Bureau of Transportation Statistics
OMB Clearance Package
Prepared by
Office of Advanced Studies
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
January 29, 2007
Table of Contents
1. Need for the Information Collection
3. Use of Improved Information Technology
4. Efforts to Avoid Duplication
5. Methods Used to Minimize Burden on Small Entities
6. Consequences of Not Collecting the Information
8. Agency 60-Day Federal Register Notice and Consultations Outside the Agency
10. Assurance of Confidentiality
12. Estimates of Response Burden and Annual Cost to Respondents
13. Estimates of Cost Burden for Collection of Information.
14. Estimates of Annual Cost to the Federal Government.
16. Publication Plans/Time Schedule
17. Approval Not to Display Expiration Date
18. Exceptions to the Certification Statement
B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
2. Procedures for the Collection of Information
3. Non-response, Maximization of Response Rates, Accuracy and Reliability
5. Personnel/Organizations Responsible for Design, Collection, or Analysis of the Information
Attachment I: The Safe, Accountable, Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act—A
Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU; H.R. 3, Section 1801(e))
Attachment II: 60-Day Federal Register Notice
Attachment III: 30-day Federal Register Notice
Attachment IV: Final Report from the 2005 Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation
B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
This survey will be a census of all DOT headquarters offices within the US (51 DOTs).
After receipt of survey approval from OMB, BTS will contact all survey POCs by phone to alert them that the packets are being mailed. Surveys will be mailed via FedEx. One week after mailout, all POCs will be contacted by phone to ensure that they have received their packets and to answer questions about the new format or to offer assistance in completing the update of the forms. Thereafter, all DOTs with outstanding forms will be contacted on a weekly basis to urge completion and to offer any assistance necessary to get the forms updated. In the past, this has included faxing additional copies of forms, emailing electronic versions of the form, and, in some cases, remailing copies of the form. After updated forms are received, data entry will be done by BTS staff and DOT POCs will have an opportunity to review the “final” versions of their forms prior to publication of the summary report. Based on our past experience with this survey, the data collection period will last about 6 weeks.
This survey has achieved a response rate of 100% for each year that BTS has conducted the survey.
The survey forms are a joint product of BTS and AASHTO with input from APTA. The final form was reviewed by BTS’ Office of Survey Programs and by staff within AASHTO and APTA.
5. General Customer Satisfaction Surveys Program Procedures for Submitting packages to OMB.
This is not a customer satisfaction survey.
The design of the survey form, specifications for data collection, question content, and data entry are under the supervision of BTS. BTS is solely responsible for the review of the final survey form, data accuracy, and technical documentation. The points-of-contact at BTS are:
June Jones, 202 366-4743
William Bannister, 202-366-9934
All are located at:
Department of Transportation
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
400 7th St. SW, Room 3430
Washington, DC 20590
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Draft copy: 11/14/97 |
Author | Valued Gateway Customer |
Last Modified By | robert.monniere |
File Modified | 2007-07-11 |
File Created | 2007-07-11 |