21 Usc 342

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Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements

21 USC 342

OMB: 0910-0606

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[Laws in effect as of January 3, 2005]
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  January 3, 2005 and August 11, 2006]
[CITE: 21USC342]

                        TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS
                           SUBCHAPTER IV--FOOD
Sec. 342. Adulterated food

    A food shall be deemed to be adulterated--

(a) Poisonous, insanitary, etc., ingredients

    (1) If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance 
which may render it injurious to health; but in case the substance is 
not an added substance such food shall not be considered adulterated 
under this clause if the quantity of such substance in such food does 
not ordinarily render it injurious to health.\1\ (2)(A) if it bears or 
contains any added poisonous or added deleterious substance (other than 
a substance that is a pesticide chemical residue in or on a raw 
agricultural commodity or processed food, a food additive, a color 
additive, or a new animal drug) that is unsafe within the meaning of 
section 346 of this title; or (B) if it bears or contains a pesticide 
chemical residue that is unsafe within the meaning of section 346a(a) of 
this title; or (C) if it is or if it bears or contains (i) any food 
additive that is unsafe within the meaning of section 348 of this title; 
or (ii) a new animal drug (or conversion product thereof) that is unsafe 
within the meaning of section 360b of this title; or (3) if it consists 
in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance, or 
if it is otherwise unfit for food; or (4) if it has been prepared, 
packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become 
contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious 
to health; or (5) if it is, in whole or in part, the product of a 
diseased animal or of an animal which has died otherwise than by 
slaughter; or (6) if its container is composed, in whole or in part, of 
any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render the contents 
injurious to health; or (7) if it has been intentionally subjected to 
radiation, unless the use of the radiation was in conformity with a 
regulation or exemption in effect pursuant to section 348 of this title.
    \1\ So in original. The period probably should be ``; or''.

(b) Absence, substitution, or addition of constituents

    (1) If any valuable constituent has been in whole or in part omitted 
or abstracted therefrom; or (2) if any substance has been substituted 
wholly or in part therefor; or (3) if damage or inferiority has been 
concealed in any manner; or (4) if any substance has been added thereto 
or mixed or packed therewith so as to increase its bulk or weight, or 
reduce its quality or strength, or make it appear better or of greater 
value than it is.

(c) Color additives

    If it is, or it bears or contains, a color additive which is unsafe 
within the meaning of section 379e(a) of this title.

(d) Confectionery containing alcohol or nonnutritive substance

    If it is confectionery, and--
        (1) has partially or completely imbedded therein any 
    nonnutritive object, except that this subparagraph shall not apply 
    in the case of any nonnutritive object if, in the judgment of the 
    Secretary as provided by regulations, such object is of practical 
    functional value to the confectionery product and would not render 
    the product injurious or hazardous to health;
        (2) bears or contains any alcohol other than alcohol not in 
    excess of one-half of 1 per centum by volume derived solely from the 
    use of flavoring extracts, except that this clause shall not apply 
    to confectionery which is introduced or delivered for introduction 
    into, or received or held for sale in, interstate commerce if the 
    sale of such confectionery is permitted under the laws of the State 
    in which such confectionery is intended to be offered for sale;
        (3) bears or contains any nonnutritive substance, except that 
    this subparagraph shall not apply to a safe nonnutritive substance 
    which is in or on confectionery by reason of its use for some 
    practical functional purpose in the manufacture, packaging, or 
    storage of such confectionery if the use of the substance does not 
    promote deception of the consumer or otherwise result in 
    adulteration or misbranding in violation of any provision of this 
    chapter, except that the Secretary may, for the purpose of avoiding 
    or resolving uncertainty as to the application of this subparagraph, 
    issue regulations allowing or prohibiting the use of particular 
    nonnutritive substances.

(e) Oleomargarine containing filthy, putrid, etc., matter

    If it is oleomargarine or margarine or butter and any of the raw 
material used therein consisted in whole or in part of any filthy, 
putrid, or decomposed substance, or such oleomargarine or margarine or 
butter is otherwise unfit for food.

(f) Dietary supplement or ingredient: safety

    (1) If it is a dietary supplement or contains a dietary ingredient 
        (A) presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or 
    injury under--
            (i) conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling, 
            (ii) if no conditions of use are suggested or recommended in 
        the labeling, under ordinary conditions of use;

        (B) is a new dietary ingredient for which there is inadequate 
    information to provide reasonable assurance that such ingredient 
    does not present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or 
        (C) the Secretary declares to pose an imminent hazard to public 
    health or safety, except that the authority to make such declaration 
    shall not be delegated and the Secretary shall promptly after such a 
    declaration initiate a proceeding in accordance with sections 554 
    and 556 of title 5 to affirm or withdraw the declaration; or
        (D) is or contains a dietary ingredient that renders it 
    adulterated under paragraph (a)(1) under the conditions of use 
    recommended or suggested in the labeling of such dietary supplement.

In any proceeding under this subparagraph, the United States shall bear 
the burden of proof on each element to show that a dietary supplement is 
adulterated. The court shall decide any issue under this paragraph on a 
de novo basis.
    (2) Before the Secretary may report to a United States attorney a 
violation of paragraph \2\ (1)(A) for a civil proceeding, the person 
against whom such proceeding would be initiated shall be given 
appropriate notice and the opportunity to present views, orally and in 
writing, at least 10 days before such notice, with regard to such 
    \2\ So in original. Probably should be ``subparagraph''.

(g) Dietary supplement: manufacturing practices

    (1) If it is a dietary supplement and it has been prepared, packed, 
or held under conditions that do not meet current good manufacturing 
practice regulations, including regulations requiring, when necessary, 
expiration date labeling, issued by the Secretary under subparagraph 
    (2) The Secretary may by regulation prescribe good manufacturing 
practices for dietary supplements. Such regulations shall be modeled 
after current good manufacturing practice regulations for food and may 
not impose standards for which there is no current and generally 
available analytical methodology. No standard of current good 
manufacturing practice may be imposed unless such standard is included 
in a regulation promulgated after notice and opportunity for comment in 
accordance with chapter 5 of title 5.

(h) Reoffer of food previously denied admission

    If it is an article of food imported or offered for import into the 
United States and the article of food has previously been refused 
admission under section 381(a) of this title, unless the person 
reoffering the article affirmatively establishes, at the expense of the 
owner or consignee of the article, that the article complies with the 
applicable requirements of this chapter, as determined by the Secretary.

(June 25, 1938, ch. 675, Sec. 402, 52 Stat. 1046; Mar. 16, 1950, ch. 61, 
Sec. 3(d), 64 Stat. 21; July 22, 1954, ch. 559, Sec. 2, 68 Stat. 511; 
July 9, 1956, ch. 530, 70 Stat. 512; Pub. L. 85-929, Sec. 3(a), (b), 
Sept. 6, 1958, 72 Stat. 1784; Pub. L. 86-2, Mar. 17, 1959, 73 Stat. 3; 
Pub. L. 86-618, title I, Secs. 102(a)(1), (2), 105(c), July 12, 1960, 74 
Stat. 397, 398, 404; Pub. L. 89-477, June 29, 1966, 80 Stat. 231; Pub. 
L. 90-399, Sec. 104, July 13, 1968, 82 Stat. 352; Pub. L. 99-252, 
Sec. 10, Feb. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 35; Pub. L. 102-571, title I, 
Sec. 107(4), Oct. 29, 1992, 106 Stat. 4499; Pub. L. 103-80, Sec. 3(i), 
Aug. 13, 1993, 107 Stat. 776; Pub. L. 103-417, Secs. 4, 9, Oct. 25, 
1994, 108 Stat. 4328, 4332; Pub. L. 104-170, title IV, Sec. 404, Aug. 3, 
1996, 110 Stat. 1514; Pub. L. 107-188, title III, Sec. 309, June 12, 
2002, 116 Stat. 673.)


    2002--Par. (h). Pub. L. 107-188 added par. (h).
    1996--Par. (a). Pub. L. 104-170 added subpar. (2) and struck out 
former subpar. (2) which read as follows: ``(2)(A) if it bears or 
contains any added poisonous or added deleterious substance (other than 
one which is (i) a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural 
commodity; (ii) a food additive; (iii) a color additive; or (iv) a new 
animal drug) which is unsafe within the meaning of section 346 of this 
title, or (B) if it is a raw agricultural commodity and it bears or 
contains a pesticide chemical which is unsafe within the meaning of 
section 346a(a) of this title, or (C) if it is, or if it bears or 
contains, any food additive which is unsafe within the meaning of 
section 348 of this title: Provided, That where a pesticide chemical has 
been used in or on a raw agricultural commodity in conformity with an 
exemption granted or a tolerance prescribed under section 346a of this 
title and such raw agricultural commodity has been subjected to 
processing such as canning, cooking, freezing, dehydrating, or milling, 
the residue of such pesticide chemical remaining in or on such processed 
food shall, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 346 and 348 of 
this title, not be deemed unsafe if such residue in or on the raw 
agricultural commodity has been removed to the extent possible in good 
manufacturing practice and the concentration of such residue in the 
processed food when ready to eat is not greater than the tolerance 
prescribed for the raw agricultural commodity, or (D) if it is, or it 
bears or contains, a new animal drug (or conversion product thereof) 
which is unsafe within the meaning of section 360b of this title;''. 
That part of Pub. L. 104-170 which directed the substitution of ``or (3) 
if it consists'' for ``(3) if it consists'' was executed by making the 
substitution for ``(3) If it consists'' to reflect the probable intent 
of Congress.
    1994--Par. (f). Pub. L. 103-417, Sec. 4, added par. (f).
    Par. (g). Pub. L. 103-417, Sec. 9, added par. (g).
    1993--Par. (a). Pub. L. 103-80, Sec. 3(i)(1), substituted a period 
for ``; or'' at end of subpar. (1) and ``If it'' for ``if it'' at 
beginning of par. (3). That part of Pub. L. 103-80, Sec. 3(i)(1), which 
directed the substitution of a period for ``; or'' at end of subpar. (2) 
could not be executed because ``; or'' did not appear.
    Par. (d)(1). Pub. L. 103-80, Sec. 3(i)(2), substituted ``, except 
that this subparagraph'' for ``: Provided, That this clause''.
    Par. (d)(3). Pub. L. 103-80, Sec. 3(i)(3), substituted ``, except 
that this subparagraph shall not apply'' for ``: Provided, That this 
clause shall not apply'' and ``, except that the Secretary may, for the 
purpose of avoiding or resolving uncertainty as to the application of 
this subparagraph'' for ``: And provided further, That the Secretary 
may, for the purpose of avoiding or resolving uncertainty as to the 
application of this clause''.
    1992--Par. (c). Pub. L. 102-571 substituted ``379e(a)'' for 
    1986--Par. (d)(2). Pub. L. 99-252 inserted provision that this 
clause not apply to confectionery introduced or delivered for 
introduction into or received or held for sale in, interstate commerce 
if the sale is permitted under the laws of the State in which the 
confectionery is intended to be offered for sale.
    1968--Par. (a)(2). Pub. L. 90-399 added cls. (A)(iv) and (D).
    1966--Par. (d). Pub. L. 89-477 permitted the imbedding of 
nonnutritive objects in confectionery foods if in the judgment of the 
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, as provided by regulation, 
the imbedding of the object is of practical functional value to the 
confectionery product and would not render it injurious or hazardous to 
health, raised to one-half of 1 per centum by volume the upper limit for 
the allowable use of alcohol derived solely from the use of flavoring 
extracts, allowed the use of safe nonnutritive substances in and on 
confectionery foods by reason of their use for some practical and 
functional purpose in the manufacture, packaging, or storage of the 
confectionery foods if the use of the substances does not promote 
deception of the consumer or otherwise result in adulteration or 
misbranding, authorized the Secretary to issue regulations on the use of 
particular nonnutritive substances, and removed reference to 
nonnutritive masticatory substances added to chewing gum and harmless 
flavoring, harmless resinous glaze not in excess of four-tenths of 1 per 
centum, natural gum, authorized coloring, and pectin.
    1960--Par. (a). Pub. L. 86-618, Sec. 102(a)(1), substituted ``other 
than one which is (i) a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural 
commodity; (ii) a food additive; or (iii) a color additive'' for 
``(except a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural commodity and 
except a food additive)'' in cl. (2)(A).
    Par. (c). Pub. L. 86-618, Sec. 102(a)(2), amended par. (c) 
generally, substituting provisions deeming a food adulterated if it is, 
or it bears or contains, a color additive which is unsafe within the 
meaning of section 376 of this title for provisions which related to 
food that bears or contains a coal-tar color other than one from a batch 
that has been certified in accordance with regulations as provided by 
section 346 of this title, and struck out provisos which related to the 
use of color on oranges.
    Par. (d). Pub. L. 86-618, Sec. 105(c), substituted ``authorized 
coloring'' for ``harmless coloring''.
    1959--Par. (c). Pub. L. 86-2 extended from Mar. 1, 1959, to May 1, 
1959, the period during which subsection is inapplicable to oranges 
which have been colored with F.D. & C. Red 32, and inserted proviso 
requiring Secretary to establish regulations prescribing the conditions 
under which Citrus Red No. 2 may be safely used in coloring certain 
mature oranges, and providing for separately listing and for 
certification of batches of such color.
    1958--Par. (a). Pub. L. 85-929, among other changes, inserted cl. 
(2)(C) relating to food additive unsafe within the meaning of section 
348 of this title, and to pesticide chemical, and added cl. (7) relating 
to radiated food.
    1956--Par. (c). Act July 9, 1956, inserted second proviso relating 
to coloring of oranges.
    1954--Par. (a)(2). Act July 22, 1954, provided in the case of any 
raw agricultural commodity bearing or containing a pesticide chemical, 
that such commodity shall be deemed to be adulterated if such pesticide 
chemical is unsafe within the meaning of section 346a of this title.
    1950--Par. (e). Act Mar. 16, 1950, added par. (e).

                    Effective Date of 1968 Amendment

    Amendment by Pub. L. 90-399 effective on first day of thirteenth 
calendar month after July 13, 1968, see section 108(a) of Pub. L. 90-
399, set out as an Effective Date and Transitional Provisions note under 
section 360b of this title.

                    Effective Date of 1960 Amendment

    Amendment by Pub. L. 86-618 effective July 12, 1960, subject to the 
provisions of section 203 of Pub. L. 86-618, see section 202 of Pub. L. 
86-618, set out as a note under section 379e of this title.

Effective Date of Nematocide, Plant Regulator, Defoliant, and Desiccant 
                            Amendment of 1959

    Effective date of par. (a)(2) as in force prior to July 22, 1954, 
with respect to particular commercial use of a nematocide, plant 
regulator, defoliant, or desiccant in or on a raw agricultural commodity 
made before Jan. 1, 1958, see section 3(b) of Pub. L. 86-139, Aug. 7, 
1959, 73 Stat. 288.

                    Effective Date of 1958 Amendment

    Section 6 of Pub. L. 85-929, as amended by Pub. L. 87-19, Sec. 2, 
Apr. 7, 1961, 75 Stat. 42; Pub. L. 88-625, Sec. 2, Oct. 3, 1964, 78 
Stat. 1002, provided that:
    ``(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, 
this Act [amending this section, sections 321, 331, 346, and 348 of this 
title, and section 210 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and 
enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 321 and 451 of this 
title] shall take effect on the date of its enactment [Sept. 6, 1958].
    ``(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, section 
3 of this Act [amending this section and section 346 of this title] 
shall take effect on the one hundred and eightieth day after the date of 
enactment of this Act [Sept. 6, 1958].
    ``(c) With respect to any particular commercial use of a food 
additive, if such use was made of such additive before January 1, 1958, 
section 3 of this Act [amending this section and section 346 of this 
title] shall take effect--
        ``(1) Either (A) one year after the effective date established 
    in subsection (b) of this section, or (B) at the end of such 
    additional period (but not later than two years from such effective 
    date established in subsection (b)) as the Secretary of Health, 
    Education, and Welfare [now Health and Human Services] may prescribe 
    on the basis of a finding that such extension involves no undue risk 
    to the public health and that conditions exist which necessitate the 
    prescribing of such an additional period, or
        ``(2) on the date on which an order with respect to such use 
    under section 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
    [section 348 of this title] becomes effective,
whichever date first occurs. Whenever the Secretary has, pursuant to 
clause (1)(B) of this subsection, extended the effective date of section 
3 of this Act [amending this section] to March 5, 1961, or has on that 
date a request for such extension pending before him, with respect to 
any such particular use of a food additive, he may, notwithstanding the 
parenthetical time limitation in that clause, further extend such 
effective date, not beyond June 30, 1964, under the authority of that 
clause (but subject to clause (2)) with respect to such use of the 
additive (or a more limited specified use or uses thereof) if, in 
addition to making the findings required by clause (1)(B), he finds (i) 
that bona fide action to determine the applicability of such section 409 
[section 348 of this title] to such use or uses, or to develop the 
scientific data necessary for action under such section, was commenced 
by an interested person before March 6, 1960, and was thereafter pursued 
with reasonable diligence, and (ii) that in the Secretary's judgment 
such extension is consistent with the objective of carrying to 
completion in good faith, as soon as reasonably practicable, the 
scientific investigations necessary as a basis for action under such 
section 409 [section 348 of this title]: Provided, That if the Secretary 
has, pursuant to this sentence, granted an extension to June 30, 1964, 
he may, upon making the findings required by clause (1)(B) of this 
subsection and clauses (i) and (ii) of this sentence, further extend 
such effective date, but not beyond December 31, 1965. The Secretary may 
at any time terminate an extension so granted if he finds that it should 
not have been granted, or that by reason of a change in circumstances 
the basis for such extension no longer exists, or that there has been a 
failure to comply with a requirement for submission of progress reports 
or with other conditions attached to such extension.''

                    Effective Date of 1954 Amendment

    Section 5 of act July 22, 1954, provided that: ``This Act [amending 
this section and section 321 of this title and enacting sections 346a 
and 346b of this title] shall take effect upon the date of its enactment 
[July 22, 1954], except that with respect to pesticide chemicals for 
which tolerances or exemptions have not been established under section 
408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [section 346a of this 
title], the amendment to section 402(a) of such Act [par. (a) of this 
section] made by section 2 of this Act shall not be effective--
        ``(1) for the period of one year following the date of the 
    enactment of this Act [July 22, 1954]; or
        ``(2) for such additional period following such period of one 
    year, but not extending beyond two years after the date of the 
    enactment of this Act [July 22, 1954] as the Secretary of Health, 
    Education, and Welfare [now Health and Human Services] may prescribe 
    on the basis of a finding that conditions exist which necessitate 
    the prescribing of such additional period.''

                    Effective Date of 1950 Amendment

    Amendment by act Mar. 16, 1950, effective July 1, 1950, see section 
7 of act Mar. 16, 1950, set out as an Effective Date note under section 
347 of this title.

                      Effective Date; Postponement

    Par. (c) effective Jan. 1, 1940, see act June 23, 1939, ch. 242, 53 
Stat. 853, set out as an Effective Date; Postponement in Certain Cases 
note under section 301 of this title.

                               Short Title

    Pub. L. 88-625, Sec. 1, Oct. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 1002, provided: 
``That this Act [amending provisions set out as a note under this 
section and section 135 of Title 7, Agriculture] may be cited as the 
`Food Additives Transitional Provisions Amendment of 1964'.''

                          Transfer of Functions

    For transfer of functions of Federal Security Administrator to 
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare [now Health and Human 
Services], and of Food and Drug Administration in the Department of 
Agriculture to Federal Security Agency, see note set out under section 
41 of this title.

 Domestic Fish or Fish Product Compliance With Food Safety Standards or 
    Procedures Deemed To Have Met Requirements for Federal Commodity 
                            Purchase Programs

    Pub. L. 104-180, title VII, Sec. 733, Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1601, 
provided that: ``Hereafter, notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
any domestic fish or fish product produced in compliance with food 
safety standards or procedures accepted by the Food and Drug 
Administration as satisfying the requirements of the `Procedures for the 
Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Fish and Fish Products' 
(published by the Food and Drug Administration as a final regulation in 
the Federal Register of December 18, 1995), shall be deemed to have met 
any inspection requirements of the Department of Agriculture or other 
Federal agency for any Federal commodity purchase program, including the 
program authorized under section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 
U.S.C. 612c) except that the Department of Agriculture or other Federal 
agency may utilize lot inspection to establish a reasonable degree of 
certainty that fish or fish products purchased under a Federal commodity 
purchase program, including the program authorized under section 32 of 
the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 U.S.C. 612c), meet Federal product 

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