EASIE Part Two -- Paper

Indian ED EASIE Part II paper form v9.doc

Formula Grant EASIE (Electronic Application System for Indian Education)

EASIE Part Two -- Paper

OMB: 1810-0021

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OMB No. 1810-0021



WASHINGTON, DC 20202-6335




CFDA Number: 84.060

OMB No. 1810-0021

Expires 03/31/2010

Formula Grant EASIE

(Electronic Application System for Indian Education)

Part II


Part II Closing Date: 05/03/2007

Paperwork Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for Formula Grant EASIE (Electronic Application System for Indian Education) is 1810-0021. The time required to complete the information collection is estimated to average 5.5 hours per response, inclusive of both Part I and Part II, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4700. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Office of Indian Education, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., FOB-6/Room 5C152, Washington, D.C. 20202-6335.

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Indian Education

This package contains instructions and forms for Part II of the fiscal year (FY) 2007 grant applications for the Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies Program (CFDA 84.060). The purpose of the Indian Education Formula Grant program, authorized in Part A, Subpart 1, of Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the Act), is to assist eligible applicants to provide Indian students with the opportunity to meet the same challenging state standards as all other students and meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students. The Act and the instructions in this application package are to be used in developing Part II of your FY 2007 application.

General Instructions

Applying for Funds

Applicants for grants from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) have to compete for limited funds. Deadlines assure all applicants that they will be treated fairly and equally, without last minute haste.

The rules, including the deadline, for applying for each grant are published, individually, in the Federal Register. A one-year subscription to the Register may be obtained by sending $340.00 to: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9371. (Send check or money order only, no cash or stamps.)

The instructions in the Federal Register must be followed exactly. Do not accept any other advice you may receive. No ED employee is authorized to extend any deadline published in the Register.

Questions regarding submission of applications may be addressed to:

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Indian Education

400 Maryland Ave., SW

Washington, D.C. 20202-6335

Formula Grant EASIE. The primary method of submission for applying for FY 2007 funds for this program is Web-based, using the Formula Grant Electronic Application Submission Indian Education (Formula Grant EASIE). Please see http://www.indianeducation.org/ for instructions for accessing Formula Grant EASIE. If you need assistance, please contact our Partner Support Center:

U.S. Department of Education Partner Support Center

Telephone: 877-457-3336 (877-HLP-EDEN)

Fax: 888-329-3336 (888-FAX-EDEN)

TTY/TDD: 888-403-3336 (888-403-EDEN)


Paper submission. Paper submission is permitted with pre-arrangements for districts that are unable to use Web-based or Single File Submission because they have no Internet connection or inadequate Web access. For paper submission, contact the U.S. Department of Education EDEN Partner Support Center as shown above.

If you are a district that made pre-arrangements and are submitting a paper form, please send the original to the U.S. Department of Education; see Transmittal Instructions on pages 3-4. Use the forms that you received in response to your request for paper submission, not the sample forms attached to these instructions.

Two Parts of the Application; Deadlines

Applications submitted must address all required information in order to be funded.

  • Part I of the application consists of the Indian Student Count. The deadline for Part I is February 20, 2007.

  • If Part I is submitted by the closing date, you will be sent an application for Part II in which you will describe the performance of students in your school system, identify your program objectives, and provide details on the budget for your project. The deadline for Part II is May 3, 2007.

Late Applications

Any application that does not meet the deadline will not be considered for funding in the initial allocation of awards. However, if funds become available after the initial allocation of funds, applications not meeting the deadline may be considered for funding if the Secretary determines, under Section 7118(d) of the Act, that reallocation of those funds to late applicants would best assist in advancing the purposes of the program. However, the amount and date of an individual award, if any is made under this provision, may be less than the applicant would have received had the application been submitted on time. In any case, no grant may be awarded unless a completed application has been received, reviewed, and approved by the Department.

Transmittal Instructions for Formula Grant EASIE

Using Formula Grant EASIE. If you use the online Formula Grant EASIE, application information is transmitted electronically to the Department and it is not necessary to send a hard copy. Be sure that you complete the certification screen by clicking the [I CERTIFY] button. If you don’t click the
[I CERTIFY] button, your application is not transmitted. After you certify, click [Continue] and download the PDF file of your application to your computer or to a disk. You must do this before the due date of the application period. This is your permanent record.

For Part II, there are also two things you have to do outside of the EASIE system.

(1) Parent Committee Approval Form. Unless you are a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or a tribe that is applying in lieu of an LEA, you must complete the Parent Committee Approval Form, obtain the required signatures, and fax it to the Department at (202) 205-0606 within 3 days of your online submission. The blank Parent Committee Approval Form can be downloaded from within the Formula Grant EASIE Web site; be sure to download the blank form before the due date of the application period.

(2) Copy to your state education agency. Through Formula Grant EASIE, generate a PDF of your application and file it on your own computer or disk, as noted above. On the same day that you certify Part II in EASIE, send the PDF of your application via e-mail to your state educational agency.

Transmittal Instructions for Paper Submissions.

Delivery. All hard copies (an original and two copies) are to be submitted to the Office of Indian Education (OIE) of the U.S. Department of Education. Include all forms that apply to your district. Be sure that the main form is signed by an authorized representative and that appropriate signatures appear on other required forms, such as the Parent Committee Approval and Waiver Request. Retain photocopies for your reference. See below for mailing or other delivery instructions.

Providing a Copy to Your State Department of Education. All applicants, except Bureau-funded schools and Tribes that apply in lieu of a LEA, are required to submit a copy of their application to the appropriate state department of education for review (required in section 7119 of the Act). The copy should be submitted to the state department of education at the same time the application is submitted to OIE.

If You Send Your Application by Mail

You must mail the original and two copies of the application on or before the deadline date to:

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Indian Education

Attention: CFDA Number 84.060

400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 5C152

Washington, DC 20202-6335

You must show one of the following as proof of mailing:

(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark.

(2) A legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the U.S. Postal Service.

(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial carrier.

(4) Any other proof of mailing acceptable to the Secretary.

If you mail an application through the U.S. Postal Service, we do not accept either of the following as proof of mailing:

(1) A private metered postmark, or

(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by the U.S. Postal Service.

The U.S. Postal Service does not uniformly provide a dated postmark. Before relying on this method, you should check with your local post office.

Mail screening procedures used by the government may obliterate some types of mailing labels with the addressee name causing a delay in receipt or an undeliverable application. Applicants are advised not to use address labels on the envelope when mailing application materials.

If You Deliver Your Application by Hand

You or your courier must hand deliver the original and two copies of the application by 4:30 p.m. (Washington, DC, time) on or before the deadline date to:

Lana Shaughnessy

Office of Indian Education

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 5C152

Attention: CFDA # 84.060A

Washington, DC 20202-6335

The Program Office will accept application deliveries daily between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Washington, DC, time except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. A person delivering an application must show identification to enter the building.

Fax copies of your application are not acceptable.

Grant Application Receipt Acknowledgement. If you send your application by mail or deliver it by hand or by a courier service, the Office of Indian Education will mail a Grant Application Receipt Acknowledgment to you. If you do not receive the notification of application receipt within 15 days from the date of mailing the application, you should call the Office of Indian Education at (202) 260-3774.

Specific Instructions for Part II

Contact Information. This information will be entered on the form from the information you provided with your Part I application. Be sure to use the printed form that you receive with this information, not a “sample” copy.

Required Items. This application package includes 25 numbered items; each numbered item consists of one or more questions or one or more tables. Which items you must complete and submit is determined by several factors.

Type of application

  • If you are applying as a regular LEA, then you must complete and submit items 1 – 19. Item 19 requires the original signature of an authorized official from your LEA.

  • If you are applying as a formula grant project consolidated with a Title I schoolwide program, then you must complete and submit items 1-7, 9, 18, and 19. Item 19 requires the original signature of an authorized official from your LEA.

  • If you are applying for integration of services under ESEA section 7116, then you must complete and submit items 1-7, 9, 18, 19, 22, and 23. Item 19 requires the original signature of an authorized official from your LEA.

Administrative Costs

  • If your planned budget for FY 2007 – 08 includes administrative costs of more than 5%, then you must complete and submit item 20.

  • If your most prior-year grant award included a waiver of the administrative cap, then you must complete and submit item 21.

Parent Committee Requirements

  • If you are not a Bureau of Indian Education entity or a tribe applying in lieu of an LEA, then you must complete and submit item 24. This item must be signed by representatives of the Parent Committee and submitted with your application.

  • If you are a Bureau of Indian Education entity or a tribe applying in lieu of an LEA, then you do not need to complete and submit item 24.

Please be certain to complete all required items and to include all required forms in your submission package.

Item-by-Item Instructions. Instructions for each item are contained in the form. This application contains a very limited amount of free narrative response. Where you are asked to select items from a list to enter into a table, please use only those items. Other responses will not be accepted.

Application for FY 2007 –08 Funds Under the

Indian Education Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies

Part II


LEA Name:


PR #


Contact Name:




nformation in the following box will be completed by the Department of Education:

Program Information

1. Application Type. Identify the type of application you are submitting for SY 2007 – 08 (check exactly one):

___ Regular formula grant program (complete items 1 – 19; complete items 20 and/or 21 if they apply; and complete item 24 unless you are a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or tribe applying in lieu of an LEA.)

___ Formula grant project consolidated with a Title I schoolwide program (complete items 1-7, 9, 18, and 19; complete items 20 and/or 21 if they apply; and complete item 24 unless you are a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or tribe applying in lieu of an LEA.)

___ Integration of services under ESEA section 7116 (complete items 1-7, 9, 18, 19, 22, and 23; complete items 20 and/or 21 if they apply; and complete item 24 unless you are a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or tribe applying in lieu of an LEA.)

2. Award start date. Indicate the date on which the LEA wishes to have your SY 2007 – 08 grant award begin. This date must be between July 1 and September 30, inclusive, of the current year. The end date of the award period will automatically be the last day of the year beginning with the start date you choose.

Award Start Date: ___________________________________________

3. State Assessment Data for 2005 – 06. Provide the results for Indian students and all students in your LEA on SY 2005 – 06 state assessments for all grades covered by the state assessments. Use the tables for which your state has assessments; if your state does not assess in all of these subjects, then you will leave some tables blank. If your state does not assess at every grade level, then you will leave some rows blank.

SY 2005 – 06 Mathematics State Assessment Results for Your LEA









Total number of American Indian and Alaska Native students assessed

Number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who scored Proficient or Above

% of Proficient or Above of American Indian and Alaska Native students

(col c col b) x 100

Total number of all students assessed

Number of all students who scored Proficient or Above

% Proficient or Above of all students.

(col f col e) x 100















SY 2005 – 06 Reading (Language Arts/English) State Assessment Results for Your LEA









Total number of American Indian and Alaska Native students assessed

Number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who scored Proficient or Above

% of Proficient or Above of American Indian and Alaska Native students

(col c col b) x 100

Total number of all students assessed

Number of all students who scored Proficient or Above

% Proficient or Above of all students.

(col f col e) x 100















SY 2005 – 06 Writing State Assessment Results for Your LEA









Total number of American Indian and Alaska Native students assessed

Number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who scored Proficient or Above

% of Proficient or Above of American Indian and Alaska Native students

(col c col b) x 100

Total number of all students assessed

Number of all students who scored Proficient or Above

% Proficient or Above of all students.

(col f col e) x 100















SY 2005 – 06 Science State Assessment Results for Your LEA









Total number of American Indian and Alaska Native students assessed

Number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who scored Proficient or Above

% of Proficient or Above of American Indian and Alaska Native students

(col c col b) x 100

Total number of all students assessed

Number of all students who scored Proficient or Above

% Proficient or Above of all students.

(col f col e) x 100















4. Grades Served in SY 2005 – 06. Indicate the grade levels served by your LEA. Check all that apply.

___PK ___K ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12

5. Attendance for SY 2005 – 06. Provide attendance information for your LEA.


(1) Average Daily Attendance - The average number of students in daily attendance computed according to state law or regulation, or if no state definition exists, the aggregate number of days of attendance by students divided by the number of days of enrollment of students during the reporting period.

(2) Average Daily Attendance of Indian Students - The average number of Indian students in daily attendance computed according to state law or regulation, or if no state definition exists, the aggregate number of days of attendance by students divided by the number of days of enrollment of students during the reporting period.

Average daily attendance for all students: _____________

Average daily attendance for Indian students (optional): ___________

6. Graduation data for SY 2005 – 06. Provide this information if your LEA serves high school students. Enter the value as a percentage to once decimal place.


(1) Graduation Rate for All Students - The percentage of students who graduated from high schools with a regular diploma. The calculation of the percentage rate is defined in the state’s accountability plan in accordance with Title I, Section 200.19.

(2) Graduation Rate for Indian Students - The percentage of Indian students who graduated from high schools with a regular diploma. The calculation of the percentage rate is defined in the state’s accountability plan in accordance with Title I, Section 200.19.

Graduation rate for all students: ____________

Graduation rate for Indian students: _____________

7. Other Assessment Data for 2005 – 06 (optional). Provide the results for Indian students and all students in your LEA on any other SY 2005-06 assessments. This section is optional, but if you provide data, you must provide the information for both Indian students and all students.

Permissible values. For each row of the table, write the code for the content area in column a, write the code for the assessment source in column b, and write the grade level in column c. Choose these from the following table of permissible values. Use only values in the chart; do not use any other values.

Permissible Values for Table 7

For each row, choose one of these for column a.

For each row, choose one of these for column b

For each row, choose one of these for column c

Ma = math

Rdg = reading (include language arts/ English)

Wr= writing

Sci = science

SS = social studies

Hist = history

O = other

CD = Curriculum designed tests

EOC = End-of-course exams

Exit = High school exit exam

Stnd = LEA-selected standardized test

Port = Student portfolios

O = Other formal assessment















Enter whole numbers into columns d, e, g, and h.

Enter percents rounded to a whole number in columns f and i.

Use a different row for each grade level of each assessment that you wish to report.

Other Assessment Information for Your LEA










Content area



Total number of American Indian and Alaska Native students assessed

Number of American Indian and Alaska Native students who scored Proficient or Above

% of Proficient or Above of American Indian and Alaska Native students

(col e col d) x 100

Total number of all students assessed

Number of all students who scored Proficient or Above

% Proficient or Above of all students.

(col h col g) x 100

8. Objectives for SY 2007 – 08. Determine which performance measures you will have as your objectives for improved results using your SY 2007 – 08 grant. Complete a separate table for each performance measure. Each table represents one objective—the performance measure along with the grade levels, services, activities, etc. comprises the objective. You must have at least one objective; you may have several.

Note: Applicants submitting as a Title VII project consolidated with a Title I schoolwide program should skip item 8. Applicants submitting under section 7116 (Integrated Services) must complete item 22 in lieu of item 8.

Permissible values

  • Choose a permissible value (from the chart below) for your first performance measure. Enter it into row 1 of your table.

  • In row 2 of your table, check the grade levels at which it is your objective to improve performance on this measure.

  • In column a of the remaining rows of that table, enter one of the services listed below that you will offer for the purpose of improving performance on this measure.

  • In columns b-d for that row, enter the frequency, location, and activity of that service, choosing in each case from the values in the chart below. Use only the values in the chart; do not enter other values.

  • Fill in as many rows as needed to represent all of the services you will provide in support of improving results on that performance measure.

  • If you choose to have additional objectives, fill in a table for each performance measure, as described above.

Permissible Values for Table 8

Row 1 and Row 2 Values

Permissible Column a, b, c, and d Values

Row 1: Performance Measure. Pick one and only one for each table.

Col. a: Service

Pick one and only one for each row of your table.

Col b: Frequency

Pick one and only one for each row of your table.

Col c: Location

Pick one and only one for each row of your table.

Col d: Activity

Pick one and only one for each row of your table.






Reading (language arts/English)


Social Studies

Substance Abuse





Dropout prevention

Language Arts and/or Writing

Literacy, Family

Math, Accelerated

Math, Intervention

Native American Studies

Native Language Instruction

Pre- Advanced Placement (AP) Preparation

Reading Recovery Program

Reading, Accelerated

Reading, Enhancement and Writing

Reading, Family Literacy

Reading, Intervention

Reading, Success for All

School Readiness


Social Studies

State or End of Course Exam Preparation

Substance Abuse Prevention

Technology, Use and Proficiency

Tribal History

Before School

After School


Once a Week

Twice a Week

Three times a Week

Four Times a Week



Once a Month

Twice a Month

Three Times a Month






Grading Periods


Special Events

As needed

In Class


LEA Office/Region


Chapter House

Historical Sites

Residential Hall

Tribal Facilities

Community Centers

University Campus

Tribal Agencies/Offices

Other Organizational Designated Sites

ACT or SAT Preparation and Testing

Advanced Placement (AP) Preparation

AP Coursework and Testing

Career and/or College Guidance

Civic Projects


Creative Writing

Credit Recovery or Completion

Experiential Learning

Libraries, Cultural Lending of Materials

Multicultural Affairs or Events


Study Skills Development

Student Clubs with Academic Emphasis

Tutoring: Skill Development Individually

Tutoring: Skill Development in Small Groups

Tutoring: Homework Assistance Individually

Tutoring: Homework Assistance in Small Groups

Youth Leadership, Groups or Clubs

Go to next page for data entry tables in which to enter your objectives.

Your LEA’s Objective for SY 2007 - 08

Performance Measure #1: (fill from row 1 list)

Grades: (check all that apply) ___PK ___K ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12


(fill from column a list)


(fill from column b list)


(fill from column c list)


(fill from column d list)

Your LEA’s Objective for SY 2007 - 08

Performance Measure #2: (fill from row 1 list)

Grades: (check all that apply) ___PK ___K ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12


(fill from column a list)


(fill from column b list)


(fill from column c list)


(fill from column d list)

Your LEA’s Objective for SY 2007 - 08

Performance Measure #3: (fill from row 1 list)

Grades: (check all that apply) ___PK ___K ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5 ___6 ___7 ___8 ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12


(fill from column a list)


(fill from column b list)


(fill from column c list)


(fill from column d list)

9. Professional development in support of your FY 2007 – 08 program. Identify the professional development opportunities planned using grant funds.

Permissible values. For each row of the table, write in the type of staff in the first column and the type of opportunity in the second column. Choose these from the following table of permissible values. Use only values in the chart; do not use any other values.

Permissible Values for Table 9

Pick one of the following to enter in column a.

Pick one of the following to enter in column b

Project staff

Teachers and other school professionals

All LEA staff

Orientation on working with Indian students

Multi-cultural education and sensitivity

LEA-required training

Subject-specific and related training

Standards-based related training

Assessments and related training

Program objective-specific and related training

State-sponsored sessions or conferences

Regional educational conference

OIE-sponsored workshops/sessions

National educational conferences

Other conferences related to Indian education


Your LEA’s Planned Professional Development for SY 2007 - 08




Professional Development Opportunity

Budget Information

Total costs in your budget cannot exceed your allocation. If your administrative costs exceed 5% of your allocation, you must complete the waiver request form (item #20)

Note: Applicants submitting as a Title VII project consolidated with a Title I schoolwide program should skip items 10 – 17. Applicants submitting under section 7116 (Integrated Services) must complete item 23 in lieu of items 10 – 17.

10. Personnel Budget. Complete the table for personnel to be funded by the project.

Permissible values. Complete rows 1 and 2 (Project Director and Project Coordinator) as they are applicable. Complete additional rows for each type of personnel at each certification status and each percentage of time. [Example, if you have some academic advisors who work 20% time on the project and other academic advisors who work 30% time on the project, you would need to complete two rows for academic advisors.]

Choose values for columns a and b from the following table of permissible values.

Permissible Values for Table 10.

For each row, pick one of the following values for column a.

For each row, pick one of the following values for column b. Use the abbreviation.

Academic advisors

Administrative Assistants

College instructors


Counselors, Guidance

Counselors, Mental Health

Cultural Resource Specialists

Curriculum Specialists

Data Specialists

Home/school Coordinators

Instructional Assistants

Language Instructors

Liaisons, Home/School or Community

Nutrition Specialists

Reading Coaches or Specialists

Social workers

Support, Clerical or Secretarial


Tribal Elders

Youth Development Specialists

Other support staff (specify)

Cert = Certified

NC = Not Certified

For each row, enter in column c the number of personnel in this group; enter in column d the percent of time that group of personnel will be assigned to and funded by the project; enter dollar values in columns e, f, and g; enter in column h the sum of the values for columns e, f, and g for that row. Use as many rows as necessary.

On the last row of your table, enter the column totals for columns c, e, f, g, and h.

Your LEA’s Personnel Budget for SY 2007 - 08


Type of Personnel







% of time



Cost ($)



Cost ($)


Fringe Cost


Total Cost

Project Director

Project Coordinator

Category Subtotals

11. Travel budget. Complete the table for travel to be funded by the project.

Enter the dollar value for each type of travel. Enter row and column totals.

Your LEA’s Travel Budget for SY 2007 - 08

Type of Travel

Admin Cost ($)

Program Cost ($)

Total Cost ($)


Out of district

Professional development

Category Subtotals

12. Equipment budget. Complete the table for equipment to be funded by the program.

In column a, identify the item in your own words.

In column b, enter the code to identify the purpose as one of the following:

Instr = Instructional service delivery

Prog Mgmt = Program management

For each row, enter dollar values in columns e, f, and g; enter in column h the sum of the values for columns e, f, and g for that row. Use as many rows as necessary.

Your LEA’s Equipment Budget for SY 2007 - 08






Admin Cost ($)


Program Cost ($)


Total Cost ($)

Category Subtotals

13. Supplies budget. Complete the table for supplies to be funded by the project.

Enter the dollar value for supplies of each listed type. Note that Direct Instructional Materials and Student Consumables have no administrative cost. Enter row and column totals.

Your LEA’s Supplies Budget for SY 2007 - 08




Admin Cost ($)


Program Cost ($)


Total Cost ($)

Direct instructional delivery

Student consumables

Program management

Category subtotals

14. Contractual budget. Complete the table for contractual services to be funded by the project.

Enter the dollar value for contractual services for each listed purpose. Note that Direct Instructional Materials and Student Consumables have no administrative cost. Enter row and column totals.

Your LEA’s Contractual Budget for SY 2007 - 08




Admin Cost ($)


Program Cost ($)


Total Cost ($)

Direct instructional delivery

Student evaluations

Program management

Other. Specify:

Category subtotals

15. Other budget. Complete the table for other expenses to be funded by the project.

Enter the dollar value for other expenses for each listed purpose. Note that Direct Instructional Materials, Student Activities Related to Services, and Student Consumables have no administrative cost. Enter row and column totals.

Your LEA’s Other Budget for SY 2007 - 08




Admin Cost ($)


Program Cost ($)


Total Cost ($)

Direct instructional delivery

Student consumables

Student activities related to services

Student consumables

Program management

Professional development

Other. Specify:

Category subtotals

16. Indirect costs. Enter the rate and total amount of indirect costs associated with the project.

Your LEA’s Indirect Costs for SY 2007 - 08

Rate (%)

Total ($)

17a. Budget summary. Transcribe the “category total” from each budget category to column b of this summary table. The “category total” is the value in the bottom right-hand cell of each category table. Be sure that the values in the summary table match the values in the category tables. Enter the percent for each row and enter column totals.

Your LEA’s Budget Summary for SY 2007 - 08


Budget Category


Category Subtotal


Percent of Overall Allocation







Indirect Costs


17b. Administrative Costs summary. Transcribe the category subtotals for administrative costs to column b in the following table. The category subtotals for administrative costs are found as the last row of the administrative cost column of each of the budget category tables except indirect cost. Be sure the values in the administrative cost summary table match the values in the category tables. In the last row, enter the total Administrative Cost in column b. In column c, enter the percent calculated as the last row of column b divided by the LEA’s total allocation for the Indian Education formula grant for SY 2007 – 08.

Your LEA’s Administrative Cost Summary for SY 2007 - 08


Budget Category


Administrative Cost

Category Total


Percent of Overall Allocation







Indirect Costs


If the value in the last row of column c is more than 5%, then you are required complete and submit the waiver request (item 20).

18. Use of assessment data. Provide information on how the state assessment data of all Indian students (not just those served) are used within the LEA. Check all that apply.

Timeframe of last assessment(s) conducted: SY 2005 – 06

Method of dissemination to Indian community and Parent Committee:

___ Public hearing for application

___ Parent Committee meeting

___ Other open meeting

How is the LEA responding to findings of previous assessment(s)

___ No changes in services/programs

___ Modification to services/programs at LEA level

___ Modification to services/programs within project

19a. Program Assurances. The following are the program assurances that are referenced in item 19b and to which the applicant LEA must agree.

Additional Program Assurances for 84.060 - Indian Education Formula Grants

  1. If the applicant is an LEA, it assures that funds received under this program will be used only to supplement the level of funds that, in the absence of the Federal funds made available under this program, the LEA would make available for the education of Indian children, and not to supplant such funds. (Section 7114(c)(1) of Part A, Title VII)

  2. It assures that it will submit a performance report, or, for the last year of a project, a final report, that evaluates at least annually: (a) the grantee's progress in achieving the objectives in its approved application; (b) the effectiveness of the project in meeting the purposes of the program; and (c) the effect of the project on participants being served by the project. (34 CFR 75.590)

  3. It assures that it will cooperate in any evaluation of the program by the Secretary. (34 CFR 75.591)

  4. It assures that the program for which funds are sought is based on a comprehensive local assessment and prioritization of the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of the American Indian and Alaska Native students for whom the LEA is providing an education. (Section 7114(c)(3) of Part A, Title VII)

  5. It assures that it will use the best available talents and resources, including persons from the Indian community. (Section 7114(c)(3) of Part A, Title VII)

  6. It assures that it has developed the project for which application is made (a) in open consultation with parents of Indian children and teachers and, if appropriate, Indian students from secondary schools, including through public hearings held to provide a full opportunity to understand the program and to offer recommendations regarding the program; and (b) with the participation of a parent committee selected in accordance with section 7114(c) of the statute; and (c) with the written approval of that parent committee. (Section 7114(c)(3)(4) of Part A, Title VII)

  7. It assures, if it is a local educational agency, that the parent committee will adopt and abide by reasonable by-laws for the conduct of the activities of the committee. (Section 7114(c)(4) of Part A, Title VII)

  8. It assures that the policies and procedures, and sets forth such policies and procedures, including policies and procedures relating to the hiring of personnel, will ensure that the program will be operated and evaluated in consultation with, and with the involvement of, parents of the children, and representatives of the area, to be served. (Section 7114(c)(4) of Part A, Title VII)

  9. It assures that an application for inclusion of these program funds in a Title I school-wide project, has been approved, in writing, by the parent committee and that the parent committee was allowed to review the application in a timely fashion, has determined that the program will not diminish the availability of culturally related activities for American Indians and Alaska Native students, and has determined that the Title I schoolwide project meets the purpose of the Indian education formula grant program. (Sections 7114(c)(4)(D) and 7115(c) of Part A, Title VII)

  10. It assures that it will directly administer or supervise the administration of the project. (34 CFR 75.701)

  11. It assures that it will keep records related to grant funds, program compliance and program performance and will afford the Secretary access to these records as the Secretary may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of reports made by the applicant. (34 CFR sections 75.730-.732)

  12. It assures that it has fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that insure proper disbursement of and accounting for Federal funds. (34 CFR 75.702)

  13. Pursuant to Section 9306(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, it assures that:

  • The program will be administered in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulations, program plans, and application;

  • The control of funds provided under the program and title to property acquired with program funds will be in a public agency or in a nonprofit private agency, institution, organization, or Indian tribe, if the law authorizing the program provides for assistance to those entities and who will administer these funds and property to the extent required by the authorizing statute;

  • The applicant will adopt and use proper methods of administering the program, including -- the enforcement of any obligations imposed by law on agencies, institutions, organizations, and other recipients responsible for carrying out the program; and the correction of deficiencies in program operations that are identified through audits, monitoring, or evaluation;

  • The applicant will cooperate in carrying out any evaluation of the program conducted by or for the State educational agency (SEA), the Secretary or other Federal officials;

  • The applicant will use fiscal control and funds accounting procedures that will ensure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid to the applicant under this program;

  • The applicant will make reports, maintain records, provide information, and afford access to the State educational agency and the Secretary as may be necessary to enable the SEA and the Secretary to carry out and perform their duties under this program; and

  • Before the application is submitted, the applicant affords a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and has considered those comments.

19b. Certification. An authorized official must certify as follows.

The LEA certifies that by accepting the award for the Indian Education Formula Grant Program, this grantee will comply with all program assurances, agrees to carry out the program and meet all applicable requirements described herein. A copy of the Parent Committee Approval form (if applicable) is submitted with this certification.


_________________________________________ ________________

Printed Name Date


Items Required for Some Applicants

20. Waiver Request. If your administrative costs for SY 2007 – 08 are budgeted at more than 5% of your allocation, you must complete the following form.

Waiver Request for SY 2007 -08

Indian Education Formula Grant Program

The administrative costs associated with this application total ______%.

Under the authority of Section 9401, a waiver is requested of the following statutory requirement:

  • Administrative cap of 5% on grant funds under the Indian Education Formula Grant Program to Local Education Agencies (section 7115(d)).

This waiver is requested by:

LEA Name: __________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________


The waiving of this requirement will increase the quality of instruction for students by:

The waiving of this requirement will improve the academic achievement of students as follows:

The methods for measuring and evaluating the educational goals of the program are described within the accompanying application for the Indian Education Formula Grant Program. Approval of this waiver will not affect the population to be served by this application. The students to be served are those students certified as Indian according to the Indian Student Eligibility Form (ED 506 form) and for whom the services of this project are targeted according to the project’s objectives.

The duration of this waiver will be for a maximum period of one year.

Authorized signature:

___________________________________________________ ________________________

Printed Name: Date


21. Waiver Use Report. If you received a waiver of the administrative cap for your prior year’s grant, you must complete the following form.

Waiver Use Report

Indian Education Formula Grant Program

For the previous grant year, the following LEA received a waiver of the requirement restricting the use of program funds for administrative purposes to 5%.

LEA Name: __________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________


Complete the following statements:

Under the waiver, the grantee

 Utilized ____% of the total funds for administrative purposes.

 Used these funds for administrative purposes to increase the quality of instruction to students as follows:

 Is improving the academic achievement of students as follows:

22. Program summary for applications under section 7116 This table is must be completed by projects that submit a plan for the integration of education and related services provided to Indian students under Section 7116 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended. Funds from any Federal program exclusively serving Indian children, or the funds reserved under any Federal program to exclusively serve Indian children, received through a statutory or administrative formula for the purposes of providing education and related services to serve Indian students, may be consolidated in a demonstration project that integrates the program services involved into a single, coordinated, comprehensive program and reduces administrative costs by consolidating administrative functions.

Applicants submitting under this provision must complete the following table in lieu of table 8. List the services to be provided, the entity providing the service, and the timeframe for service delivery.

Your LEA’s Project Summary for a SY 2007 – 08 Application Under Section 7116


Service(s) to be Provided


Entity Providing Service


Timeframe for Service Delivery

23. Budget summary for applications under section 7116, Integrated Services. This budget table must be completed by projects that submit a plan for the integration of education and related services provided to Indian students under Section 7116 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended. Funds from any Federal program exclusively serving Indian children, or the funds reserved under any Federal program to exclusively serve Indian children, received through a statutory or administrative formula for the purposes of providing education and related services to serve Indian students, may be consolidated in a demonstration project that integrates the program services involved into a single, coordinated, comprehensive program and reduces administrative costs by consolidating administrative functions.

Applicants submitting under this provision must complete the following table in lieu of tables 10-17. List the programs to be consolidated and the estimated amount of each.

Your LEAs Funding Summary for a SY 2007 -08 Application Under Section 7116




Funding Agency


Estimated Amount

If your administrative cost budget for SY 2007 – 08 exceeds 5%, then you must also complete the form in item 20. If you had a waiver for exceeding the administrative cost cap in the previous year, then you must also complete the form in item 21.

24. Parent Committee Approval. This item must be completed and submitted with your application (unless you are a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or a tribe that is applying in lieu of an LEA). The form must contain original signatures of the required members of the Parent Committee. The LEA and Parent Committee (PC) are to locally determine the number of PC members that are required for PC approval of the application.

Note: This form is not required of schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Education or a tribe that is applying in lieu of an LEA.

Parent Committee Approval of a

Title VII Formula Grant Application


LEA Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________

This certifies that the Parent Committee for the above LEA has participated in the development of the application herein submitted and approves the proposed project.

Authorized signatures:

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Printed Name: Printed Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Printed Name: Printed Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Printed Name: Printed Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

Check the type of application submitted. Check only one box:

  • The application submitted is for a regular formula grant project.

  • The application submitted will include project funds in a Title I school-wide program. The Parent Committee also certifies it had an opportunity to review the program in a timely fashion and determines that the school wide program is consistent with the purpose of the formula grant program and does not diminish the availability of culturally relevant activities.

  • The application submitted will consolidate Federal programs funded for the purpose of providing education and related services to Indian students. The Federal funds identified within the budget to be consolidated are those that are allocated under a statutory or administrative formula for the purposes of providing education and related services that would be used to Indian students (see Integration of Services under Section 7116).

FY 2007 Indian Education Formula Grants Application, Part II 2

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleInformation to be completed by the Department of Education:
Last Modified Byjames.hyler
File Modified2007-05-03
File Created2007-05-03

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