during 2006 (sum of ‘a’ through ‘f’)

41a. Is there a civilian complaint review board/agency

in your jurisdiction that is empowered to review

use of force complaints against officers in your agency?

□ Yes □ No – SKIP to question 42

41b. Does this civilian review board/agency have

independent investigative authority with

subpoena powers?

□ Yes □ No


42. How does your agency address the following problems/tasks? Mark (X) the appropriate box for each problem/task listed below. Mark only one box per line.

Agency HAS specialized unit with full-time personnel to address problem/task

Agency DOES NOT HAVE a specialized unit with full-time personnel

Agency has dedicated personnel to address this problem/task

Agency addresses this problem/task, but does not have dedicated personnel

Agency does not address this problem/task

a. Bias/hate crime

b. Bomb/explosive disposal

c. Child abuse/endangerment

d. Cold cases

e. Community crime prevention

f. Community policing

g. Crime analysis

h. Cybercrime

i. Domestic violence

j. Drug education in schools

k. Gangs

l. Identity theft

m. Impaired drivers

n. Internal affairs

o. Methamphetamine labs

p. Missing children

q. Prosecutor relations

r. Research and planning

s. School safety

t. Terrorism/homeland security

u. Victim assistance

v. Youth outreach



File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorMatthew Hickman
Last Modified ByMatthew Hickman
File Modified2007-03-27
File Created2007-03-27

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