Identifying problem areas that impact student
learning the most
Not a Problem
Major Problem
If you rated this item 5 or higher, please explain why it is a
b. Finding practices that are likely to work in your district
Not a Problem
Major Problem
If you rated this item 5 or higher, please explain why it is a
1c. Implementing new practices as designed
Not a Problem
Major Problem
If you rated this item 5 or higher, please explain why it is a
1d. Achieving the results you were led to expect from
new practices
Not a Problem
Major Problem
If you rated this item 5 or higher, please explain why it is a
Superintendent Survey
Finding the Strategies that Work:
Asking Educators What the Research Agenda Should Be
N ot e: I f y ou pr ef er t o c omplet e the sur v e y online , lo gon at: http://www .t ob edet ermined .or g .
P lease lo gin using the six-digit c o de in the upp er lef t-hand c orner as y our P IN numb er .
Section 1 – Your District’s Experience in Identifying and Implementing Best Practices
In recent years a stronger focus has been placed on the use of data and research to drive instructional decision-making in
classrooms, schools, and school districts. A primary focus of REL-NW, which operates under contract with the U.S. Department of
Education, is to support educators in using data and research to identify, evaluate and implement successful practices appropriate
for their schools and districts. We are interested in learning something about your district’s experiences in identifying and
implementing best practices.
P lease indic at e t o what e x t ent each of the follo wing is a pr oblem for scho ols in y our distric t
b y cir cling the appr opriat e r ating 1-10 b elo w .
Section 2 – Successes and Challenges for your District
What is the single most important factor that has
contributed to positive student performance in your
district? P lease descr ib e br ie_y :
2b. What are you finding to be the biggest obstacles to
improving student learning?
P lease descr ib e br iefly :
Achieving High Standards for All Students
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Creating educational opportunities that
address individual students’ learning needs
Providing supplemental supports for students
to achieve high standards
Using an ongoing assessment process to provide
continuous feedback to students
Challenging students at all grade and ability levels
TOTAL = 10
3o. Partnering with Parents and Community Members
for Improved Student Learning
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Obtaining parent and community input for
planning school and district improvement
Involving parents in instructional decisions about
their children’s learning
Expanding avenues for parents and the
community to support student learning
Engaging parents and community in schools in
a meaningful way
TOTAL = 10
3p. Can you think of any specific practices or strategies being used in your district for creating effective partnerships with
parents and community members that you think are promising and would like to have evaluated for effectiveness?
P lease descr ib e br iefly.
3q. Can you think of any promising practices or strategies for issues that were not included in this survey that you would
like to have evaluated for effectiveness? P lease descr ib e br ie_y.
Please return your survey in the envelope provided, to:
Gilmore Research Group, 2324 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98102
Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB
control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is OMB Control No. 1850-New, EDIC# 3237 . The time required to complete this
information collection is estimated to average 15 t0 20 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the
data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions
for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4700. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status
of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Institute for Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Ave. NW Room 505d, Wash DC 20208.
OMB Control No. 1850-New, EDIC# 3237
Section 3 – Identifying Research Needs for Northwest Schools
Recently Northwest educators identified eleven critical school improvement issues in the region that could be better informed by
research. We are asking your assistance in identifying specifically where schools such as the ones in your district might benefit
from having better evidence of successful practices that address these issues; practices that meet your district’s unique needs.
There are four options listed below for each of the eleven issues. You have 10 points to allocate among the options in each set.
You can assign each option any value from 0 to 10, including decimals. Give the most points to the option that would provide the
greatest benefit to student learning in your district.
Please allocate 10 points among the options for each question below, based on the kinds of research and best practices information that would be most useful to your district.
Improving School Attendance
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Strengthening connections between home
and school
Dealing with the effects of family culture on
school attendance
Creating school as a welcoming place for students
and families
Developing a safety net of support systems for
students that can promote improved attendance
TOTAL = 10
3b. Increasing High School Graduation Rates
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Early identification of students that may be
at risk for eventually dropping out
Providing supplemental supports (K-12) for
students at risk for eventually dropping out
Working with parents and the community
to improve graduation outcomes
Designing effective alternative education programs
TOTAL = 10
3c. Can you think of any specific practices or strategies being used in your district for improving school attendance and/or
keeping students in school that you think are promising and would like to have evaluated for effectiveness?
P lease descr ib e br iefly.
3d. Leading School Improvement
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Recruiting and retaining principals who can
lead school improvement efforts
Improving pre-service preparation of principals
to lead improvement
Providing on-going professional development
of principals to lead change efforts
Mentoring and coaching principals to lead
TOTAL = 10
3e. Sustaining School and District Improvements
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Creating more opportunities for teacher
collaboration on school improvement
Developing staff support for changes in
school programs and practices
Determining the resources and support my
schools in my district need to carry out
improvement efforts
Maintaining continuity of improvement efforts
regardless of personnel changes
TOTAL = 10
3f. Can you think of any specific practices or strategies being used in your district for leading and/or sustaining school
improvement efforts that you think are promising and would like to have evaluated for effectiveness?
P lease descr ib e br iefly.
3g. Providing Effective Professional Development
for Teachers
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Using on-going assessment in the classroom to
align instruction with standards
Developing teacher skills at self-evaluation and
reflection to improve their classroom practices
Developing effective collaboration skills and
Training teachers to partner effectively with
parents to support student learning
TOTAL = 10
Preparing Prospective Teachers to Teach
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Preparing prospective teachers to be able to
teach in a standards-based environment
Preparing prospective teachers to be able to
collaborate as teams to improve teaching and
Strengthening the content knowledge of
prospective teachers in core academic areas
Preparing prospective teachers to be able to use
school and classroom assessment to guide
instructional practices
TOTAL = 10
Can you think of any specific professional development practices or strategies for current and/or prospective teachers
that you think are promising and would like to have evaluated for effectiveness? P lease descr ib e br ie_y.
3j. Improving Mathematics Instruction
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Providing instruction that fosters an
understanding and application of content
Providing challenging mathematics learning
opportunities to address diverse learning styles
and needs of students
Identifying mathematics teaching practices that
would be effective in your school or district
Vertically aligning the mathematics curriculum
from kindergarten through grade 12
TOTAL = 10
Improving Science Instruction
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Teaching students to effectively apply scientific
principles and processes
Providing challenging science learning
opportunities to address diverse learning styles
and needs of students
Identifying science teaching practices that would
be effective in your school or district
Vertically aligning the science curriculum from
kindergarten through grade 12
TOTAL = 10
Improving Literacy Instruction
P r o v en p olicies and pr ac tic es for…
Integrating reading and writing across the
Providing challenging literacy learning
opportunities to address diverse learning styles
and needs of students
Identifying literacy teaching practices that would
be effective in your school or district
Vertically aligning the literacy curriculum from
kindergarten through grade 12
TOTAL = 10
Can you think of any specific practices or strategies
for improving mathematics, science or literacy instruction
being used in district that you think are promising and
would like to have evaluated for effectiveness?
Please describe briefly.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | NWREL Superintendent Survey |
Last Modified By | Cambruso |
File Modified | 2007-05-11 |
File Created | 2007-05-11 |