Part 1 of 6
(Part of System Clearance Submittal)
Student Questionnaires
Student Grade 4 Background Questions
Core Questions
Mathematics Subject-specific Questions
Reading Subject-specific Questions
Volume II contains:
Part 1 of 6 Student Grade 4 Background Questions
Part 2 of 6 Student Grade 8 Background Question
Part 3 of 6 Student Grade 12 Background Question
Part 4 of 6 Student Age 9 Background Question
Part 5 of 6 Student Age 13 Background Question
Part 6 of 6 Student Age 17 Background Question
January 26, 2006
Student Questionnaires
OMB Information on Student Questionnaire Cover Page
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control numbers for this information collection are 1850-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 75 minutes per booklet, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: NAEP/NCES, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006-5651.
A project of the National Center for Education Statistics of the Institute of Education Sciences.
This report is authorized by law(P.L.107-110, 20 U.S.C. §9010). While your participation is voluntary, your cooperation is needed to make the results of the survey comprehensive, accurate, and timely. The information you provide is being collected for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential.
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Student Questionnaire
Core – Grade 4
In this section, please tell us about yourself and your family. The section has 11 questions. Mark your answers in your booklet.
1. Are you Hispanic or Latino? Fill in one or more ovals. [4/8/12] (VB331330)
A No, I am not Hispanic or Latino.
B Yes, I am Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano.
C Yes, I am Puerto Rican or Puerto Rican American.
D Yes, I am Cuban or Cuban American.
E Yes, I am from some other Hispanic or Latino background.
2. Which of the following best describes you? Fill in one or more ovals. [4/8/12] (VB331331)
A White
B Black or African American
C Asian
D American Indian or Alaska Native
E Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
For the rest of the questions in this section, fill in only one oval for each question.
3. Does your family get a newspaper at least four times a week? [4/8/12] (VB331333)
A Yes
B No
C I don’t know.
4. Does your family get any magazines regularly? [4/8/12] (VB331334)
A Yes
B No
C I don’t know.
5. About how many books are there in your home? [4/8/12] (VB331335)
A Few (0–10)
B Enough to fill one shelf (11–25)
C Enough to fill one bookcase (26–100)
D Enough to fill several bookcases (more than 100)
6. Is there a computer at home that you use? [4/8/12] (VB331336)
A Yes
B No
7. Is there an encyclopedia in your home? It could be a set of books, or it could be on the computer. [4/8/12] (VB331337)
A Yes
B No
C I don’t know.
8. About how many pages a day do you have to read in school and for
[4/8/12] (TB001101)
A 5 or fewer
B 6–10
C 11–15
D 16–20
E More than 20
9. How often do you talk about things you have studied in school with someone in your family? [4/8/12] (VB331339)
A Never or hardly ever
B Once every few weeks
C About once a week
D Two or three times a week
E Every day
10. How many days were you absent from school in the last month? [4/8/12] (VB331447)
A None
B 1 or 2 days
C 3 or 4 days
D 5 to 10 days
E More than 10 days
11. How often do people in your home talk to each other in a language other than English? [4/8/12] (VB331451)
A Never
B Once in a while
C About half of the time
D All or most of the time
Student Questionnaire
Mathematics – Grade 4
This section has 9 questions. Mark your answers in your booklet. Fill in only one oval for each question.
1. How often do you use a computer for math at school? (VB525162) [4/8]
A Never or hardly ever
B Once every few weeks
C About once a week
D Two or three times a week
E Every day or almost every day
Questions 2-5. For the following questions, think about all the times you do things for math. Include things you do at home, at school, or anywhere else.
2. Do you use a computer to practice or drill on math? (VB525166) [4]
A Yes
B No
3. Do you use a computer to play math games? (VB525172) [4]
A Yes
B No
4. What kind of calculator do you normally use? (VB525174) [4]
A I don’t have a calculator.
B Regular calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
C Graphing calculator
5. When you take a math test or quiz, how often do you use a calculator? (VB517158) [4/8]
A Never
B Sometimes
C Always
6. How often do you feel the following way in your math class? Fill in one oval on each line. (NEW) [4/8]
Never or hardly ever |
Sometimes |
Almost always |
[Same at:] |
a. The math work is too hard. |
A |
B |
C |
[4] |
(NEW) |
b. I have done a good job on my homework. |
A |
B |
C |
[4/8] |
(NEW) |
c. I have done a good job in class. |
A |
B |
C |
[4] |
(NEW) |
d. The math work is too easy. |
A |
B |
C |
[4/8] |
(NEW) |
e. I like what we do in math class. |
A |
B |
C |
[4] |
(NEW) |
7. How hard was this test compared to most other tests you have taken this year in school? (VB595182) [4/8]
A Easier than other tests
B About as hard as other tests
C Harder than other tests
D Much harder than other tests
8. How hard did you try on this test compared to how hard you tried on most other tests you have taken this year in school? (VC034559) [4/8]
A Not as hard as on other tests
B About as hard as on other tests
C Harder than on other tests
D Much harder than on other tests
9. How important was it to you to do well on this test? (VB595184) [4/8]
A Not very important
B Somewhat important
C Important
D Very important
This section has 25 questions. Mark your answers in your booklet. Fill in only one oval for each question.
Questions 1–4. The following questions are about reading and writing. For each question, please mark the answer that best describes you.
When I read books, I learn a lot. [4] (VB345686)
A This is not like me.
B This is a little like me.
C This is a lot like me.
Reading is one of my favorite activities. [4] (VB345687)
A This is not like me.
B This is a little like me.
C This is a lot like me.
Writing things like stories or letters is one of my favorite activities. [4] (VB345688)
A This is not like me.
B This is a little like me.
C This is a lot like me.
Writing helps me share my ideas. [4] (VB345689)
A This is not like me.
B This is a little like me.
C This is a lot like me.
How often do you read for fun on your own time? [4] (VB345692)
A Never or hardly ever
B Once or twice a month
C Once or twice a week
D Almost every day
How often do you talk with your friends or family about something you have read? [4] (VB345693)
A Never or hardly ever
B Once or twice a month
C Once or twice a week
D Almost every day
How often do you write e-mails to your friends or family? [4] (VB345696)
A Never or hardly ever
B Once or twice a month
C Once or twice a week
D Almost every day
How often do you read stories or poems for fun outside of school? [4] (VB345699)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How often do you read to learn about real things (such as facts about dinosaurs or other countries) for fun outside of school? [4] (VB345700)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How often do you read stories or articles that you find on the Internet for fun outside of school? [4] (VB345701)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
For school this year, how often do you have a class discussion about something that the class has read? [4] (VB345703)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
For school this year, how often do you work in pairs or small groups to talk about something that you have read? [4] (VB345704)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
For school this year, how often do you write in a journal about something that you have read for class? [4] (VB345705)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
So far this year, how many times have you written a book report? [4] (VB345707)
A Never
B Once
C 2 or 3 times
D 4 or 5 times
E 6 or more times
So far this year, how many times have you made a presentation to the class about something that you have read? [4] (VB345708)
A Never
B Once
C 2 or 3 times
D 4 or 5 times
E 6 or more times
So far this year, how many times have you done a school project about something that you have read (for example, written a play, created a poster)? [4] (VB345709)
A Never
B Once
C 2 or 3 times
D 4 or 5 times
E 6 or more times
For school this year, how often have you been asked to write long answers to questions on tests or assignments that involved reading? [4/8/12] (VB345715)
A Never
B Once or twice this year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
When you have reading assignments in school, how often does your teacher give you time to read books you have chosen yourself? [4] (VB429518)
A Never or hardly ever
B Once or twice a month
C Once or twice a week
D Almost every day
Questions 19–22. The following four questions ask about the subjects that you study in school this year.
How often do you read paperbacks, softcover books, or magazines for reading? [4] (VB345711)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How often do you read paperbacks, softcover books, puzzle books, or magazines for science? [4] (VB345712)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How often do you read paperbacks, softcover books, or magazines for social studies or history? [4] (VB345713)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How often do you read paperbacks, softcover books, puzzle books, or magazines for math? [4] (VB345714)
A Never or hardly ever
B A few times a year
C Once or twice a month
D At least once a week
How hard was this test compared to most other tests you have taken this year in school? [4/8] (VB595182)
A Easier than other tests
B About as hard as other tests
C Harder than other tests
D Much harder than other tests
How hard did you try on this test compared to how hard you tried on most other tests you have taken this year in school? [4/8] (VC034559)
A Not as hard as on other tests
B About as hard as on other tests
C Harder than on other tests
D Much harder than on other tests
How important was it to you to do well on this test? [4/8] (VB595184)
A Not very important
B Somewhat important
C Important
D Very important
File Type | application/msword |
Author | joconnell |
Last Modified By | DoED |
File Modified | 2007-03-22 |
File Created | 2007-03-22 |