MSDW Notice of Withdrawal from Registration as a Municipal Se

(MA)-Municipal Securities Dealers and Government Securities Brokers and Dealers Registration and Withdrawal

MSDW Form and Instructions

(MA)-Municipal Securities Dealers and Government Securities Brokers and Dealers Registration and Withdrawal

OMB: 1557-0184

Document [pdf]
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Washington, D.C. 20549

OMB Number:
Expires: September 30, 2007
Estimated average burden
hours per response . . . . 0.5

Notice of Withdrawal From Registration as a Municipal Securities Dealer
Pursuant to Rule 15Bc3-1 (17 CFR 240.15Bc3-1)
Read instruction sheet before preparing form. Please print or type.
1. Registrant is a:


Department or Division of a Bank

2. Full name of registrant:

3. Name under which municipal securities dealer activities are conducted, if different from above:

4. Address of actual location of registrant’s principal place of business:

No. and Street



Zip Code

5. a. If registrant is a department or division of a bank, name, principal business address, mailing address, if different, and
telephone number of bank:


No. and Street
Address of bank’s principal place of business:


Zip Code

No. and Street


Zip Code


b. Telephone Number:
Area Code

Telephone Number

6. In connection with its activities as a municipal securities dealer, does registrant owe any money or securities to any
customer, broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer?
If answer is “yes” furnish all the following information:


(a) Amount of money owed
(b) Market value of securities owed
(c) Arrangements made for payment

7. Is registrant involved in any legal action or proceeding?
If so, furnish complete information with respect to each.

Persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not
required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.



SEC 1588 (5-02)

8. Are there any unsatisfied judgments or liens against registrant?
If so, furnish complete information regarding each judgment and lien.



9. Furnish below the name and address of the person who has or will have custody or possession of registrant’s books and
records with respect to registrant’s activities as a municipal securities dealer:


No. and Street



Zip Code

10. Furnish below the address of the place where such books and records will be located:

No. and Street



Zip Code

11. EXECUTION. The registrant submitting this Form and its attachments and the person executing it to the best of the undersigned’s knowledge
and belief and on the basis of diligent inquiry, represent hereby that it, and all materials filed in connection with it, contain a true, correct and
complete statement of all required information.
Registrant also consents hereby to make the books and records he is required to preserve by rule or regulation of the Securities and Exchange
Commission or the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board available for examination by authorized representatives of the Securities and
Exchange Commission during the period such rules require that such books and records be preserved; and hereby authorizes the person having
custody of such books and records to make them available.
Dated the

day of

Intentional misstatements or
omissions of facts constitute
federal criminal violations.

(Name of Registrant)
(Manual signature of duly authorized officer)

(See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and
15 U.S.C. 78ff(a).)




Form MSDW General Instructions

This Form is required by Securities Exchange Act Rule 15Bc3-1 (17 CFR 240.15Bc3-1), which states;
Rule 15Bc3-1

Withdrawal from registration of municipal securities dealers.

(a) Notice of withdrawal from registration as a municipal securities dealer pursuant to Section 15B(c) shall be filed on Form MSDW, in the
case of a municipal securities dealer which is a bank or a separately identifiable department or division of a bank, or Form BDW, in the
case of any other municipal securities dealer, in accordance with the instructions contained therein.
(b) Except as hereinafter provided, a notice to withdraw from registration filed by a municipal securities dealer pursuant to Section 15B(c)
shall become effective for all matters on the 60th day after the filing thereof with the Commission or within such shorter period of time
as the Commission may determine. If a notice to withdraw from registration is filed with the Commission at any time subsequent to the
date of the issuance of a Commission order instituting proceedings pursuant to Section 15B(c) to censure, place limitations on the
activities, functions or operations of, or suspend or revoke the registration of, such municipal securities dealer, or if, before the effective
date of the notice of withdrawal pursuant to this paragraph (b), the Commission institutes such a proceeding or a proceeding to impose
terms or conditions upon such withdrawal, the notice of withdrawal shall not become effective pursuant to this paragraph (b) except at
such time and upon such terms and conditions as the Commission deems necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection
of investors.
(c) Every notice of withdrawal filed pursuant to this section shall constitute a “report” within the meaning of Sections 17 and 32(a) of the

One signed original and one signed copy of this Form must be completed and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington,
D.C. 20549, before registration as a municipal securities dealer may be terminated. An exact copy should be retained by the registrant. In
addition, an original signed copy of the Form must be filed with registrant’s appropriate regulatory agency, determined in accordance with
section 3(a)(34) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Registrants which are national banks, or departments or divisions of such banks, must
file Form MSDW with the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. 20219; registrants which are State member banks of the Federal
Reserve System, or departments or divisions of such banks, must file Form MSDW with the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C. 20551;
registrants which are banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (other than members of the Federal Reserve System), or
departments or divisions of such banks, must file Form MSDW with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C. 20429.


Both copies of this Form filed with the Commission shall be executed with a manual signature in Item 11. Form MSDW shall be signed in
the name of the registrant by a principal officer of the registrant or, if registrant is a department or division of a bank, by a principal officer
of the bank, in each case duly authorized to sign this Form, who is directly engaged in the management, direction, or supervision of the
registrant’s municipal securities dealer activities.


Individuals’ names, except the executing signature in Item 11, must be given in full, and all other items must be answered in full.


If the space provided for any answer is insufficient, the complete answer should be prepared on a separate sheet under the heading “Answer
to Item ____ ” and attached to the Form. Reference thereto must be made on the Form under the Item.


A Form MSDW which is not completed and signed properly may be returned as not acceptable for filing. Acceptance of this Form, however,
will not mean that the Commission has found that it has been filed as required or that the information submitted is true, correct, or complete.


(a) Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, all terms used in this Form have the same meaning as in the Securitie Exchange Act of 1934
and in the General Rules and Regulations of the Commission thereunder (17 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 240).
(b) Municipal securities dealer activities — The term “municipal securities dealer activities” includes:
(1) underwriting, trading and sales of municipal securities;
(2) processing and clearance activities with respect to municipal securities;
(3) research, analysis and the preparation of literature for use in connection with the activities described in (1) above; and
(4) maintenance of records pertaining to the activities described in (1) through (3) above.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm MSDW
SubjectNotice of withdrawal from registration as a municipal securities dealer
AuthorU.S. SEC Division of Market Regulation
File Modified2004-12-23
File Created2004-10-25

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