29 Cfr 1910.181


Derricks (29 CFR 1910.181)

29 CFR 1910.181

OMB: 1218-0222

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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
permitted to lie loose in or about the
(4) Refueling. (i) Refueling with small
portable containers shall be done with
an approved safety type can equipped
with an automatic closing cap and
flame arrester. Refer to § 1910.155(c)(3)
for definition of approved.
(ii) Machines shall not be refueled
with the engine running.
(5) Fire extinguishers. (i) A carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or equivalent fire
extinguisher shall be kept in the cab or
vicinity of the crane.
(ii) Operating and maintenance personnel shall be made familiar with the
use and care of the fire extinguishers
(6) Swinging locomotive cranes. A locomotive crane shall not be swung into a
position where railway cars on an adjacent track might strike it, until it has
been ascertained that cars are not
being moved on the adjacent track and
proper flag protection has been established.
(j) Operations near overhead lines. For
operations near overhead electric lines,
see § 1910.333(c)(3).

§ 1910.181

(3) A basket derrick is a derrick without a boom, similar to a gin pole, with
its base supported by ropes attached to
corner posts or other parts of the
structure. The base is at a lower elevation than its supports. The location
of the base of a basket derrick can be
changed by varying the length of the
rope supports. The top of the pole is secured with multiple reeved guys to position the top of the pole to the desired
location by varying the length of the
upper guy lines. The load is raised and
lowered by ropes through a sheave or
block secured to the top of the pole.

[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49
FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 51 FR 34561, Sept. 29,
1986; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 55 FR 32015,
Aug 6, 1990; 61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996]

(4) Breast derrick means a derrick
without boom. The mast consists of
two side members spread farther apart
at the base than at the top and tied together at top and bottom by rigid
members. The mast is prevented from
tipping forward by guys connected to
its top. The load is raised and lowered
by ropes through a sheave or block secured to the top crosspiece.


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(a) Definitions applicable to this section. (1) A derrick is an apparatus consisting of a mast or equivalent member
held at the head by guys or braces,
with or without a boom, for use with a
hoisting mechanism and operating
(2) A-frame derrick means a derrick in
which the boom is hinged from a cross
member between the bottom ends of
two upright members spread apart at
the lower ends and joined at the top;
the boom point secured to the junction
of the side members, and the side members are braced or guyed from this
junction point.


§ 1910.181

§ 1910.181

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–05 Edition)


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(8) Shearleg derrick means a derrick
without a boom and similar to a breast
derrick. The mast, wide at the bottom
and narrow at the top, is hinged at the
bottom and has its top secured by a
multiple reeved guy to permit handling
loads at various radii by means of load
tackle suspended from the mast top.
(9) A stiffleg derrick is a derrick similar to a guy derrick except that the
mast is supported or held in place by
two or more stiff members, called
stifflegs, which are capable of resisting
either tensile or compressive forces.
Sills are generally provided to connect
the lower ends of the stifflegs to the
foot of the mast.

EC27OC91.040 EC27OC91.041

(6) A gin pole derrick is a derrick without a boom. Its guys are so arranged
from its top as to permit leaning the
mast in any direction. The load is
raised and lowered by ropes reeved
through sheaves or blocks at the top of
the mast.

(7) Guy derrick means a fixed derrick
consisting of a mast capable of being
rotated, supported in a vertical position by guys, and a boom whose bottom
end is hinged or pivoted to move in a
vertical plane with a reeved rope between the head of the mast and the
boom point for raising and lowering
the boom, and a reeved rope from the
boom point for raising and lowering
the load.


(5) Chicago boom derrick means a
boom which is attached to a structure,
an outside upright member of the
structure serving as the mast, and the
boom being stepped in a fixed socket
clamped to the upright. The derrick is
complete with load, boom, and boom
point swing line falls.

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor

(10) Appointed means assigned specific responsibilities by the employer
or the employer’s representative.
(11) ANSI means the American National Standards Institute.
(12) A boom is a timber or metal section or strut, pivoted or hinged at the
heel (lower end) at a location fixed in
height on a frame or mast or vertical
member, and with its point (upper end)
supported by chains, ropes, or rods to
the upper end of the frame, mast, or
vertical member. A rope for raising and
lowering the load is reeved through
sheaves or a block at the boom point.
The length of the boom shall be taken
as the straight line distance between
the axis of the foot pin and the axis of
the boom point sheave pin, or where
used, the axis of the upper load block
attachment pin.
(13) Boom harness means the block
and sheave arrangement on the boom
point to which the topping lift cable is
reeved for lowering and raising the
(14) The boom point is the outward
end of the top section of the boom.
(15) Derrick bullwheel means a horizontal ring or wheel, fastened to the
foot of a derrick, for the purpose of
turning the derrick by means of ropes
leading from this wheel to a powered
(16) Designated means selected or assigned by the employer or employer’s
representative as being qualified to
perform specific duties.
(17) Eye means a loop formed at the
end of a rope by securing the dead end
to the live end at the base of the loop.
(18) A fiddle block is a block consisting of two sheaves in the same

§ 1910.181

plane held in place by the same cheek
(19) The foot bearing or foot block (sill
block) is the lower support on which
the mast rotates.
(20) A gudgeon pin is a pin connecting
the mast cap to the mast allowing rotation of the mast.
(21) A guy is a rope used to steady or
secure the mast or other member in
the desired position.
(22) Load, working means the external
load, in pounds, applied to the derrick,
including the weight of load attaching
equipment such as load blocks, shackles, and slings.
(23) Load block, lower means the assembly of sheaves, pins, and frame suspended by the hoisting rope.
(24) Load block, upper means the assembly of sheaves, pins, and frame suspended from the boom.
(25) Mast means the upright member
of the derrick.
(26) Mast cap (spider) means the fitting at the top of the mast to which
the guys are connected.
(27) Reeving means a rope system in
which the rope travels around drums
and sheaves.
(28) Rope refers to wire rope unless
otherwise specified.
(29) Safety Hook means a hook with a
latch to prevent slings or load from accidentally slipping off the hook.
(30) Side loading is a load applied at
an angle to the vertical plane of the
(31) The sill is a member connecting
the foot block and stiffleg or a member
connecting the lower ends of a double
member mast.
(32) A standby derrick is a derrick not
in regular service which is used occasionally or intermittently as required.
(33) Stiffleg means a rigid member
supporting the mast at the head.
(34) Swing means rotation of the mast
and/or boom for movements of loads in
a horizontal direction about the axis of
(b) General requirements—(1) Application. This section applies to guy,
stiffleg, basket, breast, gin pole, Chicago boom and A-frame derricks of the
stationary type, capable of handling
loads at variable reaches and powered
by hoists through systems of rope
reeving, used to perform lifting hook

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§ 1910.181

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–05 Edition)

work, single or multiple line bucket
work, grab, grapple, and magnet work.
Derricks may be permanently installed
for temporary use as in construction
work. The requirements of this section
also apply to any modification of these
types which retain their fundamental
features, except for floating derricks.
(2) New and existing equipment. All
new derricks constructed and installed
on or after August 31, 1971, shall meet
the design specifications of the American National Standard Safety Code for
Derricks, ANSI B30.6–1969, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(3) Designated personnel. Only designated personnel shall be permitted to
operate a derrick covered by this section.
(c) Load ratings—(1) Rated load marking. For permanently installed derricks
with fixed lengths of boom, guy, and
mast, a substantial, durable, and clearly legible rating chart shall be provided with each derrick and securely
affixed where it is visible to personnel
responsible for the safe operation of
the equipment. The chart shall include
the following data:
(i) Manufacturer’s approved load ratings at corresponding ranges of boom
angle or operating radii.
(ii) Specific lengths of components on
which the load ratings are based.
(iii) Required parts for hoist reeving.
Size and construction of rope may be
shown either on the rating chart or in
the operating manual.
(2) Nonpermanent installations. For
nonpermanent installations, the manufacturer shall provide sufficient information from which capacity charts can
be prepared for the particular installation. The capacity charts shall be located at the derricks or the jobsite office.
(d) Inspection—(1) Inspection classification. (i) Prior to initial use all new and
altered derricks shall be inspected to
insure compliance with the provisions
of this section.
(ii) Inspection procedure for derricks
in regular service is divided into two
general classifications based upon the
intervals at which inspection should be
performed. The intervals in turn are
dependent upon the nature of the critical components of the derrick and the

degree of their exposure to wear, deterioration, or malfunction. The two general classifications are herein designated as frequent and periodic with
respective intervals between inspections as defined below:
(a) Frequent inspection—Daily to
monthly intervals.
(b) Periodic inspection—1- to 12month intervals, or as specified by the
(2) Frequent inspection. Items such as
the following shall be inspected for defects at intervals as defined in paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(a) of this section or as
specifically indicated, including observation during operation for any defects
which might appear between regular
inspections. Deficiencies shall be carefully examined for any safety hazard:
(i) All control mechanisms: Inspect
daily for adjustment, wear, and lubrication.
(ii) All chords and lacing: Inspect
daily, visually.
(iii) Tension in guys: Daily.
(iv) Plumb of the mast.
(v) Deterioration or leakage in air or
hydraulic systems: Daily.
(vi) Derrick hooks for deformations
or cracks; for hooks with cracks or
having more than 15 percent in excess
of normal throat opening or more than
10° twist from the plane of the unbent
hook, refer to paragraph (e)(3)(iii) of
this section.
(vii) Rope reeving; visual inspection
for noncompliance with derrick manufacturer’s recommendations.
(viii) Hoist brakes, clutches, and operating levers: check daily for proper
functioning before beginning operations.
(ix) Electrical apparatus for malfunctioning, signs of excessive deterioration, dirt, and moisture accumulation.
(3) Periodic inspection. (i) Complete inspections of the derrick shall be performed at intervals as generally defined in paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(b) of this
section depending upon its activity, severity of service, and environment, or
as specifically indicated below. These
inspections shall include the requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section and in addition, items such as the
following. Deficiencies shall be carefully examined and a determination


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
made as to whether they constitute a
safety hazard:
(a) Structural members for deformations, cracks, and corrosion.
(b) Bolts or rivets for tightness.
(c) Parts such as pins, bearings,
shafts, gears, sheaves, drums, rollers,
locking and clamping devices, for wear,
cracks, and distortion.
(d) Gudgeon pin for cracks, wear, and
distortion each time the derrick is to
be erected.
(e) Powerplants for proper performance and compliance with applicable
safety requirements.
(f) Hooks.
(ii) Foundation or supports shall be
inspected for continued ability to sustain the imposed loads.
(4) Derricks not in regular use. (i) A
derrick which has been idle for a period
of 1 month or more, but less than 6
months, shall be given an inspection
conforming with requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section and paragraph (g)(3) of this section before placing in service.
(ii) A derrick which has been idle for
a period of over 6 months shall be given
a complete inspection conforming with
requirements of paragraphs (d) (2) and
(3) of this section and paragraph (g)(3)
of this section before placing in service.
(iii) Standby derricks shall be inspected at least semiannually in accordance with requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section and paragraph (g)(3) of this section.
(e) Testing—(1) Operational tests. Prior
to initial use all new and altered derricks shall be tested to insure compliance with this section including the
following functions:
(i) Load hoisting and lowering.
(ii) Boom up and down.
(iii) Swing.
(iv) Operation of clutches and brakes
of hoist.
(2) Anchorages. All anchorages shall
be approved by the appointed person.
Rock and hairpin anchorages may require special testing.
(f) Maintenance—(1) Preventive maintenance. A preventive maintenance program based on the derrick manufacturer’s recommendations shall be established.

§ 1910.181

(2) Maintenance procedure. (i) Before
adjustments and repairs are started on
a derrick the following precautions
shall be taken:
(a) The derrick to be repaired shall be
arranged so it will cause the least interference with other equipment and
operations in the area.
(b) All hoist drum dogs shall be engaged.
(c) The main or emergency switch
shall be locked in the open position, if
an electric hoist is used.
(d) Warning or out of order signs
shall be placed on the derrick and
(e) The repairs of booms of derricks
shall either be made when the booms
are lowered and adequately supported
or safely tied off.
(f) A good communication system
shall be set up between the hoist operator and the appointed individual in
charge of derrick operations before any
work on the equipment is started.
(ii) After adjustments and repairs
have been made the derrick shall not
be operated until all guards have been
reinstalled, safety devices reactivated,
and maintenance equipment removed.
(3) Adjustments and repairs. (i) Any
unsafe conditions disclosed by inspection shall be corrected before operation
of the derrick is resumed.
(ii) Adjustments shall be maintained
to assure correct functioning of components.
(iii) Repairs or replacements shall be
provided promptly as needed for safe
operation. The following are examples
of conditions requiring prompt repair
or replacement:
(a) Hooks showing defects described
in paragraph (d)(2)(vi) of this section
shall be discarded.
(b) All critical parts which are
cracked, broken, bent, or excessively
(c) [Reserved]
(d) All replacement and repaired
parts shall have at least the original
safety factor.
(g) Rope inspection—(1) Running ropes.
A thorough inspection of all ropes in
use shall be made at least once a
month and a certification record which
includes the date of inspection, the signature of the person who performed the
inspection, and an identifier for the


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§ 1910.181

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–05 Edition)

ropes which were inspected shall be
prepared and kept on file where readily
available. Any deterioration, resulting
in appreciable loss of original strength
shall be carefully observed and determination made as to whether further
use of the rope would constitute a safety hazard. Some of the conditions that
could result in an appreciable loss of
strength are the following:
(i) Reduction of rope diameter below
nominal diameter due to loss of core
support, internal or external corrosion,
or wear of outside wires.
(ii) A number of broken outside wires
and the degree of distribution or concentration of such broken wires.
(iii) Worn outside wires.
(iv) Corroded or broken wires at end
(v) Corroded, cracked, bent, worn, or
improperly applied end connections.
(vi) Severe kinking, crushing, cutting, or unstranding.
(2) Limited travel ropes. Heavy wear
and/or broken wires may occur in sections in contact with equalizer sheaves
or other sheaves where rope travel is
limited, or with saddles. Particular
care shall be taken to inspect ropes at
these locations.
(3) Idle ropes. All rope which has been
idle for a period of a month or more
due to shutdown or storage of a derrick
on which it is installed shall be given a
thorough inspection before it is used.
This inspection shall be for all types of
deterioration. A certification record
shall be prepared and kept readily
available which includes the date of inspection, the signature of the person
who performed the inspection, and an
identifier for the ropes which were inspected.
(4) Nonrotating ropes. Particular care
shall be taken in the inspection of nonrotating rope.
(h) Operations of derricks. Derrick operations shall be directed only by the
individual specifically designated for
that purpose.
(i) Handling the load—(1) Size of load.
(i) No derrick shall be loaded beyond
the rated load.
(ii) When loads approach the maximum rating of the derrick, it shall be
ascertained that the weight of the load
has been determined within plus or
minus 10 percent before it is lifted.

(2) Attaching the load. (i) The hoist
rope shall not be wrapped around the
(ii) The load shall be attached to the
hook by means of slings or other suitable devices.
(3) Moving the load. (i) The load shall
be well secured and properly balanced
in the sling or lifting device before it is
lifted more than a few inches.
(ii) Before starting to hoist, the following conditions shall be noted:
(a) Hoist rope shall not be kinked.
(b) Multiple part lines shall not be
twisted around each other.
(c) The hook shall be brought over
the load in such a manner as to prevent
(iii) During hoisting, care shall be
taken that:
(a) There is no sudden acceleration or
deceleration of the moving load.
(b) Load does not contact any obstructions.
(iv) A derrick shall not be used for
side loading except when specifically
authorized by a responsible person who
has determined that the various structural components will not be overstressed.
(v) No hoisting, lowering, or swinging
shall be done while anyone is on the
load or hook.
(vi) The operator should avoid carrying loads over people.
(vii) The operator shall test the
brakes each time a load approaching
the rated load is handled by raising it
a few inches and applying the brakes.
(viii) Neither the load nor boom shall
be lowered below the point where less
than two full wraps of rope remain on
their respective drums.
(ix) When rotating a derrick, sudden
starts and stops shall be avoided. Rotational speed shall be such that the load
does not swing out beyond the radius
at which it can be controlled.
(x) Boom and hoisting rope systems
shall not be twisted.
(4) Holding the load. (i) The operator
shall not be allowed to leave his position at the controls while the load is
(ii) People should not be permitted to
stand or pass under a load on the hook.
(iii) If the load must remain suspended for any considerable length of
time, a dog, or pawl and ratchet, or


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
other equivalent means, rather than
the brake alone, shall be used to hold
the load.
(5) Use of winch heads. (i) Ropes shall
not be handled on a winch head without the knowledge of the operator.
(ii) While a winch head is being used,
the operator shall be within convenient
reach of the power unit control lever.
(6) Securing boom. Dogs, pawls, or
other positive holding mechanism on
the hoist shall be engaged. When not in
use, the derrick boom shall:
(i) Be laid down;
(ii) Be secured to a stationary member, as nearly under the head as possible, by attachment of a sling to the
load block; or
(iii) Be hoisted to a vertical position
and secured to the mast.
(j) Other requirements—(1) Guards. (i)
Exposed moving parts, such as gears,
ropes, setscrews, projecting keys,
chains, chain sprockets, and reciprocating components, which constitute a
hazard under normal operating conditions shall be guarded.
(ii) Guards shall be securely fastened.
(iii) Each guard shall be capable of
supporting without permanent distortion, the weight of a 200–pound person
unless the guard is located where it is
impossible for a person to step on it.
(2) Hooks. (i) Hooks shall meet the
manufacturer’s recommendations and
shall not be overloaded.
(ii) Safety latch type hooks shall be
used wherever possible.
(3) Fire extinguishers. (i) A carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or equivalent fire
extinguisher shall be kept in the immediate vicinity of the derrick.
(ii) Operating and maintenance personnel shall be familiar with the use
and care of the fire extinguishers provided.
(4) Refueling. (i) Refueling with portable containers shall be done with approved safety type containers equipped
with automatic closing cap and flame
arrester. Refer to § 1910.155(c)(3) for definition of Approved.
(ii) Machines shall not be refueled
with the engine running.
(5) Operations near overhead lines. For
operations near overhead electric lines,
see § 1910.333(c)(3).
(6) Cab or operating enclosure. (i) Necessary clothing and personal belong-

§ 1910.183

ings shall be stored in such a manner
as to not interfere with access or operation.
(ii) Tools, oilcans, waste, extra fuses,
and other necessary articles shall be
stored in the toolbox, and shall not be
permitted to lie loose in or about the
cab or operating enclosure.
[37 FR 22102, Oct. 18, 1972, as amended at 38
FR 14373, June 1, 1973; 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24,
1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 51 FR 34561,
Sept. 29, 1986; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 55 FR
32015, Aug. 6, 1990; 61 FR 9240, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.183 Helicopters.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) Briefing. Prior to each day’s operation a briefing shall be conducted.
This briefing shall set forth the plan of
operation for the pilot and ground personnel.
(c) Slings and tag lines. Loads shall be
properly slung. Tag lines shall be of a
length that will not permit their being
drawn up into the rotors. Pressed
sleeve, swedged eyes, or equivalent
means shall be used for all freely suspended loads to prevent hand splices
from spinning open or cable clamps
from loosening.
(d) Cargo hooks. All electrically operated cargo hooks shall have the electrical activating device so designed and
installed as to prevent inadvertent operation. In addition, these cargo hooks
shall be equipped with an emergency
mechanical control for releasing the
load. The employer shall ensure that
the hooks are tested prior to each day’s
operation by a competent person to determine that the release functions
properly, both electrically and mechanically.
(e) Personal protective equipment. (1)
Personal protective equipment shall be
provided and the employer shall ensure
its use by employees receiving the
load. Personal protective equipment
shall consist of complete eye protection and hardhats secured by chinstraps.
(2) Loose-fitting clothing likely to
flap in rotor downwash, and thus be
snagged on the hoist line, may not be
(f) Loose gear and objects. The employer shall take all necessary precautions to protect employees from
flying objects in the rotor downwash.


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File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-03-09
File Created2005-08-15

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