2006-2007 Original Study Teacher Web-Based Survey #2

The Effectiveness of the Alabama Mathematics, Science and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)

Appendix B-Teacher Web Survey 2-Part A

Teacher Web-Based Surveys

OMB: 1850-0831

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Expiration Date: xx/xx/07

Appendix B

Teacher Web-Based Survey #2

AMSTI Teacher Survey #2

The collection of information in this study is authorized by Public Law 107-279 Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part C, Sec. 151(b) and Sec. 153(a). Participation is voluntary. You may skip questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you will answer as many questions as you can. Your responses are protected from disclosure by federal statute (PL 107-279 Title I, Part C, Sec. 183). All responses that relate to or describe identifiable characteristics of individuals may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose, unless otherwise compelled by law. Data will be combined to produce statistical reports. No individual data that links your name, school name, address, telephone number, or identification number with your responses will be included in the statistical reports.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is xxxx-xxxx (expiration date: __/__/__).  The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete the information collection.  If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please contact: the Department of Education 50 North Ripley Street PO Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36104.  If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission, e-mail directly to: Laurel Sterling at lsterling@empiricaleducation.com or call toll free 1-888-486-8886 ext. 127.

You may want your lesson planner in front of you to answer some of the questions.


1. Please type your first and last name here _____________________________________


2a. Before this 2006-2007 school year, how many years had you worked either as a FULL-TIME or at least a HALF-TIME school teacher? Provide number only. Years taught _________

2b. Before this 2006-2007 school year, how many years had you taught mathematics? Please indicate the number of years ____________________

2c. Before this 2006-2007 school year, how many years had you taught science? Please indicate the number of years ____________________

3. What type(s) of teaching certificate(s) do you hold in Alabama? Mark all that apply.

__ Regular or standard state or advanced professional certificate

__ Probationary certificate (the initial certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary period)

__ Provisional or other type of certificate given to persons who are still participating in what the state calls an “alternative certification program”

__ Temporary certificate (requires some additional college coursework and/or other student teaching before regular certification can be obtained).

__ Emergency certificate or waiver (issued to persons with insufficient teacher preparation who must complete a regular certification program in order to continue teaching.

__ National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certificate

__ Specific certificates for teaching bilingual, multicultural, Limited-English, or special education students

__ No certificate

4. What degrees did you hold by the beginning of this 2006-2007 school year? Please check all that apply.

__Associate Degree
__Bachelor's Degree (B.A., B.S., B.E., etc.)
__Master's Degree (M.A., M.A.T., M.B.A., M.Ed., M.S., etc)
__Education specialist or professional diploma (at least one year beyond master's level)
__Doctorate or first professional degree ( Ph.D., Ed.D., M.D., L.L.B., J.D., D.D.S.)

___Other, please list _____________________________________

5. What was the major field of study for your bachelor's degree?

__ Does not apply __ Math

__ Elementary Education __ Science

__ Middle School Education __ Other ______________

__ High School Education

6. If applicable, what is the major field of study for the highest degree you hold beyond your bachelor's degree?


7. During the past two weeks, what curricular and other print materials did you use to teach mathematics and/or science? Mark all that apply.

__AMSTI supplied: (Please list) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

__A+ Learning Computer Program

__Accelerated Math

__Alabama Course of Study

__Alabama Science in Motion

__Carolina Biological

__CPO Science



__Harcourt Brace

__Holt Science

__Houghton Mifflin

__Integrated Science



__Math for Today


__Saxon Math


__Science World

__Scott Foresman Science

__SRA Intervention Math

__Other: (Please list)


Math Instructional Strategies

8. Do you currently teach mathematics?

__Yes (Go to question 9a)

__No (Go to question 19a)

The following questions are attempting to understand the number of hours that students receive of each type of instruction. Each question asks you to reflect upon the last two weeks (ten full days) of instruction.

9a. Think back on your last two weeks (10 full days) of instruction: approximately how many minutes did your students spend doing math in your class? Please be sure to consider all activities, including discussion, lecture, reading, watching video, hands-on activities, worksheets, and activities that integrate math with other subjects.

Minutes of math instruction ____________

9b. The number in question 9a represents my minutes of instruction



__For two weeks

9c. How many math classes (i.e. different groups of students) do you teach?

__1 (Go to question 9e)

__2 (Go to question 9d)

__3 (Go to question 9d)

__4 (Go to question 9d)

__5 (Go to question 9d)

__6 (Go to question 9d)

__7 (Go to question 9d)

__8 (Go to question 9d)

__Other, please specify __________________ (Go to question 9d)

9d. Is the number in question 9a the sum of the minutes for all math classes or the average minutes per class?



9e. For the remainder of the math instruction section of this survey, please continue to calculate your responses in the same manner as you did for question 9a.


10. Consider the following description of Inquiry-Based Instruction in which students do all of the following activities as part of the learning process:

  • Make observations

  • Pose questions

  • Examine books and other sources of information to see what is already known

  • Plan investigations

  • Review what is already known in light of experimental evidence

  • Use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data

  • Propose answers, explanations, and predictions

  • Communicate the results

During the past two weeks, approximately how many minutes did students participate in Inquiry-Based Instruction in your math class?

Minutes of inquiry-based math instruction ____________

11. During the past two weeks, approximately how many minutes did students participate in hands-on math activities (involving active participation; applied, as opposed to theoretical)? Please enter the total number of minutes.

Minutes of hands-on math instruction ____________

12. During the past two weeks, how many minutes were your students engaged in math activities that required higher-order thinking skills? (i.e., where students advance from skills such as focusing and information gathering to skills such as integrating and evaluating.) Please enter the total number of minutes.

Minutes of higher-order thinking skills in math ____________

13. During the past two weeks, about how much time did you teach using AMSTI supplied print materials? Please enter the total number of minutes. If you do not teach AMSTI, please enter “0.”

Minutes using AMSTI supplied math print materials _________

14. During the past two weeks, what type of math assessments did you use in your classroom? Please check all that apply.

__ Informal assessments, such as questioning and observation, to gauge student learning

__ Formative paper and pencil assessments (i.e., assessments that occur regularly throughout the year in order to inform instruction)

__ Performance-based assessments (i.e., assessing students based on their application of knowledge, skills, and work habits through the performance of tasks that are meaningful and engaging to students)

__ Standardized assessments

__ Other, please describe ______________

__ I did not administer any math assessments

Math Professional Development

15a. The following questions refer to math Professional Development (PD) activities in which you have participated during the past month.

For AMSTI: Please include any professional development you have received as part of the AMSTI program or in any way connected with AMSTI.
For Non-AMSTI: Please include all non-AMSTI professional development you have received.

During the past month, how much professional development have you received for your math program. Please do not include support or collaboration meetings. Please enter the total hours of training in each box.

AMSTI Mathematics __________

Non-AMSTI Mathematics __________

15b. To what extent have the math professional development activities increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

16a. During the past month, how many times did you try contacting someone for support (e.g., for mentoring or coaching) with math instruction?

AMSTI Mathematics Total Times__________

Non-AMSTI Mathematics Total Times __________

16b. During the past month, how many times did someone actually provide support (e.g., for mentoring or coaching) with math instruction?

AMSTI Mathematics Total Times__________

Non-AMSTI Mathematics Total Times __________

16c. To what extent have the math support activities listed in question 16b increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

17a. During the past month, how frequently have you had collaboration meetings with other teachers (e.g., for planning lessons) for math?

1=Never, 2=Once or twice, 3=At least weekly, 4=Daily, NA= Not applicable

AMSTI Mathematics__________

Non-AMSTI Mathematics__________

17b. To what extent have the math collaboration activities listed in question 17a increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

18. During the past two weeks, how many hours (both paid and unpaid time) did you spend planning your math lessons? Please enter the total number of hours.

Math __________

Science Instructional Strategies

19. Do you currently teach science?

__Yes (Go to question 20a)

__No (Go to question 30)

The following questions are attempting to understand the number of hours that students receive of each type of instruction. Each question asks you to reflect upon the last two weeks (ten full days) of instruction.

20a. Think back on your last two weeks (10 full days) of instruction: approximately how many minutes did your students spend doing science in your class? Please be sure to consider all activities, including discussion, lecture, reading, watching video, hands-on activities, worksheets, and activities that integrate science with other subjects.

Minutes of science instruction ____________

20b. The number in question 20a represents my minutes of instruction



__For two weeks

20c. How many science classes (i.e. different groups of students) do you teach?

__1 (Go to question 20e)

__2 (Go to question 20d)

__3 (Go to question 20d)

__4 (Go to question 20d)

__5 (Go to question 20d)

__6 (Go to question 20d)

__7 (Go to question 20d)

__8 (Go to question 20d)

__Other, please specify __________________ (Go to question 20d)

20d. Is the number in question 20a the sum of the minutes for all science classes or the average minutes per class?



20e. For the remainder of the science instruction section of this survey, please continue to calculate your responses in the same manner as you did for question 20a.


21. Consider the following description of Inquiry-Based Instruction in which students do all of the following activities as part of the learning process:

  • Make observations

  • Pose questions

  • Examine books and other sources of information to see what is already known

  • Plan investigations

  • Review what is already known in light of experimental evidence

  • Use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data

  • Propose answers, explanations, and predictions

  • Communicate the results

During the past two weeks, approximately how many minutes did students participate in Inquiry-Based Instruction in your science class?

Minutes of inquiry-based science instruction ____________

22. During the past two weeks, approximately how many minutes did students participate in hands-on science activities (involving active participation; applied, as opposed to theoretical)? Please enter the total number of minutes.

Minutes of hands-on science instruction ____________

23. During the past two weeks, how many minutes were your students engaged in science activities that required higher-order thinking skills? (i.e., where students advance from skills such as focusing and information gathering to skills such as integrating and evaluating.) Please enter the total number of minutes.

Minutes of higher-order thinking skills in science ____________

24. During the past two weeks, about how much time did you teach using AMSTI supplied print materials? Please enter the total number of minutes. If you do not teach AMSTI, please enter “0.”

Minutes using AMSTI supplied science print materials _________

25. During the past two weeks, what type of science assessments did you use in your classroom? Please check all that apply.

__ Informal assessments, such as questioning and observation, to gauge student learning

__ Formative paper and pencil assessments (i.e., assessments that occur regularly throughout the year in order to inform instruction)

__ Performance-based assessments (i.e., assessing students based on their application of knowledge, skills, and work habits through the performance of tasks that are meaningful and engaging to students)

__ Standardized assessments

__ Other, please describe ______________

__ I did not administer any science assessments

Science Professional Development

26a. The following questions refer to science Professional Development (PD) activities in which you have participated during the past month.

For AMSTI: Please include any professional development you have received as part of the AMSTI program or in any way connected with AMSTI.
For Non-AMSTI: Please include all non-AMSTI professional development you have received.

During the past month, how much professional development have you received for your science program. Please do not include support or collaboration meetings. Please enter the total hours of training in each box.

AMSTI Science __________

Non-AMSTI Science __________

26b. To what extent have the science professional development activities increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

27a. During the past month, how many times did you try contacting someone for support (e.g., for mentoring or coaching) with science instruction?

AMSTI Science Total Times__________

Non-AMSTI Science Total Times __________

27b. During the past month, how many times did someone actually provide support (e.g., for mentoring or coaching) with science instruction?

AMSTI Science Total Times__________

Non-AMSTI Science Total Times __________

27c. To what extent have the science support activities listed in question 27b increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

28a. During the past month, how frequently have you had collaboration meetings with other teachers (e.g., for planning lessons) for science?

1=Never, 2=Once or twice, 3=At least weekly, 4=Daily, NA= Not applicable

AMSTI Science __________

Non-AMSTI Science s__________

28b. To what extent have the science collaboration activities listed in question 28a increased the following?

1= Not at all or very little, 2=To some extent, 3= A great deal, NA= Not applicable

_____Your ability to incorporate technology into your teaching

_____Your ability to use new teaching methods

_____Your ability to teach basic skills and facts

_____Your classroom management strategies

_____Your ability to teach critical thinking skills to your students

_____Your students' academic achievement

_____The way you assess student work

29. During the past two weeks, how many hours (both paid and unpaid time) did you spend planning your Science lessons? Please enter the total number of hours.

Science __________

Planning Time

30. During the past two weeks, how may hours (both paid and unpaid time) did you spend planning your math and/or science lessons? Please enter the total number of hours.

  1. Math ___

  2. Science ____

Additional Information

31. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your math and/or science program or about this survey?



egional Educational Laboratory

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAppendix B
AuthorMelissa R. Williams
Last Modified BySheila.Carey
File Modified2007-05-10
File Created2007-05-10

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