OMB No. 1810-0021
CFDA Number: 84.060
OMB No. 1810-0021
Expires 03/31/2010
Formula Grant EASIE
(Electronic Application System for Indian Education)
Part I
Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for Formula Grant EASIE (Electronic Application System for Indian Education) is 1810-0021. The time required to complete the information collection is estimated to average 5.5 hours per response, inclusive of both Part I and Part II, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4700. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Office of Indian Education, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., FOB-6/Room 5C152, Washington, D.C. 20202-6335. |
Office of Indian Education
This package contains instructions and forms for Part I of the fiscal year (FY) 2007 grant applications for the Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies Program (CFDA 84.060). The purpose of the Indian Education Formula Grant program, authorized in Part A, Subpart 1 of Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the Act), is to assist eligible applicants to provide Indian students with the opportunity to meet the same challenging state standards as all other students and meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students. The Act and the instructions in this application package are to be used in developing Part I of your fiscal year 2007 application.
General Instructions
Applying for Funds
Applicants for grants from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) have to compete for limited funds. Deadlines assure all applicants that they will be treated fairly and equally, without last minute haste.
The rules, including the deadline, for applying for each grant are published, individually, in the Federal Register. A one-year subscription to the Register may be obtained by sending $340.00 to: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9371. (Send check or money order only, no cash or stamps.)
The instructions in the Federal Register must be followed exactly. Do not accept any other advice you may receive. No ED employee is authorized to extend any deadline published in the Register.
Questions regarding submission of applications may be addressed to:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Indian Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-6335
Formula Grant EASIE. The primary method of submission of applying for FY 2007 funds for this program is Web-based, using the Formula Grant Electronic Application Submission Indian Education (Formula Grant EASIE). Please see for instructions for accessing Formula Grant EASIE. If you need assistance, please contact our Partner Support Center:
U.S. Department of Education Partner Support Center
Telephone: 877-457-3336 (877-HLP-EDEN)
Fax: 888-329-3336 (888-FAX-EDEN)
TTY/TDD: 888-403-3336 (888-403-EDEN)
Paper submission. Paper submission is permitted with pre-arrangements for districts that are unable to use Web-based or Single File Submission because they have no Internet connection or inadequate Web access. For paper submission, contact the U.S. Department of Education EDEN Partner Support Center as shown above.
If you are a district that made pre-arrangements and are submitting a paper form, please send the original to the U.S. Department of Education; see Transmittal Instructions on page 2. Use the forms that you received in response to your request for paper submission, not the sample forms attached to these instructions.
The deadline for submission of Part I applications is February 20, 2007.
Any application that does not meet the deadline will not be considered for funding in the initial allocation of awards. However, if funds become available after the initial allocation of funds, applications not meeting the deadline may be considered for funding if the Secretary determines, under Section 7118(d) of the Act, that reallocation of those funds to late applicants would best assist in advancing the purposes of the program. However, the amount and date of an individual award, if any is made under this provision, may be less than the applicant would have received had the application been submitted on time. In any case, no grant may be awarded unless a completed application has been received, reviewed, and approved by the Department.
Two Parts of the Application
Applications submitted must address all required information in order to be funded. Part I of the application consists of the Indian Student Count Total.
If Part I is submitted by the closing date, you will be sent an application for Part II in which you will describe the performance of students in your school system, identify your program objectives, and provide details on the budget for your project. There will be a separate deadline for Part II.
Transmittal Instructions
Delivery. All hard copies (an original and two copies) are to be submitted to the Office of Indian Education (OIE) of the U.S. Department of Education. Be sure that the form is signed by an authorized representative. Retain photocopies for your reference. See below for mailing or other delivery instructions.
Providing a Copy to Your State Department of Education. All applicants, except Bureau-funded schools and Tribes that apply for a LEA, are required to submit a copy of their application to the appropriate State Department of Education for review (required in section 7119 of the Act). The copy should be submitted to the State Department of Education at the same time the application is submitted to OIE.
You Send Your Application by Mail
must mail the original and two copies of the application on or
before the deadline date to:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Indian Education
Attention: CFDA Number 84.060
400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 5C152
Washington, DC 20202-6335
You must show one of the following as proof of mailing:
(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark.
(2) A legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the U.S. Postal Service.
(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial carrier.
(4) Any other proof of mailing acceptable to the Secretary.
If you mail an application through the U.S. Postal Service, we do not accept either of the following as proof of mailing:
(1) A private metered postmark, or
(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by the U.S. Postal Service.
The U.S. Postal Service does not uniformly provide a dated postmark. Before relying on this method, you should check with your local post office.
Mail screening procedures used by the government may obliterate some types of mailing labels with the addressee name causing a delay in receipt or an undeliverable application. Applicants are advised not to use address labels on the envelope when mailing application materials.
If You Deliver Your Application by Hand
You or your courier must hand deliver the original and two copies of the application by 4:30 p.m. (Washington, DC time) on or before the deadline date to:
Lana Shaughnessy
Office of Indian Education
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., SW, Room 5C152
Attention: CFDA # 84.060A
Washington, DC 20202-6335
The Program Office will accept application deliveries daily between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Washington, DC time), except Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays. A person delivering an application must show identification to enter the building.
Fax copies of your application are not acceptable.
Grant Application Receipt Acknowledgement. If you send your application by mail or deliver it by hand or by a courier service, the Office of Indian Education will mail a Grant Application Receipt Acknowledgment to you. If you do not receive the notification of application receipt within 15 days from the date of mailing the application, you should call the Office of Indian Education at (202) 260-3774.
Specific Instructions for Part I
Cover Page
Contact information. Enter contact information for the LEA, the project director, and the authorized representative.
Type of Applicant. Check a box to indicate the type of applicant.
Identifying numbers. Enter the DUNS number for the applicant entity. Enter the NCES number for the applicant entity and for all consortium partners.
The D-U-N-S Number is a unique nine-digit number that does not convey any information about the recipient. A built-in check digit helps assure the accuracy of the D-U-N-S Number. The ninth digit of each number is the check digit, which is mathematically related to the other digits. It lets computer systems determine if a D-U-N-S number has been entered correctly. Dun & Bradstreet, a global information services provider, has assigned D-U-N-S numbers to over 43 million companies worldwide.
You can obtain your D-U-N-S number at no charge by calling 1-800-333-0505 or by completing a D-U-N-S Number Request Form. The form can be obtained via the Internet at the following URL:
Indian Student Count – LEA Form
On this form, report a consolidation of the actual numbers of Indian students for whom the LEA has collected an Indian Student Certification (ED 506) Form that is signed and dated by the child’s parent. You must have an ED 506 form on file for each Indian student and those students being counted must be enrolled in the LEA during the count period identified on the form in Section C.
Requirements. Complete this form according to the type of application checked on the cover page:
LEA, as a single applicant
Insert the name of the LEA and the mailing address in the appropriate space;
Complete Sections A and C; and
An authorized representative signs and dates the form.
LEA, consortium leader
All LEAs in a consortium must be in the same state.
A form for each consortium partner (including the lead LEA), inserting the name of the LEA consortium leader and the mailing address in the appropriate space;
A form labeled “Consortium Total” with the name of the LEA that is the consortium leader; this form is to consolidate the totals reflected in each LEA’s Indian student count;
Complete Sections A and C on each form;
An authorized representative signs and dates each form. Note the consortium leader may also be the authorized representative for each consortium partner but be advised the authorized representative is certifying that each LEA partner’s Indian student counts are correct.
BIE funded schools
Insert the name of the LEA and the mailing address in the appropriate space;
Complete Section A and check the method used to document Indian student eligibility (e.g., ED 506 forms or ISEP);
Complete Section C; and
An authorized representative signs and dates the form.
Note: If a BIE funded school forms a consortium with another BIE funded school or an LEA, follow the instructions for a consortium application. BIE funded schools may only submit a consortium application if all of the schools in the consortium use ED-506 forms as the method for counting the Indian students.
Indian Tribe that applies in lieu of an LEA
Insert the name of the Indian Tribe and the mailing address in the appropriate space;
Complete Sections B by breaking out the numbers of Indian students being counted according to categories listed for the Applicant Tribe and those Indian students from Other Tribes;
Complete Section C;
An authorized representative signs and dates the form.
Note: If an Indian Tribe applies for more than one LEA, follow the instructions for a consortium application by completing separate forms for each LEA’s count
An Indian Tribe must submit with its application a letter from each LEA containing the following information to document eligibility for the program:
The LEA has not established a parent committee according to Section 7114(c)(4);
The applicant Indian tribe represents no less than one-half of the eligible Indian children served by the LEA; and
All of the Indian students identified by the tribe were enrolled in the LEAs’ schools during the count period indicated by the tribe.
Note: Eligible Indian Children means those children for whom the tribe has a completed Indian Student Eligibility (ED 506) form on file at the time of the count. Of the total number of eligible Indian children counted, the tribe must represent no less than one-half. It is the responsibility of the applicant tribe to collect and maintain the Indian student eligibility certification forms on each Indian child. These forms are used to document the total number of Indian students counted to generate funds for the formula grant award.
Section C
Based on the entries in Section A or B, enter the total number of all eligible Indian children enrolled in the LEA’s schools during the count period.
Enter the Count Period. The Count Period is the span of time during the current school year in which the Indian student count was taken. The count period may be up to 31 consecutive (i.e., calendar) days, inclusive of all dates (Example: Oct. 1-31, 2006). Note: The last day of the count period cannot be a future date and cannot be later than the date the application is signed.
Enter the total number of students enrolled in the LEA’s school(s) – include all students, both Indians and non-Indian students.
An authorized representative of the LEA must sign the form. If someone other than the person signing the application cover page signs the form, provide a letter of authorization with the application.
Provide the telephone number with area code of the person signing the form.
Identify the date the form is signed.
Number 1810-0021 Expiration
Date 03/31/2010
Office of Indian Education
Formula Grant EASIE Application
TYPE OF APPLICANT: (check only one)
LEA as a single applicant
LEA, Consortium Leader
BIE–Funded elementary and/or secondary school
Tribe applying in lieu of an LEA
Tel.: ________________________________
Fax #: _______________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________ |
NCES # for LEA, LEA Consortium Leader, or BIE-funded School: __________________________
NCES #’s for consortium partners or LEAs for which Indian tribe is applying:
_______________________ _____________________
_______________________ _____________________
_______________________ _____________________
_______________________ _____________________
Authorized Representative Information:
Name: _________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________
Tel. #: Fax: ______ E-mail:
To the best of my knowledge and belief all data in this application are true and correct. This application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the program requirements if the assistance is awarded.
Signature of Authorized Representative:
Number 1810-0021 Expiration
Date 03/31/2010
LEA Name:
LEA Mailing Address: |
Instructions: This form is used to establish the total Indian student count of the LEA for the purpose of generating funds under the Indian education formula grant program. The information from the individual ED 506 forms on file during the count period for Indian students enrolled in the LEA during the designated count period is to be compiled and reported on this form.
In Section A or B below, identify the number of eligible Indian children according to their eligibility status as indicated on the ED 506 form. Count each child only once according to the categories shown. Complete only Section A or Section B, as appropriate. |
_____ Federally recognized, Terminated Tribes including Alaska Native
State Recognized _____ Organized Indian Group meeting the definition of "Indian"
For BIE Funded Schools, Indian student count method is based on: (check only one)_____ 506 Forms ____ISEP
Number of Students of Applicant Tribe: Number of Students of Other Tribes:
____ Federally recognized, ____ Federally recognized, including Alaska Native including Alaska Native
____ State Recognized ____ State Recognized
____ Terminated Tribe ____ Terminated Tribe
____ Organized Indian Group meeting ____ Organized Indian Group meeting definition of "Indian" definition of "Indian" |
Total number (section A or B) of all eligible Indian children enrolled in the LEA's schools during the count period:
Count Period (Period may be up to 31 consecutive days): |
Total number of all students enrolled in the LEA's schools (Indian and Non-Indian): |
The LEA certifies that the above count represents the number of eligible Indian students enrolled in its schools and for whom a Student Eligibility Certification (ED 506) form was on file during the count period indicated. It is understood that this count will be used to calculate an award of Federal Assistance and that it is subject to audit. |
Signature of authorized LEA Representative |
Tel. Number with Area Code: |
Date Signed:
2007 Indian Education Formula Grants Application, Part II
File Type | application/msword |
Author | I.R.G. |
Last Modified By | clare.banwart |
File Modified | 2007-05-01 |
File Created | 2007-05-01 |