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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 27 / Friday, February 9, 2007 / Notices
Proposed Project
Aggregate Reports for Tuberculosis
Program Evaluation (OMB No. 0920–
0457)—Extension—National Center for
HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
(NCHSTP), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
CDC, National Center for HIV, STD,
and TB Prevention, Division of
Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE)
proposes to continue the Aggregate
Reports for Tuberculosis Program
Evaluation, previously approved under
OMB No. 0920–0457. This request is for
a 3-year clearance. There are no
revisions to the report forms, data
definitions, or reporting instructions.
DTBE is the lead agency for tuberculosis
elimination in the United States.
To ensure the elimination of
tuberculosis in the United States, CDC
monitors indicators for key program
activities, such as finding tuberculosis
infections in recent contacts of cases
and in other persons likely to be
infected and providing therapy for
latent tuberculosis infection. In 2000,
CDC implemented two program
evaluation reports for annual
submission: Aggregate report of followup for contacts of tuberculosis, and
Aggregate report of screening and
preventive therapy for tuberculosis
infection (OMB No. 0920–0457). The
respondents for these reports are the 68
State and local tuberculosis control
programs receiving Federal cooperative
agreement funding through DTBE.
These reports emphasize treatment
outcomes, high-priority target
populations vulnerable to tuberculosis,
and programmed electronic report entry
and submission through the
Tuberculosis Information Management
System (TIMS). No other federal agency
collects this type of national
tuberculosis data, and the Aggregate
report of follow-up for contacts of
tuberculosis, and Aggregate report of
screening and preventive therapy for
tuberculosis infection are the only data
source about latent tuberculosis
infection for monitoring national
progress toward tuberculosis
elimination with these activities. CDC
provides ongoing assistance in the
preparation and utilization of these
reports at the local and State levels of
public health jurisdiction. CDC also
provides respondents with technical
support for the TIMS software
(Electronic—100%, Use of Electronic
Signatures—No). The annual burden to
respondents is estimated to be 226
hours. There is no cost to respondents
other than their time.
Respondents (state and local
tuberculosis control programs)
Response format
Follow-up and Treatment of Contacts to Tuberculosis Cases.
68 data clerks ........................
50 Electronic ..........................
Manual ..............................
Electronic ..........................
Manual ..............................
Electronic ..........................
18 Manual ..............................
50 Electronic ..........................
18 Manual ..............................
68 program managers ...........
Targeted Testing and Treatment for Latent
Tuberculosis Infection.
68 data clerks ........................
68 program managers ...........
Dated: February 5, 2007.
Joan F. Karr,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. E7–2176 Filed 2–8–07; 8:45 am]
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–6974. Written
comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.
Proposed Project
CDC Oral Health Management
Information System—New—Division of
Oral Health (DOH), National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Public
Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and
Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act Review
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Number response per
Report name
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–5960 or send an email to Send written
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Background and Brief Description
The CDC seeks to improve the oral
health of the nation by targeting efforts
to improve the infrastructure of state
and territorial oral health departments,
strengthen and enhance program
capacity related to monitoring the
population’s oral health status and
behaviors, develop effective programs to
improve the oral health of children and
adults, evaluate program
accomplishments, and inform key
stakeholders, including policy makers,
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Hrs per
of program results. Through a
cooperative agreement program
(Program Announcement 03022), CDC
provides approximately $3 million per
year over 5 years to 12 states and one
territory to strengthen the state’s core
oral health infrastructure and capacity
and reduce health disparities among
high-risk groups. The CDC is authorized
to do this under sections 301 and 317(k)
of the Public Health Service Act [42
U.S.C. 241 and 247b(k)].
NCCDPHP is currently pursuing a key
initiative to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of CDC project officers
who oversee the State and territorial
oral health programs by developing an
information system to support program
management, consulting and evaluation.
Information systems provide a central
repository of information, such as the
plans of the State or territorial oral
health programs (their goals, objectives,
performance milestones and indicators),
as well as state and territorial oral
health performance activities including
programmatic and financial
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 27 / Friday, February 9, 2007 / Notices
There are no costs to the respondents
other than their time. The total
Type of responses or kinds of respondents
Number of respondents
Number of responses per
Average burden per response (in
Semi-Annual Report ....................................................................................................................
Dated: February 5, 2007.
Joan F. Karr,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. E7–2177 Filed 2–8–07; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–R–262 and
Emergency Clearance: Public
Information Collection Requirements
Submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget
Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services.
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS), Department of Health
and Human Services, is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the agency’s functions;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
minimize the information collection
We are, however, requesting an
emergency review of the information
collection referenced below. In
compliance with the requirement of
section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, we have
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) the following
requirements for emergency review. We
are requesting an emergency review
because the collection of this
information is needed before the
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
estimated annualized burden hours are
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expiration of the normal time limits
under OMB’s regulations at 5 CFR Part
1320. This is necessary to ensure
compliance with an initiative of the
Administration. CMS does not have
sufficient time to complete the normal
PRA clearance process while making
corrections and enhancements to the
software and ensuring that organizations
have ample time to complete and
submit their tools by the statutory
deadline in June 2007. The normal PRA
clearance process would result in
violating this statutory deadline which
would prevent Medicare Advantage
(MA) and Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)
organizations from providing benefits to
millions of Medicare beneficiaries.
CMS is requesting to continue its use
of the Plan Benefit Package software,
formulary and Bid Pricing Tool for the
collection of benefits, pricing and
related information for CY 2008 as part
of the annual bidding process.
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: Revision of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Plan Benefit
Package (PBP) and Formulary
Submission for Medicare Advantage
(MA) Plans and Prescription Drug Plans
(PDPs); Use: Under the Medicare
Modernization Act (MMA), Medicare
Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug
Plan (PDP) organizations are required to
submit plan benefit packages for all
Medicare beneficiaries residing in their
service area. CMS requires that MA and
PDP organizations submit a completed
formulary and PBP as part of the annual
bidding process. During this process,
organizations prepare their proposed
plan benefit packages for the upcoming
contract year and submit them to CMS
for review and approval. The changes to
the PBP include enhancements to the
software for describing the out-ofnetwork benefits, Medicare Savings
Account (MSA) benefits, Point of
Service (POS) benefits, Visitor/Travel
benefits, and collecting Medicare Rx
information on gap coverage. The
changes to the formulary include
enhancements to the submission
process by developing a drug reference
table and by collecting excluded drug
indicators, specialty drug indicators,
and drug types. The software is more
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clarifying for the plans to describe its
benefits and for the beneficiaries to
understand their coverage; Form
Number: CMS–R–262 (OMB#: 0938–
0763); Frequency: Yearly; Affected
Public: Business or other for-profit and
Not-for-profit institutions; Number of
Respondents: 450; Total Annual
Responses: 4,725; Total Annual Hours:
2. Type of Information Collection
Request: Revision of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Bid Pricing Tool
(BPT) for Medicare Advantage (MA)
Plans and Prescription Drug Plans
(PDPs); Use: Under the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization (MMA), Medicare
Advantage organizations (MAO) and
Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) are
required to submit an actuarial pricing
‘‘bid’’ for each plan offered to Medicare
beneficiaries. CMS requires that MAOs
and PDPs complete the BPT as part of
the annual bidding process. During this
process, organizations prepare their
proposed actuarial bid pricing for the
upcoming contract year and submit
them to CMS for review and approval.
The purpose of the BPT is to collect the
actuarial pricing information for each
plan. The BPT calculates the plan’s bid,
enrollee premiums, and payment rates.
The BPT revisions include structural
changes to the MA worksheets and
changes to streamline reporting
requirements. Form Number: CMS–
10142 (OMB#: 0938–0944); Frequency:
Yearly; Affected Public: Business or
other for-profit and Not-for-profit
institutions; Number of Respondents:
550; Total Annual Responses: 6,050;
Total Annual Hours: 42,350.
CMS is requesting OMB review and
approval of these collections by March
21, 2007, with a 180-day approval
period. Written comments and
recommendation will be considered
from the public if received by the
individuals designated below by March
3, 2007.
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS’ Web Site
address at
PaperworkReductionActof1995 or E-
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Document |
Subject | Extracted Pages |
Author | U.S. Government Printing Office |
File Modified | 2007-02-08 |
File Created | 2007-02-08 |