726 Borrower Checklist

RUS Electric Loan Application and Related Reporting Burdens

Form 726.xls

RUS Electric Loan Application and Related Reporting Burdens

OMB: 0572-0032

Document [xlsx]
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Sheet 1: 726

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.

The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0572-0032. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for

reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.









Transmittal Letter to RUS with additional items (see attached instructions) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(1))


Transmittal Letter to Supplemental Lender (if required - 7 CFR 1710.110)


Board Resolution requesting loan and release of information (sample form available) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(2))


RUS Form 740c - Cost Estimate & Loan Budget (7CFR 1710.401(a)(3))

Reimbursement schedule (if applicable) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(3)(iii)

Useful life - statement certifying that at least 90% of the loan funds are for facilities with a useful life of

33 years or longer or attach schedule showing the costs and useful life of those facilities with a useful life

less than 33 years. (see attached instructions) (7 CFR 1710.115)

Location of Consumers, if applicable (if density exceeds 17) ( 7 CFR 1710.401(a)(3)(iv)


RUS Form 740g - Application for Headquarters Facilities (if needed) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(4))


RUS Form 7 - Financial & Statistical Report: (not more than 60 days old) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(5))


Area Coverage & Line Extension Policy (s). (see attached instructions, Item #2 of transmittal letter) (7 CFR 1710.401(b))


Current Load Forecast Study: (attach Board Resolution adopting if not previously submitted) (7 CFR 1710.401(c)(2)(i))


Long Range Financial Forecast with Board Resolution (sample form available) and assumptions (7 CFR 1710.401(c)(1))


Sensitivity Analysis (if required - see 7 CFR 1710, subpart G) (7 CFR 1710.401(c)(1))


Copy of all Retail Rates (only if amended since last loan)


Rate Comparison at average residential usage (see instructions)

Include a narrative statement concerning recent and/or planned changes in retail rates (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(17))


Attorney Opinion to include, but not limited to: property owned, corporate status, authorized place of business, borrower's legal name,

debt limit, State regulatory approvals and subsidiaries (see attached instructions- sample form available)

Debt Limit Amount
(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(7))

a. Property description marked as Schedule B attached (page 4 of Mortgage)

b. Debt Limit - date established and amount.

c. Board Resolution attached (needed whenever the debt limit is different than that contained in last mortgage

or an increase is required)

d. Name of Power Supplier, Power Contract name and Date of Power Contract included as item "j"


Special Resolution as required: (use of contractors, corrective action plans, etc..)



Articles of Incorporation (only if amended since last loan) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(14)(i))


Bylaws (only if amended since last loan)(7 CFR1710.401(a)(14)(ii))


CWP, Board Resolution approving the CWP, and BER (if not previously submitted)(7 CFR 1710.401(c)(2)(ii) & (iii))


Statement concerning inclusion of facilities in rate base (see attached instructions)(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(15))


Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension & Other (Form AD 1047-Form available)(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(10))


Lobbying Certification (Form available) (7 CFR 1710.401(a)(12))


Uniform Relocation Act Assurance Statement (if not previously provided)(Form available)(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(11))


Debt Delinquency Certification (Form available)(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(13))


DSM or IRP Study (required for a loan for DSM or IRP facilities or equipment)(7 CFR 1710.401(c)(2)(iv))


Copy of Standard Form 100 (if in excess of 100 employees)(7 CFR 1710.401(a)(9))


Borrower's Statistical Profile-include comments (Only comment on adverse flags-GFR will assist with selection of adverse flags)


Rural Development Activities (see sample format provided in form "Rural Development Activities.doc")


Other (list - 7 CFR 1710.401 (a)(18))



RUS Form 602 - Analysis of Prior Loan Funds: (Only required if there is a balance in reserve)


RUS Form 324 - Financial Forecast Review and Evaluation Worksheet (Not needed if the information is contained in the FAR).


RUS Form 138- GFR Checklist and Report for Electric Loan Application


Trendbux Analysis


RELRA Worksheet (not required for Guaranteed applications)

Rate Disparity and Consumer Data (if needed, density greater than 5.5)

Note: In those cases where the borrower's density may go over 5.5 in the near future, this information

should be provided even though the density is under 5.5. If density exceeds 17, the location of consumers

must also be provided as attachment to RUS Form 740c (see item 4, c. above).


Civil Rights Field Activity Review Report (Form 9 - if not previously submitted)

A total of 5 loan packets are needed for concurrent loan applications. RUS receives the original signature loan documents and one copy. The Supplemental lender receives one

copy. The GFR receives one copy and one copy is for the borrower's records. The GFR loan packet and the RUS loan packets are sent to the GFR for final review.

The Supplemental loan packet is sent directly to the Supplemental lender.


RUS Form 726 (Rev. 9-01)

(Version 2, 4-23-01)

Sheet 2: Instructions


Item # Description

1 Transmittal Letter to RUS

Items to be included in the transmittal letter as listed in 7 CFR 1710.401:

a. Transmittal letter must be signed by the cooperative Manager.

b. Include the corporate name of the borrower.

c. Include the street address of the corporate headquarters.

d. Include the Taxpayer ID of the cooperative.

e. The need for flood hazard insurance must be addressed.

f. Provide a breakdown of the funds by State.

g. List of Counties served.

h. Listing of threatened actions by third parties that could adversely effect the

cooperative's financial condition including annexations or other actions

affecting service territory, loads, or rates (example: potential loss of a large

power consumer or large load concentration).

i. Listing of pending regulatory proceedings.

A statement that there has been no change in area coverage or line extension policies.

(Note: If there has been a change then a copy of the new area coverage and/or line

extension policy(s), as applicable, must be submitted to RUS - see Form 726 item #7)

2 Transmittal Letter to Supplemental Lender

Contact your supplemental Lender (if any) concerning the format for this letter.

3 Board Resolution requesting loan and release of information

Sample forms are provided. Please use the form that is appropriate for the type of loan


Municipal Rate Loan - Muni Rate Loan Resolution.doc

100% Municipal Rate Loan - Muni Rate Loan 100% Resolution.doc

Hardship Rate Loan - Hardship Rate Loan Resolution.doc

FFB Guaranteed Loan - FFB Guarantee Loan Resolution.doc

Treasury Rate Loan - Treasury Rate Loan Resolution.doc
4 RUS Form 740c

See sample form "740c.xls" - instructions are provided with the form.

4.a. Reimbursement Schedule - This schedule lists the date, amount, and identification

number of each inventory of work orders and special equipment summary that form

the basis for the borrower's request for reimbursement of general funds on the RUS Form

740c. See Sec. 1710.109.

4.b. Useful life statement - A statement must be attached to the 740c certifying that

at least 90% of the loan funds requested are for facilities with a useful life of 33

years or longer. If facilities are included in the loan that have a useful life of

less than 33 years, and represent more than 10% of the loan, attach a schedule

showing the costs and useful life of those facilities (reference 1710.115).

(Sample statement provided as an attachment to the Form 740c)

4.c. Location of Consumers - If the application is for a municipal rate loan subject to the interest

rate cap, or for a loan at the hardship rate, and the average number of consumers per mile

of the total electric system exceeds 17, Form 740c must include, as a note, a breakdown

of funds included in the proposed loan to furnish or improve service to consumers located

in an urban area. See 7 CFR 1714.7(c) and 1714.8(d). This breakdown must indicate the

method used by the borrower for allocating loan funds between urban and non urban consumers

5 RUS Form 740g

This form is only required if a loan is being requested to support the construction of headquarters

facilities - see 7 CFR 1710.401(a)(4) for additional details.

6 RUS Form 7

Financial and statistical report. The form shall contain the most recent data available, which

shall not be more than 60 days old when received by RUS.

7 Area Coverage and Line Extension Policy(s)

Attach a copy of the current Area Coverage and Line Extension Policy(s) only if there has been

in the policy(s) since that last loan application.

8 Current Load Forecast Study

Attach a copy of the Board Resolution approving the most recent Load Forecast Study used to

support this loan requested only if it has not been previously submitted.

9 & 10 Long Range Financial Forecast with Board Resolution/Sensitivity Analysis

Along with the loan application, the borrower shall submit to RUS a Long-Range Financial

Forecast (LRFF), that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 1710, subpart G. The forecast

shall include any sensitivity analysis or analysis of alternative scenarios required by

subpart G of 7 CFR 1710, and shall be accompanied by a certified board resolution

adopting, and indicating the board of directors' approval of, the LRFF, and directing

management to take whatever steps may be necessary, including the filing for rate

increases, to achieve the TIER goals set forth in the LRFF.

A sample Board resolution is available (see Financial Forecast Resolution.doc).

11 Copy of all Retail Rates

Attach a copy of all retails rates only if a change in the rates has taken place since the last

loan application.

12 Rate Comparison at average residential rates

Comparison of rates with neighboring and/or competing utilities (IOU's and Muni's only).

The Comparison should be based upon the average residential usage. This comparison

should also include an explanation of any recent or planned changes in retail rates.

13 Attorney Opining

Submit an opinion of counsel (see sample form "Attorney Opinion.doc") which provides

and opines to the accuracy of information relating to:

(a) Counties where the borrower has personal or real property (existing facilities and

new facilities).

(b) The completeness and accuracy of the property schedule (Property Scheduled

attached to this opinion as Schedule B).

(c) The suitability of the property descriptions for inclusion in a mortgage.

(d) The borrower's corporate status.

(e) The borrower's authorized places of business.

(f) The borrower's true and correct legal name.

(g) The borrower's corporate debt limit.

NOTE: A new Board Resolution will be required (attach) whenever the debt limit is

different than that contained in the last mortgage or whenever the debt limit is

inadequate to cover all debt (past plus current application).

(h) State Regulatory Approvals (loan documents would or would not require)

(i) Taxpayer ID number

(j) The name(s) of your Power Supplier(s), name(s) of the related contracts and date of

the contracts. Note: These dates should be the last full, complete, contract, not


(k) Statement concerning pending litigation or claims. If claims or pending litigation exist,

provide a list including levels of related insurance coverage and potential effect.

(l) Whether the borrower has one or more subsidiaries

14 Special Resolution

Submit all resolutions as required (GFR will provide information concerning this item).

15 Articles of Incorporation

Attach a copy of the current Articles of Incorporation only if modified since the last

loan submittal.

16 Bylaws

Attach a copy of the current Bylaws only if modified since the last loan submittal.

17 CWP Board Resolution

Attach a copy of the Board Resolution approving the supporting CWP if not previously


18 Statement concerning inclusion of facilities in rate base

To fulfill the requirements of 7 CFR 1710.151(f): Submit a statement from management

or an opinion of counsel indicating that, based upon available information, there is no

reason to anticipate that any of the facilities included in the loan application will be

excluded from the borrower's rate base by State regulatory authorities. This statement

may be based upon the provisions of State law, rules and policies of State regulatory

authorities, prior experience, and the recent experience of other utilities in the State.

NOTE: If provided by Management, the statement may be included in the

transmittal letter.

19 Certificate Regarding Debarment

Form AD-1047, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other

Responsibility Matters--Primary Covered Transactions. This statement certifies that the

borrower will comply with certain regulations on debarment and suspension required

by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension (3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189).

See 7 CFR part 3017 and Sec. 1710.123. (See sample form "Debarment.doc")

20 Lobbying Certification

This statement certifies that the borrower shall comply with certain requirements

with respect to restrictions on lobbying activities. There are two forms of certification

required. Form "Lobbying FFB.doc should be used in support of FFB guaranteed

loan applications. Form "Lobbying.doc" should be used for all other applications.

21 Uniform Relocation Act Assurance Statement

This assurance, which need not be resubmitted if previously submitted,

provides that the borrower shall comply with 49 CFR part 24, which implements

the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act

of 1970, as amended by the Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987

and 1991. See Sec. 1710.124. (See also sample form "Relocation.doc")

22 Debt Delinquency Certification

Federal debt delinquency requirements. See 1710.126. This report indicates

whether or not a borrower is delinquent on any Federal debt.

(See sample certification "Debt Certification.doc")

23 DSM or IRP study

See 7 CFR 1710, Subpart H, for details relating to loans for demand side management

and associated Integrated Resources Plans.

24 Standard Form 100

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Report EEO--1. This form, required by

the Department of Labor, sets forth employment data for borrowers with 100 or

more employees. A copy of this form, as submitted to the Department of Labor, is

to be included in the application for an insured loan if the borrower has more than 100

employees. See Sec. 1710.122.

25 Borrower's Statistical Profile and Comments

Attach a copy of the current Borrower's Statistical Profile (BSP). Also attach comments

explaining each ratio that is flagged and considered adverse. The GFR will assist with

determining which ratios are considered adverse.

26 Rural Development Activities

Attach a narrative discussion of all rural development activities support by the borrower.

(See sample format "Rural Development Activities.doc")

27 Other

Attach other documents as required. The GFR will advise as to any other required


Please be as specific as possible with your responses to the above items. If you need any

assistance with addressing any item, please contact your GFR.

File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
File Title7CFR1710
AuthorCliff Burris
Last Modified BySystems
File Modified2001-12-06
File Created2001-03-12

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