Form No number No number 2010 Cancer Supplement

NCHS Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory

QDRL 2010 Cancer Supplement -0808

2010 NHIS Cancer Supplement

OMB: 0920-0222

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Attachment 2- Testing Instrument/2010 NHIS Cancer Supplement

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 02/28/10

Notice - Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

Assurances of Confidentiality – All information which would permit identification of any individual, a practice, or an establishment will be held confidential, will be used only by NCHS staff, contractors, and agents only when required and with necessary controls, and will not be disclosed or released to other persons without the consent of the individual or the establishment in accordance with section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242m) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL-107-347).


[Ask all]

1. During the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you take any MULTI-vitamins, such as One-A-Day, Theragran, or Centrum, etc?

*Read if necessary: There are a number of vitamin and mineral combinations now available. The ways in which nutrients can be combined into pill form is almost infinite. Any combination of 3 or more vitamins and minerals should be included in the MULTI-vitamin category. Combinations labeled as "stress" or "antioxidant" supplements are common and should be included as MULTI-vitamins. Do NOT include combinations of herbal or botanical substances, or combinations of just 2 nutrients (e.g., calcium with vitamin D, etc.) in this question.




Don't know

2. During the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you take any calcium supplements or pills? [fill1: Do NOT include any calcium in the MULTI-vitamins you told me about.]
*Read if necessary: Include Tums. Do NOT include milk or calcium-fortified orange juice.
Don't know

3. During the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you take any vitamin D supplements or pills? [fill1: Do NOT include calcium supplements that contain vitamin D or MULTI-vitamins you told me about.]
*Read if necessary: Do NOT include vitamin D fortified milk or other foods such as cereals and bread.
No [
go to next section]
Don't know

3a. Thinking about the past 12 months, in how many of those MONTHS did you take vitamin D supplements?

_______________ number of months

3b. Now, thinking only about that month, on how many DAYS during that month did you take vitamin D supplements? / Now, thinking only about those months, on how many DAYS PER MONTH did you usually take vitamin D supplements?

_______________ days per month

3c. On the DAY(S) you took vitamin D supplements, was the amount you took usually less than 800 international units (IU), or 800 international units or more?
< 800 IU
>= 800 IU
Don’t Know


[Ask All]

1. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your ENTIRE LIFE?


No [go to next section]


Don't know

1a. Thinking back over the years you have smoked regularly, about how many cigarettes did you usually smoke each day?

___________ (number per day)

1b. What is the average number of cigarettes that you smoked daily during the longest period that you smoked?

___________ (number per day)

2. Do you NOW smoke cigarettes every day, some days or not at all?

Every day [go to next section]

Some days [go to next section]

Not at all


Don't know

3. Thinking back to when you stopped smoking completely, did you use ANY of the following PRODUCTS:
a. A nicotine gum?
Don't know

b. A nicotine patch?
Don't know

c. Any of these other nicotine products---nasal spray, inhaler, or lozenge?
Don't know

d. A prescription pill called Chantix or Varenicline?
Don't know

e. A prescription pill other than Chantix or vareniclene, such as Zyban, Buproprion, or Wellbutrin?
Don't know

f. A telephone help line or quit line?
Don't know

g. A stop smoking clinic, class, support group, or one-on-one counseling?
Don't know

Lung Cancer Screening

[Ask men and women 40 and over]

1. A lung cancer spiral or helical CT scan (or CAT scan) is a new screening test for lung cancer. During the test, you are asked to hold your breath and you are moved through a donut-shaped X-ray machine as you lie on your back.

Have you EVER had a spiral CT scan?


No [go to question 2]

1a. When was your most recent spiral CT scan?

______________ (month/day/year)

2. Have you ever had a chest x-ray to test for lung cancer?
No [
go to next section]
Don’t know

2a. When was your most recent chest x-ray?

______________ (month/day/year)


[Ask all women]

1. Have you EVER HAD a Pap smear or Pap test? * Read if necessary: A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test for women in which the doctor examines the cervix, takes a cell sample from the cervix with a small stick or brush, and sends it to the lab.


No [go to question 10]


Don't know

  1. At what age did you have your first pap test? (Females 18-30 ONLY)

____________ age in years

3. When did you have your MOST RECENT Pap test?

___________ (month/day/year)

4.  Did you get the results of your MOST RECENT Pap test?
Only notified if there was a problem
Don't know

5.  Have you had a Pap test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?
No [
go to question 11]
Don't know

6.  Because of these results, was it recommended that you have more follow-up exams or tests?
No [
go to question 9]

Don't know

7.  Did you follow the recommendation to have more follow-up exams or tests?
Yes [
go to question 9]
Don’t know

8.  What is the most important reason that you DID NOT follow the recommendation to have more follow-up exams or tests?
No reason/never thought about it
Put it off/didn't get around to it
Too expensive/no insurance/cost
Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing
Had hysterectomy
Don't have doctor
Don't know

[go to question 11]

9.  Because of these follow-up exams or tests did you have surgery or other treatment?
Yes [
go to question 12]

No [go to question 12]

Don't know

10. What is the most important reason you have [Fill1: NEVER had a Pap test/NOT had a Pap test in the LAST 3 YEARS]?

No reason/never thought about it

Didn't need it/didn't know I needed this type of test

Doctor didn't order it/didn't say I needed it

Haven't had any problems

Put it off/didn't get around to it

Too expensive/no insurance/cost

Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing

Had hysterectomy

Don't have doctor

Had an HPV DNA test

Had HPV vaccine



Don't know

11.  When, if ever, did you last get a reminder from a doctor or other health professional to have a Pap test?
A year ago or less
1-2 years ago
2-3 years ago
3-5 years ago
More than 5 years ago
My doctor recommended that I don’t get this test anymore

12. Have you had a hysterectomy? A hysterectomy is when the uterus or womb is removed, not just having your tubes tied to prevent pregnancy.




Don’t know

13. Have you EVER had BOTH ovaries removed, either as part of a hysterectomy or as one or more separate surgeries?


No [go to question 14]


Don’t know

13a. How old were you when you had BOTH of your ovaries removed?

_______________ age in years

14. Have you ever heard of HPV? HPV stands for human papillomavirus (pap-uh-LOW-muh-vi-rus).
Don't know

15. Do you think HPV can cause cervical cancer?




Don't know

16.  To the best of your knowledge, do you think you can get HPV through sexual contact?
Don't know

17. A vaccine to prevent HPV infection is available and is called the HPV shot, cervical cancer vaccine, or GARDASIL®. Before this survey, have you ever heard of the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?
Don't know

18. Have you ever received the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?
No [
go to question 21]
Don't know

19. How many HPV shots did you receive?




More than 3


Don’t know

20. Have you finished the series of HPV shots that was recommended by your doctor?




Don’t know

[go to next section]

21.  Would you be interested in getting the HPV vaccine?
[go to next section]
No [go to question 22]
Don't know

22.  What is the MAIN reason you would NOT want to get the vaccine?
Does not need vaccine
Not sexually active
Too expensive
Too old for vaccine
Doctor didn't recommend it
Worried about safety of vaccine
Don't know where to get vaccine
My spouse/family member is against it
Don't know enough about vaccine
Already have HPV
Don't know

Breast Cancer Screening

[Ask women 40 and over]

1. Have you EVER HAD a mammogram? *Read if necessary. A mammogram is an x-ray taken only of the breast by a machine that presses against the breast.
No [
go to question 8]
Don't know

1a. When did you have your MOST RECENT mammogram?

______________ (month/day/year)

2. After your MOST RECENT mammogram, was it recommended that you have more tests? *Read if necessary: More tests may include another mammogram, a sonogram or ultrasound, an MRI, a biopsy, or something else to check for problems in your breasts.
No [
go to question 9]
Don't know

3. Did you follow the recommendation to have more tests?
Yes [
go to question 5]
Don't know

4. What is the most important reason why you DID NOT follow the recommendation to have more tests?
No reason/never thought about it
Put it off/Didn't get around to it
Too expensive/no insurance/cost
Too painful, unpleasant or embarrassing
I’m too young
Don't have doctor
Don't know

5. As a result of these additional tests after your [fill1: mammogram/mammograms] were you diagnosed with cancer?


No [go to question 7]


Don't know

6. How was your breast cancer found?
Found by myself by accident
Found by myself during a self breast examination
Found by my spouse or partner
Found by a physician during routine breast exam
Found by a mammogram
Found by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 
Other – specify
Don’t know

7. Have you EVER HAD a biopsy to test or remove a lump in your breast that was found NOT to be cancer?
*Read if necessary: A biopsy is the removal of a sample of tissue to see whether cancer cells are present.
Yes [
go to question 9]

No [go to question 9]
Lump removed was cancerous [
go to question 9]

Refused [go to question 9]
Don't know [
go to question 9]

8. What is the most important reason why you have [fill1: NEVER had a mammogram/NOT had a mammogram in the PAST 2 YEARS]?
No reason/never thought about it
Didn't need it/didn't know I needed this type of test
Doctor didn't order it/didn't say I needed it
Haven't had any problems
Put it off/Didn't get around to it
Too expensive/no insurance/cost
Too painful, unpleasant or embarrassing
I'm too young
Don't have doctor 
Don't know

9. A breast MRI, or magnetic resonance image, shows what is inside the breast, like a mammogram, but does not require squeezing the breast. Before getting a breast MRI, you are given a dye through a needle in the arm. During the test, your lie on your stomach and the bed moves into a tunnel-shaped machine.

Have you EVER HAD a breast MRI?
No [
go to next section]

Don't know

9a. When did you have your MOST RECENT breast MRI?

_______________ (month/day/year)

10. What was the MAIN reason you had this breast MRI?
Follow-up of an abnormal mammogram
Because of a breast problem
My healthcare provider told me I was high-risk
Family history of breast cancer
Part of a routine exam
I requested it
Don't know

[Ask Men 40 and over]

1. Have you ever had a PSA test?


No [go to question 3]

1a. When did you have your most recent PSA test?

______________ (month/day/year)

2. What was the MAIN reason you had this PSA test - was it part of a routine exam, because of a problem, or some other reason?
Part of a routine exam [
go to question 5]

Because of a problem [go to question 5]
Other reason [
go to question 5]
Refused [
go to question 5]
Don't know [
go to question 5]

3. What is the MAIN reason you have not had a PSA test?
I haven’t had time for it
My doctor advised me not to have it
I can’t afford it
I’ve read or heard conflicting recommendations about it
I don’t think it would help me
I don’t know enough about it
Don’t know

4. Are any of the following statements reasons why you have not had a PSA test?

a. I haven’t had time for it

Don't know

b. My doctor advised me not to have it

Don't know

c. I can’t afford it
Don't know

d. I’ve read or heard conflicting recommendations about it
Don't know

e. I don’t think it would help me

Don't know

f. I don’t know enough about it

Don't know

5. [{Before you had the PSA test}] did a doctor EVER talk with you about the advantages and disadvantages of [{it} / the PSA test]?
Don’t know

6. [{Before you had the PSA test}] did a doctor EVER tell you that some doctors recommend [{it} / the PSA test] and others do not?
Yes [
go to next section]
No [
go to next section]
Don’t know

Colorectal Cancer Screening
[Ask men and women 40 and over]

1. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a doctor inserts a tube into the rectum to look for polyps or cancer. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home.
*If needed: A polyp is a small growth that develops on the inside of the colon or rectum
*If needed: Before these tests, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea

Have you EVER HAD a sigmoidoscopy?
Don't know

2. Recall that a colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy but the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home.

Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
Don't know

3 . Virtual colonoscopy, also known as CT colonography, is a new type of test that looks for polyps or cancer in the colon. The day before the test, you take laxatives to clean out your colon. During the test, your colon is filled with air and you are moved through a donut-shaped X-ray machine as you lie on your back and then on your stomach. You do not need medication to make you sleepy during this test.
*If needed: This test is not the same as a colonoscopy or a sigmoidoscopy.
*If needed: A polyp is a small growth that develops on the inside of the colon or rectum
Before today, HAD YOU EVER HEARD of virtual colonoscopy or CT colonography?
Don't know

4. Have you EVER HAD a virtual colonoscopy or CT colonography?
No [
go to question 6]
Don't know

4a.. When did you have your MOST RECENT virtual colonoscopy or CT colonography?

_____________ (month/day/year)

5. What was the MAIN reason you had this virtual colonoscopy or CT colonography - was it part of a routine exam, because of a problem, as a follow-up test of an earlier test or screening exam, or some other reason?
Part of a routine exam
Because of a problem
Follow-up test to an earlier test or screening exam
Other reason
Don't know

6. During the past 10 years did a doctor tell you that you had a polyp in your colon or rectum?
*If needed: A polyp is a small growth that develops on the inside of the colon or rectum
Don't know

7. The following questions are about the blood stool or occult blood test, a test to determine whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. The blood stool test can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab.

Have you EVER HAD a blood stool test, using a HOME test kit?
No [
go to question 10]
Don't know

8. Have you had a HOME blood stool test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?
No [
go to question 10]
Don't know

9. Because of these results, what additional tests or surgery did you have?
Another Fecal Occult Blood Test
Barium enema
Don't know

10. Have you EVER been given a HOME blood stool test kit that you did not complete and return to the doctor or laboratory?
Don't know

11 . (For respondents who had not had colonoscopy in the past 10 years, sigmoidoscopy in the past 5 years, CT colonography in the past 5 years, or FOBT in the last year)

In the PAST 12 MONTHS, did a doctor or other health professional RECOMMEND that you be tested to look for problems in your colon or rectum?
No [
go to question 14]
Don't know

12 . Did the doctor or other health professional recommend to you any particular tests?
No [
go to question 14]
Don't know

13. Which tests to check for colon cancer did the doctor or other health professional recommend to you? Possible tests include stool blood or fecal occult blood test; sigmoidoscopy; colonoscopy; CT colonography or virtual colonoscopy; or other. [CODE ALL THAT APPLY]
Stool blood test/fecal occult blood test
[go to next section]
Sigmoidoscopy [go to next section]
[got to next section]
CT colonography/virtual colonoscopy
[go to next section]
[go to next section]
go to next section]
Don’t know
go to next section]

14. (For respondents who had not had colonoscopy in the past 10 years, sigmoidoscopy in the past 5 years, CT colonography in the past 5 years, or FOBT in the last year)

What is the most important reason you have [fill1: NEVER had any kind of test to look for problems in your colon or rectum // NOT had any kind of test to look for problems in your colon or rectum RECENTLY]?
No reason / never thought about it
Didn't need it / Didn't know I needed this type of test
Doctor didn't order it / didn't say I needed it
Haven't had any problems
Put if off / Didn't get around to it
Too expensive / No insurance/Cost
Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing
Had another type of colorectal exam
Don't have doctor
Don't know

15. Are any of the following statements reasons why you have [never had any kind of test to look for problems in your colon or rectum//not had any kind of test recently]?

a. I haven’t had time for it




Don’t know

b. My doctor didn’t order it/say I needed it




Don’t know

c. I didn’t think that I needed it/know I needed this type of test




Don’t know

d. I can’t afford it/my insurance doesn’t cover it




Don’t know

e. Testing is too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing




Don’t know

f. I don’t know enough about it




Don’t know

[Ask all]

1.1 Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had cancer or a malignancy of any kind?



1. In general, would you say your quality of life is:…..
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor

2. In general, how would you rate your physical health:….
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor

3. In general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor

4. In general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor

5. In general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair
5 Poor

6. To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?
1 Completely
2 Mostly
3 Moderately
4 A little
5 Not at all

7. In the past 7 days, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems such as feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Always

8. (In the past 7 days) How would you rate your fatigue on average?
1 None
2 Mild
3 Moderate
4 Severe
5 Very severe

9. (In the past 7 days) How would you rate your pain on average? Use a scale of 0-10 with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst imaginable pain.

Now, I will ask you some questions about your experiences with cancer.

10. What do you think are the chances that your cancer will come back or get worse within the next 10 years? Would you say…
1 Very low
2 Fairly low
3 Moderate
4 Fairly high
5 Very high

11. How often do you worry that your cancer may come back or get worse? Would you say…
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 All the time

12. At any time since you were first diagnosed with cancer, did a doctor or other health professional tell you that your cancer had come back (that is, you had a recurrence)?

1 Yes → GO TO question 12B
2 No→ GO TO question 13
3 I don’t know/ Not sure→ GO TO question 13

12B. IF YES: What was the year of your most recent recurrence?

_________ year

13. In the last 12 months have you received any treatment for your cancer? By treatment, we mean surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or bone marrow or stem cell transplant. Do not include surgical biopsy, insertion of medication ports, such as a Hickman, or long-term hormonal treatments such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors (e.g. Arimidex or Femara) for breast cancer.

1 Yes→ GO TO question 13B
2 No→ GO TO question 14
3 Don’t know

Alternative: When was the last time you received surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, or stem cell transplant to treat cancer?

13B. Are you currently in active treatment now?

1 Yes
[go to question 15]
2 No [go to question 14]
3 I don’t know/ Not sure

14. To the best of your knowledge, are you now free of cancer (that is, at this time, you don’t have cancer in any part of your body)?

1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/ Not sure

If you’ve had more than one cancer diagnosis, please think about your most recent cancer diagnosis for the next few questions.

15. What types of treatment did you receive for this (only or most recent) cancer? Please select all that apply.
1 Surgery to remove the tumor
2 Radiation
3 Chemotherapy
4 Hormonal treatments (tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors)
5 Bone marrow or stem cell transplant
6 Did not receive treatment
[go to question 17]
7 Other (specify)

16. At the completion of your cancer treatment, did you receive a written summary from your doctor(s) or medical care providers that described or explained the treatment you had received?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/ Not sure

17. Have you EVER received advice from a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional about where you should return or who you should see for routine cancer check-ups after completing treatment for cancer?
1 Yes→ GO TO question 17B
2 No→ GO TO question 18
3 Not sure→ GO TO question 18

17B. IF YES: Was this information written down, printed on paper, or provided in an electronic format for you?

1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/ Not sure

18. Did you have any public or private health insurance that paid for all or part of your cancer treatment? (Examples of insurance include Medicare, Medicaid, insurance offered through an employer, the military, or a policy you bought on your own)
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/ Not sure

19. After you were diagnosed with cancer, did your doctor, nurse or other health professional talk with you about how cancer may affect your emotions or your relationships with other people?
1 Yes → GO TO question 20
2 No → GO TO question 19B
3 Don’t know/ Not sure

19B. Would you have liked it if your doctor had initiated a discussion about these topics with you?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Don’t know/ Not sure

20. How satisfied were you, overall, with how well your doctor, nurse, or other health professional, met your emotional and social needs related to your cancer diagnosis and treatment?
1 Very satisfied
2 Somewhat satisfied
3 Not satisfied
4 Don’t know

21. After your cancer was diagnosed, did you receive professional counseling or join a support group to help you cope?
1 Yes → GO TO question 22
2 No→ GO TO question 21B
3 I don’t know/ Not sure→ GO TO question 22

21B. What was the main reason you did not get professional counseling or join a support group?
1 I didn’t know these services were available→ GO TO question 21c
2 I didn’t want it→ GO TO question 22
3 I didn’t think I needed it→ GO TO question 22
4 I couldn’t afford it→ GO TO question 22
5 Some other reason (please specify) → GO TO question 22

21C. Would you have been interested in receiving professional counseling or joining a support group if you had known about it?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/Not sure

For the next few questions, please answer based on all of your experiences since the first time you were diagnosed with cancer.

22. Did you participate in a research study or clinical trial as a part of your cancer treatment?

1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/Not sure

23. Were you EVER denied health insurance or life insurance coverage because of your cancer?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know/Not sure

24. To what degree has cancer caused financial problems for you and your family?
1 A lot
2 Some
3 A little
4 Not at all
5 I don’t know/ Not sure


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment 2- Testing Instrument/2010 NHIS Cancer Supplement
AuthorKaren Roberta Whitaker
Last Modified Bymxm3
File Modified2008-08-15
File Created2008-08-15

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