Supporting Statement Tables


Compliance Assurance Monitoring Program (40 CFR part 64) (Renewal)

Supporting Statement Tables

OMB: 2060-0376

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Sheet 1: Inputs


(1) schedule of CAM implementation used in 2006 RIA applies (no PSEU currently has Part 64 monitoring and this monitoring will be phased into permit renewals starting in 2007)

(2) "large" and "other" PSEUs have same level of effort for R&R activities

(3) existing and new PSEUs have same level of effort for R&R activities

Industry Labor Rates (2005$) (i)

Permitting Authority Labor Rates (2005$) (ii)

Clerical $22.73
Technical $49.16 (GS-12, Step 5)

Technical $34.56
Management $81.28 (GS-15, Step 5)

Management $77.18

(i) Labor rates, on a per-hour basis, are taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment Statistics Web site ( as posted for May 2005. For each type of personnel, the wage was averaged across the following sectors: Manufacturing, Professional, Scientific, and Technical services,

Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Educational Services, Healthcare and Social Assistance, and Public Administration. For managerial labor, an engineering manager occupation was selected with a base hourly labor rate of $46.22, for technical personnel and environmental engineering technician was

selected with a base rate of $20.69, and for clerical personnel, Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive were selected with a base rate of $13.37. The labor rates include fringe benefits, including paid leave, insurance, etc. The labor rates are also adjusted by an overhead and profit rate of 160 percent. Therefore, the total "loaded" wage rates are calculated by the following equation:

base labor rate x 1.67 = loaded wage rate

Given the overhead cost adjustments, the final total loaded wage rates are $77.18 for managerial personnel, $34.56 for technical personnel, and $22.73 for clerical personnel.

(ii) Labor rates, on a per-hour basis, are taken from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Web site ( and "loaded" using the same formula as for industry labor rates.

Numbers of Facilities & PSEUs (ii)

From Tables IV-28 & IV-29 from January 2006 CAM RIA for Proposed Revisions


Date Current Permits Expiring and New Permits Issuedb OR Permits Revised Monitoring Approach Submission Review Requirementsc Determine Approach Justification Specify Monitoring Elements Perform Monitoringd Renewals

# Title V Permits # PSEUs # Facilities # PSEUs w/o ex mone # PSEUs w/ex mon # PSEUs w/o ex mon # PSEUs w/ex mon # PSEUs w/o ex mon # PSEUs w/ex mon # PSEUs Acceptable Systems Upgrade Instr. Systems Install Par Mon Install CEM/COM Acceptable Systems Upgrade WP Initiate WP # PSEUs


Non-CEM/COM response CEM/COM response Non-CEM/COM response CEM/COM response Non-CEM/COM response CEM/COM response Non-CEM/COM response CEM/COM response


A Lg Rnwl July 2007 1,627 92 2 52 40 52 0 40 0 52 0 40 0

January 2008 1,628 92 2 52 40 52 0 40 0 52 0 40 0 156 14 54 38 0 24 7 19 0

July 2008 1,931 71 2 40 31 40 0 31 0 40 0 31 0

January 2009 1,931 71 2 40 31 40 0 31 0 40 0 31 0 340 31 118 83 0 52 15 41 0

July 2009 1,485 65 2 37 28 37 0 28 0 37 0 28 0

January 2010 1,485
2 37 28 37 0 28 0 37 0 28 0 482 43 167 118 0 74 22 58 0


A Lg Rev July 2007 115 2
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

January 2008 115 2
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

July 2008 115 2
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

January 2009 115 4
2 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 6 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0

July 2009 115 2
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

January 2010 115

1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 12 1 4 3 0 2 1 1 0



A Oth Rnwl July 2007 1,627 559
174 385 174 0 385 0 174 0 385 0

January 2008 1,628 559
174 385 174 0 385 0 174 0 385 0 943

206 445 293

July 2008 1,931 430
134 296 134 0 296 0 134 0 296 0

January 2009 1,931 430
134 296 134 0 296 0 134 0 296 0 2,061

449 973 641

July 2009 1,485 396
123 273 123 0 273 0 123 0 273 0

January 2010 1,485

123 273 123 0 273 0 123 0 273 0 2,921

637 1,379 908


A Oth Rev July 2007 115 5
2 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0

January 2008 115 5
2 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 5

1 2 2

July 2008 115 5
2 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0

January 2009 115 10
3 7 3 0 7 0 3 0 7 0 15

3 7 5

July 2009 115 5
2 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0

January 2010 115

2 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 30

7 14 9 5


All July 2007 3,484 658 2 228 430 228 0 430 0 228 0 430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

January 2008 3,486 658 2 228 430 228 0 430 0 228 0 430 0 1,106 221 502 334 0 24 7 19 0 207 447 295 0

July 2008 4,092 508 2 176 332 176 0 332 0 176 0 332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

January 2009 4,092 515 2 179 336 179 0 336 0 179 0 336 0 2,422 484 1,100 730 0 53 16 42 0 453 980 646 0

July 2009 3,200 468 2 162 306 162 0 306 0 162 0 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

January 2010 3,200
2 162 306 162 0 306 0 162 0 306 0 3,445 688 1,564 1,039 5 76 22 59 0 643 1,393 918 7


All 2007-08 6,970 1,166 4 456 860 456 0 860 0 456 0 860 0 1,106 221 502 334 0 24 7 19 0 207 447 295 0

2008-09 8,184 983 4 355 668 355 0 668 0 355 0 668 0 2,422 484 1,100 730 0 53 16 42 0 453 980 646 0

2009-10 6,400
4 325 611 325 0 611 0 325 0 611 0 3,445 688 1,564 1,039 5 76 22 59 0 643 1,393 918 7

(ii) All data in this table are for a set of nine sample States (AR, CO, IL, ME, MO, NC, TX, VA, WY) used in the 2006 RIA for propsed revisions to CAM. The bottom line burden and cost calculations can be converted to nationwide values by diving by 21.4%, which is the portion of nationwide Title V facilities represented by these States.

Sheet 2: sources-year1

TABLE 6.1a Total Source Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2007-08

Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Hoursd and Costs Per Respondent
Total Hours and Costs
Clerical hours per occurrence Technical hours per occurrence Management hours per occurence ([A+B]x0.05) Annual occurences Annual person hours Labor Cost/Year Annualized Capital Costs Annualized O&M Costs Total number of respondents Total Hours/Year (E x I) Total Labor Cost Total Capital & O&M Cost Total annual cost
1 Review Requirementsa 5 15 1 1 21 $709 $0 $0 4 84 $2,837 $0 $2,837
2 Determine Monitoring Approachb

Units without existing monitoring 0.75 2.25 0.15 1 3.15 $106 $0 $0 456 1,437 $48,527 $0 $48,527

Units with existing monitoring 0.25 0.75 0.05 1 1.05 $35 $0 $0 860 903 $30,492 $0 $30,492
3 Specify Monitoring Elementsb

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 4 12 0.8 1 16.8 $567 $0 $0 456 7,663 $258,812 $0 $258,812

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 860 7,223 $243,933 $0 $243,933

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 1 3 0.2 1 4.2 $142 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
4 Design Documentation (Management)b

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 456 1,916 $70,099 $0 $70,099

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 860 1,806 $66,069 $0 $66,069

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 1 0.05 1 1.05 $38 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
5 CAM Revisions


Units without existing monitoring 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
6 CAM Renewal 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
7 Recordkeeping Activities

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade instrumental systems 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 502 13,712 $501,726 $0 $501,726

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade work practices 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 447 12,216 $446,961 $0 $446,961

Incremental recordkeeping burden - install VE monitor 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Daily recordkeeping - Install instrumental monitor 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 384 157,159 $5,750,363 $0 $5,750,363

Daily recordkeeping - Initiate work practices 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 295 120,732 $4,417,529 $0 $4,417,529
8 Incremental reporting 0 0.5 0.025 2 1.05 $38 $0 $0 1,106 1,161 $42,491 $0 $42,491
9 Facility Certificationc 0.39 0 0.020 1 0.41 $10 $0 $0 1,106 458 $11,608 $0 $11,608

Total - 9 Sample States

326,470 $11,891,448 $0 $11,891,448

Total - Nationwide

1,525,559 $55,567,515 $0 $55,567,515


aHours are per facility, not per PSEU; number of respondents are facilities, not PSEUs

bOne-time activity.

c3 hours per facility converted to impact per PSEU by dividing by the average number of Category A pollutant points per facility with at least one PSEU [7.6].

dAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 3: sources-year2

TABLE 6.1b Total Source Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2008-09

Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Hoursd and Costs Per Respondent
Total Hours and Costs
Clerical hours per occurrence Technical hours per occurrence Management hours per occurence ([A+B]x0.05) Annual occurences Annual person hours Labor Cost/Year Annualized Capital Costs Annualized O&M Costs Total number of respondents Total Hours/Year (E x H) Total Labor Cost Total Capital & O&M Cost Total annual cost
1 Review Requirementsa 5 15 1 1 21 $709 $0 $0 4 84 $2,837 $0 $2,837
2 Determine Monitoring Approachb

Units without existing monitoring 0.75 2.25 0.15 1 3.15 $106 $0 $0 355 1,118 $37,773 $0 $37,773

Units with existing monitoring 0.25 0.75 0.05 1 1.05 $35 $0 $0 668 701 $23,686 $0 $23,686
3 Specify Monitoring Elementsb

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 4 12 0.8 1 16.8 $567 $0 $0 355 5,965 $201,456 $0 $201,456

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 668 5,611 $189,489 $0 $189,489

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 1 3 0.2 1 4.2 $142 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
4 Design Documentation (Management)b

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 355 1,491 $54,564 $0 $54,564

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 668 1,403 $51,323 $0 $51,323

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 1 0.05 1 1.05 $38 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
5 CAM Revisions


Units without existing monitoring 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
6 CAM Renewal 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
7 Recordkeeping Activities

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade instrumental systems 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 1,100 30,028 $1,098,717 $0 $1,098,717

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade work practices 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 980 26,751 $978,788 $0 $978,788

Incremental recordkeeping burden - install VE monitor 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Daily recordkeeping - Install instrumental monitor 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 840 344,158 $12,592,567 $0 $12,592,567

Daily recordkeeping - Initiate work practices 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 646 264,388 $9,673,829 $0 $9,673,829
8 Incremental reporting 0 0.5 0.025 2 1.05 $38 $0 $0 2,422 2,543 $93,051 $0 $93,051
9 Facility Certificationc 0.39 0 0.020 1 0.41 $10 $0 $0 2,422 1,004 $25,420 $0 $25,420

Total - 9 Sample States

685,245 $25,023,501 $0 $25,023,501

Total - Nationwide

3,202,078 $116,932,249 $0 $116,932,249


aHours are per facility, not per PSEU; number of respondents are facilities, not PSEUs

bOne-time activity.

c3 hours per facility converted to impact per PSEU by dividing by the average number of Category A pollutant points per facility with at least one PSEU [7.6].

dAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 4: sources-year3

TABLE 6.1c Total Source Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2009-10

Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Hoursd and Costs Per Respondent
Total Hours and Costs
Clerical hours per occurrence Technical hours per occurrence Management hours per occurence ([A+B]x0.05) Annual occurences Annual person hours Labor Cost/Year Annualized Capital Costs Annualized O&M Costs Total number of respondents Total Hours/Year (E x H) Total Labor Cost Total Capital & O&M Cost Total annual cost
1 Review Requirementsa 5 15 1 1 21 $709 $0 $0 4 84 $2,837 $0 $2,837
2 Determine Monitoring Approachb

Units without existing monitoring 0.75 2.25 0.15 1 3.15 $106 $0 $0 325 1,022 $34,523 $0 $34,523

Units with existing monitoring 0.25 0.75 0.05 1 1.05 $35 $0 $0 611 642 $21,684 $0 $21,684
3 Specify Monitoring Elementsb

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 4 12 0.8 1 16.8 $567 $0 $0 325 5,452 $184,120 $0 $184,120

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 611 5,137 $173,476 $0 $173,476

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 1 3 0.2 1 4.2 $142 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
4 Design Documentation (Management)b

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 325 1,363 $49,869 $0 $49,869

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM responses 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 611 1,284 $46,986 $0 $46,986

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM responses 0 1 0.05 1 1.05 $38 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
5 CAM Revisions


Units without existing monitoring 0 4 0.2 1 4.2 $154 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0 2 0.1 1 2.1 $77 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0
6 CAM Renewal 2 6 0.4 1 8.4 $284 $0 $0 7 59 $1,986 $0 $1,986
7 Recordkeeping Activities

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade instrumental systems 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 1,564 42,705 $1,562,560 $0 $1,562,560

Incremental recordkeeping burden - Upgrade work practices 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 1,393 38,025 $1,391,331 $0 $1,391,331

Incremental recordkeeping burden - install VE monitor 0 0.5 0.025 52 27.3 $999 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $0

Daily recordkeeping - Install instrumental monitor 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 1,201 491,762 $17,993,322 $0 $17,993,322

Daily recordkeeping - Initiate work practices 0 1.5 0.075 260 409.5 $14,983 $0 $0 918 375,823 $13,751,189 $0 $13,751,189
8 Incremental reporting 0 0.5 0.025 2 1.05 $38 $0 $0 3,445 3,617 $132,353 $0 $132,353
9 Facility Certificationc 0.39 0 0.020 1 0.41 $10 $0 $0 3,445 1,428 $36,158 $0 $36,158

Total - 9 Sample States

968,403 $35,382,395 $0 $35,382,395

Total - Nationwide

4,525,246 $165,338,292 $0 $165,338,292


aHours are per facility, not per PSEU; number of respondents are facilities, not PSEUs

bOne-time activity.

c3 hours per facility converted to impact per PSEU by dividing by the average number of Category A pollutant points per facility with at least one PSEU [7.6].

dAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 5: sources-total

TABLE 6.2 Average Source Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants

Year Annual Total Hours Annual Labor Cost Annual Capital & O&M Cost Total annual cost
2007-08 1,525,559 $55,567,515 $0 $55,567,515
2008-09 3,202,078 $116,932,249 $0 $116,932,249
2009-10 4,525,246 $165,338,292 $0 $165,338,292

Total 9,252,884 337,838,055 0 $337,838,055
Average 3,084,295 $112,612,685 $0 $112,612,685

Burden per Response

Year # PSEUs submitting reports Annual Total Hours Hours per PSEU Hours per Facilitya
2007-08 1,106 1,525,559 1,379 181
2008-09 2,422 3,202,078 1,322 174
2009-10 3,445 4,525,246 1,314 173

Total 6,973 9,252,884 4,015 528
Average 2,324 3,084,295 1,338 176

aAssumes 7.6 PSEUs per facility

Sheet 6: PA-year1

TABLE 6.3a Total Permitting Authority Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2007-08

Burden Item A B C D E
Technical hours per occurencea Occurences per year Technical hours per year (AxB) Management hours per year (C x 0.05) Total cost per year
1 CAM Activities

Rule Familiarization 54 0 0 0 $0

Applicability Determination 0.67 1,316 882 44 $46,933
2 Initial CAM Review

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 2 456 912 46 $48,561

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 1 860 860 43 $45,769

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM 0.5 0 0 0 $0
3 CAM Revisions

Units w/o existing monitoring 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0.5 0 0 0 $0
4 CAM Renewals 1 0 0 0 $0
5 Review Reports 1 2,212 2,212 111 $117,742
6 Certifications 0.33 1,106 365 18 $19,427

Total - 9 Sample States

5,231 262 $278,432

Total - Nationwide

24,443 1,222 $1,301,082

aAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 7: PA-year2

TABLE 6.3b Total Permitting Authority Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2008-09

Burden Item A B C D E
Technical hours per occurencea Occurences per year Technical hours per year (AxB) Management hours per year (C x 0.05) Total cost per year
1 CAM Activities

Rule Familiarization 54 0 0 0 $0

Applicability Determination 0.67 1,023 685 34 $36,484
2 Initial CAM Review

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 2 355 710 36 $37,799

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 1 668 668 33 $35,554

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM 0.5 0 0 0 $0
3 CAM Revisions

Units w/o existing monitoring 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0.5 0 0 0 $0
4 CAM Renewals 1 0 0 0 $0
5 Review Reports 1 4,844 4,844 242 $257,840
6 Certifications 0.33 2,422 799 40 $42,544

Total - 9 Sample States

7,707 385 $410,220

Total - Nationwide

36,013 1,801 $1,916,914

aAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 8: PA-year3

TABLE 6.3c Total Permitting Authority Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2009-10

Burden Item A B C D E
Technical hours per occurencea Occurences per year Technical hours per year (AxB) Management hours per year (C x 0.05) Total cost per year
1 CAM Activities

Rule Familiarization 54 0 0 0 $0

Applicability Determination 0.67 992 665 33 $35,394
2 Initial CAM Review

Units w/o existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 2 325 649 32 $34,546

Units w/o existing monitoring: CEM/COM 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring: non CEM/COM 1 611 611 31 $32,549

Units with existing monitoring: CEM/COM 0.5 0 0 0 $0
3 CAM Revisions

Units w/o existing monitoring 1 0 0 0 $0

Units with existing monitoring 0.5 0 0 0 $0
4 CAM Renewals 1 7 7 0 $373
5 Review Reports 1 6,890 6,890 345 $366,746
6 Certifications 0.33 3,445 1,137 57 $60,513

Total - 9 Sample States

9,959 498 $530,121

Total - Nationwide

46,539 2,327 $2,477,200

aAll hours are per PSEU unless otherwise noted.

Sheet 9: PA-total

TABLE 6.4 Average Permitting Authority Burden and Labor Costs for All "Large" and "Other" Sources - All Pollutants

Year Annual Total Hours Total annual cost
2007-08 25,665 $1,301,082
2008-09 37,813 $1,916,914
2009-10 48,866 $2,477,200

Total 112,344 $5,695,196
Average 37,448 $1,898,399

Sheet 10: Federal


Federal Labor Hours and Costs for "Large & Other" Sources - All Pollutants, 2007/08-2009/10

Agency Hours

Agency Responses

Total National


CAM Activities Technical Hours per Year Management Hours per Year Total Hours per Year 2007 2008 2009 Technical Hours Management Hours Total Hours Costs Cost per Year

Rule Familiarization 1 570 30 600 1 1 1 1,710 90 1,800 $91,387 $30,462

Review CAM Plans 1 5,130 270 5,400 1 1 1 15,390 810 16,200 $822,482 $274,161

Total Cost and Burden: 17,100 900 18,000 $913,869 $304,623

1 Based on input from the Regions -- one region said they spent .1 FTE or less and Region 9 said they spent .5 FTE. We assumed .3 FTEs, or 6,000 hours (600 hours/region * 10 regions).

We also assumed the vast majority of the time is spent reviewing CAM plans -- about 1/10 of the time was for Rule familiarization.

File Typeapplication/
File Modified2007-03-14
File Created2007-02-16

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