FR Notice of Jan. 25 to reopen for public comments


Tribal Probate Codes, 25 CFR 18

FR Notice of Jan. 25 to reopen for public comments

OMB: 1076-0168

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Proposed Rules
New Requirements of This AD
Installation of Bonding for Slat Track 11
Canister Bracket
(j) For Model A310 airplanes on which the
actions specified in Airbus Service Bulletin
A310–28–2142, dated August 26, 2005, have
been done before the effective date of this
AD: Within 50 months after the effective date
of this AD, install bonding for slat track 11
canister bracket, in accordance with the
Accomplishment Instructions of Airbus
Service Bulletin A310–28–2142, Revision 01,
dated July 17, 2006.
Parts Installation
(k) As of August 29, 2006, no person may
install any NSA5516–XXND- or NSA5516–
XXNJ-type P-clip for retaining wiring and
pipes in any wing, center, or trim fuel tank,
on any airplane.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(l)(1) The Manager, International Branch,
ANM–116, Transport Airplane Directorate,
FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs
for this AD, if requested in accordance with
the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
(2) Before using any AMOC approved in
accordance with § 39.19 on any airplane to
which the AMOC applies, notify the
appropriate principal inspector in the FAA
Flight Standards Certificate Holding District
(3) AMOCs approved previously in
accordance with AD 2006–15–09, are
approved as AMOCs for the corresponding
provisions of this AD.
Related Information
(m) European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) airworthiness directive 2006–0325,
dated October 23, 2006, also addresses the
subject of this AD.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on January
12, 2007.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E7–1092 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Indian Affairs
25 CFR Parts 15, 18, 150, 152 and 179
Office of the Secretary
43 CFR Parts 4 and 30
RIN 1076–AE59

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Indian Trust Management Reform
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office
of the Secretary, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of reopening of comment
period for proposed rule.

SUMMARY: On August 8, 2006, the
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the

VerDate Aug<31>2005

13:34 Jan 24, 2007

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Office of the Secretary proposed to
amend several of their regulations
related to Indian trust management (see
71 FR 45173). The rule proposes to
address Indian trust management issues
in the areas of probate, probate hearings
and appeals, tribal probate codes, life
estates and future interests in Indian
land, the Indian land title of record, and
conveyances of trust or restricted land.
The proposed rule also includes an
‘‘Application for Consolidation by Sale’’
form that is associated with one of these
amendments. On November 1, 2006, the
BIA and the Office of the Secretary
reopened the comment period for an
additional 60 days to January 2, 2007
(see 71 FR 64181).
This notice reopens the comment
period an additional 45 days to March
12, 2007. The BIA and Office of
Secretary again are extending the
comment period by 45 days to ensure
that all interested parties, including
tribes and individual Indians, have the
opportunity to review the proposed rule
and prepare their comments.
DATES: The comment period for the
proposed rule published on August 8,
2006 (71 FR 45173) is extended to
March 12, 2007.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by the number 1076–AE59, by
any of the following methods:
—Federal rulemaking portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
—Web site at
Include the number 1076–AE59 in the
subject line of the message.
—Fax: (202) 208–5320. Include the
number 1076–AE59 in the subject line
of the message.
—Mail: U.S. Department of the Interior,
1849 C Street, NW., Mail Stop 4141,
Washington, DC 20240.
—Hand delivery: Michele Singer, U.S.
Department of the Interior, 1849 C
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240.
Comments on the information
collection burdens, including comments
on or requests for copies of the
‘‘Application for Consolidation by Sale’’
form, are separate from those on the
substance of the rule. Send comments
on the information collection burdens
to: Interior Desk Officer 1076–AE59,
Office of Management and Budget, email:; or (202)
395–6566 (fax). Please also send a copy
of your comments to BIA at the location
specified under the heading ADDRESSES.
Michele Singer, Counselor to the
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs,
Department of the Interior, 1849 C
Street, NW., Mail Stop 4141,

PO 00000

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Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
Authority: Regulatory amendments to
these parts are proposed under the general
authority of the American Indian Trust Fund
Management Reform Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C.
4021 et seq., and the Indian Land
Consolidation Act of 2000, as amended by
the American Indian Probate Reform Act of
2004, 25 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.
Dated: January 17, 2007.
Mike D. Olsen,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
[FR Doc. 07–325 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]

40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R05–OAR–2006–0716; FRL–8273–2]

Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana;
Exemption From VOC Requirements
for Sources Subject to the National
Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Boat Manufacturing or
Reinforced Plastics Composites
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.

SUMMARY: On July 17, 2006, the Indiana
Department of Environmental
Management (IDEM) submitted an
amendment to its volatile organic
compound (VOC) rules for new facilities
for approval into the Indiana State
Implementation Plan (SIP). This
amended rule exempts facilities subject
to the boat manufacturing and
reinforced plastics composites
production national emission standards
for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAPS)
from the Indiana SIP. This rule revision
is approvable because the hazardous air
pollutant covered by these NESHAPS
rules is styrene, which is always used
and is also a VOC. Therefore, the VOC
control requirements in these rules are
always applicable. In addition, the
provisions in these rules are enforceable
and result in a clearly defined level of
VOC reductions dependent upon the
specific type of operation.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 26, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R05–
OAR–2006–0716, by one of the
following methods:



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-01-25
File Created2007-01-25

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