CCC-1255 Warranty Easement Deed

Long Term Contracting


Long Term Contracting (Individuals)

OMB: 0578-0013

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CCC - 1255
OMB No. 0578-0013

Warranty Easement Deed
AGREEMENT NO.___________

THIS WARRANTY EASEMENT DEED is made by and between ________________
___________________________ of _________________________________ (hereafter referred
to as the “Landowner”), Grantor(s), and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by and through
the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) (hereafter referred to as the “United States”), Grantee.
The Landowner and the United States are jointly referred to as the “Parties”. The acquiring
agency of the United States is the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United
States Department of Agriculture.
Purposes and Intent. The purpose of this easement is to restore, protect, manage,
maintain, and enhance the functional values of wetlands and other lands, and for the conservation
of natural values including fish and wildlife and their habitat, water quality improvement, flood
water retention, groundwater recharge, open space, aesthetic values, and environmental
education. It is the intent of CCC to give the Landowner the opportunity to participate in the
restoration and management activities on the easement area.
Authority. This easement deed acquisition is authorized by Title XII of the Food Security
Act of 1985, as amended (16 U.S.C. §3837), for the Wetlands Reserve Program.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of_____________________
Dollars ($________), the Grantor(s), hereby grants and conveys with general warranty of title to
the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its assigns, the Grantee, forever, all rights, title and
interest in the lands comprising the easement area described in Part I and appurtenant rights of
access to the easement area, but reserving to the Landowner only those rights, title, and interest
expressly enumerated in Part II. It is the intention of the Landowner to convey and relinquish any
and all other property rights not so reserved. This easement shall constitute a servitude upon the
land so encumbered; shall run with the land in perpetuity; and shall bind the Landowner, (the
Grantor(s)), their heirs, successors, assigns, lessees, and any other person claiming under them.
SUBJECT, however, to all valid rights of record, if any.

PART I. Description of the Easement Area. The lands encumbered by this easement deed,
referred to hereafter as the easement area, are described on EXHIBIT A which is appended to and
made a part of this easement deed.
TOGETHER with a right of access for ingress and egress to the easement area across
adjacent or other properties of the Landowner. Such a right-of-way for access purposes is
described in EXHIBIT B which is appended to and made a part of this easement deed.

PART II. Reservations in the Landowner on the Easement Area. Subject to the rights, title, and
interest conveyed by this easement deed to the United States, the Landowner reserves:
A. Title. Record title, along with the Landowner’s right to convey, transfer, and
otherwise alienate title to these reserved rights.
B. Quiet Enjoyment. The right of quiet enjoyment of the rights reserved on the easement
C. Control of Access. The right to prevent trespass and control access by the general
public subject to the operation of State and Federal law.
D. Recreational Uses. The right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hunting and
fishing, and including leasing of such rights for economic gain, pursuant to applicable
State and Federal regulations that may be in effect at the time.
E. Subsurface Resources. The right to oil, gas, minerals, and geothermal resources
underlying the easement area, provided that any drilling or mining activities are to be
located outside the boundaries of the easement area, unless activities within the
boundaries are specified in accordance with the terms and conditions of EXHIBIT C.

PART III. Obligations of the Landowner. The Landowner shall comply with all terms and
conditions of this easement, including the following:
A. Prohibitions. Without otherwise limiting the rights of the United States acquired
hereunder, it is expressly understood that the rights to the following activities and
uses have been acquired by the United States and, unless authorized by the United
States under Part IV, are prohibited of the Landowner on the easement area:
1. haying, mowing, or seed harvesting for any reason;
2. altering of grassland, woodland, wildlife habitat or other natural features by
burning, digging, plowing, disking, cutting or otherwise destroying the
vegetative cover;

3. dumping refuse, wastes, sewage, or other debris;
4. harvesting wood products;
5. draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, diking,
impounding, or related activities, as well as altering or tampering with water
control structures or devices;
6. diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground
water into, within, or out of the easement area by any means;
7. building or placing buildings or structures on the easement area;
8. planting or harvesting any crop;
9. grazing or allowing livestock on the easement area; and
10. disturbing or interfering with the nesting or brood-rearing activities of
migratory birds.
B. Noxious Plants and Pests. The Landowner is responsible for noxious weed control
and emergency control of pests as required by all Federal, State, and local laws. A
plan to control noxious weeds and pests must be approved in writing by CCC prior to
implementation by the Landowner.
C. Fences. Except for establishment cost incurred by the United States and replacement
cost not due to the Landowner’s negligence or malfeasance, all other costs involved in
maintenance of fences and similar facilities to exclude livestock shall be the
responsibility of the Landowner.
D. Taxes. The Landowner shall pay any and all real property and other taxes and
assessments, if any, which may be levied against the land.
E. Reporting. The Landowner shall report to CCC any conditions or events which may
adversely affect the wetland, wildlife, and other natural values of the easement area.
PART IV. Allowance of Compatible Uses by the Landowner.
A. General. The United States may authorize, in writing and subject to such terms and
conditions CCC may prescribe at its discretion, the use of the easement area for
compatible economic uses, including, but not limited to, managed timber harvest,
periodic haying, or grazing.
B. Limitations. Compatible use authorizations will only be made if, upon a
determination by CCC in the exercise of its discretion and rights, that the proposed
use is consistent with the long-term protection and enhancement of the wetland and
other natural values of the easement area. CCC shall prescribe the amount, method,
timing, intensity, and duration of the compatible use.


PART V. Rights of the United States. The rights of the United States include:
A. Management activities. The United States shall have the right to enter unto the
easement area to undertake, at its own expense or on a cost-share basis with the
Landowner or other entity, any activities to restore, protect, manage, maintain,
enhance, and monitor the wetland and other natural values of the easement area. The
United States, at its own cost, may apply to or impound additional waters on the
easement area in order to maintain or improve wetland and other natural values.
B. Access. The United States has a right of reasonable ingress and egress to the
easement area over the Landowner’s property, whether or not the property is adjacent
or appurtenant to the easement area, for the exercise of any of the rights of the United
States under this easement deed. The authorized representatives of the United States
may utilize vehicles and other reasonable modes of transportation for access purposes.
To the extent practical, the United States shall utilize the access identified in
C. Easement Management. The Secretary of Agriculture, by and through CCC may
delegate all or part of the management, monitoring or enforcement responsibilities
under this easement to any entity authorized by law that CCC determines to have the
appropriate authority, expertise and resources necessary to carry out such delegated
responsibilities. State or federal agencies may utilize their general statutory
authorities in the administration of any delegated management, monitoring or
enforcement responsibilities for this easement. The authority to modify or terminate
this easement (16 U.S.C. §3837e(b)) is reserved to CCC in accordance with
applicable law.
D. Violations and Remedies - Enforcement. The Parties agree that this easement deed
may be introduced in any enforcement proceeding as the stipulation of the Parties
hereto. If there is any failure of the Landowner to comply with any of the provisions
of this easement deed, the United States or other delegated authority shall have any
legal or equitable remedy provided by law and the right:
1. To enter upon the easement area to perform necessary work for prevention of
or remediation of damage to wetland or other natural values; and,
2. To assess all expenses incurred by the United States (including any legal fees
or attorney fees) against the Landowner, to be owed immediately to the United


PART VI. General Provisions.
A. Successors in Interest. The rights granted to the United States shall accrue to any of
its agents, successors, or assigns. All obligations of the Landowner under this
easement deed shall also bind the Landowner’s heirs, successors, agents, assigns,
lessees, and any other person claiming under them. All the Landowners who are
parties to this easement deed shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance with
its terms.
B. Rules of Construction and Special Provisions. All rights in the easement area not
reserved by the Landowner shall be deemed acquired by the United States. Any
ambiguities in this easement deed shall be construed in favor of the United States to
effect the wetland and conservation purposes for which this easement deed is being
acquired. The property rights of the United States acquired under this easement shall
be unaffected by any subsequent amendments or repeal of the Wetlands Reserve
Program. If the Landowner receives the consideration for this easement in
installments, the Parties agree that the conveyance of this easement shall be totally
effective upon the payment of the first installment.


TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, this Warranty Easement Deed is granted to the United
States of America and its assigns forever. The Landowner covenants that he, she, or they are
vested with good title to the easement area and will warrant and defend the same on behalf of the
United States against all claims and demands. The Landowner covenants to comply with the
terms and conditions enumerated in this document for the use of the easement area and adjacent
lands for access, and to refrain from any activity not specifically allowed or that is inconsistent
with the purposes of this easement deed.
Dated this _______ day of ____________________, 2____.
Landowner(s): _________________________________________


On this_____ day of ____________________, 2_____, before me, the undersigned, a
Notary Public in and for said State personally appeared ________________________, know or
proved to me to be the person{s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged that ______ executed the same as ___________ free act and deed.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and
year first above written.

Notary Public for the State of ____________________
Residing at __________________________________
My Commission Expires________________________


This instrument was drafted by the Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250-1400.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0578-0013.
The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.69 hours per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorNatural Resources Conservation Service
File Modified2008-05-16
File Created2001-03-23

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