For reporting on
School Year 2007- 08
Part II Due February 27, 2009
Table of Contents
2.1.1 Student Achievement in Schools with Title I, Part A Programs 1 Student Achievement in Mathematics in Schoolwide Schools (SWP) 1 Student Achievement in Reading/Language Arts in Schoolwide Schools (SWP) 2 Student Achievement in Mathematics in Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) 2 Student Achievement in Reading/Language Arts in Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) 3
2.1.2 Title I, Part A Student Participation 3 Student Participation in Public Title I, Part A by Special Services or Programs 3 Student Participation in Public Title I, Part A by Racial/Ethnic Group 4 Student Participation in Title I, Part A by Grade Level 4 Student Participation in Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Programs by Instructional and Support Services 5
2.1.3 Staff Information for Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Programs (TAS) 6 Paraprofessional Information for Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs (formerly 1.5.4.) 8
2.2.1 Subgrants and Even Start Program Participants 8
2.2.2 Federal Even Start Performance Indicators 10
2.3 EDUCATION OF MIGRANT CHILDREN (TITLE I, PART C) 15 Participation in State NCLB Assessments 20
2.3.3 MEP Participation Data 21
2.4.1 State Agency Title I, Part D Programs and Facilities – Subpart 1 35 Programs and Facilities - Subpart 1 35 Students Served – Subpart 1 36 Vocational Outcomes – Subpart 1 39 Academic Performance – Subpart 1 40
2.4.2 LEA Title I, Part D Programs and Facilities – Subpart 2 41 Programs and Facilities – Subpart 2 41 Academic Performance – Subpart 2 46
2.5.1 CSR Grantee Schools Making AYP 48
2.7.2 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions 51 State Definitions 51 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Violent Incident Without Physical Injury 51 Out-of-School Suspensions for Violent Incident Without Physical Injury 51 Out-of-School Expulsions for Violent Incident Without Physical Injury 52 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Violent Incident with Physical Injury 52 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Weapons Possession 53 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Alcohol-Related Incidents 54 Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Illicit Drug-Related Incidents 55
2.8.1 Annual Statewide Summary 56
2.8.4 LEA Uses of Funds for the Four Strategic Priorities and AYP 57
2.10.1 State Transferability of Funds 60
2.10.2 Local Educational Agency (LEA) Transferability of Funds 60
This section collects data on Title I, Part A programs.
The following sections collect data on student academic achievement on the State’s NCLB assessments in schools that receive Title I, Part A funds and operate either Schoolwide programs or Targeted Assistance programs.
In the format of the table below, provide the number of students in SWP schools who completed the assessment and for whom a performance proficiency level was reportedassigned, in grades 3 through 8 and high school, on the State’s NCLB mathematics assessments under Section 1111(b)(3) of ESEA. Also, provide the number of those students who scored at or above proficient. The percentage of students who scored at or above proficient is calculated automatically.
Grade |
# Students Who Completed the Assessment &and for Whom a PerformanceProficiency Level ReportedWas Assigned |
# Students Scoring At or Above Proficient |
Percentage At or Above Proficient |
3 |
(Auto calculated) |
4 |
(Auto calculated) |
5 |
(Auto calculated) |
6 |
(Auto calculated) |
7 |
(Auto calculated) |
8 |
(Auto calculated) |
High School |
(Auto calculated) |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X075 that is data group 583. In addition, the SEA submits the data in file N/X129 that includes data group 22.
This section is similar to The only difference is that this section collects data on performance on the State’s NCLB reading/language arts assessment in SWP.
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in files N/X076, N/X077, or N/X078 that are data group 584. In addition, the SEA submits the data in file N/X12901 that includes data group 22.
In the table below, provide the number of students in TAS who completed the assessment and for whom a performance proficiency level was reportedassigned, in grades 3 through 8 and high school, on the State’s NCLB mathematics assessments under Section 1111(b)(3) of ESEA. Also, provide the number of those students who scored at or above proficient. The percentage of students who scored at or above proficient is calculated automatically.
Grade |
# Students Who Completed the Assessment &and for Whom a PerformanceProficiency Level ReportedWas Assigned |
# Students Scoring At or Above Proficient |
Percentage At or Above Proficient |
3 |
(Auto calculated) |
4 |
(Auto calculated) |
5 |
(Auto calculated) |
6 |
(Auto calculated) |
7 |
(Auto calculated) |
8 |
(Auto calculated) |
High School |
(Auto calculated) |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X075 that is data group 583. In addition, the SEA submits the data in file N/X129that includes data group 22.
This section is similar to The only difference is that this section collects data on performance on the State’s NCLB reading/language arts assessment in TAS.
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in files N/X078 that are data group 584. In addition, the SEA submits the data in file N/X129 that includes data group 22.
The following sections collect data on students participating in Title I, Part A by various student characteristics.
In the table below, provide the number of public school students served by either Public Title I SWP or TAS programs at any time during the regular school year for each category listed. Count each student only once in each category even if the student participated during more than one term or in more than one school or district in the State. Count each student in as many of the categories that are applicable to the student. Include pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Do not include the following individuals: (1) adult participants of adult literacy programs funded by Title I, (2) private school students participating in Title I programs operated by local educational agencies, or (3) students served in Part A local neglected programs.
# Students Served |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) |
[1.] |
Limited English proficient students |
[2.] |
Students who are homeless |
[3.] |
Migratory students |
[4.] |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X037 that is data group ID 548, category sets C, D, E, and F.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of public school students served by either public Title I SWP or TAS at any time during the regular school year. Each student should be reported in only one racial/ethnic category. Include pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The total number of students served will be calculated automatically.
Do not include: (1) adult participants of adult literacy programs funded by Title I, (2) private school students participating in Title I programs operated by local educational agencies, or (3) students served in Part A local neglected programs.
Race/Ethnicity |
# Students Served |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
[1.] |
Asian or Pacific Islander |
[2.] |
Black, non-Hispanic |
[3.] |
Hispanic |
[4.] |
White, non-Hispanic |
[5.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X037 that is data group ID 548, category set B.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students participating in Title I, Part A programs by grade level and by type of program: Title I public targeted assistance programs (Public TAS), Title I schoolwide programs (Public SWP), private school students participating in Title I programs (private), and Part A local neglected programs (local neglected). The totals column by type of program will be automatically calculated.
Age /Grade |
Public TAS |
Public SWP |
Private |
Local Neglected |
Total |
Age 0-2 |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.]Auto Calc |
Age 3-5 (not Kindergarten) |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
[2.5.]” |
K |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
[3.5.]” |
1 |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
[4.3.] |
[4.4.] |
[4.5.]” |
2 |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
[5.3.] |
[5.4.] |
[5.5.]” |
3 |
[6.1.] |
[6.2.] |
[6.3.] |
[6.4.] |
[6.5.]” |
4 |
[7.1.] |
[7.2.] |
[7.3.] |
[7.4.] |
[7.5.]” |
5 |
[8.1.] |
[8.2.] |
[8.3.] |
[8.4.] |
[8.5.]” |
6 |
[9.1.] |
[9.2.] |
[9.3.] |
[9.4.] |
[9.5.]” |
7 |
[10.1.] |
[10.2.] |
[10.3.] |
[10.4.] |
[10.5.]” |
8 |
[11.1.] |
[11.2.] |
[11.3.] |
[11.4.] |
[11.5.]” |
9 |
[12.1.] |
[12.2.] |
[12.3.] |
[12.4.] |
[12.5.]” |
10 |
[13.1.] |
[13.2.] |
[13.3.] |
[13.4.] |
[13.5.]” |
11 |
[14.1.] |
[14.2.] |
[14.3.] |
[14.4.] |
[14.5.]” |
12 |
[15.1.] |
[15.2.] |
[15.3.] |
[15.4.] |
[15.5.]” |
Ungraded |
[16.1.] |
[16.2.] |
[16.3.] |
[16.4.] |
[16.5.]” |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X134037, that is data group 548, category set A.
The following sections request data about the participation of students in TAS.
In the table below, provide the number of students receiving each of the listed instructional services through a TAS program funded by Title I, Part A. Students may be reported as receiving more than one instructional service. However, students should be reported only once for each instructional service regardless of the frequency with which they received the service.
# Students Served |
Mathematics |
[1.1.1.] |
Reading/language arts |
[1.2.1.] |
Science |
[1.3.1.] |
Social studies |
[1.4.1.] |
Vocational/career |
[1.5.1.] |
Other instructional services |
[1.6.1.] |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X036 that is data group 549, category set A.
In the table below, provide the number of students receiving each of the listed support services through a TAS program funded by Title I, Part A. Students may be reported as receiving more than one support service. However, students should be reported only once for each support service regardless of the frequency with which they received the service.
# Students Served |
Health, dental, and eye care |
[2.1.1.] |
Supporting guidance/advocacy |
[2.2.1.] |
Other support services |
[2.3.1.] |
Source – The table above is produced through EDFacts. The SEA submits the data in file N/X036, that is data group 549, category set B.
In the table below, provide the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff funded by a Title I, Part A TAS in each of the staff categories. For staffs who work with both TAS and SWP, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities.
For paraprofessionals only, provide the percentage of paraprofessionals who were qualified in accordance with Section 1119 (c) and (d) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2002.
See the FAQs following the table for additional information.
Staff Category |
Staff FTE |
Percentage Qualified |
Teachers |
Paraprofessionals1 |
Other paraprofessionals (translators, parental involvement, computer assistance)2 |
Clerical support staff |
Administrators (non-clerical) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
FAQs on staff information
a. What is a “paraprofessional?” An employee of an LEA who provides instructional support in a program supported with Title I, Part A funds. Instructional support includes the following activities:
(1) Providing one-on-one tutoring for eligible students, if the tutoring is scheduled at a time when a student would not otherwise receive instruction from a teacher;
(2) Providing assistance with classroom management, such as organizing instructional and other materials;
(3) Providing assistance in a computer laboratory;
(4) Conducting parental involvement activities;
(5) Providing support in a library or media center;
(6) Acting as a translator; or
(7) Providing instructional services to students.
b. What is an “other paraprofessional?” Paraprofessionals who do not provide instructional support, for example, paraprofessionals who are translators or who work with parental involvement or computer assistance.
c. Who is a qualified paraprofessional? A paraprofessional who has (1) completed 2 years of study at an institution of higher education; (2) obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree; or (3) met a rigorous standard of quality and been able to demonstrate, through a formal State or local academic assessment, knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics (or, as appropriate, reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness) (Section 1119(c) and (d).) For more information on qualified paraprofessionals, please refer to the Title I paraprofessionals Guidance, available at:
In the table below, provide the number of FTE paraprofessionals who served in SWP and the percentage of these paraprofessionals who were qualified in accordance with Section 1119 (c) and (d) of ESEA. Use the additional guidance found below the previous table.
Paraprofessionals FTE |
Percentage Qualified |
Paraprofessionals3 |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
For the reporting program year July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, please provide the following information: Federally Funded Even Start Subgrants in the State
Number of federally funded Even Start subgrants |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
Even Start Families Participating During the Year
In the table below, provide the number of participants for each of the groups listed below. The following terms apply:
“Participating" means enrolled and participating in all required core services.
“Adults” includeincludes teen parents.
For continuing children, calculate the age of the child on July 1, 2007. For newly enrolled children, calculate their age at the time of enrollment in Even Start.
DO NOT use rounding rules.
The total number of participating children will be calculated automatically.
# Participants |
1. Families participating |
2. Adults participating |
3. Adults participating who are limited English proficient (Adult English Learners) |
4. Participating children |
(Auto calculated) |
a. Infants and toddlers (birth Birth through 2 years |
b. Preschool age (ageAge 3 through 5 |
c. School age (ageAge 6 through 8 |
d. Above age 8 |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
Characteristics of Newly Enrolled Families at the Time of Enrollment
In the table below, provide the number of newly enrolled families at the time of enrollment for each of the groups listed below. The term “newly enrolled family” means a family who enrolls for the first time in the Even Start project at any timeor who had previously been in Even Start and re-enrolls during the year.
# |
1. Number of newly enrolled families |
2. Number of newly enrolled adult participants |
3. Number of newly enrolled families at or below the federal poverty level at the time of enrollment |
4. Number of newly enrolled adult participants without a high school diploma or GED at the time of enrollment |
5. Number of newly enrolled adult participants who have not gone beyond the 9th grade at the time of enrollment |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Retention of Families
In the table below, provide the number of families who are newly enrolled, those who exited the program during the year, and those continuing in the program. For families who have exited, count the time between the family’s start date and exit date. For families continuing to still participate ing, count the time between the family’s start date and the end of the reporting year (June 30, 20087). For families who had previously exited Even Start and then enrolled during the reporting year, begin counting from the time of the family’s original enrollment date. Report each family only once in lines 1-4. Note enrolled families means a family who is participating in all four programs. The total number of families participating will be automatically calculated.
Time in Program |
# Families |
1. Number of families enrolled 90 days or less |
2. Number of families enrolled more than 90 but less than 180 days or less |
3. Number of families enrolled more than 180 days but 365 days or less |
4. Number of families enrolled more than 365 days |
5. Total families enrolled |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
This section collects data about the federal Even Start Performance Indicators.
In the space below, provide any explanatory information necessary for understanding the data provided in this section on performance indicators.
The response is limited to 8,000 characters.
your State's progress in meeting the federal performance indicators listed for Even Start participants. States should always provide an explanation if they are using measures that differ from what is specified;
Provide any explanatory information necessary for understanding the data provided in this section on performance indicators.
| Adults Showing Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Reading
In the table below, provide the number of adults who showed significant learning gains on measures of reading. To be counted under “pre- and post-test”, an individual must have completed both the pre- and post-tests. Do not include LEP adults.
The definition of “significant learning gains” for adult education is determined by your State’s adult education program in conjunction with the Department of Education’s Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE).
These instructions/definitions apply to both and
Note: Do not include the Adult English Learners counted in
# Pre- and Post-Tested |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (if applicable) |
Other |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Adults Adult English Learners Showing Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Reading
In the table below, provide the number of Adult English Learners who showed significant learning gains on measures of reading.
# Pre- and Post-Tested |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (if applicable) |
OtherTabe |
Other |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
. Adults Earning a High School Diploma or GED
In the table below, provide the number of school-age and non-school age adults who earned a high school diploma or GED during the reporting year.
The following terms apply:
“School-age adults” is defined as any parent attending an elementary or secondary school. This also includes those adults within the State's compulsory attendance range who are being served in an alternative school setting, such as directly through the Even Start program.
“Non-school-age” adults are any adults who do not meet the definition of “school-age.”
“Cohort” includesInclude only those the number of adult participants who had a realistic goal of earning a high school diploma or GED. Note that age limitations on taking the GED differ by State, so you should include only those adult participants for whom attainment of a GED or high school diploma is a possibility.
School-Age Adults |
# In Cohort# with goal |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (if applicable) |
Diploma |
Other |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
Non-School-Age Adults |
# In Cohort# with goal |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (if applicable) |
Diploma |
Other |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Children EnteringAge-Eligible for Kindergarten Who Are Achieving Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Language Development
In the table below, provide the number of children who are achieving significant learning gains on measures of language development.
The following terms apply:
A “significant learning gain” is considered to be a standard score increase of 4 or more points with a minimum 6 months between pre- and post-test.
” Age-Eligible” includes the total number of children who are expectedold enough to enter kindergarten in the school year following the reporting year who have been in Even Start for at least six months.
“Tested” includes the number of age-eligible children who took both a pre- and post-test with at least 6 months of servicesEven Start service in between.
A “significant learning gain” is considered to be a standard score increase of 4 or more points.
“Exempted” includes the number of children who could not take the test (based on the practice items) due to a severe disability or inability to understand the directions in English.
# Age-Eligible |
# Pre- and Post- Tested |
# Who Met Goal |
# Exempted |
Explanation (if applicable) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten Who Demonstrate Age-Appropriate Oral Language Skills
The following terms apply:
” Age-Eligible” includes the total number of children who are old enough to enter kindergarten in the school year following the reporting year who have been in Even Start for at least six months.
“Tested” includes the number of age-eligible children who took the PPVT-III or TVIP in the spring of the reporting year.
# who met goal includes children who score a Standard Score of 85 or higher on the spring PPVT-III
“Exempted” includes the number of children who could not take the test (based on the practice items) due to a severe disability or inability to understand the directions in English.
# Age-Eligible |
# Post- Tested |
# Who Met Goal |
# Exempted |
Explanation (if applicable) |
Note: New to SY 2007-08 CSPR collection. Proposed under OMB 83I The Average Number of Letters Children Can Identify as Measured by the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Letter Naming Subtask
The following terms apply:
” Age-Eligible” includes the total number of children who are old enough to enter kindergarten in the school year following the reporting year who have been in Even Start for at least six months.
“Tested” includes the number of age-eligible children who took the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Letter Naming Subtask in the spring of 2008.
The term “average number of letters” includes the average score for the children in your State who participated in this assessment. This should be provided as a weighted average (An example of how to calculate a weighted average is included in the program training materials) and rounded to one decimal.
“Exempted” includes the number of children exempted from testing due to a severe disability or inability to understand the directions in English.
# Age-Eligible |
# Tested |
# Who Met Goal# Exempted |
# ExemptedAverage Number of Letters (Weighted Average) |
Explanation (if applicable) |
PPVT-III PALS PreK Upper Case |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. School-Aged Children Reading on Grade Level
In the table below, provide the number of school-age children who read on or above grade level (“met goal”). The source of these data is usually determined by the State and, in some cases, by school district. Please indicate the source(s) of the data in the “Explanation” field.
Grade |
# In Cohort |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (include source of data) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Parents Who Show Improvement on Measures of Parental Support for Children's Learning in the Home, School Environment, and Through Interactive Learning Activities
In the table below, provide the number of parents who show improvement (“met goal”) on measures of parental support for children's learning in the home, school environment, and through interactive learning activities.
While many states are using the PEP, other assessments of parenting education are acceptable. Please describe results and the source(s) of any non-PEP data in the “Other” field, with appropriate information in the Explanation field.
# In Cohort |
# Who Met Goal |
Explanation (if applicable) |
PEP Scale I |
PEP Scale II |
PEP Scale III |
PEP Scale IV |
Other |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
This section collects data on the Migrant Education Program (Title I, Part C) for the reporting period of September 1, 2007 through August 31, 2008. This section is composed of the following subsections:
Population data of eligible migrant children;
Academic data of eligible migrant students;
Participation data – migrant children served during either the regular school year, summer/intersession term, or program year;
School data;
Project data;
Personnel data.
Where the table collects data by age/grade, report children in the highest age/grade that they attained during the reporting period. For example, a child who turns 3 during the reporting period would only be reported in the “Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)” row.
FAQs at 1.10 contain definitions of out-of-school and ungraded that are used in this section.
The following questions collect data on eligible migrant children.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children by age/grade. The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Eligible Migrant Children |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – All rows except for “age birth through 2” are populated with the data provided in Part I, Section 1.10, Question 1.10.1.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children who have been classified as having “Priority for Services.” The total is calculated automatically. Below the table is a FAQ about the data collected in this table.
Age/Grade |
Priority for Services |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
FAQ on priority for services:
Who is classified as having “priority for service?” Migratory children who are failing, or most at risk of failing to meet the State’s challenging academic content standards and student academic achievement standards, and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children who are also limited English proficient (ADULT ENGLISH LEARNERS). The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Limited English Proficient (ADULT ENGLISH LEARNERS) |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children who are also Children with Disabilities (IDEA) under Part B or Part C of the IDEA. The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Children with Disabilities (IDEA) |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially, populated by EDFacts file N/X121 that is data group 634, category set D.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children by when the last qualifying move occurred. The months are calculated from the last day of the reporting period, August 31. The totals are calculated automatically.
Last Qualifying Move Is within X months from the last day of the reporting period |
Age/Grade |
12 Months |
Previous 13 – 24 Months |
Previous 25 – 36 Months |
Previous 37 – 48 Months |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant children with any qualifying move during the regular school year within the previous 36 months calculated from the last day of the reporting period, August 31. The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Move During Regular School Year |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data about the academic status of eligible migrant students.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant students who dropped out of school. The total is calculated automatically.
Grade |
Dropped Out |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
FAQ on Dropouts:
How is “dropped out of school” defined? The term used for students, who, during the reporting period, were enrolled in a public or private school for at least one day, but who subsequently left school with no plans on returning to enroll in a school and continue toward a high school diploma. Students who dropped out-of-school prior to the 2006-2007 reporting period should be classified NOT as “dropped-out-of-school” but as “out-of-school youth.”
In the table below, provide the total unduplicated number of eligible migrant students who obtained a General Education Development (GED) Certificate in your state.
Obtained a GED in your state |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data about the participation of eligible migrant students in State NCLB Assessments.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of eligible migrant students enrolled in school during the State testing window and tested by the State NCLB reading/language arts assessment by grade level. The totals are calculated automatically.
Grade |
Enrolled |
Tested |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
This section is similar to The only difference is that this section collects data on migrant students and the State’s NCLB mathematics assessment.
The following questions collect data about the participation of migrant students served during the regular school year, summer/intersession term, or program year.
Unless otherwise indicated, participating migrant children include:
Children who received instructional or support services funded in whole or in part with MEP funds.
Children who received a MEP-funded service, even those children who continued to receive services (1) during the term their eligibility ended, (2) for one additional school year after their eligibility ended, if comparable services were not available through other programs, and (3) in secondary school after their eligibility ended, and served through credit accrual programs until graduation (e.g., children served under the continuation of services authority, Section 1304(e)(1–3)).
Do not include:
Children who were served through a Title I SWP where MEP funds were consolidated with those of other programs.
Children who were served by a “referred” service only.
The following questions collect data on migrant children who participated in the MEP during the regular school year. Do not include:
Children who were only served during the summer/intersession term.
Age/Grade |
Served During Regular School Year |
Age Birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source -Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
Age/Grade |
Priority for Services |
Age 3 through 5 |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of participating migrant children who received instructional or support services during the regular school year served under the continuation of services authority Sections 1304(e)(2)–(3). Do not include children served under Section 1304(e)(1), which are children whose eligibility expired during the school term. The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Continuation of Services |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
FAQ on Services:
What are services? Services are a subset of all allowable activities that the MEP can provide through its programs and projects. “Services” are those educational or educationally related activities that: (1) directly benefit a migrant child; (2) address a need of a migrant child consistent with the SEA’s comprehensive needs assessment and service delivery plan; (3) are grounded in scientifically based research or, in the case of support services, are a generally accepted practice; and (4) are designed to enable the program to meet its measurable outcomes and contribute to the achievement of the State’s performance targets. Activities related to identification and recruitment activities, parental involvement, program evaluation, professional development, or administration of the program are examples of allowable activities that are NOT considered services. Other examples of an allowable activity that would not be considered a service would be the one-time act of providing instructional packets to a child or family, and handing out leaflets to migrant families on available reading programs as part of an effort to increase the reading skills of migrant children. Although these are allowable activities, they are not services because they do not meet all of the criteria above.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of participating migrant children who received any type of MEP-funded instructional service during the regular school year. Include children who received instructional services provided by either a teacher or a paraprofessional. Children should be reported only once regardless of the frequency with which they received a service intervention. The total is calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Children Receiving an Instructional Service |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
In the table below, provide the number of participating migrant children reported in the table above who received reading instruction, mathematics instruction, or high school credit accrual during the regular school year. Include children who received such instructional services provided by a teacher only. Children may be reported as having received more than one type of instructional service in the table. However, children should be reported only once within each type of instructional service that they received regardless of the frequency with which they received the instructional service. The totals are calculated automatically.
Age/Grade |
Reading Instruction |
Mathematics Instruction |
High School Credit Accrual |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
Age/Grade |
Children Receiving Support Services |
Breakout of Children Receiving Counseling Service |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
(Auto-calculated) |
What are support services? These MEP-funded services include, but are not
Age/Grade |
Referred Service |
Age birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
Age/Grade |
Served During the Program Year |
Age Birth through 2 |
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten) |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ungraded |
Out-of-school |
Total |
(Auto-calculated) |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
The following questions are about the enrollment of eligible migrant children in schools during the regular school year.
In the table below, provide the number of public schools that enrolled eligible migrant children at any time during the regular school year. Schools include public schools that serve school age (e.g., grades K through 12) children. Also, provide the number of eligible migrant children who were enrolled in those schools. Since more than one school in a State may enroll the same migrant child at some time during the year, the number of children may include duplicates.
# |
Number of schools that enrolled eligible migrant children |
Number of eligible migrant children enrolled in those schools |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
In the table below, provide the number of schools where MEP funds were consolidated in an SWP. Also, provide the number of eligible migrant children who were enrolled in those schools at any time during the regular school year. Since more than one school in a State may enroll the same migrant child at some time during the year, the number of children may include duplicates.
# |
Number of schools where MEP funds were consolidated in a schoolwide program |
Number of eligible migrant children enrolled in those schools |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
The following questions collect data on MEP projects.
In the table below, provide the number of projects that are funded in whole or in part with MEP funds. A MEP project is the entity that receives MEP funds by a subgrant from the State or through an intermediate entity that receives the subgrant and provides services directly to the migrant child. Do not include projects where MEP funds were consolidated in SWP.
Also, provide the number of migrant children participating in the projects. Since children may participate in more than one project, the number of children may include duplicates.
Below the table are FAQs about the data collected in this table.
Type of MEP Project |
Number of MEP Projects |
Number of Migrant Children Participating in the Projects |
Regular school year – school day only |
Regular school year – school day/extended day |
Summer/intersession only |
Year round |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
FAQs on type of MEP project:
What is a project? A project is any entity that receives MEP funds either as a subgrantee or from a subgrantee and provides services directly to migrant children in accordance with the State Service Delivery Plan and State approved subgrant applications. A project’s services may be provided in one or more sites.
What are Regular School Year – School Day Only projects? Projects where all MEP services are provided during the school day during the regular school year.
What are Regular School Year – School Day/Extended Day projects? Projects where some or all MEP services are provided during an extended day or week during the regular school year (e.g., some services are provided during the school day and some outside of the school day; e.g., all services are provided outside of the school day).
What are Summer/Intersession Only projects? Projects where all MEP services are provided during the summer/intersession term.
What are Year Round projects? Projects where all MEP services are provided during the regular school year and summer/intersession term.
The following questions collect data on MEP personnel data.
The following questions collect data about the key MEP personnel.
In the table below, provide the FTE amount of time the State director performs MEP duties (regardless of whether the director is funded by State, MEP, or other funds) during the reporting period (e.g., September 1 through August 31). Below the table are FAQs about the data collected in this table.
State Director FTE |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
FAQs on the MEP State director
How is the FTE calculated for the State director? Calculate the FTE using the number of days worked for the MEP. To do so, first define how many full-time days constitute one FTE for the State director in your State for the reporting period. To calculate the FTE number, sum the total days the State director worked for the MEP during the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of full-time days that constitute one FTE in the reporting period.
Who is the State director? The manager within the SEA who administers the MEP on a statewide basis.
In the table below, provide the headcount and FTE by job classification of the staff funded by the MEP. Do not include staff employed in SWP where MEP funds were combined with those of other programs. Below the table are FAQs about the data collected in this table.
Job Classification |
Regular School Year |
Summer/Intersession Term |
Headcount |
Headcount |
Teachers |
Counselors |
All paraprofessionals |
Recruiters |
Records transfer staff |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
FAQs on MEP staff:
How is the FTE calculated? The FTE may be calculated using one of two methods:
1. To calculate the FTE, in each job category, sum the percentage of time that staff were funded by the MEP and enter the total FTE for that category.
2. Calculate the FTE using the number of days worked. To do so, first define how many full-time days constitute one FTE for each job classification in your State for each term. (For example, one regular-term FTE may equal 180 full-time (8 hour) work days; one summer term FTE may equal 30 full-time work days; or one intersession FTE may equal 45 full-time work days split between three 15-day non-contiguous blocks throughout the year.) To calculate the FTE number, sum the total days the individuals worked in a particular job classification for a term and divide this sum by the number of full-time days that constitute one FTE in that term.
Who is a teacher? A classroom instructor who is licensed and meets any other teaching requirements in the State.
Who is a counselor? A professional staff member who guides individuals, families, groups, and communities by assisting them in problem-solving, decision-making, discovering meaning, and articulating goals related to personal, educational, and career development.
Who is a paraprofessional? An individual who: (1) provides one-on-one tutoring if such tutoring is scheduled at a time when a student would not otherwise receive instruction from a teacher; (2) assists with classroom management, such as organizing instructional and other materials; (3) provides instructional assistance in a computer laboratory; (4) conducts parental involvement activities; (5) provides support in a library or media center; (6) acts as a translator; or (7) provides instructional support services under the direct supervision of a teacher (Title I, Section 1119(g)(2)). Because a paraprofessional provides instructional support, he/she should not be providing planned direct instruction or introducing to students new skills, concepts, or academic content. Individuals who work in food services, cafeteria or playground supervision, personal care services, non-instructional computer assistance, and similar positions are not considered paraprofessionals under Title I.
Who is a recruiter? A staff person responsible for identifying and recruiting children as eligible for the MEP and documenting their eligibility on the Certificate of Eligibility.
Who is a record transfer staffer? An individual who is responsible for entering, retrieving, or sending student records from or to another school or student records system.
In the table below, provide the headcount and FTE of the qualified paraprofessionals funded by the MEP. Do not include staff employed in SWP where MEP funds were combined with those of other programs. Below the table are FAQs about the data collected in this table.
Regular School Year |
Summer/Intersession Term |
Headcount |
Headcount |
Qualified paraprofessionals |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
FAQs on qualified paraprofessionals:
How is the FTE calculated? The FTE may be calculated using one of two methods:
1. To calculate the FTE, sum the percentage of time that staff were funded by the MEP and enter the total FTE for that category.
2. Calculate the FTE using the number of days worked. To do so, first define how many full-time days constitute one FTE in your State for each term. (For example, one regular-term FTE may equal 180 full-time (8 hour) work days; one summer term FTE may equal 30 full-time work days; or one intersession FTE may equal 45 full-time work days split between three 15-day non-contiguous blocks throughout the year.) To calculate the FTE number, sum the total days the individuals worked for a term and divide this sum by the number of full-time days that constitute one FTE in that term.
Who is a qualified paraprofessional? A qualified paraprofessional must have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and have (1) completed 2 years of study at an institution of higher education; (2) obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree; or (3) met a rigorous standard of quality and be able to demonstrate, through a formal State or local academic assessment, knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics (or, as appropriate, reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness) (Section 1119(c) and (d) of ESEA).
This section collects data on programs and facilities that serve students who are neglected, delinquent, or at risk under Title I, Part D, and characteristics about and services provided to these students.
Throughout this section:
Report data for the program year of July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.
Count programs/facilities based on how the program was classified to ED for funding purposes.
Do not include programs funded solely through Title I, Part A.
Use the definitions listed below:
Adult Corrections: An adult correctional institution is a facility in which persons, including persons 21 or under, are confined as a result of conviction for a criminal offense.
At-Risk Programs: Programs operated (through LEAs) that target students who are at risk of academic failure, have a drug or alcohol problem, are pregnant or parenting, have been in contact with the juvenile justice system in the past, are at least 1 year behind the expected age/grade level, have limited English proficiency, are gang members, have dropped out of school in the past, or have a high absenteeism rate at school.
Juvenile Corrections: An institution for delinquent children and youth is a public or private residential facility other than a foster home that is operated for the care of children and youth who have been adjudicated delinquent or in need of supervision. Include any programs serving adjudicated youth (including non-secure facilities and group homes) in this category.
Juvenile Detention Facilities: Detention facilities are shorter-term institutions that provide care to children who require secure custody pending court adjudication, court disposition, or execution of a court order, or care to children after commitment.
Multiple Purpose Facility: An institution/facility/program that serves more than one programming purpose. For example, the same facility may run both a juvenile correction program and a juvenile detention program.
Neglected Programs: An institution for neglected children and youth is a public or private residential facility, other than a foster home, that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to the institution or voluntarily placed under applicable State law due to abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians.
Other: Any other programs, not defined above, which receive Title I, Part D funds and serve non-adjudicated children and youth.
The following questions collect data on Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 programs and facilities.
In the table below, provide the number of State agency Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 programs and facilities that serve neglected and delinquent students and the average length of stay by program/facility type, for these students. Report only programs and facilities that received Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 funding during the reporting year. Count a facility once if it offers only one type of program. If a facility offers more than one type of program (i.e., it is a multipurpose facility), then count each of the separate programs. Make sure to identify the number of multipurpose facilities that were included in the facility/program count in the second table. The total number of programs/facilities will be automatically calculated. Below the table is a FAQ about the data collected in this table.
State Program/Facility Type |
# Programs/Facilities |
Average Length of Stay in Days |
Neglected programs |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
Juvenile detention |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
Juvenile corrections |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
Adult corrections |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
Other |
[7.1.] |
[7.2.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
How many of the programs listed in the table above are in a multiple purpose facility?
# |
Programs in a multiple purpose facility |
FAQ on Programs and Facilities - Subpart I:
How is average length of stay calculated? The average length of stay should be weighted by number of students and should include the number of days, per visit, for each student enrolled during the reporting year, regardless of entry or exit date. Multiple visits for students who entered more than once during the reporting year can be included. The average length of stay in days should not exceed 365.
In the table below, provide the number of State agency programs/facilities that reported data on neglected and delinquent students.
The total row will be automatically calculated.
[] |
# Reporting Data |
Neglected programs |
Juvenile detention |
Juvenile corrections |
Adult corrections |
Other |
Total |
((Auto calculated)) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
In the tables below, provide the number of neglected and delinquent students served in State agency Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 programs and facilities. Report only students who received Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 services during the reporting year. In the first table, provide in row 1 the unduplicated number of students served by each program, and in row 2, the total number of students in row 1 that are long-term. In the subsequent tables provide the number of students served by race/ethnicity, by sex, and by age. The total number of students by race/ethnicity, by sex and by age will be automatically calculated.
# of Students Served |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Total Unduplicated Students Served |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.] |
Long Term Students Served |
Race/Ethnicity |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.] |
Asian or Pacific Islander |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
[2.5.] |
Black, non-Hispanic |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
[3.5.] |
Hispanic |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
[4.3.] |
[4.4.] |
[4.5.] |
White, non-Hispanic |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
[5.3.] |
[5.4.] |
[5.5.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Sex |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Male |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.] |
Female |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
[2.5.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Age |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
3 through 5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
If the total number of students differs by demographics, please explain.
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
What is an unduplicated count? An unduplicated count is one that counts students only once, even if they were admitted to a facility or program multiple times within the reporting year.
FAQ on long-term:
What is long-term? Long-term refers to students who were enrolled for at least 90 consecutive calendar days from July 1, 2007through June 30, 2008.
In the table below, provide the number of programs/facilities (not students) that received Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 funds and awarded at least one high school course credit, one high school diploma, and/or one GED within the reporting year. Include programs/facilities that directly awarded a credit, diploma, or GED, as well as programs/facilities that made awards through another agency. The numbers should not exceed those reported earlier in the facility counts.
# Programs That |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention Facilities |
Adult Corrections Facilities |
Other Programs |
Awarded high school course credit(s) |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Awarded high school diploma(s) |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Awarded GED(s)
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect academic outcome data on students served through Title I, Part D, Subpart 1.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained academic outcomes while in the State agency program/facility by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention Facilities |
Adult Corrections Facilities |
Other Programs |
Earned high school course credits |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Enrolled in a GED program |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained academic outcomes while in the State agency program/facility or within 30 calendar days after exit, by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in their local district school |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
Earned a GED |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
[4.3.] |
[4.4.] |
Obtained high school diploma |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
[5.3.] |
[5.4.] |
Were accepted into post-secondary education |
[6.1.] |
[6.2.] |
[6.3.] |
[6.4.] |
Enrolled in post-secondary education |
[7.1.] |
[7.2.] |
[7.3.] |
[7.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data on vocational outcomes of students served through Title I, Part D, Subpart 1.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained vocational outcomes while in the State agency program by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in elective job training courses/programs |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained vocational outcomes while in the State agency program/facility or within 30 days after exit, by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in external job training education |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Obtained employment |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data on the academic performance of neglected and delinquent students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 in reading and mathematics.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of long-term students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 1, who participated in pre- and post-testing in reading. Report only information on a student’s most recent testing data Students who were pre-tested prior to July 1, 2006, may be included if their post-test was administered during the reporting year. Students who were post-tested after the reporting year ended should be counted in the following year. Throughout the table, report numbers for juvenile detention and correctional facilities together in a single column. Students should be reported in only one of the five change categories (rows 3 through 7). Below the table is a FAQ about the data collected in this table.
Performance Data (Based on most recent pre/post-test data) |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Long-term students who tested below grade level upon entry |
[1.2.1.] |
[1.2.2.] |
[1.2.3.] |
[1.2.4.] |
Long-term students who have complete pre- and post-test results (data) |
[1.3.1.] |
[1.3.2.] |
[1.3.3.] |
[1.3.4.] |
Of the students reported in row 2 above, indicate the number who showed:
Performance Data (Based on most recent pre/post-test data) |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Adult Corrections |
Other Programs |
Negative grade level change from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.4.1.] |
[1.4.2.] |
[1.4.3.] |
[1.4.4.] |
No change in grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.5.1.] |
[1.5.2.] |
[1.5.3.] |
[1.5.4.] |
Improvement of up to 1/2 grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.6.1.] |
[1.6.2.] |
[1.6.3.] |
[1.6.4.] |
Improvement from 1/2 up to one full grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.7.1.] |
[1.7.2.] |
[1.7.3.] |
[1.7.4.] |
7. Improvement of more than one full grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.8.1.] |
[1.8.2.] |
[1.8.3.] |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
FAQ on long-term students:
What is long-term? Long-term refers to students who were enrolled for at least 90 consecutive calendar days from July 1, 2007through June 30, 2008.
This section is similar to The only difference is that this section collects data on mathematics performance.
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk.
The following questions collect data on Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 programs and facilities.
In the table below, provide the number of LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 programs and facilities that serve neglected and delinquent students and the yearly average length of stay by program/facility type for these students. Report only the programs and facilities that received Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funding during the reporting year. Count a facility once if it offers only one type of program. If a facility offers more than one type of program (i.e., it is a multipurpose facility), then count each of the separate programs. Make sure to identify the number of multipurpose facilities that were included in the facility/program count in the second table. The total number of programs/ facilities will be automatically calculated. Below the table is a FAQ about the data collected in this table.
LEA Program/Facility Type |
# Programs/Facilities |
Average Length of Stay (# days) |
At-risk programs |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
Neglected programs |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
Juvenile detention |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
Juvenile corrections |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
Other |
[7.1.] |
[7.2.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
How many of the programs listed in the table above are in a multiple purpose facility?
# |
Programs in a multiple purpose facility |
FAQ on average length of stay:
How is average length of stay calculated? The average length of stay should be weighted by number of students and should include the number of days, per visit for each student enrolled during the reporting year, regardless of entry or exit date. Multiple visits for students who entered more than once during the reporting year can be included. The average length of stay in days should not exceed 365.
In the table below, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on neglected and delinquent students.
The total row will be automatically calculated.
LEA Program/Facility Type |
# Reporting Data |
At-risk programs |
Neglected programs |
Juvenile detention |
Juvenile corrections |
Other |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Students Served – Subpart 2
In the tables below, provide the number of neglected and delinquent students served in LEA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 programs and facilities. Report only students who received Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 services during the reporting year. In the first table, provide in row 1 the unduplicated number of students served by each program, and in row 2, the total number of students in row 1 who are long-term. In the subsequent tables, provide the number of students served by race/ethnicity, by sex, and by age. The total number of students by race/ethnicity, by sex, and by age will be automatically calculated.
# of Students Served |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Other Programs |
Total Unduplicated Students Served |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.] |
Total Long Term Students Served |
Race/Ethnicity |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Other Programs |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.5.] |
Asian or Pacific Islander |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.5.] |
Black, non-Hispanic |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.5.] |
Hispanic |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
[4.3.] |
[4.5.] |
White, non-Hispanic |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
[5.3.] |
[5.5.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Sex |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Other Programs |
Male |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
[1.5.] |
Female |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
[2.5.] |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Age |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention |
Juvenile Corrections |
Other Programs |
3-5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
Total |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
If the total number of students differs by demographics, please explain. The response is limited to 8,000 characters.
Comments: |
Source Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
What is an unduplicated count? An unduplicated count is one that counts students only once, even if they were admitted to a facility or program multiple times within the reporting year.
What is long-term? Long-term refers to students who were enrolled for at least 90 consecutive calendar days from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008.
In the table below, provide the number of programs/facilities (not students) that received Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funds and awarded at least one high school course credit, one high school diploma, and/or one GED within the reporting year. Include programs/facilities that directly awarded a credit, diploma, or GED, as well as programs/facilities that made awards through another agency. The numbers should not exceed those reported earlier in the facility counts.
LEA Programs That |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Detention/ Corrections |
Other Programs |
Awarded high school course credit(s) |
[1.1.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Awarded high school diploma(s) |
[2.1.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Awarded GED(s) |
[3.1.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect academic outcome data on students served through Title I, Part D, Subpart 2.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained academic outcomes while in the LEA program/facility by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Other Programs |
Earned high school course credits |
[1.1.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Enrolled in a GED program |
[2.1.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained academic outcomes while in the LEA program/facility or within 30 calendar days after exit, by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in their local district school |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
[3.3.] |
[3.4.] |
Earned a GED
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
[4.3.] |
[4.4.] |
Obtained high school diploma |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
[5.3.] |
[5.4.] |
Were accepted into post-secondary education |
[6.1.] |
[6.2.] |
[6.3.] |
[6.4.] |
Enrolled in post-secondary education |
[7.1.] |
[7.2.] |
[7.3.] |
[7.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data on vocational outcomes of students served through Title I, Part D, Subpart 2.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained vocational outcomes while in the LEA program by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/Detention |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in elective job training courses/programs |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the unduplicated number of students who attained vocational outcomes while in the LEA program/facility or within 30 days after exit, by type of program/facility.
# of Students Who |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Other Programs |
Enrolled in external job training education |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
[1.3.] |
[1.4.] |
Obtained employment |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
[2.3.] |
[2.4.] |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data on the academic performance of neglected and delinquent students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 in reading and mathematics.
In the format of the table below, provide the unduplicated number of long-term students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, who participated in pre- and post-testing in reading. Report only information on a student’s most recent testing data. Students who were pre-tested prior to July 1, 2006, may be included if their post-test was administered during the reporting year. Students who were post-tested after the reporting year ended should be counted in the following year. Throughout the table, report numbers for juvenile detention and correctional facilities together in a single column. Students should be reported in only one of the five change categories (rows 3 through 7). Below the table is a FAQ about the data collected in this table.
Performance Data (Based on most recent pre/post-test data) |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention |
Other Programs |
Long-term students who tested below grade level upon entry |
[1.2.1.] |
[1.2.2.] |
[1.2.3.] |
[1.2.4.] |
Long-term students who have complete pre and post test results (data). |
[1.3.1.] |
[1.3.2.] |
[1.3.3.] |
[1.3.4.] |
Of the students reported in row 2 above, indicate the number who showed:
Performance Data (Based on most recent pre/post-test data) |
At-Risk Programs |
Neglected Programs |
Juvenile Corrections/ Detention Facilities |
Other Programs |
Negative grade level change from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.4.1.] |
[1.4.2.] |
[1.4.3.] |
[1.4.4.] |
No change in grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.5.1.] |
[1.5.2.] |
[1.5.3.] |
[1.5.4.] |
Improvement of up to 1/2 grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.6.1.] |
[1.6.2.] |
[1.6.3.] |
[1.6.4.] |
Improvement from 1/2 up to one full grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.7.1.] |
[1.7.2.] |
[1.7.3.] |
[1.7.4.] |
Improvement of more than one full grade level from the pre- to post-test exams |
[1.8.1.] |
[1.8.2.] |
[1.8.3.] |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk
FAQ on long-term:
What is long-term? Long-term refers to students who were enrolled for at least 90 consecutive calendar days from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.
This section is similar to The only difference is that this section collects data on mathematics performance.
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
This section collects data on student behaviors under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
the table below, provide actual performance data. The first four
columns (e.g., Performance Indicators, Instruments/Data Sources,
Frequency of Collection/
Baselines, and Targets) will be
pre-populated from your State’s SY 2006-07 CSPR submission.
Performance Indicator |
Instrument/ Data Source |
Frequency of Collection |
Year of most recent collection |
Targets |
Actual Performance |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09_______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ Baseline:______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ 2007-08_______ 2008-09 _______ |
2004-05_______ 2005-06_______ 2006-07_______ Baseline:_______ Year
established: |
Source – Manual entry by the SEA into the online collection tool.
The following questions collect data on the out-of-school suspension and expulsion of students by grade level (e.g., K through 5, 6 through 8, 9 through 12) and type of incident (e.g., violence, weapons possession, alcohol-related, illicit drug-related).
In the spaces below, provide the State definitions for each type of incident.
Incident Type |
State Definition |
Alcohol related |
Illicit drug related |
Violent incident without physical injury |
Violent incident with physical injury |
Weapons possession |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
The following questions collect data on violent incident without physical injury.
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school suspensions for violent incident without physical injury by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on violent incident without physical injury including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Suspensions for Violent Incident Without Physical Injury |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the number of out-of school expulsions for violent incident without physical injury by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on violent incident without physical injury, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Expulsions for Violent Incident Without Physical Injury |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk . Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Violent Incident with Physical Injury
The following questions collect data on violent incident with physical injury.
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school suspensions for violent incident with physical injury by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on violent incident with physical injury, including LEAs that report no incidents
Grades |
# Suspensions for Violent Incident with Physical Injury |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the number of out-of school expulsions for violent incident with physical injury by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on violent incident with physical injury, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Expulsions for Violent Incident with Physical Injury |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
The following sections collect data on weapons possession.
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school suspensions for weapons possession by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on weapons possession, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Suspensions for Weapons Possession |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school expulsions for weapons possession by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on weapons possession, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Expulsion for Weapons Possession |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
The following questions collect data on alcohol-related incidents.
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school suspensions for alcohol-related incidents by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on alcohol-related incidents, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Suspensions for Alcohol-Related Incidents |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school expulsions for alcohol-related incidents by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on alcohol-related incidents, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Expulsion for Alcohol-Related Incidents |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
The following questions collect data on illicit drug-related incidents.
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school suspensions for illicit drug-related incidents by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on illicit drug-related incidents, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Suspensions for Illicit Drug-Related Incidents |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the number of out-of-school expulsions for illicit drug-related incidents by grade level. Also, provide the number of LEAs that reported data on illicit drug-related incidents, including LEAs that report no incidents.
Grades |
# Expulsion for Illicit Drug-Related Incidents |
# LEAs Reporting |
K through 5 |
6 through 8 |
9 through 12 |
Source – Initially populated with EDFacts. See ATTACHMENT D: CSPR & EDFacts Data Crosswalk .
In the table below, provide the types of efforts your State uses to inform parents of, and include parents in, drug and violence prevention efforts. Place a check mark next to the five most common efforts underway in your State. If there are other efforts underway in your State not captured on the list, add those in the other specify section.
Parental Involvement Activities |
Information dissemination on Web sites and in publications, including newsletters, guides, brochures, and “report cards” on school performance |
Training and technical assistance to LEAs on recruiting and involving parents |
State requirement that parents must be included on LEA advisory councils |
State and local parent training, meetings, conferences, and workshops |
Parent involvement in State-level advisory groups |
Parent involvement in school-based teams or community coalitions |
Parent surveys, focus groups, and/or other assessments of parent needs and program effectiveness |
Media and other campaigns (Public service announcements, red ribbon campaigns, kick-off events, parenting awareness month, safe schools week, family day, etc.) to raise parental awareness of drug and alcohol or safety issues |
Other Specify 1 |
Other Specify 2 |
In the space below, specify ‘other’ parental activities.
The response is limited to 8,000 characters.
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
This section collects information pursuant to Title V, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended.
Section 5122 of ESEA, as amended, requires States to provide an annual Statewide summary of how Title V, Part A funds contribute to the improvement of student academic performance and the quality of education for students. In addition, these summaries must be based on evaluations provided to the State by LEAs receiving program funds.
Send your annual Statewide summary as an electronic file attachment directly to the Partner Support Center at: according to the following instructions:
Subject line of e-mail: [State 2 digit abbreviation in CAPS] Annual
Statewide Summary – 2.8.1
File name: [State 2 digit abbreviation in CAPS]_2.8.1_06-07
The response is limited to 8,000 characters.
# LEAs |
% |
Completed credible Title V, Part A needs assessments |
(Auto Calculated) |
Total received Title V, Part A funds |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the amount of Title V, Part A funds expended by the LEAs. The percentage column will be automatically calculated.
The 4 strategic priorities are: (1) support student achievement, enhance reading and mathematics, (2) improve the quality of teachers, (3) ensure that schools are safe and drug free, and (4) promote access for all students to a quality education.
Activities authorized under Section 5131 of the ESEA that are included in the four strategic priorities are 1-5, 7-9, 12, 14-17, 19-20, 22, and 25-27. Authorized activities that are not included in the four strategic priorities are 6, 10-11, 13, 18, 21, and 23-24.
$ Amount |
% |
Title V, Part A funds expended by LEAs for the four strategic priorities |
(Auto Calculated) |
Total Title V, Part A funds expended by LEAs |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the number of LEAs:
That used at least 85 percent of their Title V, Part A funds for the four strategic priorities above and the number of these LEAs that met their State’s definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP).
That did not use at least 85 percent of their Title V, Part A funds for the four strategic priorities and the number of these LEAs that met their State’s definition of AYP.
which you do
not know
whether they used
least 85 percent of their
Title V, Part A funds for the four
strategic priorities and the number of these LEAs that met their
State’s definition of AYP.
The total LEAs receiving Title V, Part A funds will be automatically calculated.
# LEAs |
# LEAs Met AYP |
Used at least 85 percent of their Title V, Part A funds for the four strategic priorities |
Did not use at least 85 percent of their Title V, Part A funds for the four strategic priorities |
Not known whether they used at least 85 percent of their Title V, Part A funds for the four strategic priorities |
Total LEAs receiving Title V, Part A funds |
((Auto calculated) |
(Auto calculated) |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
This section collects data on the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) Title VI, Part B, Subparts 1 and 2.
In the table below, provide the number of LEAs that notified the State of their intent to use the alternative uses funding authority under Section 6211.
# LEAs |
# LEA’s using SRSA alternative uses of funding authority |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
In the table below, provide the number of eligible LEAs that used RLIS funds for each of the listed purposes.
Purpose |
# LEAs |
Teacher recruitment and retention, including the use of signing bonuses and other financial incentives |
[1.] |
Teacher professional development, including programs that train teachers to utilize technology to improve teaching and to train special needs teachers |
[2.] |
Educational technology, including software and hardware as described in Title II, Part D |
[3.] |
Parental involvement activities |
[4.] |
Activities authorized under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program (Title IV, Part A) |
[5.] |
Activities authorized under Title I, Part A |
[6.] |
Activities authorized under Title III (Language instruction for ADULT ENGLISH LEARNERS and immigrant students) |
[7.] |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Goals and Objectives
In the space below, describe the progress the State has made in meeting the goals and objectives for the Rural Low-Income Schools (RLIS) Program as described in its June 2002 Consolidated State application. Provide quantitative data where available.
The response is limited to 8,000 characters.
[] |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
Did the State transfer funds under the State Transferability authority of Section 6123(a) during SY 2007-08? |
Yes No |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
# |
LEAs that notified the State that they were transferring funds under the LEA Transferability authority of Section 6123(b). |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool. Use of Funds
In the tables below, provide the total number of LEAs that transferred funds to and from each eligible program and the total amount of funds transferred to and from each eligible program.
# LEAs Transferring Funds TO Eligible Program |
Total Amount of Funds Transferred TO Eligible Program |
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Section 2121) |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
Educational Technology State Grants (Section 2412(a)(2)(A)) |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (Section 4112(b)(1)) |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
State Grants for Innovative Programs (Section 5112(a)) |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs |
[5.1.] |
[5.2.] |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
# LEAs Transferring Funds FROM Eligible Program |
Total Amount of Funds Transferred FROM Eligible Program |
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Section 2121) |
[1.1.] |
[1.2.] |
Educational Technology State Grants (Section 2412(a)(2)(A)) |
[2.1.] |
[2.2.] |
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (Section 4112(b)(1)) |
[3.1.] |
[3.2.] |
State Grants for Innovative Programs (Section 5112(a)) |
[4.1.] |
[4.2.] |
Source – Manual entry by SEA into the online collection tool.
The Department plans to obtain information on the use of funds under both the State and LEA Transferability Authority through evaluation studies.
1 Consistent with ESEA as amended by NCLB, Title I, Section 1119(g)(2).
2 Consistent with ESEA as amended by NCLB, Title I, Section 1119(e).
3 Consistent with ESEA as amended by NCLB, Title I, Section 1119(g)(2).
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Consolidated State Performance Report: Part II for Reporting on School Year 2006-07 (MS Word) |
Author | abigail.potts |
Last Modified By | kathy.axt |
File Modified | 2008-06-12 |
File Created | 2008-06-12 |