Burden Narrative

Estimate of the ICR Burden for 0055- with OCIO comments - 061710.docx

7 CFR Part 226, Child and Adult Care Food Program

Burden Narrative

OMB: 0584-0055

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Estimate of the Information Collection Burden for the

Child and Adult Care Food Program (OMB #0584-0055)

This document explains the calculation of the information collection burden for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, OMB #0584-0055, as submitted for the renewal of the existing regulation. A notice was published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2010, at page 2475. No comments were received in response to the agency’s notice.



  1. Section 226.3(c) states that each State agency desiring to take part in the Program shall enter into a written agreement with the Department for the administration of the Program in the State.

FNS records 55 State agencies (SAs) that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.92 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50.60 (55 X 0.92 = 50.60).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that Section 226.4 requires SA to submit a request for letter of credit. Under Section 226.4, Payments to States and use of funds, (a) Availability of funds, for each fiscal year based on funds provided to the Department, FNS must make funds available to each State agency to reimburse institutions for their costs in connection with food service operations, including administrative expenses, under this part. FNS determined the amount of funding based on formulas specified in this section of Program regulations and funds for State agencies in accordance with 7 CFR part 3016.

There is no requirement for SAs to request a letter of credit; thus, there is no burden requirement on the SA. Therefore, the previously recorded burden hours have been eliminated.

  1. Section 226.6(b) requires SAs to notify institution of approval or disapproval of application within 30 days of receipt of a complete application.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 15 reports annually for a total of 825 responses (55 X 15 = 825). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 8.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 6,600 (825 X 8 = 6,600).

  1. Section 226.6(c) states that, if the SA determines that a new or renewing institution has committed one or more serious deficiency, the SA must provide the institution and the responsible principals and responsible individuals with notice of the serious deficiency(ies).

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 5 reports annually for a total of 275 responses (55 X 5 = 275). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 8.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,200 (275 X 8 = 2,200).

  1. Section 226.6(c) also requires that, if the SA determines that a participating institution has committed one or more serious deficiency(ies), the SA must provide the institution and the responsible principals and responsible individuals with notice of the serious deficiency(ies).

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 10 reports annually for a total of 550 responses (55 X 10 = 550). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 8.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 4,400 (550 X 8 = 4,400).

  1. Section 226.6(c) requires SAs to submit a copy of each serious deficiency notice to the FNSRO.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 15 (5 for new or renewing institutions plus 10 for participating institutions) reports annually for a total of 825 responses (55 X 15 = 825). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 412.50 (825 X 8 = 412.50).

  1. Section 226.6(c)(8) (C)(ii) states that, within 10 days of receiving a notice of termination and disqualification from a sponsoring organization, the SA must provide the appropriate FNSRO the name, mailing address, and date of birth of each day care home provider whose agreement is terminated for cause.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 12 reports annually for a total of 660 responses (55 X 12 = 660). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 330 (660 X 0.5= 330).

  1. Section 226.6(d)(1) & (e) requires SAs to establish licensing/compliance review procedures for child care centers, day care homes, outside-school hours care centers and adult day centers. Since SAs currently administer the Program in accordance with licensing/ compliance review procedures, the burden associated with this requirement is now to revise/ update the established procedures as necessary.

FNS estimates 20 SAs that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 20 responses (20 X 1 = 20). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 20 (20 X 1= 20).

  1. Section 226.6(d)(3) requires SAs to establish alternate procedures for review of institutions for which licensing or approval is not available.

FNS estimates 20 SAs that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 20 responses (20 X 1 = 20). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 3.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 60 (20 X 3= 60).

  1. Section 226.6(d)(3)(vii)(D) requires SAs to provide day care home sponsors a listing of State-funded programs, participation in which by a parent or child will qualify a meal served to a child in a tier II home for the tier I rate of reimbursement.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 16 reports annually for a total of 880 responses (55 X 16 = 880). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 880 (880 X 1= 880).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(ii) requires SAs to provide all institutions a copy of the income standards to be used by institutions for determining the eligibility of participants for free and reduced-
    price meals under the Program.

FNS records 55 SAs that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.92 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50.60 (55 X 0.92 = 50.60).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(vii) requires SAs to provide day home sponsoring organizations a list of elementary schools in which at least one-half of the children enrolled receive free/reduced price (f/rp) meals.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 16 reports annually for a total of 880 responses (55 X 16 = 880). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 880 (880 X 1 = 880).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(vii)(D) requires SAs to provide day care home sponsoring organizations a listing of State-funded programs that qualify participants in Tier II homes for Tier I reimbursement.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 16 reports annually for a total of 880 responses (55 X 16 = 880). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 880 (880 X 1 = 880).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(vii)(E) requires SAs to submit to the SNAP SA list of providers receiving Tier I benefits based on SNAP participation.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 13.750 (55 X 0.25 = 13.750).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1) (ix)(A) SAs to provide at-risk-afterschool care centers and sponsoring organizations the list of schools in which one-half of children enrolled are eligible for f/rp meals.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 55 (55 X 1.0 = 55).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(2) previously stated that SAs were required to submit management plans. Submission of annual management plans is no longer a regulatory Program requirement. Therefore, the previously recorded burden hours have been eliminated.

  1. Section 226.6(f)(3)(iii) requires SAs to provide census data to day care home sponsoring organizations.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 5 reports annually for a total of 275 responses (55 X 5 = 275). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 275 (275 X 1.0 = 275).

  1. Section 226.6(f)(5) requires SAs to inquire into an institution’s preference for commodities for new institutions.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each file 15 reports annually for a total of 825 responses (55 X 15 = 825). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 412.50 (825 X 0.5 = 412.50).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.6(f)(7) requires the SA to inform institutions of free and reduced price policy and provide copy of income standards. This was an incorrect regulatory citation. This burden is currently required under Section 226.6(f)(1)(ii). [See Item 11.]

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.6(f)(9) requires the SA administering CACFP provide listing of eligible schools to sponsoring organizations. This was an incorrect regulatory citation. This burden is currently required under Section 226.6(f)(1)(vii). [See Item 12.]

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.6(f)(9) requires SAs administering CACFP provide census data to sponsoring organizations. This was an incorrect regulatory citation. This burden is currently required under Section 226.6(f)(3)(iii). [See Item 17.]

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.6 (g) requires SAs to annually notify each eligible nonparticipating institution of the availability of the program. This is no longer a regulatory requirement. Therefore, this burden is eliminated.

  1. Section 226.6 (h) requires the SA, by June 1 each year, to submit to the State commodity distribution agency a list of institutions receiving commodities.

FNS estimates 15 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 15 responses (15 X 1 = 15). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 7.50 (15 X 0.5 = 7.50).

  1. Section 226.6 (i) requires SAs to develop standard contract for use between institutions and food service management companies.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 110 (55 X 2.0 = 110).

  1. Section 226.6 ( j ) states that SAs must require institutions to adhere to the procurement provisions and must determine that all meal procurements with food service management companies are in conformance with bid and contractual requirements.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 3 reports annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 3 = 165). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 5.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 825 (165 X 5.0 = 825).

  1. Section 226.6(k) states that the SA must develop procedures for offering administrative reviews to institutions and responsible principals and responsible individuals. This is a long standing regulatory requirement; the burden currently associated with this requirement involves revising/editing the existing appeal procedures as necessary.

FNS estimates 18 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 18 responses (18 X 1 = 18). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 36 (18 X 2.0 = 36).

  1. Section 226.6(k)(4)(i) requires SAs to annually submit admin review (appeal) procedures to all institutions.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 356 reports annually for a total of 19,580 responses (55 X 356 = 19580). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is .25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 4,895 (19580 X .025 = 4,895).

  1. Section 226.6(k)(4)(ii) requires each SA to submit admin review procedures to institutions when applicable action taken.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 5 reports annually for a total of 275 responses (55 X 5 = 275). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is .25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 68.75 (275 X .025 = 68.75).

  1. Section 226.6(l) mandates that the SA must ensure that, when a sponsoring organization proposes to terminate its Program agreement with a day care home for cause, the day care home is provided an opportunity for an administrative review of the proposed termination. The State agency may do this either by electing to offer a State-level administrative review, or by electing to require the sponsoring organization to offer an administrative review. This requirement had to be enacted by September 25, 2002. The SA must notify the appropriate FNSRO of any change it later makes within 30 days of any subsequent change.

FNS estimates 18 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 18 responses (18 X 1 = 18). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 18 (18 X 1.0 = 18).

  1. Section 226.6 (m) requires each SA to provide technical and supervisory assistance to institutions.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 117 reports annually for a total of 6,435 responses (55 X 117 = 6,435). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 36.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 231,660 (6,435 X 36 = 231,660).

  1. Section 226.6(m)(5) states that, as part of their monitoring of institutions, SAs must establish systems for making household contacts to verify the enrollment and attendance of participating children. Annually, SA must revise/edit household contact policies as necessary.

FNS estimates 15 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 15 responses (15 X 1 = 15). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 15 (15 X 1 = 15).

  1. Section 226.6 (n) mandates that each SA shall promptly investigate complaints received or irregularities noted in connection with the operation of the Program, and shall take appropriate action to correct any irregularities.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 10 reports annually for a total of 550 responses (55 X 10 = 550). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 3.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,650 (550 X 3 = 1,650).

  1. Section 226.6 (p) requires SAs to develop/revise and provide sponsoring organization agreement between sponsor and facilities.

FNS estimates 25 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 25 responses (25 X 1 = 25). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50 (25 X 2 = 50).

  1. Section 226.7 mandates that each SA shall maintain an acceptable financial management system, adhere to financial management standards and otherwise carry out financial management policies in accordance with 7 CFR part 3015, 7 CFR part 3016 and 7 CFR part 3019, as applicable. Annually SAs revise/edit Financial Management Systems as needed.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 40.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,200 (55 X 40 = 2,200).

  1. Section 226.7(c) requires that each SA submit to the FNS regional office a written plan for correcting serious deficiencies noted in management evaluations/audits.

FNS estimates that 25 SAs will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 25 responses (25 X 1 = 25). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 40.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,000 (25 X 40 = 1,000).

  1. Section 226.7(d) requires that each SA submit to FNS the final Report of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (OMB# 0584-0078, FNS 44) for each month which shall be limited to claims submitted in accordance with Program regulations and which shall be postmarked and/or submitted no later than 90 days following the last day of the month covered by the report. Upward adjustments to a State agency’s report shall not be made after 90 days from the month covered by the report unless authorized by FNS.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 24 reports annually for a total of 1,320 responses (55 X 24 = 1,320). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,320 (1,320 X 1 = 1,320).

  1. Section 226.7(d) also requires each SA to submit to FNS a quarterly Financial Status Report (OMB# 0348-0061 SF 425, formerly SF–269) on the use of Program funds.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 4 reports annually for a total of 220 responses (55 X 4 = 220). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 220 (220 X 1 = 220).

  1. Sections 226.7 (h), (i) & (j) requires SAs to establish procedures for start ups, advances, and recovery of over-payments. Annually, SA must revise/edit these policies as necessary.

FNS estimates 10 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 10 responses (10 X 1 = 10). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 4.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 10 (10 X 4 = 40).

  1. Section 226.7 (k) requires each State agency to establish procedures for institutions to properly submit claims for reimbursement. Annually, SA must revise/edit these policies as necessary.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.79 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 98.45 (55 X 1.79 = 98.45).

  1. Section 226.8 (a) requires that, unless otherwise exempt, audits at the State and institution levels must be conducted in accordance with Office of Management and Budget circular A–133 and the Department’s implementing regulations at part 3052. State agencies must establish audit policy for for-profit institutions. Annually, SA must revise/edit these policies as necessary.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 22 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,210 (55 X 22 = 1,210).

  1. Section 226.8 (b) – (c) requires SA to establish priorities for use of audit funds. The funds provided to the State agency may be made available to institutions to fund a portion of organization-wide audits made in accordance with part 3052. The funds provided to an institution for an organization-wide audit must be determined in accordance with

§ 3052.230(a). Funds provided may be used by the State agency to conduct program-specific audits of institutions not subject to organization wide audits, or for which the SA considers program specific audits to be needed. The SA may use any funds remaining after all required program-specific audits have been performed to conduct administrative reviews or agreed-upon procedures engagements of institutions.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.92 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50.60 (55 X .92 = 50.60).

  1. Section 226.9 (a) requires each SA to assign rates of reimbursement, not less frequently than annually, on the basis of family-size and income information reported by each institution. Assigned rates of reimbursement may be changed more frequently than annually if warranted by changes in family-size and income information. Assigned rates of reimbursement shall be adjusted annually to reflect changes in the national average payment rates.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is .25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 13.75 (55 X .25 = 13.75).

  1. Section 226.10 (a) requires SAs to develop procedures to provide advance payments to those institutions electing to receive payments.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.92 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50.60 (55 X .92 = 50.60).

  1. Section 226.10 (b) requires SAs to establish procedures to monitor and reconcile advance payments.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.92 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 50.60 (55 X .92 = 50.60).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.10(e) requires SAs to initiate corrective action on claims prior to January 1. This is an incorrect statement of the requirement; therefore, this burden is eliminated.

  1. Section 226.10 requires that a final Claim for Reimbursement be postmarked and/or submitted to the State agency not later than 60 days following the last day of the full month covered by the claim.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 4.6 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 253 (55 X 4.6 = 253).

  1. Section 226.14 mandates that SAs disallow any portion of a claim for reimbursement and recover any payment to an institution not properly payable under Program regulations. Annually SAs revise/edit procedures to comply with this requirement.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 3.7 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 203.50 (55 X 3.7 = 203.50).

  1. Section 226.23(l) requires SAs and child care institutions that plan to use or disclose information about children eligible for free and reduced price meals in ways not specified in the regulations obtain written consent from children’s parents or guardians prior to the use or disclosure.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is .25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 13.75 (55 X .25 = 13.75).

  1. Section 226.23(m) requires that the SA or child care institution, as appropriate, have a written agreement or MOU with programs or individuals receiving eligibility information, prior to disclosing children’s free and reduced price meal eligibility information. For disclosures to Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Program(SCHIP), the State agency or child care institution, as appropriate, must have a written agreement with the State or local agency or agencies administering Medicaid or SCHIP prior to disclosing children’s free or reduced price meal eligibility information to those agencies.

FNS estimates 5 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 5 responses (5 X 1 = 5). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5 (5 X 1.0 = 5).

  1. Section 226.24 states that institutions and administering agencies shall follow the policies and procedures governing title, use, and disposition of equipment obtained by purchase, whose cost was acquired in whole or part with food service equipment assistance funds in accordance with 7 CFR part 3016 or 7 CFR part 3019, as applicable.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 3.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 192.50 (55 X 3.5 = 192.50).


  1. Section 226.6 requires SAs to collect and maintain on file CACFP agreements, records received from applicant and participating institutions and documentation of administrative review and Program assistance activities, results, and corrective actions.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 5 reports annually for a total of 275 responses (55 X 5 = 275). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.40 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 660 (275 X 2.40 = 660).

  1. Section 226.6(c)(8)(ii) requires each SA to maintain a State agency list that includes a synopsis of information concerning seriously deficient institutions and providers terminated for cause in that State.

FNS estimates 55 SAs that will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 55 responses (55 X 1 = 55). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 55 (55 X 1.0 = 55).



  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that Section 226.6(b) requires institutions submit documentation sufficient to determine that each at-risk afterschool care center meets program eligibility or area eligibility requirements. This is an erroneous statement; Section 226.6(b) details State agency responsibilities for Program applications and agreements. Therefore, burden hours previously reported have been deleted.

  1. Sections 226.6 (d)-(e) and 226.6(f)(1)(vi) require that sponsors and institutions submit documentation to demonstrate that child care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers are in compliance with licensing/approval criteria.

FNS estimates 19,582 sponsors/institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 19,582 responses (19,582 X 1 = 19,582). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 9,791 (19,582 X 0.5 = 9,791).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that Section 226.6(c)(1)(2) requires Sponsoring organizations to provide a copy of the serious deficiency notice to the SA. Sections 226.6(c)(1) and (2) respectively details SAs agreement responsibilities for (1) Denial of a new institution’s application and (2) Denial of a renewing institution’s application. Therefore the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(iii) requires sponsors/institutions to submit current eligibility information on enrolled participants to be used to calculate reimbursement rates. This regulatory was erroneously omitted from the previously approved ICR.

FNS estimates 19,582 sponsors/institutions will each provide 12 reports annually for a total of 234,984 responses (19,582 X 12 = 234,984). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 117,492 (234,984 X 0.5 = 117,492).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.6 (f) (10) requires sponsoring organizations to submit tier 1 and 2 enrollment information to SAs. This is not a Program regulatory requirement. Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. Section 226.6(f)(1)(vii) requires that sponsor/institutions submit verification that all facilities have adhered to Program training requirements.

FNS estimates 19,582 sponsors/institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 19,582 responses (19,582 X 1 = 19,582). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 19,582 (19,582 X 1.0 = 19,582).

  1. Section 226.6 (1) requires that sponsors/institutions participate in regulatory Program reviews.

FNS estimates 6,462 sponsors/institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 6,462 responses (6,462 X 1 = 6,462). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 4.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 25,848 (6,462 X 4.0 = 25,848).

  1. Sections 226.10 and 226.15(i) require sponsors/institutions to report to SA number of meals claimed for reimbursement.

FNS estimates 19,582 sponsors/institutions will each provide 12 reports annually for a total of 234,984 responses (19,582 X 12 = 234,984). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 469,968 (234,984 X 2.0 = 469,968).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that Section 226.13 (b) requires sponsoring organizations to collect and report meals by category to the SA each month. This is not a program requirement. (The requirement related to sponsors/institutions meal count requirement is calculated in Item #8 above.) Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. 226.13 (b)(3)(i) thru (ii) requires sponsoring organizations of family day care homes to establish reimbursement rates for Tier 2 providers with income-eligible children.

FNS estimates 886 sponsors will each provide 5 reports annually for a total of 4,430 responses (886 X 5 = 4,430). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.3 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,329 (4,430 X 0.3 = 1,329).

  1. Section 226.15(b) requires new institutions to submit an application for participation.

FNS estimates 250 new institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 250 responses (250 X 1 = 250). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 8.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,000 (250 X 8 = 2,000).

  1. Section 226.15(b) also requires participating institutions to submit documentation required for renewal.

FNS estimates 119 participating institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 119 responses (119 X 1 = 119). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 5.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 595 (119 X 5 = 595).

  1. Section 226.16(d) states that each sponsoring organization must provide adequate supervisory and operational personnel for the effective management and monitoring of the program at all facilities it sponsors. Each sponsoring organization must employ monitoring staff sufficient to meet the requirements.

FNS estimates 12,742 sponsoring organizations will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 12742 responses (12,742 X 1 = 12,742). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 160 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,038,720 (127,429 X 160 = 2,038,720).

  1. Sections 226.16 (g) & (h) requires that each sponsoring organization electing to receive advance payments of program funds for day care homes shall disburse the full amount of such payments within five working days of receipt from the SA. Sponsoring organizations shall make payments of program funds to child care centers, adult day care centers, emergency shelters, at-risk afterschool care centers, or outside-school hours care centers within five working days of receipt from the State agency, on the basis of the management plan approved by the State agency,

FNS estimates 12,742 sponsoring organizations will each provide 12 reports annually for a total of 152,904 responses (12,742 X 12 = 152,904). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 5 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 764,520 (152,904 X 5 = 764,520).

  1. Section 226.23 states that independent centers and sponsoring organizations of centers shall develop a policy statement for determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals.

FNS estimates 19,582 sponsors/institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 19,582 responses (19,582 X 1 = 19,582). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 2.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 39,164 (19,582 X 2.0 = 39,164).

  1. Section 226.23(l) states child care institutions that plan to use or disclose information about children eligible for free and reduced price meals in ways not specified in the regulations must obtain written consent from children’s parents or guardians prior to the use or disclosure.

FNS estimates 196 institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 196 responses (196 X 1 = 196). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.08 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 16.268 (196 X 0.08 = 16.268).

  1. Section 226.23(m) states that a child care institution should have a written agreement or MOU with programs or individuals receiving eligibility information, prior to disclosing children’s free and reduced price meal eligibility information.

FNS estimates 196 institutions will each provide 1 report annually for a total of 196 responses (196 X 1 = 196). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.08 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 16.268 (196 X 0.08 = 16.268).


  1. Sections 226.10(d) 226.15(e) state that sponsors/institutions collect and maintain for a period of 3 years and the current year Program applications, enrollment documents, income eligibility forms, attendance records, menus, meal counts, invoices and receipts, claims for reimbursement, licenses, administrative and operating costs records, training documentation, and any other records required by the SA.

FNS estimates 19,582 institutions will each provide 3 reports annually for a total of 19,582 responses (19,582 X 3 = 58,746). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 4.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 234,984 (58,746 X 4 = 234,984).

  1. Section 226.15(e)(3) requires sponsoring organizations to maintain documentation used to classify homes as Tier 1.

FNS estimates 886 institutions will each provide 90 reports annually for a total of 79,740 responses (886 X 90 = 79,740). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.075 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5,980.50 (79,740 X 0.075 = 5,980.50).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that Section 226.15(e)(3) requires sponsoring organizations to collect free and reduced price applications from enrolled children in tier 2 that are not provider's own at least once a year and maintain eligibility determination of each child. This is not a program requirement. Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. Section 226.23(h)(6) requires sponsoring organizations to maintain information to verify homes that qualify as Tier 1 based on provider's income.

FNS estimates 886 institutions will each provide 31 reports annually for a total of 27,446 responses (886 X 31 = 27,446). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.083 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,279.678 (27,446 X 0.083 = 2,279.678.



  1. Sections 226.11(c), 226.17(b)(9) and 226.17a(p) requires facilities to submit daily meal count records to sponsoring organizations monthly.

FNS estimates 24,596 facilities will each provide 12 reports annually for a total of 295,152

responses (24,596 X 12 = 295,152). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 295,152 (295,152 X 1.0 = 295,152).

  1. Sections 226.13 (d)(1) thru (3) & 226.18 (e) requires day care home providers to submit daily meal counts to sponsors monthly.

FNS estimates 138,887 facilities will each provide 12 reports annually for a total of 1,666,644. responses (138,887 X 12 = 1,666,644). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 2,083,305 (1,664,644 X 1.25 = 2,083,305.).


  1. Sections 226.15(e), 226.17(c), 226.17a(o), 226.18(g), 226.19(c) and 226.19a(c) require facilities to collect and maintain for a period of 3 years and the current year Program applications, enrollment documents, income eligibility forms, attendance records, menus, meal counts, invoices and receipts, claims for reimbursement, licenses, administrative and operating costs records, training documentation, and any other records required by the SA.

FNS estimates 163,483 facilities will each provide 3 reports annually for a total of 490,449 responses (163,483 X 3 = 490,449). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1.0 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 490,449 (490,449 X 1.0 = 490,449).



  1. Sections 226.15(e)(2) & 226.16(e)(3) require households to annually update enrollment documentation, signed by a parent or legal guardian, and include information on child's normal days and hours of care and the meals normally received while in care.

FNS estimates 2,016,946 households will each provide 1 enrollment document annually for a total of 2,016,946 responses (2,016,946 X 1 = 2,016,946). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 0.083 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 167,406.518 (2,016,946 X 0.083 = 167,406.518).

  1. In the previously approved ICR, there was a burden to the household related to 226.23(e). This section of the regulations detail SA, sponsoring organization and institution requirements related to free and reduced price meals. There are no requirements listed for households. Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.23 (e)(1) requires households of children enrolled in tier II day care homes complete free and reduced price application. There is no such Program requirement. Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

  1. In the previously approved ICR, it was stated that 226.23(l) requires households to provide written consent prior to use or disclosure of information not permitted by statute. This requirement applies only to SAs and sponsor/institutions, not individual households. Therefore, the burden hours reported previously have been deleted.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBarbara J. Smith
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-05

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