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QDRL- 2007 OMB-Attachments082906.doc

NCHS Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory

All attachments and instruments

OMB: 0920-0222

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ATTACHMENT A: Public Health Service Act

ATTACHMENT B: Willis, G.B. (1994). Cognitive interviewing and questionnaire design: A training manual. National Center for Health Statistics: Cognitive Methods Staff, Working Paper No. 7.

ATTACHMENT C: Sample of a 2005 advance letter sent to NHIS respondents

ATTACHMENT D: 60-day Federal Register Notice

ATTACHMENT E: Assurance of confidentiality and informed consent templates for QDRL interviews

Template 1: Adults

Template 2: Minors (and parents of minors)

Template 3: Focus Groups

Template 4: Offsite

Template 5: Offsite/Waiver of SF-1164 & signed informed consent

ATTACHMENT F: Participant data collection sheet

ATTACHMENT G: Special Consent for Expanded Use of Video and Audio Recordings

ATTACHENT H: Special Consent for Expanded Use of Video and Audio Recordings

for Individual Participants of Discussion Groups

ATTACHMENT I: Special Consent to Send Video and Audio Recordings to Off-site Researchers

ATTACHMENT J: NCHS Institutional Review Board Approval documentation for research involving human subjects

ATTACHMENT K: Sample screening script

Template 1: Participant recruited from newspaper advertisement

Template 2: Participant recruited from QDRL Database

ATTACHMENT L: Sample recruitment flyer

ATTACHMENT M: Sample newspaper advertisement

ATTACHMENT N: Sample script of answering machine

ATTACHMENT O: Detailed explanation of cognitive interviewing procedure read by interviewer to participant

Attachment A

Public Service Health Act

Sec. 242k. - National Center for Health Statistics

(a) Establishment; appointment of Director; statistical and epidemiological activities

There is established in the Department of Health and Human Services the National Center for Health Statistics (hereinafter in this section referred to as the ''Center'') which shall be under the direction of a Director who shall be appointed by the Secretary. The Secretary, acting through the Center, shall conduct and support statistical and epidemiological activities for the purpose of improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of health services in the United States.

(b) Duties

In carrying out subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary, acting through the Center,

(1) shall collect statistics on -

(A) the extent and nature of illness and disability of the population of the United States (or of any groupings of the people included in the population), including life expectancy, the incidence of various acute and chronic illnesses, and infant and maternal morbidity and mortality,

(B) the impact of illness and disability of the population on the economy of the United States and on other aspects of the well-being of its population (or of such groupings),

(C) environmental, social, and other health hazards,

(D) determinants of health,

(E) health resources, including physicians, dentists, nurses, and other health professionals by specialty and type of practice and the supply of services by hospitals, extended care facilities, home health agencies, and other health institutions,

(F) utilization of health care, including utilization of (i) ambulatory health services by specialties and types of practice of the health professionals providing such services, and (ii) services of hospitals, extended care facilities, home health agencies, and other institutions,

(G) health care costs and financing, including the trends in health care prices and cost, the sources of payments for health care services, and Federal, State, and local governmental expenditures for health care services, and

(H) family formation, growth, and dissolution;

(2) shall undertake and support (by grant or contract) research, demonstrations, and evaluations respecting new or improved methods for obtaining current data on the matters referred to in paragraph (1);

(3) may undertake and support (by grant or contract) epidemiological research, demonstrations, and evaluations on the matters referred to in paragraph (1); and

(4) may collect, furnish, tabulate, and analyze statistics, and prepare studies, on matters referred to in paragraph (1) upon request of public and nonprofit private entities under arrangements under which the entities will pay the cost of the service provided. Amounts appropriated to the Secretary from payments made under arrangements made under paragraph (4) shall be available to the Secretary for obligation until expended.

(c) Statistical and epidemiological compilations and surveys

The Center shall furnish such special statistical and epidemiological compilations and surveys as the Committee on Labor and Human Resources and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives may request. Such statistical and epidemiological compilations and surveys shall not be made subject to the payment of the actual or estimated cost of the preparation of such compilations and surveys.

(d) Technical aid to States and localities

To insure comparability and reliability of health statistics, the Secretary shall, through the Center, provide adequate technical assistance to assist State and local jurisdictions in the development of model laws dealing with issues of confidentiality and comparability of data.

(e) Cooperative Health Statistics System

For the purpose of producing comparable and uniform health information and statistics, there is established the Cooperative Health Statistics System. The Secretary, acting through the Center, shall -

(1) coordinate the activities of Federal agencies involved in the design and implementation of the System;

(2) undertake and support (by grant or contract) research, development, demonstrations, and evaluations respecting the System;

(3) make grants to and enter into contracts with State and local health agencies to assist them in meeting the costs of data collection and other activities carried out under the System; and

(4) review the statistical activities of the Department of Health and Human Services to assure that they are consistent with the System. States participating in the System shall designate a State agency to administer or be responsible for the administration of the statistical activities within the State under the System. The Secretary, acting through the Center, shall prescribe guidelines to assure that statistical activities within States participating in the system [1] produce uniform and timely data and assure appropriate access to such data.

(f) Federal-State cooperation

To assist in carrying out this section, the Secretary, acting through the Center, shall cooperate and consult with the Departments of Commerce and Labor and any other interested Federal departments or agencies and with State and local health departments and agencies. For such purpose he shall utilize insofar as possible the services or facilities of any agency of the Federal Government and, without regard to section 5 of title 41, of any appropriate State or other public agency, and may, without regard to such section, utilize the services or facilities of any private agency, organization, group, or individual, in accordance with written agreements between the head of such agency, organization, or group and the Secretary or between such individual and the Secretary. Payment, if any, for such services or facilities shall be made in such amounts as may be provided in such agreement.

(g) Collection of health data; data collection forms

To secure uniformity in the registration and collection of mortality, morbidity, and other health data, the Secretary shall prepare and distribute suitable and necessary forms for the collection and compilation of such data.

(h) Registration area records

(1) There shall be an annual collection of data from the records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces in registration areas. The data shall be obtained only from and restricted to such records of the States and municipalities which the Secretary, in his discretion, determines possess records affording satisfactory data in necessary detail and form. The Secretary shall encourage States and registration areas to obtain detailed data on ethnic and racial populations, including subpopulations of Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders with significant representation in the State or registration area. Each State or registration area shall be paid by the Secretary the Federal share of its reasonable costs (as determined by the Secretary) for collecting and transcribing (at the request of the Secretary and by whatever method authorized by him) its records for such data.

(2) There shall be an annual collection of data from a statistically valid sample concerning the general health, illness, and disability status of the civilian noninstitutionalized population. Specific topics to be addressed under this paragraph, on an annual or periodic basis, shall include the incidence of illness and accidental injuries, prevalence of chronic diseases and impairments, disability, physician visits, hospitalizations, and the relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and health characteristics.

(i) Technical assistance in effective use of statistics

The Center may provide to public and nonprofit private entities technical assistance in the effective use in such activities of statistics collected or compiled by the Center.

(j) Coordination of health statistical and epidemiological activities

In carrying out the requirements of section 242b(c) of this title and paragraph (1) of subsection (e) of this section, the Secretary shall coordinate health statistical and epidemiological activities of the Department of Health and Human Services by -

(1) establishing standardized means for the collection of health information and statistics under laws administered by the Secretary;

(2) developing, in consultation with the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, and maintaining the minimum sets of data needed on a continuing basis to fulfill the collection requirements of subsection (b)(1) of this section;

(3) after consultation with the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, establishing standards to assure the quality of health statistical and epidemiological data collection, processing, and analysis;

(4) in the case of proposed health data collections of the Department which are required to be reviewed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under section 3509 (FOOTNOTE 2) of title 44, reviewing such proposed collections to determine whether they conform with the minimum sets of data and the standards promulgated pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3), and if any such proposed collection is found not to be in conformance, by taking such action as may be necessary to assure that it will conform to such sets of data and standards, and

(5) periodically reviewing ongoing health data collections of the Department, subject to review under such section 3509, [2] to determine if the collections are being conducted in accordance with the minimum sets of data and the standards promulgated pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) and, if any such collection is found not to be in conformance, by taking such action as may be necessary to assure that the collection will conform to such sets of data and standards not later than the ninetieth day after the date of the completion of the review of the collection.

(k) National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics; establishment; membership; term of office; compensation; functions; consultations of Secretary with Committee and professional advisory groups

(1) There is established in the Office of the Secretary a committee to be known as the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the ''Committee'') which shall consist of 18 members.

(2) The members of the Committee shall be appointed from among persons who have distinguished themselves in the fields of health statistics, electronic interchange of health care information, privacy and security of electronic information, population-based public health, purchasing or financing health care services, integrated computerized health information systems, health services research, consumer interests in health information, health data standards, epidemiology, and the provision of health services. Members of the Committee shall be appointed for terms of 4 years.

(3) Of the members of the Committee -

(A) 1 shall be appointed, not later than 60 days after August 21, 1996, by the Speaker of the House of Representatives after consultation with the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives;

(B) 1 shall be appointed, not later than 60 days after August 21, 1996, by the President pro tempore of the Senate after consultation with the Minority Leader of the Senate; and

(C) 16 shall be appointed by the Secretary.

(4) Members of the Committee shall be compensated in accordance with section 210(c) of this title.

(5) The Committee -

(A) shall assist and advise the Secretary -

(i) to delineate statistical problems bearing on health and health services which are of national or international interest;

(ii) to stimulate studies of such problems by other organizations and agencies whenever possible or to make investigations of such problems through subcommittees;

(iii) to determine, approve, and revise the terms, definitions, classifications, and guidelines for assessing health status and health services, their distribution and costs, for use

(I) within the Department of Health and Human Services,

(II) by all programs administered or funded by the Secretary, including the Federal-State-local cooperative health statistics system referred to in subsection (e) of this section, and

(III) to the extent possible as determined by the head of the agency involved, by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, and other Federal agencies concerned with health and health services;

(iv) with respect to the design of and approval of health statistical and health information systems concerned with the collection, processing, and tabulation of health statistics within the Department of Health and Human Services, with respect to the Cooperative Health Statistics System established under subsection (e) of this section, and with respect to the standardized means for the collection of health information and statistics to be established by the Secretary under subsection (j)(1) of this section;

(v) to review and comment on findings and proposals developed by other organizations and agencies and to make recommendations for their adoption or implementation by local, State, national, or international agencies;

(vi) to cooperate with national committees of other countries and with the World Health Organization and other national agencies in the studies of problems of mutual interest;

(vii) to issue an annual report on the state of the Nation's health, its health services, their costs and distributions, and to make proposals for improvement of the Nation's health statistics and health information systems; and

(viii) in complying with the requirements imposed on the Secretary under part C of title XI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d et seq.);

(B) shall study the issues related to the adoption of uniform data standards for patient medical record information and the electronic exchange of such information;

(C) shall report to the Secretary not later than 4 years after August 21, 1996, recommendations and legislative proposals for such standards and electronic exchange; and

(D) shall be responsible generally for advising the Secretary and the Congress on the status of the implementation of part C of title XI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d et seq.).

(6) In carrying out health statistical activities under this part, the Secretary shall consult with, and seek the advice of, the Committee and other appropriate professional advisory groups.

(7) Not later than 1 year after August 21, 1996, and annually thereafter, the Committee shall submit to the Congress, and make public, a report regarding the implementation of part C of title XI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d et seq.). Such report shall address the following subjects, to the extent that the Committee determines appropriate:

(A) The extent to which persons required to comply with part C of title XI of the Social Security Act are cooperating in implementing the standards adopted under such part.

(B) The extent to which such entities are meeting the security standards adopted under such part and the types of penalties assessed for noncompliance with such standards.

(C) Whether the Federal and State Governments are receiving information of sufficient quality to meet their responsibilities under such part.

(D) Any problems that exist with respect to implementation of such part.

(E) The extent to which timetables under such part are being met.

(l) Data specific to particular ethnic and racial populations

In carrying out this section, the Secretary, acting through the Center, shall collect and analyze adequate health data that is specific to particular ethnic and racial populations, including data collected under national health surveys. Activities carried out under this subsection shall be in addition to any activities carried out under subsection (m) of this section.

(m) Grants for assembly and analysis of data on ethnic and racial populations

(1) The Secretary, acting through the Center, may make grants to public and nonprofit private entities for -

(A) the conduct of special surveys or studies on the health of ethnic and racial populations or subpopulations;

(B) analysis of data on ethnic and racial populations and subpopulations; and

(C) research on improving methods for developing statistics on ethnic and racial populations and subpopulations.

(2) The Secretary, acting through the Center, may provide technical assistance, standards, and methodologies to grantees supported by this subsection in order to maximize the data quality and comparability with other studies.

(3) Provisions of section 242m(d) of this title do not apply to surveys or studies conducted by grantees under this subsection unless the Secretary, in accordance with regulations the Secretary may issue, determines that such provisions are necessary for the conduct of the survey or study and receives adequate assurance that the grantee will enforce such provisions.

(4) (A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary, acting through the Center, shall collect data on Hispanics and major Hispanic subpopulation groups and American Indians, and for developing special area population studies on major Asian American and Pacific Islander populations.

(B) The provisions of subparagraph (A) shall be effective with respect to a fiscal year only to the extent that funds are appropriated pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection (n) of this section, and only if the amounts appropriated for such fiscal year pursuant to each of paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (n) of this section equal or exceed the amounts so appropriated for fiscal year 1997.

(n) Authorization of appropriations

(1) For health statistical and epidemiological activities undertaken or supported under subsections (a) through (l) of this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1991 through 2003.

(2) For activities authorized in paragraphs (1) through (3) of subsection (m) of this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1999 through 2003. Of such amounts, the Secretary shall use not more than 10 percent for administration and for activities described in subsection (m)(2) of this section.

(3) For activities authorized in subsection (m)(4) of this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1998, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1999 through 2002.

Attachment B

Cognitive interviewing and questionnaire design: A training manual




Gordon B. Willis, Ph.D.

National Center for Health Statistics


OVERVIEW: The methods described are used to test draft survey questionnaires by performing cognitive interviews of volunteer laboratory subjects. In these interviews, we focus on the mental processes subjects use when answering the survey questions. Understanding the nature of the response process helps us to re-design the questions, so that survey respondents will be better able to answer them accurately. Also discussed are practical aspects of operating a questionnaire design research laboratory.



Preface and acknowledgements........ ......................ii

I. Introduction: Approaches to questionnaire design and development ....................1

II. Cognitive theory............................................... .4

III. Cognitive interviewing methods................................. .6

Think-aloud techniques...................................... .6

Probing techniques.......................................... .9

IV. Examples from cognitive interviewing........................... 13

V. Detection of "non-cognitive" problems in survey questions...... 25

VI. Sequence of Laboratory Activities.............................. 26

VII. Practical aspects of laboratory operation...................... 28

Interview length............................................ 28

Individuals who make good interviewers...................... 28

Interviewer training........................................ 29

Other considerations for interviewing....................... 30

Features of lab operation................................... 31

VIII. What happens after the interview............................... 34

IX. Limitations/criticisms of the laboratory approach.............. 38

X. References..................................................... 41

Appendix 1: Details of day-to-day lab operations..................... 43

Appendix 2: Examples of newspaper ad/flyers.......................... 46

Appendix 3: Subject data sheet....................................... 48

Appendix 4: Examples of interviewing notes taken by a cognitive interviewer 49

Preface and acknowledgements. This document describes the cognitive interviewing techniques used in questionnaire development and testing by the staff of the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, located in Hyattsville, Maryland. Typically, NCHS questionnaires are used in large-scale household surveys, in which considerable resources are devoted to development and pretesting activities (a survey may include 50,000 households, and the pretest itself may be over 300 household in size). Therefore, the activities described apply best to surveys that are large in scope, and involve significant developmental activities. However, in order to made the document as widely useful as possible, I have attempted to indicate how the techniques used can be modified and adapted for use on a smaller scale.

I do not purport to describe "the" way of conducting cognitive interviews, as there are probably points made that others who use these techniques would disagree with. However, QDRL staff members have often been asked for a written document that describes, in detail, procedures that we have found to be effective in addressing sources of response error in survey questionnaires. This document is intended to fulfill this request.

Many current and former NCHS staff members contributed to the production of this document. I would like to thank these individuals for their specific contributions, for their patient and careful review, and especially for their efforts in developing the techniques described. In particular, I thank Monroe Sirken, Susan Schechter, Jared Jobe, Douglas Herrmann, Paul Beatty, Mary Ann Guadagno, Barbara Wilson, Patricia Royston, and Deborah Trunzo.





Traditionally, survey questionnaires have been developed largely through the application of questionnaire design rules (for example, see Payne, 1951). For example, we are cautioned to avoid questions that are very long, that use difficult terms, that use biased phrasing, or that are double-barrelled (contain two-questions-in-one).

These rules are certainly helpful. However, there are limits to their effectiveness:

1) Rules are often not specific enough to be helpful when actually writing particular survey questions. For example, although design rules tell us to avoid questions that are very long, they do not determine how long a question should be. They also do not tell one whether a certain term will, in practice, actually be difficult to understand.

2) Rules are often not successful in predicting respondent ability to accurately answer survey questions. These abilities can vary markedly, depending on the population subgroup surveyed.

3) The fact remains that, even if design rules are applied stringently by experts, we still observe significant levels of response error in questionnaire-based data (Jabine, Straf, Tanur, and Tourangeau, 1984). The advances obtained in survey sampling precision have not been accompanied by similar gains in reduction of response errors; in fact, I suggest that elimination of this error stands as the major impediment to the improvement of data gathered by questionnaire.




Because we cannot always predict the problems that will be associated with particular survey questions, survey-takers have also relied on empirical, "product testing" techniques. Traditionally, we have used the field pretest, a small-scale survey conducted before the main survey, under conditions as similar as possible to those to be used in the full-scale implementation. Federal surveys such as the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) may involve a field pretest exceeding 300 cases.

However, there are also limitations to the field pretest approach:

a) The field pretest tends to focus on the entire survey data collection process, rather than solely on the questionnaire itself. Thus attention to the questionnaire is diffused, as there are many other important issues that demand attention (such as formatting, issues related to interviewer training, adequacy of respondent rules, and so on).

b) The pretest focuses on overt, rather than covert, problems; problems must be clearly observable to an interviewer or other observer, given the normal question asking-and-answering process.

c) Field pretests often occur late in the development process; we often don't have time to make significant alterations afterward.

Because of limitations of the field test, survey designers and psychologists have developed another empirical approach to questionnaire testing:


The cognitive interviewing approach was developed during the 1980's by survey methodologists and psychologists, and is the approach emphasized in the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL) at NCHS.

Some general features of this approach, as implemented in the QDRL, are as follows:

a) It focuses mainly on the questionnaire instrument, rather than on the entire survey process.

b) It pays explicit attention to the mental processes that respondents use to answer survey questions; therefore, covert as well as overt problems can be detected.

c) It tests survey questions at multiple points in the design process.

d) Generally, paid volunteer laboratory subjects are recruited, and are interviewed in a special setting devoted to the development of survey questionnaires (I use the term subject to refer to an individual who is tested in the laboratory, and respondent to mean someone who is interviewed in a fielded survey).

e) Recruitment of laboratory subjects targets persons with specific characteristics of interest.

The general cognitive approach to questionnaire design has generated much research (see Jobe and Mingay, 1991, Jobe, Tourangeau, and Smith, 1993, and Lessler and Sirken, 1985), and in the Federal statistical system, is currently carried out not only at NCHS (Royston, Bercini, Sirken, and Mingay, 1986; Willis, Royston, and Bercini, 1991), but also at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Dippo, 1989; Esposito, and Hess, 1992), and at the Census Bureau (Campanelli, Rothgeb, and Martin, 1989; Campanelli, Martin, and Rothgeb, 1991; DeMaio, Martin, and Sigman, 1987). A review of the work done at these agencies is contained in Jobe and Mingay (1991).


I will first present a short introduction to the basic theoretical background to cognitive interviewing. The specific cognitive model I apply consists of several elements:


a) What does the respondent think the question is asking?

b) What do specific words and phrases in the question mean to the



a) What types of information does the respondent need to recall in order

to answer the question?

b) What type of strategy does the respondent rely on when retrieving

information? For example, does the respondent tend to count events

by recalling each one individually, or does he/she use an estimation



a) Does the respondent devote enough mental effort to answer the

question accurately and thoughtfully?

b) Does the respondent want to tell the truth, or does he/she say

something that makes him/her look "better"?

The question-answering process is clearly complex, and may involve a number of cognitive steps. These steps are not set in an invariant sequence, but may be analogous to computer "subroutines" that are implemented as necessary. Further, some of the processes may be "conscious", but some are automatic, so that the respondent is not aware of their operation. Further, the cognitive processes used to answer survey questions may vary, depending on the type of question asked. Autobiographical questions, for example, may place a heavy burden on retrieval processes. Asking questions that are sensitive, on the other hand (for example; "Have you ever smoked marijuana?"), may place more demands on the respondent's decision processes. The presentation above is very skeletal in nature; for more information on cognitive modelling of the survey response process, see Cannell, Miller, and Oksenberg (1981), Forsyth and Lessler (1991), Tourangeau and Rasinski (1988), and Willis, Royston, and Bercini (1991).

Those of us who apply cognitive interviewing techniques recognize that we cannot know with certainty what is going on in someone's mind as he or she answers survey questions. Rather, our goal is to simply prompt the individual to tell us things that give us valuable clues about the types of processes mentioned above. The way we go about this is described in the next section.


I have defined the basic approach as cognitive in nature, which simply means that it involves the study of mental information processing. The exact technique to be used can be selected by the individual or organization using it. The methods one might use, and what we feel to be the relative advantages and disadvantages of each, are discussed below. This discussion reflects our experience with each, and is meant largely as a set of issues for consideration, rather than strict rules; others who have used these techniques may have made observations that differ somewhat from ours.



This has been the general term often used to describe the techniques used in the cognitive laboratory. We apply the term to describe a very specific type of activity, in which subjects are instructed to "think aloud" as they answer the survey questions. The interviewer reads each question to the subject, and then records and/or otherwise notes the processes the subject uses in arriving at an answer to the question. The interviewer interjects little else, except to say "tell me what you're thinking" when the subject pauses. For example, a portion of a think-aloud interview may consist of the following:

INTERVIEWER: How many times have you been to a dentist in the last 12 months?

SUBJECT: Well, let's see- I think I went one time for a general type of cleaning and checkup- that was just a month ago or so. I really can't remember any other times I would have gone- You said in the last 12 months, so that would take us back to July of last year- I'm not sure but around that time I went in for pain in my jaw that I was worried about, but they couldn't find anything. I'm not sure what month that was, though.

From this "think-aloud protocol", the interviewer observes that the individual answers this by trying to recall each visit individually, rather than by estimating. Further, the interviewer might conclude that the individual has trouble determining whether a visit was really in the last 12 months. If, after interviewing several subjects, it becomes clear that none could really "think through" with confidence the number of times they had been to the dentist, one might conclude that the reference period is simply too long to provide adequate answers.


The interviewer must be adept at teaching the subject how to perform the think-aloud procedure. This generally requires careful practice at the start of an interview, especially among individuals who are not especially verbally articulate.

One training approach that has been reported to work (by David Mingay, National Opinion Research Center), is the following:

"Try to visualize the place where you live, and think about how many windows there are in that place. As you count up the windows, tell me what you are seeing and thinking about."

Depending on how well the subject responds to this task, other exercises may be needed prior to beginning the interview.


a) Freedom from interviewer-imposed bias: Because the interviewer contributes little other than the reading of the survey question, he or she interjects little else that may serve to bias responses from the subject.

b) Low burden on interviewer: The interviewer can spend most of the time simply listening to the respondent talk, and take notes.

c) Open-format: Because the subject is not guided in any way, he or she may elicit information that is completely unanticipated by the interviewer. Think-aloud interviewing is especially valuable when the subject is outgoing, articulate, and has had significant experience with the topics covered by the questionnaire.


a) Artificiality: Some lab subjects find this to be a very unnatural activity, (that is, even more artificial than is answering survey questions).

b) Training: Because the activity is somewhat unusual, the technique can require a significant amount of training of lab subjects. The time this requires can substantially reduce the time one has to actually test survey questions.

c) Subject limitations: Many of our subjects are not at all adept at the think-aloud activity: We have found that, even with training, some subjects tend to simply answer the question that is asked.

d) Subject burden: The think-aloud activity places the main burden on the subject. We prefer to place more of the relative burden on the interviewer.

e) Staying on task: With think-aloud, the subject controls the nature of much of the discourse. Therefore, it is very easy for a "free associating" subject to get completely off-track, and spend a significant amount of unproductive time on one question. In general, we find that using the think-aloud technique results in fewer survey questions being tested within a particular amount of time.

f) Depth of subject information processing: In a truly successful think-aloud, subjects are investing a good deal of mental effort into their answers (it's much harder to justify an answer through the think-aloud process than to simply say "yes" or "no"). This additional processing may bias the subject toward more careful responding than is the case in a usual survey interview. Therefore, it is possible that the act of producing "think-aloud" speech may serve to burden or contaminate the cognitive processes that are used in answering the question. This issue is clearly still open to debate, however.



The use of probing is the basic technique favored at the QDRL. After the interviewer asks the survey question, and usually after the subject has answered it, the interviewer asks for other, specific information of the subject (we "probe" further into the basis for the response).

The following examples demonstrate a number of different "cognitive probes":


Comprehension/ What does the term "dental sealant"

Interpretation probe: mean to you?

Paraphrase: Can you repeat the question in

your own words?

Confidence judgment: How sure are you that your health

insurance covers...

Recall probe: How do you remember that you went

to the dentist 3 times?

Specific probe: Why do you think that cancer is the

most serious health problem?

General probes: How did you arrive at that answer?

Was that easy or hard to answer?

I noticed that you hesitated before you answered - what were you thinking about?


a) Control of interview. The use of probing to guide the interview tailors the interchange in a way that is controlled by the interviewer. This avoids a good deal of think-aloud that may be irrelevant and non-productive. Further, the interviewer can focus on particular areas that appear to be sources of potential response error.

b) Subject training. It is fairly easy to get subjects into the spirit of answering probe questions. In fact, subjects will often begin to expect probes and to offer their own spontaneous thoughts and critiques, an activity that becomes somewhat similar to what is desired in thinking-aloud.


a) Artificiality. Some researchers feel that use of probing is inappropriate because the interjection of probes by interviewers produces a situation quite unlike the normal survey interview (although it is certainly no more so than the think-aloud). We find this not to be a problem, though, because the purpose is very different (to analyze questions, rather than to collect data). Further, one can counter this "unreal" element by relying less on probes during later stages of questionnaire testing, in order to produce an interview situation that is more realistic. Alternatively, one can make use of retrospective probing (see below).

b) Bias. A related criticism is that the use of probes may "lead" the respondent to particular types of responses. This is possible, but can be minimized by the careful use of "non-leading" probing techniques. Note that other professionals who attempt to extract information from individuals, such as police detectives, do not refrain from carrying out activities similar to probing, but are expected to do so in a relatively unbiased manner. For example, in conducting probing, rather than suggesting to the subject one possibility ("Did you think the question was asking X"), it is preferable to list all reasonable possibilities ("Did you think the question was asking X, Y, or Z"). In other words, we try to use unbiased phrasing, in the same manner that one does when writing survey questions in the first place.



Probes can be asked at any time during the interview. Two general approaches are: a) concurrent probing, and b) retrospective probing. In concurrent probing, the probes are asked at the time the subject answers the questions. In retrospective probing, the subject is asked the probe questions during a debriefing session, after the entire interview has been administered. We generally rely on concurrent probing, mainly because the information is fresh in the subject's mind at the time of the probing. It may seem more "realistic" to wait and to debrief the subject by probing after the questions have been administered, but we find that there is a significant danger of creating a situation in which the person can no longer remember the basis for an answer, and instead fabricates an explanation. The times that retrospective probing appears to be useful are:

a) When testing self-administered questionnaires. Retrospective probing is useful when the purpose of testing is mainly to determine the subject's ability to complete the instrument unaided, and especially to follow sequencing instructions. We have probed "after the fact" on short, self-administered questionnaires of both teenagers and adults, with apparent success.

b) When in later stages of questionnaire development. When a questionnaire is in later stages of development, and one wants to simulate a more "realistic" type of presentation, it makes sense to administer the questionnaire "straight", and to perform some probing afterward.


There are two basic ways to develop and use probe questions:

a) Standard probes: For use by all interviewers; these are developed prior

to the interview.

b) Individual probes: Used by a particular interviewer; these are developed

either prior to, or during, the interview.

Standard probes are meant for use by all interviewers, and are developed prior to the interview by either a questionnaire development group or by a lead individual. For example, if it is anticipated that a particular term may not be universally understood, all interviewers can be instructed to apply the probe: "What does (TERM) mean to you?" These probes are often typed directly into the questionnaire draft.

Standard probes are practical and useful when:

a) there is sufficient time to prepare for interviews.

b) resources exist to plan and execute a fairly standardized testing


c) Some interviewers are relatively inexperienced and would benefit from

the guidance provided by a structured protocol.

Individual probes consist of:

i) Prepared probes: These are developed prior to the interview for personal use, and are based on an individual review of the questionnaire.

ii) Spontaneous probes: Probes that the interviewer develops during the course of the interview, based on either the subject's verbal report or non-verbal behavior. For example, a subject may answer a question, but then hesitate, which should prompt a probe from the interviewer. Or, the interviewer may think of a potentially useful probe "on the spot".

Individual probes are useful, and most practical, when there is very limited time to prepare for interviews (if, for example, a draft becomes available only a short time before a scheduled interview).

Prepared versus Spontaneous probes. Admittedly, the "spontaneous" approach to probing has the look of being "unscientific" or haphazard, especially because there is no coordination of probing across interviewers. However, there are particular advantages to this approach. We have found that the most interesting forms of probing often develop through the course of the interview, as a product of the particular relationship between the interviewer, subject, and survey instrument. These developments cannot be anticipated in advance of the interview. We have also found that, over time, interviewers become very adept at the use of this type of spontaneous probing. Further, the answer to a particular probe may well lead the interviewer to use other probes, and to follow-up on what issues emerge as the most interesting and important.

Combination of probe types. We have found that the most effective interviews actually consist of a combination of prepared and spontaneous probes described above, rather than either type alone. By way of analogy, we believe that the cognitive interview is similar to a session within a clinical psychological practice; the "therapist" has certain guiding principles, and perhaps specific questions or comments, to apply during a session with the patient. However, much of the interchange emerges spontaneously during the course of therapy. The clinical session may be approached in ways similar to other sessions, and be somewhat "scripted", but every interview is different, entails its own developmental sequence, and makes a unique contribution.

Again, because we focus on probing rather than the think-aloud at the NCHS lab, this will be the focus reflected in the remainder of the manual.


In order to make the above discussion of probing techniques more "concrete", I have assembled the following examples of questions that have been tested in the NCHS Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory. For each question, I have listed:

1) The question in its original form.

2) A list of several probes that would be appropriate to use in testing that question.

3) A short description of the problems we found, in testing these questions, using probes of the types suggested. Each of the examples is classed generally according to whether the problems found are representative of the cognitive categories defined in Section 2 (comprehension, retrieval, decision). Some questions may have more than one type of problem, and in some cases it is arguable what class of problem is really being reflected. This type of ambiguity is not harmful, as long as it is clear how to resolve the problem in order to produce a better "next generation" survey question.

4) Finally, a suggested resolution to the problem is presented, based on our testing results.


1) Original form of survey question:

Has anyone in the household ever received vocational rehabilitation services from-

... The State Vocational Rehabilitation program?

... another vocational rehabilitation program?

2) Probes:

a) Can you repeat the question in your own words?

(To test how well the subject comprehends the question.)

b) What, to you, is a "vocational rehabilitation program"?

(To test comprehension of a particular term.)

c) How sure are you that (person) got this type of service?

(To determine the subject's ability to recall information confidently.)

3) Results:

Comprehension problems: Subjects found it difficult to understand the question, because of its length and technical nature. Further, the meaning of "vocational rehabilitation" was not at all clear; some subjects thought this just meant any type of physical therapy. Because of the comprehension problems in the original form, we suggested the following change:

4) Suggested revision:

Has anyone in the household ever received job rehabilitation services?

If YES, ask WHO, and:

Was (person's) rehabilitation from the state, or from another job rehabilitation program?

Note: The question is "decomposed", or divided up, to make it easier to understand. The term "vocational" is also changed to the more understandable form "job".


1) Original form:

How long has (name) used the (can, wheelchair, walker…)?

2) Probes:

a) How did you get the answer of (x) years?

(To determine the overall cognitive strategy used.)

b) When did (x) first use the (device)?

(To test comprehension/interpretation of the question.)

c) How well do you remember this?

(To test recall of the relevant information.)

3) Results:

We found that for target individuals whose use was intermittent over a long period of time, the question was interpreted in two distinctly different ways:

1) "How long has it been since (person) first used the (device)? For example, the subject may say: "since 1960, so about 30 years".

2) "For how long, overall, has (person) actually used the device since first having it? The subject counts up periods of use within a longer time- for example: "For two five-year periods since 1960, so 10 years".

Note that the problem identified can be considered a type of "comprehension" problem, but doesn't involve a failure of comprehension of a key term, as did the last example. Rather, subjects simply have alternate, but reasonable, interpretations of the question intent.

4) Suggested revision:

This required consultation with the client, in order to clarify the objective of the question. It became clear that the desired expression was:

How long ago did (person) first use a (device)?


1) Original form:

In the last year have you been bothered by pain in the abdomen?

2) Probes:

a) Why do you say (no)(yes)? [ General probe ]

b) What, to you, is your abdomen?

[ Comprehension/Interpretation probe ]

d) What does it mean to be "bothered by pain in the abdomen?"

[ Comprehension/Interpretation probe ]

c) What period of time are you thinking of here, specifically?

[ Comprehension/Interpretation probe ]

3) Results:

a) To some people, "the last year" means Jan. 1 to the present. Others think that "the last year" started 365 days ago. Comprehension of this phrase is therefore somewhat varied.

b) The phrase "bothered by pain ..." was also interpreted differently by different people. Some subjects experienced pain, but were not particularly "bothered" by it, and so responded with "No". Given that the purpose of the question was to measure the experience of pain, and not the psychological reaction to it, we saw this as a defect.

c) Finally, as one might suspect, notions of where one's abdomen is differ greatly among individuals (almost no one chose the correct anatomical region). Again, problems related to comprehension of a key term were revealed here.

4) Suggested revision:

Because the problems related mainly to comprehension, the solution we proposed focused on this process as well.

In the past 12 months, have you had pain in the abdomen?

By abdomen, we mean the region shaded on this chart (show hand card).


1) Original form:

About how many miles from here is the home (child) live in before (he/she) moved to this home?

(the following is printed on the questionnaire, but not read):

___ less than 1 mile

___ 1-50 miles

___ 50+ miles

2) Probes:

a) How sure are you of your answer?

(to determine overall level of confidence)

b) How hard was this to answer?

(to determine level of difficulty, and likelihood of


3) Results:

No one had difficulty understanding the question as posed. However, we observed that some subjects needed to think for a fairly long time before giving an answer. Further, some subjects struggled needlessly with the level of specificity they thought was required (for example, deciding whether the distance was closer to 20 or to 25 miles, when this information was ultimately irrelevant, as the interviewer would mark "1-50 miles" in either case).

The problem can be described as one involving a difficult recall task, as opposed to comprehension. A rephrasing of the question that incorporated response alternatives was necessary to make clear to subjects the degree of precision that was necessary in their answer.

4) Suggested revision:

About how far from here is the home _____ lived in before (he/she) moved to this home- less than a mile, 1 to 50 miles, or more than 50 miles?


1) Original form:

We are interested in your lifetime exercise patterns.

First, when you were 14 to 19 years old:

How many hours a week of brisk walking did you do?

How many hours a week of vigorous exercise such as running, cycling, swimming, or aerobics did you do?

How many hours a week of activities that required you to be on your feet (excluding running or walking) such as dancing, hiking, .... did you do?

2) Probes:

a) Was this hard or easy to answer?

(to determine comprehension, and overall ability to recall)

b) How do you remember this?

(to study recall strategy)

c) How sure are you of your answer?

(confidence probe)

d) What, to you, is "vigorous exercise?"

(comprehension/interpretation of a specific term)

3) Results:

Subjects found it very difficult to remember back to the time period specified, at the required level of detail. In fact, it seemed that some subjects really could not even answer this with respect to their current behavior, let alone their behavior many years ago. Recall of information (assuming it was ever "learned" in the first place) seemed to be the dominant problem.

As for the previous example, we needed to confer with the sponsor/client to clarify question objectives. We were able to determine that use of a broad scale of level of activity, comparing past and present behavior, would satisfy the data objectives:

4) Suggested revision:

We are interested in your lifetime exercise patterns. When you were 14 to 19 years old, were you more active than you are now, less active than now, or about as active as now?


1) Original:

During a typical work day at your job as an (occupation) for (employer), how much time do you spend doing strenuous physical activities such as lifting, pushing, or pulling?

___ None

___ Less than 1 hour

___ 1-4 hours

___ 4+ hours

2) Probes:

a) What type of work do you do? Describe a typical workday.

b) How did you arrive at the answer of X hours?

3) Results:

Careful probing revealed that people who gave reports of 1-4 hours often were office workers who did little or no heavy physical work. This appeared to be due to biasing characteristics of the question; saying "none" makes one appear to be "non-physical", and is therefore somewhat socially undesirable. This problem was seen as related to respondent decision processes, rather than to comprehension or recall. A resolution was needed to make it "easier" for someone to report little work-related physical activity:

4) Suggested revision:

The next questions are about your job as a ____ for _____.

Does your job require you to do repeated strenuous physical activities such as lifting, pushing, or pulling heavy objects?


During a typical work day, how many minutes or hours altogether do you spend doing strenuous physical activities?


1) Original:

Do you believe that prolonged exposure to high levels of radon gas can cause:

YES NO Don't Know

Headaches? __ __ ___

Asthma? __ __ ___

Arthritis? __ __ ___

Lung Cancer? __ __ ___

Other cancers? __ __ ___

2) Probes:

a) Why do you believe this?

b) How sure are you of this?

c) Is it difficult to answer these?

3) Results:

Simple observation of subjects made it clear that this question is difficult to answer. Subjects took a long time to respond to each item, and tended to be unsure about several of the items. Further, probing revealed that the format encouraged a "guessing" strategy, rather than actual retrieval of information. Finally, for people who do not believe that exposure to radon is harmful, it became very tedious, and sometimes even offensive, to repeatedly ask about the specific harmful effects of radon.

We felt that in this case, the subject's decision processes were again excessively burdened by the phrasing of the question.

4) Suggested revision:

Do you believe that prolonged exposure to radon is unhealthy, or do you believe that it has little or no effect on health?

(IF radon believed unhealthy:)

[ SHOW HAND CARD ] Which, if any, of these conditions do you believe can be caused by radon exposure?

___Headaches ___ Lung cancer

___Asthma ___ Other cancers

___Arthritis ___ Don't Know

The revised phrasing gives the respondent a way to say, one time, that he or she does not believe that radon is harmful. Then, if he/she does believe it to be harmful, the next question simply allows him/her to "pick and choose" the items that seem appropriate. The burden on decision processes appeared to be reduced, using this alternative.


1) Original:

What is the primary reason you have not tested your home for radon?

2) Probes:

a) Is it hard to think of the main reason?

b) Can you think of any other reasons?

c) How much have you thought about having your home tested?

3) Results:

Although the question is easily enough understood, it was very difficult for subjects to produce a reasonable answer, especially for subjects who had never given the issue much thought. Instead of simply saying "I never thought about it", or "I haven't gotten around to it", subjects tried to think of more "appropriate" answers, that appear to be more defensible. Here both recall and decision processes appeared to be operating.

4) Suggested solution: --- DELETE QUESTION ---

The sponsor/client agreed that it was not especially useful to ask the reason that someone had not carried out this activity.

This example demonstrates an important point worth emphasizing; sometimes, there is no obvious "correction" to a survey question. Especially when subjects simply don't have information that we want, it is better to acknowledge that we may not want to ask that question. Thus, one effect of lab testing is to test the boundaries of "what can be asked and what can't."


The discussion above has focused almost completely on cognitive problems in questionnaires; that is, problems involving the comprehension, recall, or decision processes necessary to adequately answer the question. However, we have found that lab interviewing has several overall positive effects, in addition to the understanding of particular cognitive processes:

a) We explore the nature of the underlying concepts to be measured in the

survey, and the specific subject matter (by relying on lab subjects

as "experts").

b) We learn about non-cognitive defects in the questionnaire.

Non-cognitive problems. Item b) is especially worthy of clarification. We have found that an important, beneficial effect of lab testing is to detect structural, or logical problems, not normally viewed as a part of the cognitive approach. By structural problems, we mean those features of the questionnaire such as erroneous skip patterns, unclear layout, and other elements that do not clearly involve the cognitive processes of the respondent. We also include in this category logical problems inherent in the statement of the question that do not clearly involve a cognitive element. For example, if I ask the question: "How long have you owned your house?" the subject may simply respond that he is a renter. Here, it should not be strictly necessary to study cognitive processes to make the discovery that the question is flawed, because simple knowledge of the appropriate logical relationships ("some people own, some people rent") should have been sufficient to avoid such a problem. However, survey designers often fail to take into account all of these logical truths when constructing a questionnaire, and the laboratory-based interview allows the subject spontaneously point out flaws.

It is of course true that most of the structural, non-cognitive problems I have referred to could be detected by either a careful expert review, or in the field pretest. However, from a practical point of view, the expert review may never get done, and it can be imperfect. The field pretest generally occurs late in the process; it is much better to detect the problems earlier rather than later, and the lab serves this purpose well. Note that it takes no special "techniques" to detect the types of problems mentioned above, beyond simply attending to the possibility that they can occur.


The discussion above has provided the background necessary to understand the main techniques used in the NCHS Questionnaire Laboratory. The following sections will place these techniques into the broader context of actually conducting this testing within a "real-life" survey development process. To appreciate the overall picture regarding this process, it is useful to first consider an overview of the general sequence of events that occurs when a questionnaire is designed. I provide below a schematic diagram of some basic steps that can be taken to develop a questionnaire, incorporating laboratory cognitive interviewing techniques into the developmental sequence:


A general survey idea is developed

Survey design staff/clients/sponsors meet to

develop a basic understanding of the

concepts to be measured

Subject matter experts may be convened to suggest

relevant topics and promising measurement approaches

Survey design staff work with sponsors/clients to

develop specific objectives, analysis plan

A first draft of a questionnaire is developed

(continued on next page)

*See Aday (1989) for a more complete description of these preliminary steps


Laboratory staff determine staff allocation to:

a) recruitment,

b) conducting of interviews

c) communication with clients/sponsors




Lab staff perform an initial Lab staff determine the types

review of the questionnaire, of subjects to be interviewed

and may make suggestions for

modifications prior to testing A recruitment strategy is

developed and implemented

Staff develop basic probes (advertisements, flyers, ...)

to use in first round

of interviewing Subjects are recruited, scheduled


┌────> Individual interviews are conducted with 5-10 subjects

(In early rounds, emphasis is on general concepts)

(In later rounds, emphasis is on question wording, format)

Interviewers write up comments on each interview done



ROUNDS Interviewers meet (as a group, or with sponsors/clients)

to discuss results, propose potential modifications

The questionnaire is revised by designers

└────< A decision is made concerning whether another round

YES of interviewing can/should be conducted



OPTIONAL: Return questionnaire to lab for additional round(s) of laboratory testing



Because this manual focuses mainly on the Lab Testing Phase of development, the remainder of the discussion will concern activities relevant to that phase. I will therefore address, in turn, several basic issues that we are frequently asked about with respect to conducting laboratory cognitive interviews.


We have found that one-hour interviews are optimal; longer interviews make excessive demands on laboratory subjects. In general, we recommend that the interview process be as flexible as possible, and not require interviewers to cover a certain number of pages of a questionnaire. Questionnaires often have skip patterns that result in widely varying actual questionnaire lengths for different individuals, and subjects vary in their overall speed and the degree to which they respond in detailed ways to either the survey questions, or to probe questions.

Note that even though the interview itself may take only an hour, the interviewing process requires considerably more time. In all, preparation, interviewing, and writing up results of the interview usually take a total of about three hours. Because of this, and because cognitive interviewing can be a taxing activity, we recommend that any individual do no more than three interviews in a single day (and preferably fewer).


It is unnecessary to have an advanced degree in psychology to be a good cognitive interviewer (although a behavioral sciences background appears to be helpful). We have found that good interviewers are those people who:

a) Have experience in questionnaire design, and are knowledgeable about both survey design and about the purpose of the questionnaire to be tested. These skills are essential when the time comes to apply the results of the interviews in revising the questionnaire.

b) Have learned the basic premises of cognitive interviewing, and are familiar with the ways in which fundamental cognitive processes may influence the survey response.

c) Have been exposed to social science research concepts such as bias, context effects, scale effects, and so on.

d) Perhaps most importantly, have good inter-personal skills, are capable of putting a subject at ease, and remaining non-judgmental in approach. There is still an open question, however, concerning how "professional" versus "friendly" the interviewer should be during the interview itself, in order to get the best quality data (we tend to take the "friendly" approach).

An oft-asked question is whether field interviewers can be taught to perform laboratory cognitive interviews. We believe that this is possible if interviewers can be induced to "unlearn" some habits that are very valuable for field interviewing, but that may be counterproductive for cognitive interviewing. In particular:

a) Field interviewers have learned over time simply "to make a question work", for example, by repeating it slowly, so that a confused respondent will ultimately provide a codeable response. It must be emphasized that our task in the lab is the reverse; to find flaws in the questions.

b) Interviewers tend to work as fast as possible in the field, usually in order to complete a very long interview before the respondent becomes uncooperative. Interviewers must be reminded to work at an unhurried pace in the lab.

c) Field interviewers often focus their attention on very detailed formatting and other structural features such as skip pattern errors and redundant questions. They must be instructed that the format of the questionnaire may be very rough, and that it is the content that is of primary concern in lab testing.

d) Field Interviewers are taught to ask questions exactly as worded, and not to deviate from the instructions contained in the instrument. In the laboratory, cognitive interviewers must be comfortable departing from the questionnaire flow when this appears to be called for. They also must be able to adjust to a situation in which sequencing instructions are incorrect or missing, which often occurs in the testing of a draft questionnaire.


Cognitive interviewing is an acquired skill, consisting of a number of separate skills. Optimally, good interviewers can serve as "detectives" who can find problems in survey questions, and as "engineers" who can work toward developing workable solutions to the problems defined. We have found that the former skill is obtained more quickly than the latter, and that the attainment of mastery is very gradual. Interviewers can be taught in an incremental, step-wise fashion, consisting of the following steps:

a) Trainee interviewers should conduct technical reviews of questionnaires to make determinations of structural and potential cognitive problems. They also attend early questionnaire design meetings, as well as meetings where cognitive interviewers discuss the results of lab testing.

b) Trainees familiarize themselves with material on the philosophy and purposes of the cognitive aspects of survey methodology and intensive laboratory interviewing.

c) They are taught the specific probing methods for use in the laboratory.

d) They are shown examples of the way that probing is used to detect problems in survey questions. This can be in both written form, and through the use of audio- and video-taped recordings of previous interviews.

e) Trainees observe experienced interviewers performing actual interviews. Unless a topic is very sensitive, subjects generally have no objection to being observed by an individual who is described as "in training".

f) Trainees perform one or more interviews while being observed by a practiced interviewer, or compile tape recording of the interviews for review by other staff. The trainee can then be given feedback.

g) Trainees attends questionnaire review meetings, subsequent to the interviews, and attempt to make specific recommendations for solution of the observed problems.

For organizations that do not have existing cognitive interviewers available to teach new staff, this manual is itself intended to serve as "training". There is no substitute for experience, however, and interviewers should begin interviewing as soon as they have a fairly good idea of what is involved.


There are several features of laboratory interviewing that are important for cognitive interviewers to understand, and that are useful to express to the subject, before beginning a laboratory interview:

a) Stress to subjects that we are not primarily collecting survey data on them, but rather testing a questionnaire that has questions that may be difficult to understand, hard to answer, or that make little sense.

b) Make clear that although we are asking the subject to answer the survey questions as carefully as possible, we are primarily interested in the ways that they arrived at those answers, and the problems they encountered. Therefore, any detailed help they can give us is of interest, even if it seems irrelevant or trivial.

c) If think-aloud responding is desired, tell subjects, at the least, to "think out loud to the extent possible, so we can tell what you are thinking about when you answer the questions". Be warned that this introduction generally does not produce a great amount of thinking-aloud, however! To get more of a true "think-aloud", you need to have subjects practice the technique.

d) It also is somewhat helpful to add: "I didn't write these questions, so don't worry about hurting my feelings if you criticize them- my job is to find out what's wrong with them". This helps to "bring out" subjects who may otherwise be sensitive about being overly critical.


(See Appendix 1, entitled: "Details of day-to-day lab operations" for more complete information.)


We identify and recruit volunteers from appropriate sub-populations for testing the survey questionnaire:

a) Subjects either have characteristics of interest for the survey (a particular status with respect to health, work, age, sex characteristics), or they may be "general" subjects, for questionnaires that are asked of the general population. However, even for a questionnaire that is intended for special populations, it is worth testing the initial screening sections on people who don't have the characteristic of interest. This allows the interviewers to make sure that the questions don't create problems in the majority of cases in which the questionnaire will be administered (where the respondent does not have the characteristic of interest). Because this is an important point, I provide a specific example. A questionnaire that is intended to identify individuals with Podiatric conditions might be tested only on individuals who answer an advertisement for "people with foot problems". However, failure to test the screening questions on individuals who do not have foot problems could be catastrophic. If for example, virtually everyone answers initial, screening questions (in effect asking: "do you have any foot problems") in the affirmative, a large number of inappropriate respondents might wind up "passing" the screener and be subjected to a series of completely irrelevant follow-up questions. As a general rule, questionnaires that seek to "identify" a particular population should be tested to determine that they adequately 1) screen in people having the characteristic of interest, and 2) screen out those who do not.

b) Subjects are recruited through newspapers, fliers, service agencies, and support groups. An example of a newspaper ad and a flyer are provided in Appendix 2.

c) Statistical sampling methods are NOT normally used in obtaining laboratory subjects. At most, we use a "quota" sample, in which we try to obtain a range of ages, genders, and socio-economic levels, if possible.


As of 1994, we pay subjects $30 for a one-hour interview. This amount is sufficient to pay for the subjects' travel time and for basic inconvenience involved in travelling to the laboratory. Further, this payment is enough that it is not simply a "token" remuneration; this way, we are less likely to only recruit individuals who are "practiced volunteers" and have a particular interest in volunteering mainly out of interest in health topics, and who are therefore very different from the usual household survey respondent. However, the amount of payment should be determined by considering a number of issues, such as the general demographic status of the types of subjects required, difficulty of getting to the interview location, difficulty of the task, and so on.


We have performed most cognitive interviews "live" in the laboratory, on a one-on-one basis. However, it is also possible to conduct these interviews over the phone, once an interview has been scheduled. We have never called "out of the blue" to someone selected randomly, as in a Random-Digit-Dial telephone survey). We have found telephone interviews to be useful for several specific purposes:

a) To test questionnaires intended for telephone administration.

b) To interview subjects (elderly, disabled) who are unable to travel to the lab.

Generally, we prefer in-person interviews when possible, because this allows observation of non-verbal cues, and provides a more natural type of interchange between the subject and the interviewer. However, we advocate the imaginative use of many different testing modes (for example, we have even conducted telephone interviews in the laboratory, where the interviewer and subject are placed in different rooms).


Any quiet room, such as a conference room or empty office, can serve as a "laboratory" in which to conduct interviews. Optimally, a special interviewing room can be set up, with one-way mirrors, though this is not vital. Interviews can even be conducted "off site", such as at a location where health services are given, or where the target group will be found (for example, elderly centers, schools, and so on).


It is helpful to have permanent staff members who have a "history" of cognitive interviewing experience. As mentioned above, interviewing skill is an acquired capacity, and it helps to avoid the need to constantly train new staff members. It also helps to have a particular staff member who can be responsible for lab management; making phone calls, scheduling, and generally monitoring laboratory operations. The details of lab management are discussed in more detail in Appendix 1, Details of day-to-day lab operations. Further, staff should have experience in relating to clients or sponsors of questionnaires, in order to communicate the findings from laboratory interviews, and the questionnaire design experience necessary to translate laboratory findings into realistic and practical solutions.


All one really needs is a tape-recorder, as it is helpful to have recorded interviews (most subjects don't mind being recorded, as long as a consent form is used). Video-taping is another possibility that we have used to a limited extent. We recommend that if respondents are to be videotaped, a means be found for hiding the camera or making it minimally obtrusive (though of course informed consent from the subject for taping is obtained). A camera that is in full view may strongly affect the nature of the interaction. Some organizations also make use of one-way mirrors for observation; these might also affect the interchange, however, especially when the questions that are asked are sensitive or potentially embarrassing.



We find that the most efficient way to process "data" is to abstract from written comments that interviewers make during the interview. Each interviewer can simply enter comments below the appropriate question on a computerized version of the questionnaire (see the sample comment sheet in Appendix 4). These comments can then be aggregated, over interviewer, and over interview, for a complete review of a particular draft of the questionnaire.


Some researchers prefer to rely on standardized analysis of tape recordings of interviews. We have found, however, that this is a very time-consuming activity, and the appropriateness of this activity depends on the nature of the testing. For "production" work, in which revisions are made at a fairly quick rate, it is often not possible to devote the resources necessary to transcribe or analyze taped interviews. In this case, reliance on written notes is sufficient. Tape-recording is still valuable, however, where a sponsor or client may want to listen to the tape to get a "first-hand" impression of how the questionnaire is working. Transcription or analysis of these tapes can also be valuable for purposes of research, in addition to pure questionnaire development.

Generally, we do not make use of much quantitative data; mainly, we look for:

a) Dominant trends across interviews (problems that seem to emerge repeatedly).

b) "Discoveries": Even if they occur in only a single interview, there are some problems that prove to be very important, because they can severely threaten data quality in a few cases, or because these problems are expected to be fairly frequent in the actual survey.

We rely strongly on interviewer judgment, in determining the implications of the laboratory results, as these have ramifications for the fielded survey. For example, one might conclude that a particular interview was very idiosyncratic, and should be ignored. Or, it may be felt that the set of subjects tested was much more sophisticated than the population to be surveyed, so even a hint of comprehension problems might serve to motivate the designers to attempt a simplification of the questionnaire. The general point is that it is usually dangerous to conclude, for example, that if problems are found in 30% of lab interviews, then they are to be expected in 30% of field interviews. We must always be careful to apply a type of subjective "correction factor" to the lab findings, based on our knowledge of the likely differences that exist between the lab and field environments.


Because the focus of cognitive interviewing is the detection of questionnaire problems, there is often a tendency to "get into the lab quickly", and then deal with the problems that emerge. It is imperative, however, that initial meetings be conducted prior to interviewing, to make clear the objectives of the questionnaire, and that interviewers conduct a technical review of the first draft. In fact, experienced cognitive interviewers can often anticipate the types of difficulties that may be expected, prior to interviewing. Once an initial review, and perhaps a modification, has been conducted, interviewing can start in earnest. After a sufficient number of interviews are completed, and interviewer notes are compiled, one can convene a group meeting to discuss findings. The determination of what a "sufficient" number of interviews is depends on several factors:

a) If it becomes obvious after several interviews that there are major problems to be rectified, then there is little use in conducting more interviews before modifications are made to the questionnaire. Especially in the very early stages of development, as few as four interviews may be sufficient to constitute a "round" of interviewing.

b) Even if it appears that more interviews should be done, we have seldom found it necessary, or helpful, to conduct more than 12 - 15 interviews before meeting or delivering comments concerning that round of interview results.

At the meeting, interviewers should discuss their findings in detail with any questionnaire designer who has not participated in the interviewing process. As a general rule, it is very beneficial that all everyone who is actively involved in the questionnaire design process, including clients, participate in laboratory testing, even if simply as observers. Clients or sponsors should also be encouraged to observe interviews, or to listen to tape recordings; the impact of a question that is confusing or long-winded is very difficult to ignore when such evidence is used. Very often, where abstract discussions concerning the flaws contained in a questionnaire are unconvincing to a sponsor or client, the evidence from only a few laboratory interviews can have a positive impact. This is a point that we stress; beyond its strength in identifying problems, a major positive feature of the cognitive laboratory approach is in the persuasiveness of the information it collects.

Meetings should be used both to point out identified problems and to suggest resolutions to these problems. An advantage of the cognitive approach is that, if one understands the basis for the failure of a particular question, a resolution to the problem may be readily suggested. For example, if a term is clearly not understood, the group may search for an easier-to-understand substitute. Likewise, if it is found that a reference period for a question is far too long for subjects to recall information with any confidence, it is indicated that the use of a shorter interval is in order.


After the questionnaire has been revised, based on the comments from the group meeting, and based on any discussions with clients or sponsors, a new round of interviewing can be conducted to test the changes made, and to provide additional testing of questionnaire segments that were not yet changed. Several issues are pertinent at this stage:

a) Number of interviewing rounds to conduct. In one sense, a questionnaire could be tested forever, and still have problems (there is no such thing as a perfect question). Optimally, one wants to test until all the major problems have been detected and satisfactorily addressed. Usually, however, surveys are subject to strict developmental time-frames, and there is limited time for testing. Thus, the usual scenario involves conducting as many rounds as possible (three to four), prior to the pretest, or to actual administration. Though limited lab testing may not produce a perfect questionnaire, the final product should be markedly better than if not subjected to any testing of this type (although this is always subject to the client or sponsors' willingness to make recommended changes).

b) Changes in the nature of interviewing. As noted earlier, the nature of the interviewing rounds tends to change over the course of development of a questionnaire. Early in the process, findings relate not only to particular question wordings, but to more global issues, such as the appropriateness of the survey measurement of major concepts that the questionnaire is attempting to cover. For example, it may be determined that a class of information is simply not available through reliance on respondent knowledge and memory (for example, we have found that fathers especially tend to have appallingly bad knowledge of their toddlers' immunization histories). Or, it may be determined that a concept is much too complicated to be measured in a few short questions, and that a long series would actually be required to adequately cover this level of complexity.

Once major conceptual problems have been ironed out, later rounds of interviewing tend to be focused more exclusively on the appropriateness of individual questions (as in the examples in Section IV). Still, the unit of analysis is not the particular survey question, apart from its context; relevant findings may cover a series of questions, and relate to clarity, appropriateness of the series, biases due to ordering, and so on. One of the challenges of engaging in a useful cycle of testing and development activities is that we must be cognizant of all of these levels, both small- and large-scale, simultaneously.


Here, I address specific potential criticisms and limitations of the cognitive laboratory approach:


Laboratory volunteers are self-selected into participation, and are therefore clearly not representative of the survey population as a whole. Most importantly, we find that laboratory volunteers tend to be higher in eduction than the average survey respondent. This could have important ramifications, in that we might miss problems that occur in "real life", and the laboratory findings therefore underestimate of the severity of problems. However, note also that if a question does not work in the lab, with our more "able" subjects, it will almost certainly be expected to cause problems in the field (and we generally find no shortage of problems in the lab). We suggest that relying on the field pretest, on additional forms of pretesting (such as behavior coding of the interaction between interviewer and respondents), on a subjective assessment of the abilities of our lab subjects, and on a concerted effort to use multiple recruitment sources, be used to counter this problem as much as possible.


This is another reason why the lab is not a substitute for the field test. To see how the questionnaire works in "real-life" circumstances, it has to be tested under field conditions, and this is worth doing, even for a small survey, with a few test respondents. We believe that the extent to which the differences in question-answering contexts between lab and field matters depends greatly on the type of question. For example, comprehension processes appear not to differ greatly between the lab and the household; if someone does not know the location of his or her abdomen in the lab, it is doubtful that he or she will know this when at home. Retrieval processes, similarly, will be different between lab and field to the extent that the home environment provides cues that affect the nature of the retrieval process. This again does not appear to be a great problem, in our experience. The case is much different, however, for survey questions that ask about sensitive topics. Here the environment appears to be critical, and in fact often overshadows the other, more basic cognitive processes. Therefore, we never use the laboratory to attempt to directly assess how likely people will be to answer survey questions about such activities as drug use or sexual behavior. Rather, we use the lab only as a context for more indirect, experimental studies, in which we interview individuals about their understanding of questions, or about conditions they believe would be more or less likely to prompt them to answer truthfully in a fielded survey.


It is sometimes argued that the laboratory is deficient, compared to the field pretest, because the samples used are too small to make reasonable conclusions. There are at least three faults in this argument:

a) The purpose of laboratory interviews is not statistical estimation. We do not desire sample sizes large enough to supply precision in statistical estimates. Rather, we strive to interview a variety of individuals.

b) The nature of laboratory interviews is qualitative, not quantitative. We do not evaluate problems in survey questions simply by counting the number of interviews in which a problem occurs. Of course, if every interviewer reports a problem with a particular question in every interview, that is significant. However, a finding can be based on one interview; that is, an interviewer may say that "I had a person with a particular disease for which this question does not work...". This points out a potential problem which does not need to be verified by finding a large number of other individuals with the same situation; the problem is there, and needs to be addressed.

c) The apparent increased sample size of the field pretest is often illusory. As discussed previously, questionnaires often contain initial screening questions, and then long follow-up sections that apply only if one "passes" the screener. However, in cases where it is relatively infrequent that respondents receive the follow-up questions, the general-population-based field pretest tends to provide only a few cases in which these follow-up questions are actually tested. For example, we found that one pretest of 300 households passed less then 10 individuals on to an important section on "use of assistive devices" (canes, wheelchairs, etc.). On the other hand, prior laboratory testing of the same questionnaire had specifically incorporated recruitment of subjects who would naturally screen-in to the follow-up questions, and so the "effective" size of the lab sample turned out to be significantly larger.



It has been pointed out that there are few comparative experimental studies that demonstrate the superiority of cognitive interviewing to other pretesting methods (however, see Presser and Blair (1993) for a study containing some features of such a study). We have addressed the question of utility of cognitive interviewing elsewhere (Willis, Royston, and Bercini, 1991). We have used a range of pretesting activities, and our belief is that cognitive interviewing should not be directly "stacked up" against any other particular type of evaluation activity, such as the field pretest, the expert review, behavior coding, and so on. Each type of activity appears to be useful in its own right, and provides information that is unique to that activity. Different processes seem to be most applicable at different points in the developmental sequence-- one does not conduct a field pretest on an embryonic questionnaire, and on the other hand, the final "dress rehearsal" of a forms-designed questionnaire is not usually tested with a round of cognitive interviews. The challenge to pretesting is to utilize a cohesive developmental plan that takes advantage of the strengths of each method.


Aday, L.A. Designing and conducting health surveys (1989). San Francisco: Jossey-

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Cannell, C.F., Miller, P.V., & Oksenberg, L. (1981). Research on interviewing

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Dippo, C. (1989). The use of cognitive laboratory techniques for investigating memory

retrieval errors in retrospective surveys. Proceedings of the International Association of Survey Statisticians, International Statistical Institute, pp. 323-342.

DeMaio, T.J., Martin, E.A., & Sigman, E.P. (1987). Improving the design of the

decennial census questionnaire. Proceedings of the Section on Survey Methods Research, American Statistical Association, pp. 256-261.

Esposito, J., & Hess, J. (May, 1992). The use of interviewer debriefings to identify

problematic questions on alternative questionnaires. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, St. Petersberg, FL.

Forsyth, B., and Lessler, J.T. (1991). Cognitive laboratory methods: A taxonomy. In P. Biemer, R. Groves, L. Lyberg, N. Mathiowetz, and S. Sudman (eds.), Measurement errors in surveys. New York: Wiley.

Jabine, T.B., Straf, M.L., Tanur, J.M., & Tourangeau, R. (eds.). (1984). Cognitive

aspects of survey methodology: Building a bridge between disciplines. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Jobe, J.B., & Mingay, D.J. (1991). Cognition and survey measurement: History and

overview. (1991). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 5, 175-192.

Jobe, J. B., Tourangeau, R., & Smith A. F. (1993). Contributions of survey research

to the understanding of memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 7, 567-584.

Lessler, J.T., & Sirken, M.G. (1985). Laboratory-based research on the cognitive aspects

of survey methodology: The goals and methods of the National Center for Health Statistics study. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly/Health and Society, 63, 565-581.

Payne, S.L. (1951). The art of asking questions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton

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Presser, S., & Blair, J. (1993). An evaluation of alternative pretest methods. Contract

Final Report, submitted to the Division of Health Interview Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics.

Royston, P., Bercini, D., Sirken, M., & Mingay, D. (1986). Questionnaire Design

Research Laboratory. Proceedings of the Section on Survey Methods Research, American Statistical Association, pp. 703-707.

Tourangeau, R., & Rasinski, K.A. (1988). Cognitive processes underlying context effects

in attitude measurement. Psychological Bulletin, 103, 299-314.

Willis, G.B., Royston, P., & Bercini, D. (1991). The use of verbal report methods in

the development and testing of survey questionnaires. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 5, 251-267.


This section is mainly of benefit to those who are interested in more detail on recruitment and scheduling. We have found it highly beneficial to establish a dedicated laboratory-manager position, and an integrated computerized control system to monitor the operations of our laboratory. This section will be of interest to those who envision the adaptation of cognitive interviewing techniques on a fairly large scale, as we have done.


Clearly, efficient recruitment methods are essential to running a questionnaire laboratory. Flexible and timely methods are needed to handle the wide range of subject characteristics that are often needed in a short period of time. The methods we use to recruit subjects include newspaper ads, flyers, interviews scheduled through outside organizations, and re-contacts with previous subjects. We also reach a fair number of subjects through word-of-mouth. A lot of thought goes into deciding the best approach to get volunteers to test any given questionnaire. Sometimes recruitment involves only one method, while other times several methods are used. The recruitment method used for a particular questionnaire depends on several factors, such as the testing schedule, the subject characteristics we require, and how many subjects we need.

1) Newspaper ads:

Appendix 2 contains an example of an ad we placed in the Washington Post to recruit subjects for a questionnaire on smoking. In newspaper ads, we list any requirements such as age, health conditions, or gender; we also specify that we pay $30 for a one hour interview. For "general purpose" subjects, we often advertise in local county newspapers. When we need people with very specific health conditions (use of an implanted medical device, such as a pacemaker), we advertise in the weekly health magazine of the Washington Post. Because we receive many responses to most newspaper ads, we use an answering machine to receive the calls, and transcribe the calls later. When using the answering machine, we have found that we can ask people for about three pieces of information without their forgetting one. For example, we will ask for their name, daytime phone number, and one other criterion such as age.

2) Advertising through flyers:

Appendix 2 contains an example of a flyer we used to recruit subjects for the survey on disability. Flyers cost far less than newspaper ads, and can be better for reaching specific groups. Further, we use flyers when we need only a few subjects, because flyers are much less effective in locating large numbers of subjects. We are able to place flyers directly in places or areas where people with the desired characteristics are likely to see them. In the past we have placed flyers in churches, libraries, and Y.M.C.A.s, as well as special interest organizations such as Easter Seals or the Polio Society. To reach people who are unlikely to see our ad in the newspaper, flyers are especially useful. For example, we have had more success recruiting low-income and lower-educated people through flyers than with newspaper ads.

When we want to place flyers in a particular organization, we need to obtain the organization's consent, which can sometimes take several weeks. Phone calls in response to flyers tend to trickle in rather than come all at once as with newspaper ads, so flyers require a longer lead-time than newspaper ads. Answering calls in person, rather than using the answering machine, is advisable when flyers are used, or when the number of calls expected is fairly low.

3) Interviewing at outside organizations:

Another way we reach subjects is through the staff of outside organizations that let us conduct interviews in their facility. These off-site interviews are necessary for people that are not able or willing to come to our laboratory. These have included elderly persons, high school students, and the severely disabled who cannot travel easily, as well as drug clinic patients who are reluctant to go to a government office to talk about drug use. Setting up interviews in outside organizations requires a considerable amount of time and effort. When we interview off-site we need organizations to provide us with a private place to interview, and we need help with scheduling. For example, to conduct interviews in high schools, we had to get the approval of the school board. This required a considerable amount of correspondence with various levels of the organization. So far, the organizations we have contacted have been very receptive to our projects.

4) Use of "old" subjects:

Finally, a useful way of obtaining subjects is to use the same subject for more than one project; this saves considerable time and effort. We keep a computerized database of all subjects who are interviewed, and their specific characteristics. When we re-use subjects, we can select the "best" ones for our purposes - both in terms of ability to take part in a cognitive interview and desired characteristics. Because of the danger of "over-educating" the subjects, we limit them to three interviews. We do not want subjects to become so familiar with our process that they try too hard to give us suggestions and fail to react spontaneously.


Newspaper ads generate the most subjects. Washington Post ads that list specific criteria such as people with disabilities will yield over 100 responses in a few days, and those for general purpose subjects may return as many as 400 responses. County or college papers tend to yield far fewer responses. An important point to note is that when we increased our payment from $20 to $30 for a one-hour interview, this greatly increased the number of responses.


1) Subject data sheets.

Appendix 3 contains an example of a subject sheet that we use to collect information about each volunteer. We use this form to obtain the information at the time of the interview; the information is entered into the computerized database later. We keep track of the day, time, questionnaire version, and the interviewer. We also note the specific criteria pertinent to the subject, if any, such as the type of disability. At the bottom of the sheet we list the specific instruments that were tested and the usefulness of the subject.

2) Database programs.

All of the information contained on the subject sheet is entered into the computer in a set of user-friendly programs created in a database management package (DBASE IV). These programs help keep track of and organize most of the day-to-day operations of the lab. Computerized databases are maintained both for every subject who is interviewed, and for every questionnaire that is tested. The subject database keeps track of the demographic variables, and also keeps records of people who are scheduled for interviews but fail to arrive, the number of times a subject is interviewed, and the overall usefulness of each subject. Information contained on the questionnaire database includes the questionnaire, the version number, and the number of interviews per version. Additional tasks that the database system performs include keeping track of interviewers' schedules and of amount of subject payment money available, generating various reports, selecting subjects with various criteria, as well as other routines.

3) Timing of subject scheduling.

Timetables for recruiting and scheduling subjects are important. We do not start new recruitments unless a new project will begin within the next month. Although it may seem effective to have a large pool of people "in reserve", we have found that this is not realistic, because subjects have a limited "shelf-life". If a subject is contacted more than a month after he or she responds to an ad, the probability increases that the person is no longer available; he/she may have changed jobs or had some other schedule change, or has simply lost enthusiasm for the project. Additionally, as more time passes, it is more likely that a person has a different residence or phone number.

We schedule subjects no more than a few days before the interview. If the subject is scheduled any earlier, he or she is more likely to be a no-show. If we must schedule more than a week in advance, a reminder call is necessary. Interviews last about one hour, which is about how long subjects can maintain their attention in the lab before becoming fatigued or losing interest. We usually schedule no more than 12 interviews per round, depending on how many people are going to be doing the interviews. This is usually enough to find flaws and suggest changes before conducting another round of interviews. It is inefficient to conduct too many interviews per round. Once a flaw is found, there is little point in conducting many more interviews until attempts are made to solve the problem.

In summary, in order for a recruitment and management system to work, it needs to be flexible, and rely on a variety of techniques as they appear warranted.


Newspaper advertisement used to recruit subjects for a survey on health promotion practices:


The U.S. Public Health

Service in Hyattsville, MD

needs paid volunteers,

AGES 16 - 64

to spend one hour

answering survey questions

on a variety of health topics.

Anyone may participate, but we

especially need people




For more information, please call


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/

National Center for Health Statistics

Flyer used to recruit subjects for a disability survey:



THE U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE is planning an important national survey on DISABILITY. We need volunteers to participate in interviews so that we can test the survey questions.


You may help with this study if you, your child, or another family member living in your household has a disability. We need volunteers with many different kinds of disabilities.

Interviews will be held one block from Prince George's Plaza, at the National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland. Interviews take about one hour and are conducted during regular business hours.

For more information, or to volunteers, please call

301-436-7460, weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM.


SUBNO: S-_________



No Show








Name:______________________________________________ Date:

Home phone:__________________ Employed Y/N Work#

Where did you see our ad/flyer? PG Sentinel PG Journal

Shoppers Food Giant Unemployment Office

P.G. Social Services Friend

Sex: Male Female Birthdate:___/___/___ Age:­­____ Education______

Marital Status: Married Divorced Widowed Separated

Never been married

Household Income: 20K or less over 20K

30K or less over 30K

Racial/Ethnic Group:

White Black Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic Eskimo, Aleut, or American Indian



Interviewer rating of overall subject usefulness:








Comments: __________________________________________________



1) The example represents notes taken by one interviewer from three cognitive interviews, on one version of a questionnaire draft.

2) The use of PROBE refers to prepared probe questions embedded in the draft of the questionnaire, for use in all interviewers.

3) Comments preceded by "S#" were findings specific to that subject (for example, S#1).

4) General comments (not pertaining to any particular subject) are not preceded by a subject number, and are simply observations about the questionnaire made by the interviewer either during or subsequent to interviewing.

5) The interviewing notes contains only those questions that were found to contain problems or issues to be resolved. That is, the original draft is "abstracted" to create the report, but the original question numbers and section headings are retained for reference.

PRELIMINARY 1994 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Questionnaire:

Draft 1: 5/17/93

Subject #1 = female, 51

Subject #2 = male, 77

Subject #3 = female, 21



These next questions are about this home.

2. How many floors or levels does this home have? Do not include unfinished

basements or attics.



4. Do you have at least one smoke detector on each floor of your home not including unfinished attic or unfinished basement?



9b. How many PEOPLE smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes anywhere inside this







9d. On the average, on the days that there is smoking, about how CIGARETTES are

smoked per day ANYWHERE INSIDE this home?


00 [ ] Less than cigarette per day/Rarely

___________Cigarettes per day

09 [ ] DK




5. During the past 12 months, have you quit smoking for one day or longer?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No




6b. On average, when you smoked DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS, about how many cigarettes did you smoke EACH day?




7. Would you like to completely stop smoking cigarettes?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

9 [ ] DK



8. Have you ever used snuff such as Skoal, Skoal Bandits, or Copenhagen?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

9 [ ] DK




11. Have you ever used chewing tobacco, such as Redman, Levi Garrett, or


1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No (next page)

9 [ ] DK (next page)



1. Do you exercise or play sports regularly?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

9 [ ] DK








During the past 2 weeks, did you work at any time at a job or business not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the family [farm/business].)



a. Altogether, does your employer have 50 or more employees?



2a. Does your employer have an official policy that restricts smoking in any




3. Does your employer offer a quit smoking program or any other help to

employees who want to quit smoking?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

9 [ ] DK



5. Which of these exercise programs are made available to you by your employer?


1 [ ] Walking group

2 [ ] Jogging/Running group

3 [ ] Biking/Cycling group

4 [ ] Aerobics classes

5 [ ] Swimming classes

6 [ ] Non-aerobic exercise classes

7 [ ] Weight lifting classes

8 [ ] Fully paid membership in a health/fitness club

9 [ ] Partially paid membership in health/fitness club

10 [ ] Physical activity or exercise competitions

98 [ ] Other - Specify


00 [ ] No programs

99 [ ] DK




5c. About how often do you participate in (exercise program) that was made

available by your employer?




6. In the past 12 months, did you participate in a quit smoking program made

available by this employer?



6a. Does your employer make available screening tests for:

Yes No DK

(1) blood pressure? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

(2) cholesterol? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

(3) cancer? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]




7a. Does your employer make available brochures, programs, talks, or counseling

concerning ANY OF THESE (CARD T5):

1 [ ] Weight control

2 [ ] Nutrition information

3 [ ] Prenatal education SIMPLIFY THIS TERM

4 [ ] Medical self-care

5 [ ] Stress reduction and management

6 [ ] Alcohol and other drugs

7 [ ] Sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV or AIDS)

8 [ ] Job hazards and injury prevention

9 [ ] Back care and prevention of back injury

10 [ ] Preventing off-the-job accidents



7b. In the past 12 months, have you participated in any of these activities or

used any the information made available by this employer?

1 [ ] Yes

2 [ ] No

9 [ ] DK




8b. Which of these best describes your employer's smoking policy for indoor

public or common areas, such as lobbies, rest rooms, and lunch rooms?



1 [ ] Not allowed in ANY indoor or common public areas

2 [ ] Allowed in SOME public areas, including designated

smoking areas

3 [ ] Allowed in ALL indoor or common public areas

9 [ ] DK



1. About how long has it been since your last routine check-up by a medical

doctor or other health professional?



2. During this last check-up, were you asked about:

Yes No DK

a. Your diet and eating habits? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

b. The amount of physical activity

or exercise you get? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

c. Whether you smoke cigarettes or use

other forms of tobacco? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

d. How much and how often you drink

alcohol? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

e. Whether you use marijuana, cocaine,

or other drugs? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

f. Sexually transmitted diseases? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]



Refer to age 1 [ ] SP (Sample Person) is 65 + (4)

8 [ ] Other (6)

4a. During this last check-up, were you

asked about the symptoms of a

transient ischemic attack (TIA)? 1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No 9 [ ] DK


b. During this last check-up, were you asked

about whether you have difficulty taking

care of yourself, including dressing,

using the toilet, bathing, eating, or

getting around inside your home without 1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No 9 [ ] DK


c. During this last check-up, were you asked

about whether you have difficulty doing

every day activities and chores, including

preparing your meals, managing your money,

using the telephones, doing light 1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No 9 [ ] DK

housework, and shopping?



5. During this last check-up, did you have:


Yes No DK

a. A vision test to see

how well you see? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]


b. A hearing test? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

c. A urine test? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]

d. A blood test to check your thyroid

function? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]


e. A stool test to check for blood in

the stool? 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 9 [ ]


12. A breast physical exam is when the breast is felt for lumps by a physician or other health care professional. About how long has it been since you had a breast physical exam done by a doctor or other health care professional? Was it within the past year, 1-2 years ago, or over 2 years ago?




13. Have you ever been counseled by a physician or other health care

professional about the benefits of taking estrogen pills after menopause in

order to prevent bone loss?





1. In the past month, have you had any discussions with family members in your

household about health issues related to:


[ ] Drinking beer, wine, liquor, and other alcoholic beverages?


[ ] Nutrition and healthy eating habits?

[ ] Exercise, sports or other physical activities?


[ ] Sexual behavior, such as risk of infection with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy?

[ ] Smoking cigarettes or use of other forms of tobacco, including chewing tobacco and snuff?

[ ] Using illicit drugs, including steroids?


[ ] Safety and things that you can do to prevent injuries, including using seat belts?





Attachment C

Sample of a 2005 advance letter send to NHIS respondents


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

HIS-600(L) National Center for Health Statistics

(11-2005) 3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

WE NEED YOUR HELP improve the health of all Americans. You may be invited to take part in the National Health Interview Survey. The survey is sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics, a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A Census Bureau interviewer will show you an official identification card. You will be asked about your and your family’s health and health care. Your answers will help us make better decisions about health programs. A small number of households will be asked in a few weeks to confirm that correct procedures were followed.

Everything you tell us will be kept strictly private. Your data will be used only for health research. Unless you agree, federal law does not allow us to release information that could identify you or your family. The only parties that can receive such data are those we’ve told you about on the back of this letter.

We may obtain data about your family’s health and health care from records of other government agencies. Examples of information that would allow linkage with other records are you Social Security and Medicare numbers. Any data obtained will also be kept strictly private.

You may take part in the survey or not. That is your choice. No penalties or loss of benefits will come from refusing. You may choose not to answer any question and can stop at any time. The survey will take about an hour to do all parts, depending on the size and health of your family. You may be asked to take part in other government surveys sometime in the future. Taking part in any other survey is voluntary.

Please contact the Census Bureau, toll-free, at 1-800-992-3530 for questions about the survey or to schedule an interview.

You may want to ask about your rights as a participant in this research study. If so, please call the office set up to oversee research, toll-free, at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say you are calling about Protocol # 2004-13. Your call will be returned promptly.

Learn more about the survey at our website:

Thank you for your cooperation. We are grateful for your help.





VAN NUYS, CA 91406


Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D.

Director, National Center for Health Statistics




Every week about 1,400 addresses are chosen by scientific sampling methods to serve as a cross section of the entire United States. The people at those addresses are interviewed to obtain information used to describe the health of all Americans.



Because scientific sampling methods do not permit the substitution of another address for those originally selected, we cannot change another address for yours. It is important that the people living in the address selected be a part of the survey in order to provide the most accurate picture of the Nation’s health.


This is a survey of the Nation’s health. We want to know how many people are sick and why they

are sick, but it is also important to know how many people are healthy and why they are healthy.

These answers will help keep the Nation healthy.


The NHIS is authorized by Congress in Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC

242K). All information collected in this survey will be held in strict confidence according to law

[Section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 United States Code 242m (d) and the

Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347)]. Aside from NCHS

employees, the only parties that can receive your personal information are the U.S. Census Bureau and our collaborators (persons who have worked as our full partners from the earliest stages of this survey). These parties, who will use your information for statistical research only and to carry out this survey, are bound by strong restrictions designed to guarantee your privacy. By law we cannot release information that could identify you or your family to anyone else without your consent. If any federal employee or contractor gives out confidential information not authorized by law, he or she can be fired and fined and/or imprisoned.


The NHIS covers a wide range of health topics such as doctor visits, health insurance, exercise,

vaccinations, and injuries. Most respondents have no difficulty answering the questions in the NHIS. However, some people may consider questions on a few topics, such as income, sensitive. You do not have to answer any questions you don’t want to.



We would like to know your Social Security and Medicare numbers so that we may obtain data about your family’s health and health care from vital records and records from such agencies as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Veteran’s Administration. This way we do not have to ask you questions for which information is already available. We will hold in strict confidence any information we obtain about you from these agencies. There will be no effect on your benefits if you do not provide the numbers.


NCHS was authorized by Congress to conduct this survey and to produce health information for the Nation. Government agencies, universities, private health planners and researchers use the data to conduct research on health problems. The data are also used to determine how best to use available dollars and personnel to solve these health problems. While you will not receive any immediate benefit from participating in this survey, you will benefit along with all Americans from decisions about health problems that are based on the best available information.

HIS-600(L) (11-2005)

Attachment D

60-day Federal Register Notice

Attachment E - Template 1

Form for assurance of confidentiality and informed consent/Adults


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

QDRL Interviews

You are being asked to take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what you will be asked to do. You can choose to take part in the study or not. If you choose to take part, you will need to sign this form.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like you. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs. If you agree to take part in this test, we will ask you to answer the survey questions. Then, we will ask you to explain what you were thinking and how you came up with your answers.

The questions that we are working on today are about [FILL].

Your interview will show us how to improve these questions. In the future, we may also study your interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


An interviewer will ask you some survey questions. Then, the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will ask you if there were any words that were confusing and if you understood what was being asked.

The interview will last no more than [duration], and we will give you $XX. In order to receive the $XX, you will need to fill out the attached SF-1164 form. You will also be asked to fill out a personal information sheet.

You may find that some of the questions we are testing are sensitive. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. If you do not want to answer a question, say so, and we will move on to the next one. You may also stop the interview at any time. While the interview is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may [watch/listen to] the interview.

If you have questions about how the project works, contact Ms. Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We would like to video/audio1 record your interview. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have the interview recorded. If you agree, you may ask to stop the recording at any time, and we will turn off the machine. If you decide to stop taping, we will ask your consent to retain the portion already taped.

If you agree to record the interview, we will keep it in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from the [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may [watch/listen to] the interview. However, they must agree to keep your personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.

At the end of the interview, we may ask you for special permission to play the recording in a more public setting. For example, the interview could be played at a conference or for students who want to learn how to write survey questions. If you do not agree to this special permission, we will not allow anyone other than staff working directly on this project to [watch/listen to] the recording.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with the recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Materials with personal facts (such as names or addresses) are also stored in a locked room. Only QDRL staff have access to this material.

Your name or other personal facts that would identify you will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize you or your voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks

Other than the $XX you receive, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your privacy. You do not have to give us any information that you do not want to, and you can choose not to answer any question in the interview. You may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethnics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03-XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Sign Below if You Agree

I freely choose to take part in this research study.

When video recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to video record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my video recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

When tape recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to audio record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Attachment E - Template 2

Form for assurance of confidentiality and informed consent/Minors


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

Parental/Guardian Permission

Your child is being asked to take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what your child will be asked to do. You can choose to have your child take part in the study or not. If you permit your child to take part, you will need to sign this form. Your child will also have a consent form to read and sign.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like your child. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs. If you permit your child to take part in this test, we will ask your child to answer the survey questions. Then, we will ask your child to explain what he/she was thinking and how he/she came up with their answers.

The questions that we are working on today are about [FILL].

Your child’s interview will show us how to improve the questions for this survey. In the future, we may also study your child’s interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


An interviewer will ask your child some survey questions. Then, the interviewer will ask your child to explain what he/she was thinking as he/she answered the questions. The interviewer will ask your child if there were any words that were confusing and if he/she understood what was being asked.

The interview will last [duration], and we will give your child $XX. In order to receive the $XX, you will need to fill out the attached SF-1164 form. The form is attached for your review. We also ask that you fill out for your child a personal information sheet.

Your child may find that some of the questions we are testing are sensitive. He/she may choose not to answer any question for any reason. If he/she does not want to answer a question, he/she can say so, and we will move on to the next one. Your child may also stop the interview at any time. While the interview is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may [watch/listen to] the interview.

If you have questions about how the project works, contact Ms. Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We would like to video/audio1 record your child’s interview. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have your child’s interview recorded. If you agree, your child may ask to stop the recording at any time, and we will turn off the machine. If your child decides to stop taping, we will ask his/her consent to retain the portion already taped. When the interview is finished, your child may also [watch/listen to] the recording. So that your child feels comfortable answering the questions, you will not be allowed to watch/listen to the interviewing while it is being recorded or watch/listen to the recording at a later time.

If you agree to record your child’s interview, we will keep it in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from the [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may watch the interview. However, they must agree to keep your child’s personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with your child’s recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your child’s privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Materials with personal facts (such as names or addresses) are also stored in a locked room. Only QDRL staff have access to this material.

Your child’s name or other personal facts that would identify your child will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize your child or your child’s voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks

Other than the $XX your child receives, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your child’s privacy. Your child does not have to give us any information that he/she does not want to, and he/she can choose not to answer any question in the interview. He/she may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03-XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Sign Below if You Agree

I allow my child to take part in this research study.

When video recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to video record his/her interview. I also allow NCHS to play his/her video recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record his/her interview.

When tape recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to audio record his/her interview. I also allow NCHS to play his/her audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record his/her interview.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Parent or Guardian Print name Date

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

Minor’s Form

Your parent or guardian says you can take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what you will be asked to do. You can choose to take part in the study or not. If you choose to take part, you will need to sign this form.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like you. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs. If you agree to take part in this test, we will ask you to answer the survey questions. Then, we will ask you to explain what you were thinking and how you came up with your answers.

The questions that we are working on today are about [FILL].

Your interview will show us how to improve the questions for this survey. In the future, we may also study your interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


An interviewer will ask you some survey questions. Then, the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will ask you if there were any words that were confusing and if you understood what was being asked.

The interview will last [duration], and we will give you $XX.

You may find that some of the questions we are testing are sensitive. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. If you do not want to answer a question, say so, and we will move on to the next one. You may also stop the interview at any time. While the interview is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may [watch/listen to] the interview.

If you have questions about how the project works, contact Ms. Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We would like to video/audio1 record your interview. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have the interview recorded. If you agree, you may ask to stop the recording at any time, and we will turn off the machine. If you decide to stop taping, we will ask your consent to retain the portion already taped. When the interview is finished, you may also [watch/listen to] the recording. So that you feel comfortable answering the questions, your parent or guardian will not be allowed to watch/listen to the interviewing while it is being recorded or watch/listen to the recording at a later time.

If you agree to record the interview, we will keep it in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from the [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may [watch/listen to] the interview. However, they must agree to keep your personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with the recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Materials with personal facts (such as names or addresses) are also stored in a locked room. Only QDRL staff have access to this material.

Your name or other personal facts that would identify you will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize you or your voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks

Other than the $XX you receive, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your privacy. You do not have to give us any information that you do not want to, and you can choose not to answer any question in the interview. You may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03-XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Sign Below if You Agree

I agree to take part in this research study.

When video recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to video record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my video recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

When tape recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to audio record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Attachment E - Template 3

Form for assurance of confidentiality and informed consent/Focus groups


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

Focus Groups

You are being asked to take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what you will be asked to do. You can choose to take part in the study or not. If you choose to take part, you will need to sign this form.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like you. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs.

If you agree to take part in this test, you will be part of a discussion group about new questions for [FILL survey name here].

The discussion group will show us how to improve the questions for this survey. In the future, we may also study the group interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


A group leader will ask you to share your thoughts and ideas about the questions with other people in the group. You will not be asked your personal answers to the questions. We will ask you to pick a name and put it on a name tag. You do not have to use your real name.

The discussion will last XX minutes, and we will give you $XX. In order to receive the $XX, you will need to fill out the attached SF-1164 form. You will also be asked to fill out a personal information sheet.

You may leave the discussion group at any time. You may also choose not to discuss any question for any reason. While the discussion is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may watch the discussion.

If you have any questions about how the project works, contact Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We plan to video/audio1 record the discussion. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have the discussion recorded. When the discussion is finished, you or anyone in the group may watch/listen to the recording. Since recording is essential for this project and you do not wish to be recorded, you should not join the discussion. If you decide that you do not want to be recorded, you will still receive the full XX.

Recordings are kept in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from the [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may [watch/listen to] the interview. However, they must agree to keep your personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.

At the end of the discussion, we may ask you for special permission to play the recording in a more public setting. For example, the discussion could be played at a conference or for students who want to learn how to write survey questions. If you do not agree to this special permission, we will not allow anyone other than the staff working directly on this project to [watch/listen to] the recording.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with the recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Materials with personal facts (such as names or addresses) are also stored in a locked room. Only QDRL staff have access to this material.

Your name or other personal facts that would identify you will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize you or your voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks

Other than the $XX you receive, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your privacy. You do not have to give us any information that you do not want to, and you can choose not to answer any question in the discussion. You may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03- XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Sign Below if You Agree

I freely choose to take part in this discussion group.

When video recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to video record me. I also allow NCHS to play the video recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record me.

When tape recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to audio record me. I also allow NCHS to play the audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record me.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Attachment E - Template 4

Form for assurance of confidentiality and informed consent/Off-sit e


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

Interviews Conducted Off-site

You are being asked to take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what you will be asked to do. You can choose to take part in the study or not. If you choose to take part, you will need to sign this form.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like you. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs. If you agree to take part in this test, we will ask you to answer the survey questions. Then, we will ask you to explain what you were thinking and how you came up with your answers.

The questions that we are working on today are about [FILL].

Your interview will show us how to improve the questions for this survey. In the future, we may also study your interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


An interviewer will ask you some survey questions. Then, the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will ask you if there were any words that were confusing and if you understood what was being asked.

The interview will last [duration], and we will give you $XX. In order to receive the $XX, you will need to fill out the attached SF-1164 form. You will also be asked to fill out a personal information sheet.

You may find that some of the questions we are testing are sensitive. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. If you do not want to answer a question, say so, and we will move on to the next one. You may also stop the interview at any time. While the interview is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may [watch/listen to] the interview.

If you have questions about how the project works, contact Ms. Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We would like to video/audio1 record your interview. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have the interview recorded. If you agree, you may ask to stop the recording at any time, and we will turn off the machine. If you decide to stop taping, we will ask your consent to retain the portion already taped.

If you agree to record the interview, we will keep it in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may [watch/listen to] the interview. However, they must agree to keep your personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.

At the end of the interview, we may ask you for special permission to play the recording in a more public setting. For example, the interview could be played at a conference or for students who want to learn how to write survey questions. If you do not agree to this special permission, we will not allow anyone other than staff working directly on this project to [watch/listen to] the recording.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with the recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Materials with personal facts (such as names or addresses) are also stored in a locked room. Only QDRL staff have access to this material.

Your name or other personal facts that would identify you will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize you or your voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks3

Other than the $XX you receive, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your privacy. You do not have to give us any information that you do not want to, and you can choose not to answer any question in the interview. You may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

Conducting an interview at a business location

The interview will be conducted in a closed office. We will protect any materials that contain your personal information and transport them to NCHS.

Conducting a home interview

In order for you to take part in the study today, we agreed to come to your home. Meeting in your home is your choice. However, you are urged to choose a place that is private so that you will feel comfortable answering the questions. We will protect any materials that contain your personal information and transport them to NCHS.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03- XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Sign Below if You Agree

I freely choose to take part in this research study.

When video recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to video record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my video recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

When tape recording is selected:

  • I allow NCHS to audio record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.

3Depending on the study, select either conducting an interview at a business location or conducting a home interview.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Attachment E - Template 5

Form for assurance of confidentiality and informed consent/Off-sit e:

Waiver of SF-1164 & signed informed consent


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent Form

Interviews Conducted Off-site

You are being asked to take part in a research study. This consent form tells you about the study and what you will be asked to do. You can choose to take part in the study or not. If you choose to take part, you will need to read this form.

Purpose of the Research

Surveys are used to collect information on the health and well being of Americans. The surveys help to develop programs to improve the health and health care of people living in the United States.

Before health surveys are conducted, the questions are tested with people like you. It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. The National Center for Health Statistics conducts these tests for the surveys it sponsors and for other survey programs. If you agree to take part in this test, we will ask you to answer the survey questions. Then, we will ask you to explain what you were thinking and how you came up with your answers.

The questions that we are working on today are about [FILL].

Your interview will show us how to improve the questions for this survey. In the future, we may also study your interview along with interviews from other projects. This type of study will teach us about the different kinds of problems people have answering survey questions. The study will help us write better questions in the future.


An interviewer will ask you some survey questions. Then, the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will ask you if there were any words that were confusing and if you understood what was being asked.

The interview will last [duration], and we will give you $XX.

You may find that some of the questions we are testing are sensitive. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. If you do not want to answer a question, say so, and we will move on to the next one. You may also stop the interview at any time. While the interview is going on, researchers from [FILL AGENCY] who are working with us on this project may [watch/listen to] the interview.

If you have questions about how the project works, contact Ms. Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782.


We would like to video/audio1 record your interview. The recording allows us to more carefully study the questions. At the bottom of this form, you will be asked if you are willing to have the interview recorded. If you agree, you may ask to stop the recording at any time, and we will turn off the machine. If you decide to stop taping, we will ask your consent to retain the portion already taped.

If you agree to record the interview, we will keep it in a locked room or in the safe keeping of a staff person from the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). At a later time, staff from the [FILL AGENCY] who are responsible for developing questions on these topics may [watch/listen to] the interview. However, they must agree to keep your personal data private. Also, they must [watch/listen to] the interview in the QDRL or with QDRL staff present.


We are required by law2 to tell you what we will do with the recording. We must also tell you how we will protect your privacy.

Audio and video recordings are stored in a locked room or secured by a password. All recordings are labeled by a code number, date, time, and project title. The recording is never labeled with your name or other personal facts.

Your name or other personal facts that would identify you will not be used when we discuss or write about this study. People working on this project, however, may recognize you or your voice.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

Benefits and Risks3

Other than the $XX you receive, there are no other direct benefits from taking part in this study.

There are no known physical or psychological risks from taking part in this study. We will take all possible steps to protect your privacy. You do not have to give us any information that you do not want to, and you can choose not to answer any question in the interview. You may also stop at any time and still receive the full $XX.

Conducting an interview at a business location

The interview will be conducted in a closed office. We will protect any materials that contain your personal information and transport them to NCHS.

Conducting a home interview

In order for you to take part in the study today, we agreed to come to your home. Meeting in your home is your choice. However, you are urged to choose a place that is private so that you will feel comfortable answering the questions. We will protect any materials that contain your personal information and transport them to NCHS.

If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03- XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please Read and Check Below if You Agree

I freely choose to take part in this research study.

  • I allow NCHS to audio record my interview. I also allow NCHS to play my audio recording to other people working on this project either in the QDRL or in another location under the direct supervision of QDRL staff.

  • I do not allow NCHS to record my interview.

1Either video or audio will be selected.

2The Public Health Service Act provides us with the authority to do this research (42 United States Code 242K) and requires us to hold everything you tell us in strict confidence (42 United States Code 242m(d)). In addition, the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347) apply, with the latter providing for a felony conviction and/or a fine of up to $250,000 if we violate this promise.

3Depending on the study, select either conducting an interview at a business location or conducting a home interview.


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0222).

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07


I hereby certify that the participant has read and filled out the above form.

Signature of interviewer: ___________________________ Date: __________ Time: _________

Signature of 2nd interviewer: _________________________ Date: __________ Time: ________

Attachment F

Participant Data Collection Sheet


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

OMB# 0920-0222; Approval expires 01/31/07

Participant Data Collection Sheet

For our records we would appreciate it if you would take a minute to fill out this form.

1. How did you hear about us?

Newspaper Ad: Flyer: Word of Mouth:

Gazette  Giant  Friend

Sentinel  Safeway  Co-worker

Washington Post/Express  Other  We called you to come back

2. Are you male or female?

 Male  Female

3. What is your date of birth?

Date of Birth: ____/___/___

4. What is your marital status?

 Married  Divorced  Widowed  Separated  Never been married

5. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

 Yes  No

6. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.

 American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


7. What is the highest grade of school you have completed?




12th no diploma

High School Graduate - High School Diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)

Some college but no degree

Associate Degree in college - Occupational/vocational program

Associate Degree in college - Academic program

Bachelor’s degree (For example: BA, AB, BS)

Master’s degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)

Professional or Doctorate (for example: MD, PhD, DVM, JD)

8. Are you currently employed?

Yes  No

9. What is your total household income?

20K or less  30K or less  over 30K

Attachment G

Form for special consent for expanded use of video and audio recordings


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Special Consent for Expanded Use of Video and Audio Recordings


QDRL staff often presents what we learn from our projects at conferences or professional meetings. We would like your permission to show this recording to those who are interested in survey questions but who are not working directly on this project. If you agree, we may show the recording at conferences, for students, or for other people who write survey questions. In these cases, the recording is always under the control of QDRL staff.

Why do we want to show the recordings?

The recordings show how people react to survey questions. They show how questions can be hard to understand or hard to answer. They help people write better survey questions. It may also teach other researchers how to test survey questions.

Where might the recordings be shown?

We may show parts of the recording in a small meeting room, a classroom, or a large group at a professional meeting.

What information will be on the recording?

The whole recording could be shown. But it is more likely that a short piece will be shown about a problem with a question. No information about you will be added to the recording. However, your face and/or voice will appear on the recording.

What if I say yes now, but change my mind later?

If you change your mind, contact Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782. You may change your mind at any time. When she receives your request, we will not allow special uses of your recording.


If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03-XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

If You Agree, Please Read and Sign Below

I allow NCHS to show my recording to people at conferences and meetings, to students, and to other people who write survey questions. I understand that my face and/or voice will appear on the recording. The recording will not be altered. The recording will be in the control of QDRL staff. If I change my mind at any time, I will contact Karen Whitaker, the NCHS Lab Manager.

  • I do not allow NCHS to use my recording in this way.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

Attachment H

Form for special consent for expanded use of video and audio recordings

for individual participants of discussion groups


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Special Consent for Expanded Use of Video and Audio Recordings

for Individual Participants of Discussion Groups


QDRL staff often presents what we learn from our projects at conferences or professional meetings. We would like your permission to show the group discussion recording to those who are interested in survey questions but who are not working directly on this project. If you agree, we may show the recording at conferences, for students, or for other people who write survey questions. In these cases, the recording is always under the control of QDRL staff.

Why do we want to show the recordings?

The recordings show how people react to survey questions. They show how questions can be hard to understand or hard to answer. They help people write better survey questions. It may also teach other researchers how to test survey questions.

Where might the recordings be shown?

We may show parts of the recording in a small meeting room, a classroom, or a large group at a professional meeting.

What information will be on the recording?

The whole recording could be shown. But it is more likely that a short piece will be shown about a problem with a question. No information about you will be added to the recording. However, your face and/or voice will appear on the recording.

What if I say yes now, but change my mind later?

If you change your mind, contact Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782. You may change your mind at any time. When she receives your request, she will edit the recording to erase any section in which you are heard or seen.


If you have any questions about this study, please call the office of the Ethics Review Board at the National Center for Health Statistics, toll-free at 1-800-223-8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say that you are calling about Protocol #2002-03-XX [Note: The amendment number will be inserted into the form once NCHS ERB approval has been received]. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

If You Agree, Please Read and Sign Below

I allow NCHS to show the recording to people at conferences and meetings, to students, and to other people who write survey questions. I understand that my face and/or voice will appear on the recording. The recording will not be altered. The recording will be in the control of QDRL staff. If I change my mind at any time, I will contact Karen Whitaker, the NCHS Lab Manager.

  • I do not allow NCHS to use the recording in this way.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

Attachment I

Form for special consent to send video and audio recordings to off-site researchers


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

3311 Toledo Road

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

OMB #0920-0222; Expiration Date: 01/31/07

Special Consent to Send Video and Audio Recordings to Off-site Researchers


We are asking for your permission to send the recording to [FILL AGENCY] so that the staff working on this project can view it at their location.

Only staff working on this project from [FILL AGENCY] will be allowed to borrow the recording. They must sign a contract with NCHS saying how they will protect your privacy and the recording until it is returned to NCHS.

What information will be on the recording?

The whole recording could be sent but, more likely, a short piece of the recording will be sent that shows a problem with a question. No information about you will be added to the recording. However, your face and/or voice will appear on the recording.

How will the recording be shipped?

The recording will be sent using Federal Express. It will be returned to NCHS by the same method.

What if I say yes now, but change my mind later?

If you change your mind, contact Karen Whitaker by phone at (301) 458-4569, or by mail at NCHS, Room 3101, 3311 Toledo Rd., Hyattsville, MD 20782. You may change your mind at any time. When she receives your request we will not allow the recording to be sent out.


If you have questions about NCHS privacy laws and practices, contact Alvan Zarate, Ph.D., Confidentiality Officer at (301) 458-4601.

If You Agree, Please Read and Sign Below

Permission to allow shipment of the recording to other locations:

I allow NCHS to ship my interview to [FILL AGENCY] by Federal Express. I understand the recording will be returned to NCHS by Federal Express. If I change my mind at any time, I will contact Karen Whitaker, the NCHS Lab Manager.

  • I do not allow NCHS to use my interview in this way.

______________________________ __________________________ __________

Participant Signature Print name Date

Attachment J

NCHS Ethics Review Board Approval documentation for research involving human subjects

From: LaRochelle, Dewey H.

Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:01 AM

To: Woo, Marsha; Beatty, Paul C.; Miller, Kristen S.; Whitaker, Karen R.; Willson, Stephanie

Cc: Zarate, Alvan O.; Akinbami, Lara; Blumberg, Stephen J.; Madans, Jennifer H.

Subject: Continuation of Protocol #2002-03 NCHS Laboratory-Based Questionnaire Design

October 19, 2005

From: Lara Akinbami, MD

Chair, NCHS Research ERB

Stephen Blumberg, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, NCHS Research ERB

Continuation of Protocol #2002-03 NCHS Laboratory-Based Questionnaire Design

To: Karen Whitaker,

Paul Beatty,

Kristen Miller,

Stephanie Willson,

The NCHS Research ERB reviewed the request for approval of Continuation of Protocol #2002-03 NCHS Laboratory-Based Questionnaire Design on 10/19/2005. Continuation of Protocol #2002-03 NCHS Laboratory-Based Questionnaire Design is approved for the maximum allowable period of one year.

IRB approval of protocol #2002-03 NCHS Laboratory-Based Questionnaire Design will expire on 11/19/2006.


1. The Board noted that the word "with" is missing from the first sentence of page 11. The Board trusts this will be corrected.

If it is necessary to continue the study beyond the expiration date, a request for continuation approval should be submitted about 6 weeks prior to 11/19/2006.

There is no grace period beyond one year from the last approval date. In order to avoid lapses in approval of your research and the possible suspension of subject enrollment, please submit your continuation request at least six (6) weeks before the protocol's expiration date of 11/19/2006. It is your responsibility to submit your research protocol for continuing review.

Any problems of a serious nature should be brought to the immediate attention of the Research ERB, and any proposed changes should be submitted for Research ERB approval before they are implemented.

Please submit "clean" copies of the revised protocol or consents and any other revised forms to this office for the official protocol file.

Please call or e-mail me or Dewey LaRochelle if you have any questions.

Lara Akinbami, MD

Chair, NCHS Research ERB

Stephen Blumberg, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, NCHS Research ERB

Attachment K

Template 1: participant recruited from newspaper advertisement

Sample screening script for participant contact by QDRL Laboratory Manager

For cognitive testing and evaluation of [FILL]

recruited from newspaper advertisement/flyer


Dial participant’s telephone number [hereafter referred to as P] as indicated on audiotape recording.

  • Note: Speak only to P. If the number is answered by an answering machine, call back at another time.

  • Laboratory Manager: Good morning/afternoon, may I speak to (name)?

  • If P is not available or not at home, say, “Thank you” and try again at another time.

  • If P has been successfully contacted, continue...

...Hello, my name is [Laboratory Manager’s name]. I am calling from the National Center for Health Statistics. You may remember that you responded to the advertisement we placed in the [name of newspaper] on [date] or flyer looking for people to answer some questions about [FILL].

  • Wait for acknowledgment, such as, “Oh, yes, I remember.”

...In order to determine if you are eligible for our study, I’ll need a few minutes of your time to ask some background questions. Answering these questions is completely voluntary. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. Is this a good time to ask the questions or should I call back later?

  • If not a good time to talk, schedule a time to call back.

  • If good time to talk, continue...

Note: Additional questions may be asked which are specific to the project for which the participant is being recruited.

1. Where did you see our advertisement?


  1. How old are you? [If under age 18, go to exit script 1].


3. How many years of education do you have?

9 or less 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

4. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?

 Yes

 No

5. What race or races do you consider yourself to be? You may indicate more than one race.


Black or African American

 Asian

American Indian or Alaska Native

 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

6. Please tell me which of the following categories represents your total household income last year:

$20,000 or less

$20,001 - $40,000

$40,001 - $60,000

more than $60,000

If quota has been met go to exit script 2.

Entry Script:

...Based on your answers to the questions, we would like you to take part in our study. For this study an interviewer will ask you a variety of questions about [FILL]. Then the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will also ask you about your opinions of the questions. Your answers will help us find out if the survey questions will be easy for other people to answer. Everything you say will be kept private. With your permission, we would like to audio/videotape your interview. The tape is a record of what we asked and what you said. Do you give permission to have your interview audio/video taped? Yes/No. [If no, go to exit script 3. Videotaping is essential for this project].

Do you have any questions at this point? Pause to answer questions. If (not/you have no other questions), then let’s get you on the schedule, ok? We will be interviewing (Day, Month/Date) through (Day, Month/Date) from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Looking at your schedule, when would you be available to participate? Schedule. [If date/times not available go to exit script 4.]

A reminder call will be made to you a few days in advance. Should you have any questions or need to change your appointment, please feel free to contact me [name] at [phone number]. Thank you for responding to our ad, and I look forward to seeing you here at (DATE/TIME) Get respondent to cite date & time if possible.


Exit script 1: I’m sorry, you have to be over the age of 18 to take part in this study and therefore we won’t be able to use you at this time. However, I would like to put your name and telephone number you gave me into our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future. Is that OK? If yes, record name & telephone number. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and telephone number will not be added to our database.

Exit script 2: Based upon your answers, it seems that we may already have a number of volunteers with very similar answers to yours. At this point we need to talk with people with some different characteristics. However, if we have cancellations or other slots open up, I may wish to call you back. Would it be okay if I kept your name, telephone number, and the information you provided in response to the eligibility questions until the end of this study? If yes, make notation. If no, Would it be okay if I added your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race to our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, add to database. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Exit script 3: I’m sorry, willingness to be videotaped is required in order to take part in this study and therefore we won’t be able to use you at this time. Would it be okay if I added your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race to our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, add to database. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Exit script 4: I see...ok, we were hoping to complete this particular study between (Month/Date) and (Month/Date), so it looks like we won’t be able to schedule you at this time. Would it be okay if I added your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race to our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, add to database. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Attachment K

Template 2: participant recruited from QDRL Database

Sample screening script for participant contact by QDRL Laboratory Manager

For cognitive testing and evaluation of [FILL]

recruited from QDRL Database


Dial participant’s telephone number [hereafter referred to as P] as indicated in the QDRL database.

  • Note: Speak only to P. If the number is answered by an answering machine, call back at another time.

  • Laboratory Manager: Good morning/afternoon, may I speak to (name)?

  • If P is not available or not at home, say, “Thank you” and try again at another time.

  • If P has been successfully contacted, continue...

...Hello, my name is [Laboratory Manager’s name]. I am calling from the National Center for Health Statistics. You may remember that you participated in a research study back in [date] testing questions on [topic].

  • Wait for acknowledgment, such as, “Oh, yes, I remember.”

We are in the process of testing a variety of questions about [FILL] and wondered if you might be interested in participating.

  • If P indicates they are interested in participating continue…

  • If P indicates they are NOT interested in participating, go to exit script 4.

...In order to determine if you are eligible for our study, I’ll need a few minutes of your time to ask some background questions. Answering these questions is completely voluntary. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. Is this a good time to ask the questions or should I call back later?

  • If not a good time to talk, schedule a time to call back.

  • If good time to talk, continue...

Note: Additional questions may be asked which are specific to the project for which the participant is being recruited.

1. Where did you see our advertisement?


2. How old are you now?


3. How many years of education do you have?

9 or less 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

4. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?

 Yes

 No

5. What race or races do you consider yourself to be? You may indicate more than one race.


Black or African American

 Asian

American Indian or Alaska Native

 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

6. Please tell me which of the following categories represents your total household income last year:

$20,000 or less

$20,001 - $40,000

$40,001 - $60,000

more than $60,000

If quota has been met go to exit script 1.

Entry Script:

...Based on your answers to the questions, we would like you to take part in our study. For this study an interviewer will ask you a variety of questions about [FILL]. Then the interviewer will ask you to explain what you were thinking as you answered the questions. The interviewer will also ask you about your opinions of the questions. Your answers will help us find out if the survey questions will be easy for other people to answer. Everything you say will be kept private. With your permission, we would like to audio/videotape your interview. The tape is a record of what we asked and what you said. Do you give permission to have your interview audio/video taped? Yes/No. [If no, go to exit script 2. Videotaping is essential for this project].

Do you have any questions at this point? Pause to answer questions. If (not/you have no other questions), then let’s get you on the schedule, ok? We will be interviewing (Day, Month/Date) through (Day, Month/Date) from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Looking at your schedule, when would you be available to participate? Schedule. [If date/times not available go to exit script 3.]

A reminder call will be made to you a few days in advance. Should you have any questions or need to change your appointment, please feel free to contact me [name] at [phone number]. Thank you for responding to our ad, and I look forward to seeing you here at (DATE/TIME) Get respondent to cite date & time if possible.


Exit script 1: Based upon your answers, it seems that we may already have a number of volunteers with very similar answers to yours. At this point we need to talk with people with some different characteristics. However, if we have cancellations or other slots open up, I may wish to call you back. Would it be okay if I kept your name, telephone number, and the information you provided in response to the eligibility questions until the end of this study? If yes, make notation. If no, Would it be okay if I kept your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race in our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, make notation. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will be deleted from our database.

Exit script 2: I’m sorry, willingness to be videotaped is required in order to take part in this study and therefore we won’t be able to use you at this time. Would it be okay if I added your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race to our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, add to database. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Exit script 3: I see...ok, we were hoping to complete this particular study between (Month/Date) and (Month/Date), so it looks like we won’t be able to schedule you at this time. Would it be okay if I added your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race to our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, add to database. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Exit script 4: I see...ok. Would it be okay if I kept your name, telephone number, age, educational level, and race in our database so that I can contact you about other studies coming up in the future? If yes, make notation. If no: OK, thank you for your time. Your name and any information you gave me will not be added to our database.

Attachment L

Sample recruitment flyer

Participants Wanted for Research Study

The National Center for Health Statistics

is looking for parents of children 19 to 35 months of age, for a [XX] minute interview testing questions that will be used on a national health survey. All parents are welcome, but we are especially interested in those whose children are not up-to-date with their immunization shots.

Participants will receive [$XX].


Please call Karen at: 301-458-4676

by month, Day, Year

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

Parents Wanted for

Research Study

The National Center for Health Statistics is

looking for parents of children 19 to 35 months

of age, for a [XX] minute interview testing questions that will be used in a national health survey. All parents are welcome, but we are especially interested in those whose children are not up-to-date with their immunization shots. Participants will receive [$XX].


Please call: 301-458-4676

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Health Statistics

Attachment M

Sample Newspaper advertisement

Attachment N- Sample script of answering machine

Thank you for calling the Questionnaire Laboratory at the National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland. As stated in our advertisement placed in the [Name of newspaper] on [Month, date] we are looking for parents aged 18 and older who have children between the ages of 19 - 35 months to help us test survey questions on immunization. Volunteers spend one [time, i.e., 1 hour/ 1 ½ hours] answering survey questions and will receive $XX. If you would like to volunteer for this study, please leave the following information: 1) your name, 2) a daytime phone number and 3) the number and age of children you have between 19-35 months of age. Someone will call you back shortly to see if you are eligible for our survey. Thank you for calling and have a nice day.

Attachment O

Detailed explanation of cognitive interviewing procedure read by interviewer to participant

Detailed explanation of cognitive interviewing procedure

read by interviewer to participant

Reviewers: Note that the following is a prototype script that is generally followed by the interviewer. The interviewer departs from this as appropriate, given the mode of the study being conducted, i.e., face-to-face, telephone, self-administered, CAPI, CASI, etc. The script is read after the subject has read and signed the Assurance of Confidentiality and Informed Consent (Appendix E), filled in their demographic characteristics on the Participant Data Collection Sheet (Appendix F), filled out their payment form, and confirmed that they understand that the interview will be audio/videotaped.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview today. You have read the Assurance of Privacy and Informed Consent and you have chosen to take part in this research study. Is that correct? [Interviewer waits for verbal acknowledgment]. You have given your permission for me to audiotape/videotape your interview today. Is that correct? [Interviewer waits for verbal acknowledgment]. The lab manager/[Karen] has told you that we are testing questions on [health topic advertised in newspaper or flyer] for [name of survey if applicable]. Before they are used on a survey which may involve thousands of people, we want to see whether they make sense, whether they are difficult to answer, and learn how easy it is to remember the things we ask about.

I will ask you these questions, and I’d like you to answer each of them. If you can, I’d like you to think out loud while you’re doing that, to let me know how you’re figuring out your answer to each question. I’d also like you to tell me if any question seems confusing or if you’re having a hard time answering. After you answer, I might ask you to explain what you meant in more detail, tell me more about how you came up with your answer, and so on.

Do you understand what I’m asking you to do? (Explain again if needed). Do you have any (more) questions? Okay, let’s begin. We will do this for [time stated in newspaper advertisement/flyer], unless we get done with the questionnaire first.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAttachment A
AuthorKaren Whitaker
Last Modified ByKaren Whitaker
File Modified2006-08-29
File Created2006-08-29

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