OP-1(P) Application for Motor Passenger Carrier Authority

Licensing Applications for Motor Carrier Operating Authority


Licensing Applications for Motor Carrier Operating Authority

OMB: 2126-0016

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OMBNo: 2126-0016 Expiration Date:
A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that
collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126-0016. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 2 hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-MMI, Washington, D.C. 20590.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration


This application is for all individuals and businesses
requesting authority to operate as motor passenger
common or contract carriers.

Docket No. MC-____________________________________
Filed ____________________________________________
Fee No.__________________________________________
CC Approval No.__________________________________


Do you now have authority from or an application being processed by the former ICC, FHWA, OMCS, or
YES If yes, identify the lead docket number(s):
Street Name and Number
Zip Code
Telephone Number
MAILING ADDRESS (If different from above)

Street Name and Number
REPRESENTATIVE (Person who can respond to inquiries)


Zip Code


Zip Code

Name and title, position, or relationship to applicant

Street Name and Number


Telephone Number (______)_______________________FAX Number (______)_________________
USDOT Number (If available; if not, see Instructions.)___________________________________
FORM OF BUSINESS (Check only one.):
State of Incorporation ________________________________________
Sole Proprietorship
Name of Individual
Identify Partners



Section II
Type of

Section III

Section IV

You must submit a filing fee for each type of authority requested (for each box checked).

All motor passenger carrier applicants must maintain public liability insurance. The amounts in
parentheses represent the minimum amount of coverage required.
Applicant will use vehicle with seating capacities of (check only one box):
16 passengers or more ($5,000,000)
15 passengers or fewer only ($1,500,000)

you are subject to pertinent portions of the U.S. DOT's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations at
49 CFR, Chapter 3, Subchapter B (Parts 350-399), you must certify as follows:
Applicant has access to and is familiar with all applicable U.S. DOT regulations relating to the safe
operation of commercial vehicles and the safe transportation of hazardous materials and it will
comply with these regulations. In so certifying, applicant is verifying that, at a minimum, it:


Has in place a system and an individual responsible for ensuring overall compliance with
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations;
Can produce a copy of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Hazardous
Materials Transportation Regulations;
Has in place a driver safety training/orientation program;
Has prepared and maintains an accident register (49 CFR 390.15);
Is familiar with DOT regulations governing driver qualifications and has in place a system
for overseeing driver qualification requirements (49 CFR Part 391);
Has in place policies and procedures consistent with DOT regulations governing driving and
operational safety of motor vehicles, including drivers� hours of service and vehicle
inspection, repair, and maintenance (49 CFR Parts 392, 395 and 396);
Is familiar with and will have in place on the appropriate effective date, a system for
complying with U.S. DOT regulations governing alcohol and controlled substances testing
requirements (49 CFR 382 and 49 CFR Part 40).

EXEMPT APPLICANTS - If you are exempt from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, you
must certify as follows:
Applicant is familiar with and will observe general operational safety guidelines, as well as any
applicable State and local laws and requirements relating to the safe operation of commercial motor
vehicles and the safe transportation of hazardous materials.


Section V

Applicant is fit, willing, and able to provide the proposed operations and to comply with all
pertinent statutory and regulatory requirements.
Specify the nature of governmental financial assistance you receive, if any, by checking the
appropriate box below. (Check only one box.)

Section VI
Funding Status

Public recipient - Applicant is any of the following: any state; any municipality or other
political subdivision of a state; any public agency or instrumentality of such entities of one
or more state(s); an Indian tribe; and any corporation, board or other person owned or
controlled by such entities or owned by, controlled by, or under common control with such a
corporation, board, or person which is receiving or has ever received governmental financial
assistance for the purchase or operation of any bus.
Private recipient - Applicant is not a public recipient but is receiving, or has received in the
past, governmental financial assistance in the form of a subsidy for the purchase, lease, or
operation of any bus.
Non-recipient - Applicant is not receiving, or using equipment acquired with, governmental
financial assistance.
Public Interest Criteria: Regular route applicants and private recipient applicants may introduce
supplemental evidence describing how the proposed service will respond to existing transportation
needs or is otherwise consistent with the public interest. Filing this evidence with the application is
optional, but it may be needed later, if the application is protested.
Public Recipient Applicants: All public recipient applicants for charter or special transportation
must submit evidence to demonstrate either that:
1) No motor common carrier of passengers (other than a motor common carrier of passengers
that is a public recipient of governmental assistance) is providing, or is willing and able to
provide, the transportation to be authorized by the certificate; or
2) The transportation to be authorized by the certificate is to be provided entirely in the area in
which the public recipient provides regularly scheduled mass transportation services.
Supplemental evidence should be provided on a separate sheet of paper attached to this application.
Fitness Only Criteria: No additional evidence is needed from non-recipient applicants for charter
and special transportation and applicants for contract carrier operations.


As a contract carrier, I will: (Check the box(es) indicating how you will meet the statutory
requirements for contract carriage.)
Furnish the transportation service through the assignment of
motor vehicles for a continuing period of time for the exclusive
use of each group or organization served;

Section VII
Scope of


Furnish the transportation service designed to meet the distinct
needs of each group, organization, or class of groups or
organizations. Describe briefly the distinct need(s) below
and/or introduce supplemental supporting evidence to identify
service needs corresponding to the operations proposed.


Alternative Service Descriptions
If you request authority that is not covered by items 1-6 above, (i.e., authority to
operate in specific territories not identified in the service options previously set
forth), describe in the space below.
This service description takes into account the applicant's operational capacity, is
responsive to applicant's present and prospective service interest, is not unduly
restrictive, and is consistent with the purposes of the Interstate Commerce Act.
Certify by checking:




Section VII
Scope of



Charter and special transportation, in interstate or foreign commerce, between
points in the United States.
Charter and special transportation, between points in the United States,
provided by United States-based enterprises owned or controlled by persons of
Service as a common carrier over regular routes. (Regular route passenger carrier
authority to perform regularly scheduled service only over named roads or
highways.) Regular route passenger service includes authority to transport
newspapers, baggage of passengers, express packages, and mail in the same motor
vehicle with passengers, or baggage of passengers in a separate motor vehicle.
Service as a common carrier over regular routes provided by United States-based
enterprises owned or controlled by persons of Mexico.
Applicants requesting authority to operate over regular routes - On a separate
sheet of paper attached to the application, describe the specific routes over which
you intend to provide regularly scheduled service. You must also furnish a map
clearly identifying each regular route involved in your passenger carrier service
Intrastate authority
Are you also requesting intrastate authority to provide the service described in
item 3?


Do you already hold interstate authority to provide the service described above?


If you responded "YES" to 5(b) (i.e., if you already hold interstate authority to
provide this service), was the authority issued on or before November 19, 1982?
If you responded "YES" to 5(c), you must attach to your application a copy of the
interstate authority or authorities issued on before November 19, 1982,
authorizing the transportation of passengers on the routes over which you request
intrastate authority. You must mark the envelope and the application in the upper
right corner of the front page "90-Day Intrastate Passenger Application."


NOTE: The FMCSA has no jurisdiction to grant intrastate authority independently
of interstate authority on the same routes. Also, no carrier may conduct operations under a
certificate authorizing intrastate regular route service unless it actually is conducting
substantial operations in interstate commerce over the same route.
Service as a contract carrier between points in the United States, under
continuing contract(s) with persons or organizations requiring passenger
transportation service;
Service as a contract carrier between points in the United States, under
continuing contract(s) with:
Contracting persons or organizations





ENTITIES. Disclose any relationship you have or have had with any other FMCSA-licensed entity within
the past 3 years. For example, this could be through a percentage of stock ownership, a loan, or a
management position. If this requirement applies to you, provide the name of the company, MC-number,
USDOT number, and that company's latest U.S. DOT safety rating. (If you require more space, attach the
information to this application form.)

This oath applies to all supplemental filings to this application. The signature must be that of applicant,
not legal representative.

I, __________________________________________________________, verify under penalty of
Name and title
perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that all information supplied on this form or relating
to this application is true and correct. Further, I certify that I am qualified and authorized to file this
application. I know that willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitute Federal criminal
violations punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001 by imprisonment up to 5 years and fines up to $10,000 for each
offense. Additionally, these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621, which provides
for fines up to $2,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years for each offense.
I further certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States, that I have not been
convicted, after September 1, 1989, of any Federal or State offense involving the distribution or possession of
a controlled substance, or that if I have been so convicted, I am not ineligible to receive Federal benefits,
either by court order or operation of law, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (21
U.S.C. 862).

Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ___________________



Fee Policy
Filing fees must be payable to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, by check
drawn upon funds deposited in a bank in the United States or money order payable in U.S.
currency or by approved credit card.
Separate fees are required for each type of authority requested. If applicant requests multiple
types of permanent authority on one application form (for example, common and contract carrier
authority) or if applicant submits more than one form in the OP-1 Series in a single filing, multiple
fees are required. The applicant may submit a single payment for the sum of the applicable fees.
Filing fees must be sent, along with the original and one copy of the application, to Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration, P. O. Box 70935, Charlotte, NC 28272-0935. For express mail
only: QLP Wholesale Lockbox-NC0810, Lockbox #70935, 1525 West WT Harris Blvd.,
Charlotte, NC 28262. For credit card only: FMCSA, IT Operations Division, 400 Seventh St.,
SW, Room 8218, Washington, D.C., 20590.
After an application is received, the filing fee is not refundable.
The FMCSA reserves the right to discontinue processing any application for which a check is
returned because of insufficient funds. The application will not be processed until the fee is paid
in full.

Filing Fee

All applicants must submit a filing fee for each type of authority requested. The enclosed fee schedule will
show the appropriate filing fee. The total amount due is equal to the fee times the number of boxes checked 

in Section II. Fees for multiple authorities may be combined in a single payment. 

Total number of boxes checked in Section II: _______ x filing fee $__________ = $___________

INDICATE AMOUNT $__________________________ AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 


MONEY ORDER, payable to: FMCSA



Credit Card Number ___________________________________ Expiration Date ________________
Signature _____________________________________________Date _________________________

Instructions for Completing the
Motor Passenger Carrier Authority Application
Included within this instruction packet is information to help you answer the following questions:
What forms do I need to complete?
What are the steps I need to take to get Operating Authority?
What is the cost for obtaining Operating Authority?
How do I complete the OP-1(P) Application for Motor Passenger Carrier Authority

What Forms Do I Need to Complete?
The following chart will help you to determine which FMCSA Registration and Operating Authority forms you are
required to fill out. Boxes marked with an “X” in your corresponding Classification indicate forms that you must

USDOT Number
Motor Carrier (excludes Hazardous Material
Authorized For-Hire
Exempt For-Hire
Private Property
Private Passenger (business and non-business)
Passenger For-Hire
Freight Forwarder
Hazardous Material Carrier
Hazardous Material Shipper
Shipper (Non-Hazardous Material)
Cargo Tank Facility
Registrant (you obtain the plates, but you never
drive for yourself)



MCS-150A MCS-150B


Operating Authority





See Note 1


See Note 1


See Note 2
See Note 3


Non-Hazardous Material Carrier
Hazardous Material Carrier
Hazardous Material Shipper
Shipper (Non-Hazardous Materials)

See Note 2
See Note 2

See Note 2

See Note 2

See Note 2

See Note 3

Note 1: If you are an Interstate Hazardous Material Carrier, you will be required to fill out EITHER the MCS-150
or the MCS-150B, but not both. If you transport any of the following Hazardous Material in Interstate commerce,
you will be required to fill out the MCS-150B instead of the MCS-150:
Highway Route Controlled Quantities (HRCQ) of Radioactive materials;
More than 25 kg (55 pounds) of a Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 material or a quantity of Division 1.5 material
that requires placarding;
For materials that meet the definition of “material poisonous by inhalation” (TIH) as defined in 49 CFR
171.8: More than 1 liter (1.08 quarts) per package of a material meeting the definition of a Hazard Zone A
TIH material, a material meeting the definition of a Hazard Zone B TIH material in a bulk package

(capacity greater than 450 liters [119 gallons]), or a material meeting the definition of a Hazard Zone C or
D TIH material in a bulk packaging that has a capacity greater than 13,248 L (3,500 gallons);
Shipments of compressed or refrigerated liquid methane or liquefied natural gas with a methane content
of at least 85% in a bulk packaging that has a capacity greater than 13,248 liter (3,500 gallons).
Note 2: If you are a Hazardous Material Shipper, or an Intrastate Hazardous Material Carrier, you are not
required to fill out this form unless you perform some other Interstate operation that requires you to complete the
MCS-150 or MCS-150B.
Note 3: If you are a Shipper of Non-Hazardous Material only, you do not need to fill out this form. If you are both
a Shipper of Non-Hazardous Material and a Motor Carrier, you must fill out this form because you are a Motor

What Are the Steps I Need to Take to Get Operating Authority?
Operating Authority is granted by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (US DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA). This Authority is needed by Motor Carriers who transport goods regulated by FMCSA
and Motor Carriers who transport passengers or household goods.

How to Obtain Operating Authority
There are six steps involved with obtaining Operating Authority. You initiate the process in Step 1 by submitting
the necessary OP-1 form. The remaining steps will be handled by your Insurance Company and Process Agent
and will take between four and six weeks to complete. You may not begin operating until you have received the
Certificate, Permit, or License for Operating Authority in Step 6.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Protest period

OP-1(P), or

grant letter

Step 4
Carrier’s Insurance
Company files forms

Step 6
Carrier receives
certificate, permit, or
license for Operating

Step 5
Carrier’s Process Agent(s)

Step 1
Carriers and Brokers begin the Operating Authority process by filling out one of the following forms:
OP-1—Operating Authority for Common Property, Contract Property, Common Household Goods,
Contract Household Goods, Broker, Enterprise transporting international cargo only, and Enterprise
transporting international household goods only;
OP-1(P)—Operating Authority for Passenger; or
OP-1(FF)—Operating Authority for Freight Forwarder.
The applications can be filled out either online or by using paper applications that can be downloaded, printed,
filled out, and mailed to FMCSA. Both can be found at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/forms/print/r-l-forms.htm.
If you file online, you can reduce your processing time by up to three weeks allowing you to begin
operations sooner. However, if you submit the paper form with an error or incomplete information, your
application will be delayed until all the errors can be corrected, resulting in additional time required to process
your application.

Step 2
Upon receipt and acceptance of your application by FMCSA, which will take approximately three weeks from the
date the application is mailed, all Motor Carrier and Broker applicants will receive a grant letter. This letter will
include the MC or FF Number assigned to your operation and additional information about the steps your
Insurance Company and Process Agents must take to complete your Operating Authority Registration (see Step 3
and Step 4 for additional information.) If you apply online, you will receive the MC or FF Number immediately and
will receive your grant letter within 15 days. Although you have received your MC or FF Number, you may not
operate until Step 6 is complete. The MC or FF Number is given to you for use by your Insurance Company and
Process Agents to make the appropriate fillings to complete the process for obtaining your Operating Authority.
Although you have received your MC or FF Number, you may not operate until Step 6 is complete.

Step 3
At the same time your grant letter is issued, your application will be published in the FMCSA Register for 10
calendar days. During this protest period, the public can file objections with FMCSA stating why you should not
obtain Operating Authority. FMCSA will accept protests sent by mail as long as they are postmarked by the last
day of the protest period. If there is a protest filed against your application, FMCSA will provide you with
information on the adjudication process. Your Insurance Company and Process Agent can file their documents
during this period. You can view the FMCSA Register by going to http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov. From there, select
“Registration and Licensing”, then select “Licensing and Insurance System”. Click the continue button. From
there, select the “FMCSA Register” option in the drop-down menu.

Step 4
This step can begin any time after you have received your MC Number and is not dependant on Step 2 or 3 being
completed. You must complete this step within 20 days after the notice of your application is published in the
FMCSA Register.
As a Passenger Motor Carrier, you are required to have insurance for bodily injury and property damage. Your
Insurance Company will file the following on your behalf with FMCSA:
Form BMC-91 or BMC-91X for bodily injury and property damage.
The following are insurance levels that you should be aware as FMCSA requirements:
If all the vehicles you operate have a seating capacity of 15 passengers or fewer (including the driver),
you are required to maintain $1,500,000 minimum liability coverage.
If any one of the vehicles you operate has a seating capacity of 16 passengers (including the driver) or
more, you are required to maintain $5,000,000 minimum liability coverage.
The FMCSA does not furnish copies of insurance forms. You must contact your insurance company to arrange
for the filing of all required insurance forms and confirm with your Insurance Company that FMCSA has received
those forms. Any delay on the part of you Insurance Company will result in a delay in the time it takes you to
receive your Operating Authority and may result in the dismissal of your application.

Step 5
A Process Agent is a representative upon whom court papers may be served in any proceeding brought against a
Motor Carrier, Broker, or Freight Forwarder.
All Motor Carrier applicants must designate a Process Agent in each State that they operate in or through. Broker
applicants must designate a Process Agent in each State in which their offices are located and in which they will
establish contracts. Brokers can act as their own Process Agents in the state in which they are domiciled, but will
need Process Agents in the other States they operate in as well. Additional information about Process Agents can
be found at by visiting the FMCSA Web site at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov. From there, select “Registration and
Licensing”, then “What is a Process Agent”.
Process Agents must file the BOC-3 form on your behalf. This form must be filed within 20 days after your grant
letter is mailed and the date the notice of your application is published in the FMCSA Register. Any delay by the
Process Agent in filing the Form BOC-3 will result in a delay in the receipt of your Operating Authority and may
result in your application being dismissed.

Step 6
Once the application, insurance, and Process Agent filings have been approved by FMCSA, and the protest
period has ended without any protest being filed against the applicant, the Carrier, Broker or Freight Forwarder
applicants are given final Authority in the form of a certificate, permit, or license, allowing you to begin operations.
This document will be mailed to the applicant and will serve as an official record of your Operating Authority.

What is the Cost for Obtaining Operating Authority?
Fee Schedule (Effective March 1999)
Operating Authority*…………………………………………………………………..…$300.00
Includes: Common Property, Contract Property, Common Household Goods, Contract Household Goods, Broker,
Freight Forwarder, Passenger, Enterprise Transporting International Cargo, and Enterprise Transporting
International Household Goods.
Notice of Name Change……………………………………………………………… …$ 14.00
* Separate fees must be submitted for each kind of Authority sought. For instance, requests for Common Property
Motor Carrier and Contract Property Motor Carrier Authority will require two $300 fees. Payments can be
Please refer to the last page of the application form for instructions on mailing the application to the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration of the US Department of Transportation. NOTE: RETAIN A COPY OF THE
If you are submitting this form online, the applicant’s legal name or the representative’s name must
match the name and billing address of the credit card used to pay the filing fee.

How Do I Complete the OP-1(P) Application for Motor Passenger Carrier Authority?
These instructions will assist you in preparing accurate and complete application filings. Applications that do not
contain the required information will be rejected and may result in a loss of the application fee. If additional
space is needed to provide a response to any item, please use a separate sheet of paper, placing the applicant’s
name, section, and item number on each additional page.
Note: When filling out this application, please print clearly in ink or type all information.

FMCSA Authority
If you have ever been issued Operating Authority by one of the following agencies: Interstate Commerce
Commission (ICC), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Motor Carrier Safety (OMCS), or Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA); or if you have an application for Authority being processed now by
FMCSA, check the "yes" box and indicate the MC Number (also called a lead docket number) you have been
assigned, for example: MC-987654.
Applicant’s Legal Business Name
This is the legal name of the business entity (i.e., Corporation, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship/Individual) that
owns/controls the Motor Carrier or Broker operation. The name entered here should be your full legal business
name — the name that appears on the incorporation certificate, partnership agreement, tax records, etc. For
example, if you are a:
Corporation — Please enter the name on your incorporation certificate. This name must include the type
of Corporation that you are: John Doe INC, John Doe LLC
Sole Proprietor/Individual — Please enter your full legal name: John A. Doe.
Partnership — Please enter the legal names of both Partners: John A. Doe and Jane B. Smith.
Note: If the name you submit here does not match what was/will be submitted on your insurance papers, there
will be a delay in the granting of your Operating Authority.
Doing Business As Name
If your Trade Name is different from your Official Business Name (the name entered in the Applicant’s Legal
Business Name field), please enter that name here. For example, if you entered John A. Doe as the Legal
Business Name, but your Trade Name or Doing Business As name is John’s Trucking Company, you would enter
John’s Trucking Company in this field. If your Trade Name is the same as what was entered in the Legal
Business Name field, please leave this field blank.
Because FMCSA uses computers to retain information about licensed carriers, it is important to spell, space, and
punctuate any name the same way each time you write it. For example: John Jones Trucking Co., Inc.; J. Jones
Trucking Co., Inc.; and John Jones Trucking are considered three separate companies.
Business Address
The Business Address is the principal place of business (physical location), for example: 756 Bounty Street;
15433 State Highway 23. This is the location that FMCSA will use for safety audits, compliance reviews, or
other activities that require FMCSA to physically visit a Motor Carrier. For this reason, a PO Box may not
be entered as your Business Address. If you file for a USDOT Number, your Business Address on this
form must match your Principal Address on the MCS-150 application.
Mailing Address
The mailing address is where you want all correspondence from FMCSA to be sent. If it is the same as the
Business Address, please leave this field blank.
To receive pertinent FMCSA notices and to ensure that insurance documents filed on the applicant's behalf are
accepted, you must inform FMCSA if your Business or Mailing Address changes. You can do this by changing

your address information online at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov or by sending information in writing to 400 7th Street,
SW, Rm. 8214, Washington, DC 20590. If you notify them in writing, please include your name and MC Number.
If someone other than the applicant is preparing this form, please provide the representative's name, title/position
or relationship to the applicant, the address, telephone, and fax numbers. That person will be the person
contacted if there are questions concerning this application.
USDOT Number
Applicants subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations are required to register with the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration of the US Department of Transportation before initiating service. Motor Carriers that
already have been issued a USDOT registration number should provide it. If you have not already registered for
a USDOT Number, please refer to the chart at the beginning of the application to see if you are required to obtain
one. For additional information, please visit FMCSA’s Web site at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov or call (800) 8325660.
Form of Business
There are three main categories of business: Corporation, Sole Proprietorship/Individual, or Partnership. If the
applicant/business is a:
Corporation — Please provide the name of the State where the Corporation is incorporated.
Sole Proprietorship — Please provide the name of the individual who is the business owner. This name
should match the name entered under Legal Business Name.
Partnership — Provide the name of each Partner. These names should match the names entered under
Legal Business Name.

Type of Authority
Please select the type of Operating Authority you are requesting.
Below are descriptions of the different types of Operating Authority for which you may apply:
Motor Passenger Common Carrier—A Motor Passenger Common Carrier is an Authorized For-Hire Motor
Carrier that can transport passengers and can provide services to the general public. They must maintain
liability insurance.
Motor Passenger Contract Carrier—A Motor Passenger Contract Carrier is an Authorized For-Hire Motor
Carrier that can transport passengers and can provide For-Hire service to specific individuals only while
under contract. They must maintain liability insurance.

Insurance Information
Your insurance coverage requirements will be based on the seating capacity of your vehicles (including the driver).
Refer to Step 4 under “How to Obtain Operating Authority” for more information.
Please check the appropriate box that describes the seating capacity (including the driver) of your vehicles.

Safety Certification
Check only one of the boxes in this section.
Applicants for Motor Carrier Operating Authority must complete the safety certification if they are subject to
pertinent portions of the USDOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations at 49 CFR, Chapter 3, Sub-chapter B
(Parts 350-399). These statements describe the activities or actions that carriers must follow in order to be

compliant with USDOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. You should check the “yes” response only if
you can attest to the truth of the statements.
The applicant is an EXEMPT APPLICANT, if you are not subject to pertinent portions of the USDOT Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations at 49 CFR, Chapter 3, Subchapter B (Parts 350-399).
However, you must certify that you are familiar with and will observe general operational safety fitness guidelines
and applicable State and local laws relating to the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles.

Compliance Certification
Please check “yes” if and only if you are able to comply with the compliance certification question asked in this

Government Funding Status
All applicants must disclose their funding status. If you are a recipient of government funding, you must disclose
this information to FMCSA. Please indicate the type of recipient you are. If you do not receive any government
assistance, please select non-recipient; otherwise, you must submit the additional evidence as indicated in this
section. This evidence should be provided on a separate sheet of paper attached to your application.

Scope of Operating Authority
Please select the type of operations your business performs. This information corresponds to the type of
Operating Authority you selected in Section II.
Items 1-5 correlate to Passenger Common Carrier Authority, while item 6 correlates to Passenger Contract
Carrier Authority. If the location of your operations falls outside those described in check box numbers 1-6,
please describe them in box number 7.
Please note that "Regular Routes" refers only to those motor passenger carriers who perform regularly scheduled
service between designated points and are operating over named roads or highways. Special and charter
operations and contract carriers do not operate regular routes. If you request regular route Authority, you must
submit a detailed description of your route with your application.
Intrastate motor passenger applicants -- If you also request intrastate, regular-route Authority, you must send a
description of the proposed service to the State transportation regulatory body of the State(s) in which the
operations described in the application will be performed.

All applicants must disclose pertinent information concerning their affiliations, if any, with other former ICC, FHWA,
or OMCS (now FMCSA-licensed) entities.
In the past three years, if the applicant has held ownership (even a percentage of stock ownership), provided a
loan to, or held a management position with a trucking entity/company that is regulated by FMCSA, please list
that entity’s name, MC Number, USDOT Number, and the latest USDOT Safety Rating. This includes any entity
or company that is/was licensed by the former ICC, FHWA, or OMCS.

Applicant’s Oath
The "Applicant's Oath" applies to all certifications on this form. False certifications are subject to the penalties
described in the oath.

Applications may be prepared by the applicant or an authorized representative. In either case, the oath must be
signed by the applicant. In the case of Corporations, an authorized employee in the ownership structure may sign.
An individual with power of attorney to act on behalf of the applicant may sign, provided that proof of the power of
attorney is submitted with the application.
State Notification
Before beginning new or expanded Interstate operations, all applicants must contact the appropriate regulatory
agencies to obtain information regarding various State regulations in every State in and through which the Carrier
will operate.

STATUS: After your application is processed by FMCSA, you can check its status on the Internet. Application,
Insurance, and Process Agent information appears on the Licensing and Insurance Web site as soon as it is
entered into the database or filed electronically. The Web site address is http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov. From there,
select “Registration and Licensing”, then select “Licensing and Insurance System”.

USDOT Registration and Safety Ratings
To obtain your USDOT Number, you may either:
Apply online at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov, which will provide you with a USDOT Number instantly;
Print the form from FMCSA’s Web site (http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/forms/print/r-l-forms.htm)
and mail it to FMCSA by following the mailing instructions included in the application; or
Call (800) 832-5660 to request a form be mailed to you;

To request a safety fitness review, you must contact your local FMCSA field office. To find the contact
information for your local field office, please either:
Visit the FMCSA Web site at http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov and select “Contact Us”. Select the field office
corresponding with your State; or
Call (800) 832-5660;

Note: If you already have an assigned safety rating, you may view your status online at FMCSA’s Web site,
http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov, by selecting “Registration and Licensing”, going to ”SAFER System” and choosing
“Company Snapshot,” or by calling (800) 832-5660.
USDOT Hazardous Materials Regulations
To obtain information on whether the commodities you intend to transport are considered to be Hazardous
Material, refer to provisions governing Hazardous Material in the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations at Parts
100 through 185 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), particularly the Hazardous Materials Table
at 49 CFR Part 172, or contact the FMCSA (202) 366-6121.
To obtain information about DOT Hazardous Material transportation registration requirements, contact the
USDOT agency responsible for it at (202) 366-4109.

PAPERWORK BURDEN. It is estimated that an average of 2 burden hours per response are required to complete
this collection of information. This estimate includes time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate or suggestions for reducing this burden should be
directed to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Licensing Team, Suite 8214, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington DC 20590. This collection of information is required in order for the FMCSA to obtain
data and register for-hire motor carriers of passengers and certain U.S.-based Mexican-owned enterprise
passenger carriers. Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently-valid OMB control number. The OMB control
number for this collection is 2126-0016

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-01-16
File Created2007-01-12

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