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pdfU.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Federal Cash
Transactions Report
OMB Approval No. 2577-0218 (exp. 02/28/2005)
(See Instructions on the back )
1. Federal sponsoring agency and organizational element to which this report is submitted
4. Federal grant or other identification number
2. Recipient Organization
5. Recipient's account number or
identifying number
6. Last payment voucher number
and Street
Give total number for this period
7. Payment vouchers credited to your account
City, State
and Zip Code
8. Period covered by this report
3. Federal Employer
Identification Number
From (month, day, year)
a. Cash on hand at beginning of reporting period
To (month, day, year)
b. Line of credit withdrawals
c. Treasury check payments (if applicable)
9. Status of
d. Total receipts (Sum of lines b and c)
e. Total cash available (Sum of lines a and d)
on back)
f. Gross disbursements
g. Federal share of program income
h. Net disbursements (Line f minus line g)
i. Adjustments of prior periods
j. Cash on hand end of period
10. The amount shown
on Line 9j. above
represents cash
requirements for
the ensuing
Other Information
a. Interest income
b. Advances to sub-grantees or subcontractors
12. Remarks (Attach additional sheets of plain paper if more space is required.)
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802)
I certify to the best of my
knowledge and belief that
this report is true in all respects and that all disbursements have been made for
the purpose and conditions
of the grant agreement.
Date Report Submitted
Typed or printed name and title
Phone (Area code, number, extension)
This space for agency use
Similar to SF-272 prescribed by Office of Management and Budget Cir. No. A-102 and A-110
Authorized for local reproduction.
form HUD-272-I (5/99)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct
or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number.
Form HUD-272-I, Reporting Requirements for the Native
American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of
Type or print legibly.
It is believed that you will find it easier to report on funds if you submit a
separate HUD-272-I for each of the following programs:
each open Indian Housing Block Grant,
unobligated funds from the United States Housing Act of 1937 (’37 Act)
programs (which include but are not limited to Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program, Comprehensive Grant Program, Traditional
Indian Housing Development, operating subsidy, etc.) for each open
project that was included in the Indian Housing Plan. In other words, for
each ’37 Act grant that is still open, and for which a HUD-272-I is required,
please report separately (submit a separate HUD-272-I) on the funds
expended from that grant. Interest income and program income should be
applied to the appropriate grant.
No. Entry
1. Enter the name and address of the Area Office of Native American
Programs (ONAP) to which this report is submitted.
2. Enter the name and address of the recipient of Indian Housing Block
Grant funds (tribe or Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE)).
3. Enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned to the
recipient by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. If the recipient
submitting the HUD-272-I is the TDHE, the TDHE’s EIN number
should be entered here. This is also known as the Taxpayer’s
Identification Number (TIN).
4. Enter the grant number assigned by HUD (line 5 of form HUD-52734-B)
for IHBG funds.
If the HUD-272-I is used to report on unobligated funds from United
States Housing Act of 1937 (’37 Act) programs that were included in
the Indian Housing Plan, enter the project number assigned when the
project was approved. This project number can be found on the old
Annual Contributions Contract (ACC).
5. This line is optional; it is reserved for an account number or other
identifying number that may be assigned by the recipient.
6. Enter the nine-digit number of the last voucher processed in the Line
of Credit Control System (LOCCS)/Voice Response System (VRS).
7. Enter the total number of vouchers for which funds were drawn down
or disbursed from HUD for or during this reporting period.
8. Enter the start and end dates (month, day and year) for this report.
The HUD-272-I is due on a quarterly basis and must be submitted to the Area ONAP within 15 working days of the end of each
quarter (i.e., January 22rd, April 21st, July 21st and October 20th).
9a. Enter the total amount of HUD cash on hand for this grant at the
beginning of the reporting period. This includes all of the HUD funds
on deposit, and imprest funds (a loan or advance of funds).
(note: This is cash drawn down but not spent, and includes funds
drawn down for investment purposes. This does not include interest
income or other program income. This is IHBG or ’37 Act funds for
this grant, not funds on hand for other HUD programs or other TDHE
funds (such as proceeds of sale, operating reserves, income from
units developed under ’37 Act, etc.).
9b. Enter total amount of HUD funds for this grant received through
LOCCS that were credited to your account during the reporting
9c. If for some reason the grant funds were not deposited to the recipient’s
account via wire transfer, enter the amount of the Treasury check
here. Treasury checks will be issued only in rare cases (for example,
when a recipient is not set up to receive funds through LOCCS).
9d. Total of 9b + 9c (which equals all funds received during reporting
period for this grant).
9e. Total amount (9a plus 9d) available for expenditure (includes amount
held in bank and in investments).
9f. Enter the total cash disbursements related to the use of funds for this
grant made during the reporting period.
Such disbursements include the use of cash received as program
income and as interest income. Disbursements as used here also
include the amount of advances and payments less refunds to subgrantees or contractors; the gross amount of direct salaries and
wages, including the employee’s share of benefits if treated as a
direct cost, interdepartmental charges for supplies and services, and
the amount to which the recipient is entitled for indirect costs.
Disbursements related to non-HUD programs should not be reflected
on this line.
9g. Enter the HUD share of program income that was required to be used
on the project or program by the terms of the grant or agreement.
9h. Enter the total of line 9f minus line 9g.
9i. Enter the amount of all adjustments pertaining to prior periods
affecting the ending balance that have not been included in any lines
above. Enter an explanation for each adjustment under item 12. Use
plain sheets of paper if additional space is required.
9j. Enter the total amount of HUD cash on hand at the end of the reporting
period (total of line 9e, minus 9h, plus or minus line 9i). This amount
should include all funds on deposit (including investments), imprest
funds, and undeposited funds for this quarter.
If the total is a negative amount, provide an explanation in item 12.
10. Enter the estimated number of days until the cash on hand, shown on
line 9j, will be expended. If more than three days cash requirements
are on hand, provide an explanation under item 12 as to why the
drawdown was made prematurely, or other reasons for the excess
cash. For example, if any funds are drawn down for investment
purposes, then item 12 should include the amount of funds that have
been invested and the length of time the funds have been invested
and/or the length of time the funds will be invested.
11a. Enter the amount of interest earned on advances of HUD funds (that
is interest earned in this quarter). This includes all interest earnings
from investments or other sources.
11b. Enter the amount of advances or payments to sub-grantee(s) and/or
subcontractor(s) included in item 9h.
12. In addition to providing explanations as required for lines 4 through
11b, this section may also be used to provide additional information
that HUD or the recipient deems necessary. Use plain sheets of
paper if additional space is required.
13. This section must be signed and dated by the recipient’s authorized
certifying official. The certification must include the official’s printed
or typed name, title and telephone in the spaces provided.
Similar to SF-272 prescribed by Office of Management and Budget Cir. No. A-102 and A-110
Authorized for local reproduction.
form HUD-272-I (5/99)
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 272-I |
Subject | 272-I |
Author | h01634 |
File Modified | 2004-12-17 |
File Created | 2002-10-21 |