2007 APEI FINAL 8.8.06
The NPCR Annual Program Evaluation Instrument (APEI) is a web-based survey instrument designed to evaluate NPCR-funded registries’ operational attributes and their progress towards meeting program standards. The APEI also provides information about advanced activities and “success stories” that highlight ways registry data is being used.
Based on CDC’s Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems, the APEI monitors the integration of surveillance and health information systems, the utilization of established data standards, and the electronic exchange of health data. Data provided by this report can be used for public health action, program planning and evaluation, and formulating research hypotheses.
Specific knowledge about operational activities NPCR registries are engaged in is used to provide valuable insight to CDC regarding programmatic efficiencies/deficiencies that have contributed to the success/challenges of the NPCR. The results of this instrument inform CDC and NPCR Program Consultants where technical assistance is most needed in order to continue to improve and enhance the NPCR.
Many of the questions in the 2007 APEI provide baseline data that will be used when measuring future progress with the NPCR Program Standards expected to be implemented this year. These questions, and the standard they reference, are noted throughout the instrument (e.g., “Program Standard I.a.”)
Using all available information as of December 31, 2006, the appropriate Central Cancer Registry (CCR) staff should complete the APEI.
State / Territory |
NPCR reference year |
Registry reference year |
Registry Program Director |
Cooperative Agreement # |
U55/CCU - |
Most Current Grant Award Amount |
$ |
CDC Program Consultant |
Your name |
Title |
Phone number |
Date completed |
The following questions use the concept of a "Full-time Equivalent" also known as an "FTE". In each question you will be asked to report the total number of FTEs (FTE count). To do this, please convert each position to the appropriate FTE using the guidelines below, rounding each position to the nearest quarter of an FTE (e.g., 34 hrs/week would convert to 0.75 FTE, whereas 35 hrs/week would convert to 1.0 FTE):
0.25 FTE = 10 hrs/week
0.50 FTE = 20 hrs/week
0.75 FTE = 30 hrs/week
1.00 FTE = 40 hrs/week
Then add each converted position for the total number of FTEs. For example, if the CTR works 35 hours a week and another CTR works 25 hours a week, the combined hours for the CTR positions = 60 hours = 1.5 FTEs.
1. On December 31, 2006, how many total FTE central cancer registry (CCR) staff positions were funded? In this table, you may include positions outside the registry, ONLY IF the registry pays a portion of the salary. Remember to use the calculation method above when computing partial FTEs.
Total Count FTEs |
Funding Category |
Filled |
Vacant |
Number of NPCR-funded (non-contracted) FTE positions |
Number of NPCR-funded, Contracted FTE positions |
Number of State-funded (non-contracted) FTE positions |
Number of State-funded, Contracted FTE positions |
Number of Contracted FTE positions funded by other sources |
Number of non-contracted FTE positions funded by other sources |
2. Please complete this table with the number of FTEs who work in the capacity of the position titles listed. In this table, include both filled and vacant, as well as access to these staff (outside the registry), regardless of funding, in your total FTE count. So, if a position is vacant, it still counts as a position. Remember to use the same FTE calculation method as described above. Please note CTR credentials may be held by several registry positions and should be counted accordingly.
Total Count FTEs |
Position (FTE or percentage of FTE) |
Non-Contractor |
Contractor |
Principle Investigator |
Program Director |
Registry Administrator |
Program Manager |
Budget Analyst |
CTR Quality Control Staff |
Non-CTR Quality Control Staff |
CTR Education/Training Staff |
Epidemiologists |
Statisticians |
Computer/IT/GIS Specialists |
Other staff, specify: |
Total Count CTRs Non-Contracted Contracted |
Total Number CTRs (may overlap with above categories) |
Staffing Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Staffing” section above)
3. Does your state/territory have a current law authorizing a population- based central cancer registry? (Program Standard I.a.)
4. Does your state/territory have current legislation or regulations in support
of all 8 criteria of the Public Law authorizing the NPCR? (Program Standard I.b.)
5a. Are there any penalties in place regarding reporting compliance as mandated by current legislation or regulations?
Yes No
5b. If “Yes”, in which law/regulations are the penalties included? (check only one):
Cancer-specific reporting law/regulations General public health law/regulations Both None of the above
5c. If “Yes,” have you had to impose the penalty?
Yes No
6a. With passage of Public Law 107-260 (the Benign Brain Tumor Cancer Registry Amendment Act), NPCR-funded registries are required to collect data on benign brain tumors beginning in diagnosis year 2004. Do regulations or legislation in your State or territory authorize you to collect data on benign brain tumors?
Yes No |
6b. If “No,” what are your plans, including timeframes, to modify your State or Territory’s legislation or regulations to allow you to collect benign brain tumor data?
Specify ___________________________________________________
7. Does your State or Territory have legislation or regulations prohibiting you from reporting county level data?
8. Does your state law/regulations protect your cancer registry data from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)?
9a. Does your state law/regulations protect your cancer registry data from
9b. If no, are data received through interstate data exchange protected from
Legislation Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Legislation” section above)
10. Does your CCR maintain an operational manual that describes registry operations, policies and procedures that, at a minimum, contains the following? (Program Standard II.a.) Check all that apply:
NO |
Reporting laws/regulations |
List of reportable diagnoses |
List of required data items |
Data processing operational procedures for (check all that apply): |
a. Monitoring timeliness of reporting |
b. Receipt of data |
c. Database management including a description of the Registry Operating System (software) |
d. Conducting death certificate clearance |
Procedures for Implementing and maintaining a quality assurance/control program including (check all that apply, f-h) |
f. Conducting follow-back to reporting facilities on quality assurance issues |
h. Maintaining detailed documentation of all quality assurance operations |
Procedures for insuring confidentiality and data security including disaster planning |
Procedures for data release including access to and disclosure of information |
Procedures for maintaining and updating the operational manual |
11. Do you believe that your CCR policies and procedures are sufficient and clear as to what data may and may not be disclosed and how this should occur?
12. Do you believe that your CCR policies and procedures are sufficient and clear for protection of confidentiality for all routine registry activities?
13. Do you believe that your CCR staff possesses sufficient knowledge and resources to meet risk-appropriate threats to security and confidentiality?
14. Does your CCR produce reports that are used to monitor the registry operations and database, including processes and activities? (Program Standard II.b.) Check all that apply:
Quality control report (central registry)
Quality control reports for each facility
Data completeness report for each facility
Timeliness of data report for each facility
Data workflow report
Other, specify ______________________________________
None of the above
15. Does your CCR have an abstracting and coding manual that is provided for use by all reporting sources? (Program Standard II.c.)
Administration Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Administration” section above)
16. What types of facilities and health care providers report to your CCR? Please list the percentage of facilities, by type, that actually reported in the past year (2006) (do not record the percentage reporting according to your CCR’s timeliness schedule), and calculate what percentage of the reports, by facility type, are received electronically. Note: "Hospital cancer registry" is defined as one (single or joint institution) who collects data to be used internally and who would continue to do so regardless of the central cancer registry requirements to collect and report cancer data. Provide the number of facilities required to report and, where indicated, use your best estimate if the exact number is not available. For those facilities which are not applicable to your state/territory (e.g., IHS Hospitals), record zero (0) in ‘Number Required to Report’ and 100 in ‘Percent Compliant with Reporting’. In these instances, ‘Percent Reports Received Electronically’ is to be left blank and will be validated against the ‘Number Required to Report’. (Program Standards III.a-c)
Facilities Required to Report Cancer Cases by Type |
Number Required to Report (Denominator) |
Percent Compliant by Reporting** |
Percent Reports Received Electronically |
Hospitals with a cancer registry (non-federal) |
Hospitals without a cancer registry (non-federal) |
VA Hospitals |
IHS Hospitals |
Tribally Owned Hospitals |
Health Centers (IHS, Tribal) |
Surgery Centers |
Independent Radiation Therapy Centers |
In-State Independent Pathology Laboratories |
Out-of-State Independent Pathology Laboratories* |
Dermatologists* |
Urologists* |
Oncologists*/Hematologists* |
Other Physicians*
Other facilities, specify:
*Provide best estimate **Those facilities who report rather than those reporting in a timely manner
17. Within 24 months of the close of the diagnosis year, what percentage of physicians, surgeons, and all other health care practitioners diagnosing or providing treatment for cancer patients submit all reportable cases to your CCR? Exception: Physicians are not required to report cases directly referred or previously admitted to, and reported by, a hospital or other facility providing screening, diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients in that State/Territory?
(Program Standard V.a.) Check only one:
100% |
75% - 99% |
51% - 74% |
10% - 50% |
0% – 9% |
None |
18. Of the pathology lab reports your CCR receives, what percentage are in the College of American Pathologists (CAP) cancer protocol checklist format? (Provide best estimate)
100% |
75% - 99% |
51% - 74% |
10% - 50% |
0% – 9% |
None |
19. Do you require that non-analytic (classes 3 and 4) cases be reported to your CCR?
Yes |
20a. Do you receive data from the Department of Defense’s Automated Central Tumor Registry (ACTUR) dataset? (If “No,” skip 15b – 15d)
Yes No
20b. If yes, how often? Please check only one.
Every quarter |
Every 6 months |
Once a year |
Other, specify |
20c. If yes, have these data proven to be helpful in finding new incident cases? |
20d. If not, why not? (Please check all that apply)
Data are incomplete. |
Data are not in the proper format for us to consolidate with existing records. |
We don’t have time to deal with it. |
Other, specify: ____________________
21. To how many VA facilities do you currently send central registry staff for data collection/abstracting? |
Number of Facilities
22. At how many VA facilities are data collected by a combination of VA facility staff and central registry staff? |
23. How many VA facilities currently report to your CCR indirectly from the VA central cancer registry in Washington, DC? |
24. If there are VA facilities not reporting, please explain why in the space
provided below:
25. Based on historical data, how many cases per diagnosis year do you estimate are missed (i.e., not ever received) by your CCR because of non-reporting by VA facilities?
Number of cases missed: ____________________
Reporting Completeness Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Reporting Completeness” section above)
26. Does your CCR use and require the standardized, NPCR-recommended data exchange record layout for the electronic exchange of cancer data
for (Program Standards III.a.):
a. Abstract reports (The NAACCR record layout version specified in Standards for Cancer Registries Volume II: Data Standards and Data Dictionary)?
b. Pathology reports (NAACCR Standards for Cancer Registries Volume V: Pathology Laboratory Electronic Reporting)?
27. Does your exchanged data meet the following minimum criteria?
(Program Standards V.d.) (Check all that apply):
a. Within 12 months of the close of the diagnosis year, your CCR exchanges data with other central cancer registries where a data- exchange agreement is in place (the data file includes all cases not previously exchanged):
b. Regardless of residency, your CCR collects data on all patients diagnosed and/or receiving first course of treatment in the registry’s state/territory:
c. The recommended frequency of data exchange is at least two times per year. Your CCR exchanges data at the following frequency:
Other, explain _____________________________________
d. Exchange agreements are in place with all bordering central cancer
Yes, with all bordering CCRs
No, not all
List existing agreements here: _________________ ____________________________________________
e. Exchanged data includes a dataset that consists of NPCR core data items
f. 99% of exchanged data passes an NPCR-prescribed set of standard edits
g. Exchanged data are transmitted via a secure encrypted Internet- based system
h. The standardized, NPCR-recommended data exchange format is used to transmit data reports (The NAACCR record layout version specified in Standards for Cancer Registries Volume II: Data Standards and Data Dictionary)
Data Exchange Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Exchange” section above)
28. Does your CCR collect or derive all required data items using standard codes as prescribed by NPCR?
29. Is your CCR able to receive secure, encrypted cancer abstract data from reporting sources via the Internet?
Currently being developed and/or implemented
No, not able to receive
No, able to receive, but not receiving
30. What is the primary software system used to process and manage cancer data in your CCR? Please check only one:
Commercial Vendor
In-House Software
Registry Plus
Abstract Plus
Prep Plus
CRS Plus
Link Plus
Web Plus
Data Content and Format Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Content and Format” section above)
31. Does your CCR’s quality assurance program consist of, but is not limited to: (Program Standard VI.a.) Check all that apply:
NO |
A designated CTR is responsible for the quality assurance program |
Qualified, experienced CTRs conduct quality assurance activities |
At least once every 5 years, case-finding and/or re-abstracting audits from a sampling of source documents are conducted for each hospital-based reporting facility, and may include external audits (NPCR/SEER) |
Data consolidation procedures are performed according to an accepted protocol |
Procedures are performed for follow-back to reporting facilities on quality issues |
32. Does your CCR have a designated education/training coordinator, who is a CTR, to provide training to CCR staff and reporting sources to assure high quality data? (Program Standard VI.b.)
33. In the past year, which of the following type of quality control audits or activities did your CCR conduct? Check all that apply:
Yes No
34. Does your CCR match all causes of death against your registry data to identify a reportable cancer?
Yes No
35a. Does your CCR update the CCR database following death certificate matching:
Death information Yes No
Missing demographic information Yes No
35b. If “Yes”, what percentage(s) is updated manually or electronically?: (Provide best estimate; may be some overlap between automation and manual review)
Death information: Manually ______% Electronically _____%
Demographic information: Manually ______% Electronically _____%
36. Does your CCR perform record consolidation on the following (check all that apply):
Data Group Electronic Manual Both
37a. Does your CCR provide a registry-specific edit set to your reporting facilities and/or vendors for use prior to data submissions to your CCR?
Yes No
37b. If “Yes,” are facilities required to run registry-specific edits prior to their
data submission to your CCR?
Yes No
Data Quality Assurance Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Quality Assurance” section above)
38. Within 12 months of the end of the diagnosis year with data that are 90% complete, did your CCR produce pre-calculated data in tables in an electronic data file or report of incidence rates, counts, or proportions for the diagnosis year for Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) site groups as a preliminary monitor of the top cancer sites within your state/territory? (Program Standard VII.a.)
39a. Within 24 months of the end of the diagnosis year with data that are 95% complete, did your CCR produce pre-calculated data in tables in an electronic data file or report? (The report should include, at a minimum, age-adjusted incidence rates and age-adjusted mortality rates for the diagnosis year by sex for SEER site groups, and, where applicable, by sex, race, and ethnicity). (Program Standard VII.b.)
39b. What is the most current diagnosis year a data file or report is available?
Year _____
39c. In what format is this report available?
Hard copy
Electronic word-processed file
Web page/query system
40a. Has the CCR, state health department, or its designee used registry data for planning and evaluation of cancer control objectives in at least three of the following ways in the past year: Comprehensive cancer control
detailed incidence/mortality estimates, linkage with a statewide cancer screening program to improve follow-up of screened patients, health event investigation(s), needs assessment/program planning, program evaluation, or epidemiologic studies? (Program Standard VII.c.)
40b. If “yes,” indicate the number of times data was used for each category in the table below:
Data Use Category |
Number per Year |
Comprehensive cancer control |
Detailed incidence/mortality estimates |
Linkage with a statewide cancer screening program |
Health event investigation(s) |
Needs assessment/program planning |
Program evaluation |
Epidemiologic studies |
Other, describe:
41a. Have any of the above uses of data been included in a journal publication?
41b. If “yes,” please list the citation(s) in the space provided:
42. During the past year, for which areas of registry data utilization did your CCR acknowledge CDC-NPCR funding, as required in the Notice of Cooperative Agreement Award? Check all that apply:
Publications (e.g.; journal articles, annual report, other reports)
Web site
Presentations, posters
Release of data
Education meeting, training program, conference
Press releases, statements
Requests for proposals, bid solicitations
43. Does your CCR use United States Cancer Statistics (USCS) data when performing comparative analyses?
No, explain: ______________________________________________
Data Use Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Use” section above)
44. Does your CCR actively collaborate with your state/territory’s comprehensive cancer prevention and control (CCC) planning efforts, including establishing a working relationship to ensure the use of registry data to assess and implement cancer control activities? (Program Standards IX.a.,b.)
Please check all of the ways you collaborate:
Member of our state/territory’s comprehensive cancer control (CCC) planning group (coalition, committee, or workgroup)
Provide data for CCC planning
Provide data for CCC Activities
Provide technical assistance and collaborate on data analyses for
CCC program publications
Data linkages
Other, specify _____________________________________________
None, Explain _____________________________________________
45. Has your CCR established and regularly convened an advisory committee to assist in building consensus, cooperation, and planning for the registry? (Representation should include key organizations and individuals both within and outside the program. Advisory committees may be structured to meet the needs of the state/territory such as the CCC Program committee structure, an advocacy group, or a focus group). (Program Standard IX.c.)
The Advisory Committee includes representation from (check all that apply):
Representatives from all cancer prevention and control components
Vital Statistics
Hospital cancer registrars
American Cancer Society
Clinical-laboratory personnel
Other, specify _____________________________________________
46. If you have an Advisory Committee, how often does this group convene, including in-person and teleconferences? Please check only one:
Other, specify __________________________
47. In what ways does your CCR collaborate with the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP)?
Please check all that apply:
Regular meetings with NBCCEDP and/or NCCCP departmental staff
Provides assistance in staging NBCCEDP cases
Provides training/technical assistance to NBCCEDP and/or NCCCP staff Provides data to NBCCEDP and/or NCCCP
Provides technical material for publications
Provides subject matter expertise to NBCCEDP and/or NCCCP Data linkages (NBCCEDP database, Minimum Data Elements (MDE) Study Other, specify __________________________________________
None of the above, explain ________________________________
Collaborative Relationship Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Collaborative Relationship” section above)
As the capacity of central cancer registries to collect and maintain population-based cancer data increases, so does their ability to engage in new activities designed to improve the completeness, timeliness, quality, and use of their data. In this section, we are interested in learning more about your "advanced activities."
48. Please complete the table below regarding CCR receipt of electronic records from the reporting sources listed. Check “Yes” next to the facility type and then enter the format, as text, in which the electronic records are received. Please check “Yes” and enter the format or “No” for each facility type. No line should be left blank.
Facility Type
Specify Type of Electronic Format |
NO |
Hospital Radiation Therapy Dept. |
Physician Offices |
State-wide Disease Index |
Freestanding Radiation Centers |
Hospital Disease Indices |
Nuclear Medicine Facilities |
Other, specify
49. If your CCR receives electronic pathology reports, in which format are these received? (Please check all that apply)
NAACCR, HL7 Format (Volume V)
NAACCR, Pipe Delimited Format (Volume V)
NAACCR, HL7 Format (NAACCR Volume II, Version 10, Chapter VI)
NAACCR, Pipe Delimited Format (NAACCR Volume II, Version 10, Chapter VI)
Other, specify: ________________________________
Not applicable
50. What method is used to identify reportable conditions from pathology lab reports:
Manual review
Search routine based on NAACCR search term list
Other, specify ________________________________
51. For which of the following cancer surveillance needs has your CCR been in contact with your Health Department's PHIN / NEDSS staff? Please check all that apply.
Pathology laboratory reporting
Physician disease reporting
Other healthcare data reporting
None of the above
52. Has your CCR planned or developed a cancer data collection system that will be integrated into a Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible health surveillance system?
53. Does your CCR conduct at least one of the following advanced activities: Check all that apply:
Survival analysis
Quality of care studies
Clinical Studies
Publication of research studies using registry data
Geo-coding to latitude and longitude to enable mapping
Other healthcare data reporting
Other innovative uses of registry data, describe__________________
None of the above
54. How often does your CCR link to the National Death Index (NDI)? Please check only one.
Every year
Every other year
Every 3-5 years
Other, specify __________________
55. For which of the following has the NDI linkage proven to be useful? Check all that apply:
Data quality
Other, please specify:_______________________________________
Not applicable
56. Does your CCR update your database following NDI linkage?
Not applicable
57. With which databases has your CCR linked its records in the past year (2006) for follow-up or some other purpose? Check all that apply:
State Vital Statistics
National Death Index
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Voter Registration
Indian Health Service
Medicare (Health Care Financing Administration)
Managed Care Organizations
Breast and Cervical Cancer
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Hospital Discharge
Other, specify: _____________________________
58a. As noted in an August 13, 2004 e-mail, CDC-NPCR has negotiated an agreement with SNOMED International for several tools for use by NPCR registries. Has your CCR downloaded any of these tools (the SNOMED CT CLUE Browser, the SNOMED CT Technical Reference Guide, the ICD-O topography to SNOMED CT Map, the SNOMED CT User's Guide, and the full set of the 42 SNOMED CT encoded CAP cancer protocols and checklists)?
58b. Does your CCR use any of these SNOMED tools?
58c. If “No,” does your CCR have plans to use them in the next year?
58d. Does your CCR need additional information or training on these tools?
Advanced Activities Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Advanced Activities” section above)
59. Please provide a summary, as a separate document, of innovative activities in which your CCR has been engaged within the past year. This can include ways in which cancer registry data has been used, journal citations, as well as other activities that may be of interest to other central registries and to NPCR (e.g., advances in any area of electronic reporting, GIS activities, death clearance activities, automated database activities that have improved data processing efficiencies, any other activities that have improved data quality, completeness, or timeliness advances in data security, or implementation of cancer inquiry response system, or success in job re-classifications) in the format suggested below:
Suggested format:
The registry highlights should fit on one page, in 12-point font and single-spaced. Information needs to be in simple language and should avoid public health jargon and scientific language.
Suggested components:
1. The name of the NPCR registry program.
2. Contact name, phone number, and e-mail address for further information
3. Title of the initiative, project, or type of data use
4. General timeframe (year(s) or month(s) during which the initiative/project/data use occurred)
5. A statement of the cancer surveillance issue, concern, or problem
6. Evidence that the activity was effective in addressing the above (#5)
7. Implications regarding the success of this activity or increased data use.
Please contact your NPCR Program Consultant if you need more detailed information about the submission of your cancer registry "success story".
Success Stories Section Comments (You may add comments regarding the “Success Stories” section above)
60. Please comment below about your experience completing this evaluation instrument by selecting the choice which best represents your thoughts and experience:
a. All or most of the questions are clearly stated
Agree Disagree
b. I understand the importance of all or most of the questions
Agree Disagree
c. For the most part, I found the web technology of the instrument to be user-friendly
Agree Disagree
d. For the most part, I consider the time spent completing the instrument to be a worthwhile contribution to NPCR and the cancer surveillance community
Agree Disagree
e. Our central registry uses data that is collected in this instrument
Agree Disagree
61. I would like to participate in discussions regarding next year’s evaluation instrument.
Yes Please enter your name and phone number here:
62. I have the following suggestions/revisions for questions or web formatting regarding next year’s evaluation instrument (please comment in the space provided below):
Thank you for participating in the NPCR Annual Program Evaluation!
File Type | application/msword |
Author | ppm8 |
Last Modified By | ziy6 |
File Modified | 2006-12-11 |
File Created | 2006-12-11 |