OnLine form edits: Single Application_200702 |
Source |
Form’s Location |
Change / Edit to do |
Notes/Questions to Editors |
Completed |
A) Initial Project Requirement list |
#1 |
Global |
Work to be performed on-site at EDA |
x |
#2 |
As appear |
All fields except for check boxes and radial buttons are expandable dynamic fields (text) |
#3 |
External |
Provide training for 3-4 EDA staffers |
#4 |
Global |
Capability to edit existing form in AA7 |
x |
#5 |
Global |
Clean up layout of form |
#6 |
As appear |
Edit per following list |
6a |
As appear |
Legal Citations to be inserted |
need |
6b |
Update when final page flow is approved |
6c |
Global |
Replace “proponent” with “applicant” |
x |
6d |
Global |
Replace “Note: You may be asked to provide these at a later date” to “Note: If EDA determines that your project merits further consideration, you will be required to provide this form at a later date” |
x |
6e |
Global |
Make numbering system consistent: e.g., a-b-c instead of 1-2-3 |
NOTE per question, but generally 1/A,B,C |
x |
6f |
Page 1 |
Change “vetting” to “evaluation” |
x |
Page 1 |
Change “and requirements” to “selection and evaluation criteria, and application procedures, as set forth in . . .” |
x |
Page 1 |
Insert at end of paragraph, “which are published annually in the Federal Registrar.” |
x |
6g |
Section A |
Insert “(or quasi-governmental, including EDDs)” |
x |
6h |
Section A/1 |
EDA’s definition for “region” has been decided in 13 C.F. R. ' 300.3 “economic unit…” Need to ensure consistency with the regulatory definition, and inclusion of legal citation. |
x |
6i |
Section A/2 |
Insert “Note: if EDA determines that your project merits further consideration, and if your project includes construction, you will be required to provide a USGS map of the site.” |
x |
6j |
Section A |
May need to insert questions on potential issues, litigation, public controversy, and eminent domain in Section A (pending discussions with Legal) |
x |
6k |
Unknown |
Need to insert a question on coordinating with state historical preservation agency |
x |
6l |
Section A |
Move A7 to section B end, so is B 5? |
End of B section, Q5 |
x |
6m |
Section B |
Change “is eligible” in instructions to “satisfies these eligibility requirements.” |
x |
6n |
Section D |
Re-title or provide brief explanatory paragraph immediately after title to clarify which applicants should complete this section |
6o |
Section D/3 |
Insert “or By-Laws” in line 2 |
x |
6p |
Section E |
May need to change 1 or 2 questions in section following discussions with Legal |
Done |
x |
6q |
As directed |
May need to insert a few Standard Forms into the application package (but no editing required, just insert forms wholesale). |
Place at end of document as exhibit |
6r |
Section F/2 |
Insert “applicant’s” before “Strategy Committee.” |
x |
6s |
Section G/1 |
Delete “ability of the applicant” and insert “economic development planning capacity of the state, local government, university or non=profit organization experiencing economic distress.” |
x |
6t |
Section G/1 |
Change “is proposed” to “will be located”. |
x |
6u |
Section H/1 |
Insert “that satisfies EDA CEDS requirements.” |
x |
6v |
Section H/1a |
Rework question to require submission of CEDS immediately rather than at later date |
Legal editorial |
x |
6w |
Section K/1 |
Change “or other similar document” to “strategic planning document” |
“or other strategic planning document” |
x |
6x |
Section M/1 |
In Ownership, Operation, and Maintenance, Q1, may be significant changes to this question after discussions with Legal |
Legal editorial |
x |
6y |
Section M/4 |
In Ownership, Operation, and Maintenance, Q4, change “covenant of use” to “recorded statement satisfactory to EDA.” |
x |
6z |
Section M |
Relocation Expenses – insert question re whether relocation expenses are part of EDA budget. |
Legal Editorial |
x |
6aa |
Include link to full environmental narrative if applicant wants to submit now. |
Where? |
6bb |
Section N/5 |
Insert at end of question 5, “Note that even if the proposed project can be constructed in phases, the design and engineering work must be completed before construction can begin.” |
x |
B) Memo to Maureen Klovers from Barry Bird, OCC comments |
1 |
page of document |
. . contains references to a pre-application and the public
reporting burden is hours listed for pre-application. |
x |
2 |
Pgs 3&4 |
prior version of the SF-424 is included with the document; the
current document is presently on the website and it is
contemplated that the document will be a free-standing document
and not included within the application. |
x |
3 |
General Instructions |
. . . statement regarding legal assistance and completing the applications should be modified to indicate that “generally” legal assistance will not be necessary since and application may need to consult with an attorney concerning issues of a legal nature. |
x |
4 |
Section A/1 |
quotation mark is missing for the quote found in question 1. |
Legal editorial |
x |
5 |
Section M/D (A) |
Do not do per MK |
6 |
SF-424B (Assurances), etc. Do not do per MK |
7 |
PreApp p7 & Pt III pgs 10-11 |
All the information asked for in the title questions found in the title section of the Pre-Application (pg 7) and in Part III of the Construction Investments Program Requirements document (pgs 10-11) should be included in the single Application unless its omission can be justified |
x |
8 |
respect to issue of exhibits, the single application refers to
certain exhibits as were numbered in the Construction Investments
Program Requirements document. The following exhibits that were
on preprinted forms should be incorporated into the documents
either in the text or as exhibits: |
9 |
Note the application uses a third definition of region/regional. We also have a definition in the regulations and in the 2007 operational guidance. We need to use the definition in the regulation or change it in the regulation. |
x |
10 |
Global |
Make sure capitalization usage is consistent: State/state, Region/region |
x |
11 |
The Environmental section of the application indicates that EDA will request additional information if further consideration is warranted; this information should consist of all the information requested in the current application documents. |
IGNORE per MK 02/14/07 |
C) Copy of Draft Application with OCC annotations |
P1 |
P1/Title & TOC |
“Pre-Application” to be replaced with “Application” globally. |
x |
P1 |
P1/Title & TOC |
TOC to be updated |
P2 |
Disclaimer |
Disclaimer – clean up |
x |
P3 |
Form SF-424 a |
App for Federal Assistance form 424 – delete page |
x |
P4 |
Form SF-424 b |
Instruction for the SF-424 – delete page |
x |
P5 |
Section A General instructions |
as noted |
x |
- “See 13 C.F.R. ' 301.3” |
x |
P6 |
Section A/1 |
as noted |
OCC note about definition |
x |
Section A/3/1 |
as noted |
x |
Section A/3/2 |
as noted |
Format? |
x |
Section A/4 |
as noted |
OCC question re LINK working, and noted that “FFOs issued annually. |
x |
P7 |
Section A/5 |
Change “Proponent” to “Applicant” |
x |
Section A/7 |
Move question and table to section B |
As last question, #5. |
x |
Section A/8 |
as noted |
x |
P8 |
Section A/10 |
Edit 10 from “”Non-EDA Project Funding” to “Non-EDA Funding for the Project” |
x |
Section A/10/1 |
as noted |
x |
Section A/10/2 |
as noted |
x |
Section A/10/4 |
Change “proponent” to “applicant” |
x |
P9 |
Section A/11 |
- delete: . . . ”a “disclosure of Lobbying Activities”( . . .” |
x |
- trade words to read . . . “also must be completed.” |
x |
Insert text: Note: Applicants must comply with 13 C.F.R. ' 302.10 regarding attorney and consultant fees and the employment of expediters.” |
Is this the correct word: “expediters”? – YES, per MK |
x |
Section A/12/1 |
as noted: |
x |
Section A/13/1 |
Insert as noted: - “See 15 C.F.R. ' 14.40 or ' 24.36 as applicable.” |
x |
P10 |
Section B |
In subhead insert: “ See 13 C.F.R. ' 301.3.” |
x |
Section B/1 |
comma as noted to read: |
x |
Section B/2 |
- change “proponent” to “applicant” |
x |
Section B/2 |
Replace “is” as noted with “are” |
x |
Section B/2 |
Replace “was” as noted with “were” |
x |
Section B/2 |
word “data” after “ACS” to read: |
x |
Section B/2 |
comma as noted to read: |
x |
Section B/2 |
Insert text: “If no Federal data are available, the most recent data available . . . “ making initial “d” of word “data” lower case to accommodate. |
x |
Section B/2 |
text at end of sentence to read: |
x |
P11 |
Section B/3 |
text at end of sentence to read: |
x |
Section B/3/A |
word to read: |
x |
Section B/3/C |
In 6th choice change word “or” to “of” |
x |
Section B/4 |
text at end of sentence: |
x |
Section B/4 |
Identify obscured text |
Not on my document |
x |
Section B/4 |
Note: question 2 reference on OCC annotation document is question 3 in current form |
P12 |
Section C/Subhead |
Edit subhead as noted – except |
Subhead text is totally different in OCC annotation and current form |
x |
Section C/1b |
Insert text “no benefit or only” into line to read “. . . will the project be of no benefit or only incidental benefit . . .” |
x |
Section C/1c |
Insert text “does the project merit a higher rate and is” and “not otherwise” as noted |
x |
P13 |
Section D |
Edits noted by OCC, however, |
Need Clarification |
Section D/3 |
noted: |
x |
Section D/2 or 3? |
- Editorial comment re “B.E.” – need |
x |
Section D/3 |
- insert text “or By-Laws” |
x |
Section D/4 |
Insert comma to read: “. . . (e.g., local government entity), . . .” |
x |
Section D/4 |
Insert text: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 301.2(b).” |
x |
Section D/4 |
OCC Editorial question |
OCC clarify |
Section D/5 |
Insert word “a” to read “If you are applying for a construction . . .” |
x |
Section D/5 |
Change word “assistance” to “grant” |
x |
Section D/5 |
Insert text: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 302.9(a).” |
x |
Section D/5 |
Insert word “a” to read, “. . . I am not applying for a construction. . . “ |
x |
Section D/5 |
Change word “assistance” to “grant” |
x |
P14 |
Section E/1 & Global |
Change all mentions of “Form 424-A” to “Form SF 424-A” |
x |
Section E/2 |
Change “Form 424-A” to “Form SF 424-A” |
x |
Section F/1 |
Delete “CEDS” from after “EDA [CEDS] requirements . . . |
x |
Section F/1 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 303.7.” |
x |
Section F/3 |
Delete text starting at “For each individual listed . . . “ and running thru “ . . . the he or she represents.” |
x |
Section F/3 |
Insert text to read “Board membership must comply with EDA regulations at 13 C.F.R. ' 304.2(c)(2).” |
x |
P15 |
Section G/1 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 303.9.” |
x |
Section H/1 |
Capitalize word “State” |
x |
Section H/1 |
Insert text at end of pp: “Does it comply with EPA requirements? See 13 C.F.R. ' 303.8.” |
x |
Section H/1a |
Capitalize word “State” |
x |
Section H/1c |
Capitalize word “State” – both incidences |
xx |
P16 |
Section I/4 |
OCC editorial question |
Clarify |
Section 1/4 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 306.2.” |
x |
P17 |
Section J/5 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 306.5.” |
x |
Section K/1 |
OCC Question |
Section K/2 |
Insert text at end of sentence: “See 13 C.F.R ' 300.3 and ' 307.2(b).” |
Link is deleted? |
x |
Section L/3 |
Capitalize first incidence of word, plan: “. . . Fund Plan.” |
x |
Section L/3 |
Capitalize second incidence of word, plan: “This Plan . . . “ |
x |
Section L/3 |
Insert text: “regulations set forth in 13 C.F.R. ' 307.9.” |
x |
Section L/3 |
Delete text “Requirements [LINK]”. |
Delete Link? All text italic? |
x |
P18 |
Section M/B |
New text a format in Current Form |
Clarify |
P19 |
Section M/D |
Header: change character “A” to “D” in title. |
Header is currently “Ownership, Operation, and Maintenance” rather than “Title Requirements” as shown on OCC copy. |
x |
Section M/D/2 |
Insert at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 314.7.” |
x |
Section M/D/2 |
Change word “may” to “will” in NOTE. |
x |
Section M/D/2 |
Insert text at end of NOTE, to continue: . . . “questions at a later date if EDA selects the project for further consideration.” |
x |
Section M/D/2 |
Note from MK to insert text A – which was that? |
MK - Which text was to be inserted here? |
P20 |
Section M/D/4 |
After “. . . EDA a security interest . . .” insert text “or other statement of EDA interest. . . ” to replace noted copy. |
x |
Section M/D/4 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 314.9.” |
x |
Section M/D/7 |
Change number “2” to number “7” |
x |
P21 |
Section M/D/8 |
Note designations “8 a)” etc. Unit has been edited on current form |
See OCC notes re “Exhibit”s |
P22 |
Section M/E/3 |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 314.7.” |
x |
Section M/F |
Insert text at end of pp: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 302.5.” |
x |
Section M/F |
OCC question regarding “Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1990” box |
OCC inquiry |
P23 |
Section M/G |
Wayward text box in header, delete |
x |
P24 |
Section N |
OCC inquiry – edits previously made to current document re: Exhibit II B; obscured type line; N/2 question beginning. |
Previously edited on current document |
P25 |
“Federal agencies are required by law to assist . . . “ |
MK questioned |
P26 |
“When the primary purpose of . . .” |
OCC inquiry |
Edits made by Susan, Assume all pages layout clean-up and formatting |
D) Format changes by Susan – numbered by current document page designation |
Title Page |
P1 Title Page |
- Format TOC box – add Section Names & page numbers: A-All Applicants p3 B-Regional Eligibility p8 C-Technical Assistance and Research/Evaluation p10 D-All Non-Governmental Applicants (Excluding Public Universities) p11 E-Budgeting and Staffing/Non-Construction Assistance p12 F-Partnership Planning Assistance p13 G-Short Term Planning Assistance p13 H-State Planning Assistance p14 I-Local Technical Assistance p14 J-University Center Assistance p15 K-Economic Adjustment Assistance p16 L- Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Assistance p16 M-Construction Assistance p17 N-Design and Engineering Projects Assistance p23 |
Qualifier |
P2 Qualifier |
- PP3 L1: cx “8 hours” to “XX hours”. - PP3 L5: open # between “Development” # “Administration” |
Sec A |
P3 A General Instructions |
- PP1 L2: open # between “statement” # ”for” - PP2 L5: cx to “although applicants . . .” - PP3 L2: cx “may” to “will” and “…as a prerequisite for…” to “…if the project is selected for…” - In Investment Types, State Planning choice, insert “Complete sections A, E, G, and H.” - Unify section capitalization - In Type of Applicant, add to Governmental radio button, “(or quasi-governmental, to include - Economic Development Districts)” - fix radio button group |
Has EDIT G been incorporated? |
P4 A Q1 |
- Insert text “(see 13 C.F.R. ' 300.3)” / Need new text / format layout - Need New Definition from MK |
Edit from MK needed – New correct definition for Q1-NEED |
P4 A Q2 |
- Ensure text box is expandable |
P4 A Q3-A,B,C |
- Make numbers flow as 3/1,2,3. - Make numbers flow as 3/A,B,C per MK |
P4 A Q3-A |
- Check boxes changed to radio buttons for either/or - 1 – Insert “(See 13 C.F.R ' 303.7).” - Ensure text boxes are expandable |
P4 A Q3-B |
- Ensure the text box is expandable |
P4-5 A Q3-C |
- 2 – Insert “(See 13 C.F.R Part 303).” |
Edit notation from MK re “See A already made” |
P5 A Q4 |
- Expandable text box |
P5 A Q5 |
- Expandable text box |
P5 A Q6 |
- Expandable text box |
P5 A Q7 |
- Original Q7 moved into Section B as Q5 |
P5-6 A Q7-A,B,C |
- Number flow: 7/1,2,3 -
Check boxes changed to radio buttons for either/or - Number flow 7/A,B,C |
Number flow cx from “7/1,2,3” to “7/A,B,C” globally to distinguish question levels from each other |
P6 A Q8 |
- Insert at end of question, “Note, If you are filling out this application in hardcopy format, you may download the SF-424A or SF-424C forms from [LINK].” |
P6 A Q9-A,B,C,D,E |
- Number flow 9/1,2,3,4,5 - Check boxes changed to radio buttons for either/or - Number flow 9/A,B,C,D,E |
P6 A Q9-A |
- Edit L2 to “(…of debt; see…300.3).” - Expandable text box |
P6 A Q9-B |
- Add “Explain” and exp text box after No choice |
P6 A Q9-C |
- Expandable text box |
P6 A Q9-D |
- No choice “(go to question E)” - Line up items to left margin |
P7 A Q10 |
- BF/ul “All applicants” |
P7 A Q11/A,B,C,D |
Check boxes changed to Radio buttons (either/or) - Number flow 11/A,B,C,D, and fix references - Clean up expandable text box |
P7 A Q12/A,B,C |
- Changed sub questions 1-1a-X to 1-2-3 - Number flow 12/A,B,C - Fix references - Check expandable text box |
Sec B |
P8 B Q1/A,B |
- Cleaned up boxes, following question number scheme 1-1a-1b because of their levels - Number flow 1/A,B - Check expandable text boxes - Intro L2 insert “(see 13 C.F.R. ' 301.3).” after [LINK] |
P8 B Q1/A |
- Italicize “If this regions is different from the region described in Section A of this application,” |
P8 B Q1/B |
- L1: Insert comma after “(e.g.^…)” |
P8 B Q2 |
- L1 cx “proponent” to “applicant” - L3 cx “is” to “are”, “was” to “were”. Insert word “data” after “… explain why ACS” - L4 cx “is” to “are”, “was” to “were” - Line up check boxes to first line of questions - Insert text to beginning of checkbox question 3, “If no federal data are available, the most recent …” and l/c “d” for “data” - Insert at end of checkbox question 4, after “…Special Need”: “…as defined in 13 C.F.R ' 300.3.” |
P9 B Q3 |
- Line up check boxes with first line of each question - Take out extra space in A L3, between “percent##greater” |
P9 B Q4 |
- Question L10, fix ref to “question 3C above.” - Line up radio buttons with first line of Y/N text |
MK says “See A, already made” – clarify reference, please |
P10 B Q5 |
- Move A Q7 Project Beneficiaries question here from P5. |
Sec C |
P10 Intro |
- L5: fix word “merits” |
MK comment: Check regs: should this apply to planning grants too? |
P10 C Q1 |
- Move Y/N to next line, add to Y text to read “(complete the remainder of this section)” |
P10 C Q2 |
- Expandable text box |
P10 C Q3 |
- Cx Y text to read “(skip question 4)”, and N text to read “(answer question 4)” |
P10 C Q4 |
- Cx spelling “question” and “please” |
P11 C Q5 |
- Radio buttons and expandable text box |
Sec D |
P11 D Q1 |
- Insert at beginning “All non-government applicants for federal assistance must provide…” to replace “Can you provide…”. - At end, replace “…your organization?” with “…the applicant organization.” - Line “Note:” etc. replaced by “Additional forms may be downloaded from” - Insert checkbox line, “Applicant’s “Name Check” for is attached. - Update line to: “Note: You will be asked to provide this at a later date if your project is selected for further consideration.” |
Imbed http:..www.osec – at end of application?
I edited the edits for clarification – see form |
P11 D Q2 |
- Update line to: “Note: You will be asked to provide this at a later date if your project is selected for further consideration.” |
P11 D Q3 |
- Make “must also” to “also must” globally. - Insert “or By-Laws” after L2 “…Articles of Incorporation”. - Update line to: “Note: You will be asked to provide this at a later date if your project is selected for further consideration.” |
P12 D Q4 |
- Insert comma after “(e.g.” in L2 - Insert in L5: “See 13 C.F.R. ' 301.2(b)” after “…scope.” - Update line to: “Note: You will be asked to provide this at a later date if your project is selected for further consideration.” |
P12 D Q5 |
- Edit L1 to “5. If you are applying for a construction or RLF grant, …” - Edit to “…review and comment. (See 13 C.F.R. ' 302.9(a)).” - Edit first No response to “…I am not applying for a construction or RLF grant.” - Update line to: “Note: If this provision applies to your project, you will be asked to provide this at a later date if your project is selected for further consideration.” - Fix spacing “…for#construciton…” |
Sec E |
P12 E Q1 |
- Layout format. Edit: “Form SF 424-A” global. - Expanding text box - Indent |
P12 E Q2 |
- “Form SF 424-A” - Expanding text box - Edit text in Note: “…if EDA selects the project for further consideration.” |
P12 E Q3 |
- Expanding text box |
Sec F |
P13 F Q1-2-3 |
- Line up all. |
P13 F Q1 |
- Delete “CEDS”/insert “See 13 C.F.R ' 303.7” - Expanding text box |
P13 F Q2 |
- Delete wayward “r” after period - Expanding text box |
P13 F Q3 |
- Delete “For each . . .she represents.” & “Board Membership Rules [LINK]” / insert “regulations at 13 C.F.R ' 304.2(c)(2).” - Expanding text box |
Sec G |
P13 G Q1-2-3 |
- Line up items layout. |
P13 G Q1 |
- Insert “See 13 C.F.R. ' ‘ 303.9.” - Expanding text box |
P13 G Q2 |
- Expanding text box |
P13 G Q3 |
- Expanding text box |
Sec H |
P14 H Q1-2-3-4 |
- Changed numbering to 1-2-3-4, and included “go to”s and “explain” after Y/N radio buttons as appropriate. |
P14 H Q1 |
- Global capitalization of “State”. Insert text “Does it comply with EPA requirements? See 13 C.F.R. ' 303.8.” – note cx (?) to (.) at end of sentence. - Group radio buttons - Make new Q2 from Line 2. - Update Y/N directions so become Y-2, and N-4 |
P14 H Q2 |
- Make from L2 of Q1: “Does it comply with EDA requirements? See 13 C.F.R. ' 303.8. - Add Y/N radio buttons, and make directions Y-3, and N-4 |
P14 H Q3 |
- Capitalize “State” - Group radio buttons - Expanding text box - Was Q2, becomes Q3 with creation of new Q2 |
P14 H Q4 |
- Capitalize all “State” - Expanding text box - Was Q3, becomes Q4 with creation of new Q2 |
Sec I |
P14-15 I Q1-2-3-4 |
- Line up, indent questions |
P14 I Q1 |
- Expanding text box |
P14 I Q2 |
- Expanding text box |
P14 I Q3 |
- Expanding text box |
P15 I Q4 |
- Expanding text box - Insert “See 13 C.F.R ' 306.2.” |
Sec J |
P15 J Q1-2-3-4-5 |
- Line up layout, Indent questions |
P15 J Q1 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 J Q2 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 J Q3 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 J Q4 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 J Q5 |
- Expandable text box - Insert text at end “See 13 C.F.R. ' 306.5.” |
Sec K |
P16 K Q1-2 |
- Line up, indent questions |
P16 K Q1 |
- Expandable text box |
P16 K Q2 |
- Insert at end “See 13 C.F.R. ' 300.3 and ' 307.2(b).” – with a LINK - Expandable text box |
Web page LINK |
Sec L |
P15 L Q1-3 |
- Line up, indent quesitons |
P15 L Q1 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 L Q2 |
- Expandable text box |
P15 L Q3 |
- Expandable text box - In “Please attach” section: make Cap P “Plan” both on L1, insert after “…EDA’s RLF Plan”, “regulations set forth in 13 C.F.R. 307.9.” - Update “Please attach” section: L2,end, “may” becomes “will”; - L3 after “…CEDS” insert “or alternate economic development strategy document”; - L3 end before period insert “if your project is selected by EDA for further consideration.” |
No link? |
Sec M |
P17 M Q1-2-3-4- |
- Numbers 1/A-B etc. |
P17 M Q1 |
- Number as 1/A-B-C - A: Cx checkboxes to radio buttons Y/N - B: Cx bullets to check boxes - C: Expandable text box |
P17 M Q2 |
- Number as 2/A-B - Change check boxes to radio buttons - all |
- Capitalize “If Yes, “ |
- Edit from “If not,” to “If No, “ |
To follow format |
Sec N |
P24 N Q1 |
- Editorial items – cannot act on them - Reformat text box and text field |
Need further instruction |
P24 N Q2 |
- verify formatting |
P24 N Q3 |
- verify formatting |
P24 N Q4 |
- verify formatting |
P24 N Q5 |
- verify formatting |
P25 N Q6 |
- verify formatting |
P25 N Q7 |
- verify formatting |
P25 N Addendum |
- “Federal agencies are . . .” etc |
What is edit? |
UP NAME DOCUMENT TO: <Single application_200703_01EDITS.pdf> and insert edits as noted: |
Suresh SHAH > Robin BUSH Comments |
Whole Doc |
Global |
Check formatting and function: items still overlapping and malforming on pgs 9, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24 |
Rebuild areas to get rid of bad text box commands |
Current page # |
P1 |
- Title for Sec B should be modified |
Ignore per Maureen |
- |
P3 |
- For Public works Complete Sec A, B, M - For Economic adjustment |
Ignore per MK |
- |
P4 A2 |
Replace “infrastructure” with “construction” |
DO |
x |
P6 1 |
- SF-424A and SF-424C boxes cannot click |
DO – Do not see ref. text |
() |
P6 2 |
- Replace “secure” with “access” |
Hold for policy question |
() |
P16 |
- Formatting note |
() |
P17 1 |
- Formatting note |
In process |
P17 2 |
- M3-4: replace “design/bid/build” with “design/build” |
DO |
x |
P17 3 |
- M3-6: remove word “major” |
DO |
x |
P18 1 |
- Formatting note |
In process |
P18 2 |
- Explain language note |
Editorial: ignore |
- |
P19 1 |
- Editorial questions |
() |
P19 2 |
- Editorial questions |
() |
P20 1 |
- Add question about “Fair market value clause in a lease” - Formatting issue note |
Hold – editorial
Working |
P21 2 |
- Missing Exhibit info |
Ignore – NO Exhibits |
- |
P22 1 |
- Put in Reference to SF-242D or to Additional Assurances than applicant must sign |
Editorial Checking |
() |
P22 2 |
- Question necessity of explanation if “No” is checked in M8 b,c,d,e |
Editorial Checking |
() |
P23 1 |
- Question necessity of explanation if “No” is checked in M8 f&g |
Editorial |
() |
P24 |
- page formatting comment |
Working |
Mari SUTTON > DRO’s Comments |
1 |
- Add Assurances for Construction
DO – await further instruction – find items on web: MK email ref |
2 |
P3 |
- last radio narrative: change text “In addition to the sections specific to the program you are applying for…” to “In addition to the sections specific to the program for which you are applying…” |
DO |
x |
3 |
P4 A.3.a |
- Source is sufficient, delete “and the author” |
DO |
x |
4 |
P4 A.3.a |
- Change “will” to “may” re copies of CEDS |
Ignore - MK |
- |
5 |
P8 |
- top grey area, 2nd line “requirements” repeated |
DO |
x |
6 |
P8 |
- last choice in block 2: correct spelling “eligibility” |
DO |
x |
7 |
P8 |
- grey shaded area 3rd line correct spelling “requirements” |
DO |
x |
8 |
P9 |
- Block C: formatting? |
Check |
9 |
P9 |
- Include Federally-declared disaster and block for date. Insert copy before period: “date, from “natural or other major disasters or emergencies“ followed by a date box |
DO – need clarification Additional copy from MK – check on text with her |
10 |
P9 Q4 |
- change “low-income for residents” to “low-income residents” |
DO |
x |
11 |
P12 |
Delete “RLF grant” in Block 5 |
Legal quesiton |
12 |
P16 |
- Block 1: change “publicly financing: to “public financing” |
DO |
x |
13 |
P16 |
- RLF plan requirement question |
Hold for Legal |
14 |
P22 M.7.b |
Change “Will the proposed project will cause …” to “Will the proposed project cause…” (delete word “will”) |
DO |
x |
15 |
P23 |
- in 5th line change “building demolition of renovation” to “building demolition or renovation” (chx “of” to “or”) |
DO |
x |
16 |
P23 |
- in 8th line, correct spelling of “submit” |
DO |
x |
17 |
P23 |
- Editorial request to cx text flow |
Ignore per MK |
18 |
P23 |
- Editorial question |
Ignore per MK |
19 |
- Form not printer friendly |
Working |
Planning Division Comments |
Section D |
- Certificates of Good Standing cannot be more than two (2) years old. |
Incorporate per MK |
Sec E.3 |
- Formatting request |
HOLD for MK |
Sec F.2 and F.3 |
- Formatting request |
HOLD for MK |
- Request that upon adoption of the app. In its final form, ensure that OPCS briefs and clearance forms reflect the elements requiring certification |
MK |
Maureen KLOVER edits |
P1 1st PP |
Make Bold: Line 4 New sentence, “Please visit . . . in the Federal Registrar.” |
x |
P3 |
Investment Choices #2, edit to say “Complete Sections A, B, E, and K. Also complete section M and/or N if request has construction and/or design/engineering components |
x |
UP NAME DOCUMENT TO: <Single application_200703_03EDITS.pdf> and insert edits as noted: |
3/5/07 |
P2 |
Instructions to Applicants to include Ac7+ info, Ac6- and print apps instructions |
MK editing 3/5/07 |
TO Dos: |
1 |
Check TOC numbers |
x |
2 |
Indent all Qpps to match 2 digit Q#s |
X |
3 |
Line up “Yes” text in RBs to match |
X |
4 |
Wrap radios in groups |
X |
5 |
Unify Y/N radio spacings per ex with instructions |
X |
6 |
Check for type size/style: body = 11pt Arial |
X |
7 |
Unify headers spacing |
X |
8 |
Check text spacing - ALL |
X |
9 |
HOT LINKS in blue |
X |
10 |
Line up sub Qs to indent |
X |
11 |
Need text from Maureen’s email |
X |
12 |
Place forms at end of document as exhibits |
x |
13 |
Troubleshooting Radio-Button groups |
x |
14 |
Put in page numbers |
x |
15 |
Check interactive box formats: - Captions positions - Text fl/rr, top anchor - Go back and combine items for function and position stability |
X X _ |
16 |
3/ |
Troubleshooting |
Talk with Adobe |
x |
3/5 |
Troubleshooting |
Talk with Adobe with James – buys a TS package |
x |
3/6 |
Troubleshooting |
Talk with adobe |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OnLine form edits: Single Application_200702 |
Author | SBaker |
Last Modified By | SBaker |
File Modified | 2007-03-05 |
File Created | 2007-02-14 |