Features for transmitting the form electronically are available to those customers with access credentials only. If you would like to establish online access credentials with USDA, follow the instructions provided at the USDA eForms web site.
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
1 Name |
Enter borrower name. |
2 Address |
Enter borrower address. |
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
1 Cash on Hand in Banks |
Enter the amount of cash on hand and in banks. Includes undeposited cash and demand deposits. |
2 Time Deposits and Short Term Investments |
Enter the amount of funds in savings accounts and
certificates of deposit maturing within one
year. |
3 Accounts Receivable |
Enter the amount of accounts billed but not paid by
customers, users, etc. This
is the gross amount before any allowances in Line 4, Allowance for
Doubtful Accounts. |
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
4 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts |
Enter the amounts included in Line 3, Accounts
Receivable, which are estimated to be
un-collectable. |
5 Inventories |
Enter the total of all materials, supplies and finished
goods on hand. |
6 Prepayments |
Enter the amount of payments made in advance of receipt of goods or utilization of services. Examples: rent, insurance. |
7 and 8 Other Assets |
Enter other current assets not included in lines
above. |
9 Total Current Assets |
Add lines 1 through 8. |
10 thru 12 Fixed Assets |
Enter the value of land, buildings, furniture and
equipment separately by gross value. |
13 Other Fixed Assets |
Enter other fixed assets. |
14 Accumulated Depreciation |
Enter total accumulated depreciation for Lines 10
-13. |
15 Total Fixed Assets |
Add lines 10 through 14. |
16 and 17 Other Assets |
Enter other assets not previously accounted
for. |
18 Total Assets |
Add lines 9, 15, 16 and
17. |
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
19 Accounts Payable |
Enter amounts due to creditors for delivered or
services completed. |
20 Notes Payable |
Enter amounts due to banks and other creditors for
which a promissory note has been signed. |
21 Current Portion USDA Note |
Enter amount due USDA for principal payment during the
next 12 months. Include any
payments that are in arrears. |
22 Customer Deposits |
Enter funds of various kinds held for
others. |
23 Taxes Payable |
Enter amount of taxes due. |
24 Interest Payable USDA |
Enter amount of interest due on principal amount in
line 21. |
25 and 26 Other Payables |
Enter other payables and accruals not listed in lines
19 through 24. |
28 Notes Payable USDA |
Enter the amount of total principal payments to USDA
that mature after one year and are not included in line
21. |
29 and 30 Other Loan Term Liabilities |
Enter all other long-term liabilities such as bonds,
bank loans, etc. which are due after one
year. |
33 Retained Earnings |
Enter net income which has been accumulated from the
beginning of the operation and not distributed to members, users,
etc. |
34 Memberships |
Enter the total of funds collected from persons of
membership type facilities, i.e., water and sewer
systems. |
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
35 Total Equity |
Add lines 33 and 34. |
36 Total Liabilities and Equity |
Add lines 32 and 35. |
37 Date |
Enter the date form is completed. |
38 Signature |
The appropriate officials signature. |
File Type | text/html |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |