CDC 50.42B Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report

Adult and Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Reports for National HIV/AIDS Surveillance

Attachment D ped crf

0920-0573 - Case Report Updates

OMB: 0920-0573

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Attachment J. Listings of Surveillance Coordinators in State Health Departments
and Expert Consultants

J1. Listings of Surveillance Coordinators in State Health Departments Including Core
Surveillance, Incidence Surveillance, VARHS, and EPS
Note: There is some overlap of personnel.

HIV Surveillance Coordinator Contact List

October 23, 2006

(FedEx and Postal Address the same unless noted)


American Samoa

Anthony Merriweather, MSPH
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Director
Alabama Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Branch
RSA Tower
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400
Montgomery, AL 36104-3017
Phone: 334-206-2621
Fax: 334-206-2092

Faraitoafa Utu
HIV/AIDS Program Coordinator
Public Health Division
Department of Health
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Phone: 011-684-633-2437
Fax: 011-684-633-7561

Rick DeStephens
Surveillance Program Manager
Office of HIV/AIDS Services
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 110
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Telephone: 602 364-3610
Fax: 602 364- 3268

Jane Cheeks, J.D., MPH (Alternate Contact)
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Branch
Alabama Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Branch
RSA Tower
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400
Montgomery, AL 26104-3017
Phone: 334-206-5364
Fax: 334-206-2092

Gary Horton, MD, MPH
Work Unit Leader
Registries HIV/STD Surveillance
Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services
P. O. Box 1437, Slot H-33
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437
Phone: 501-661-2408
Fax: 501-661-2082
E-mail Address:

Wendy Craytor, MBA, MPH
Acting Surveillance Coordinator
HIV/STD Program Coordinator
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Section of Epidemiology
P. O. Box 240249
Anchorage, AK 99524-0249
Phone: 907-269-8058
Fax: 907-561-0453
Confidential Fax # 907-561-4237

FedEx Address:
Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services
Registries/HIV/STD Surveillance
4815 West Markham, Slot 33
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437

FedEx Address:
HIV/STD Program
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Section of Epidemiology
3601 C Street, Suite 540
Anchorage, AK 99503

Sharon Donovan, MHSA
Section Chief/Senior Epidemiologist/HIV/STD
Surveillance Manager
Registries HIVS/STD Surveillance
Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services
P. O. Box 1437, Slot H-33
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437
Phone: 501-661-2971
Fax: 501-661-2035

Melissa Boyette
Surveillance Coordinator
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Section of Epidemiology
P.O. Box 240249, Suite 540
Anchorage, AK 99524-0249
Phone : 907-269-8057
Fax : 907-561-4237

FedEx Address:
Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services
Registries/HIV/STD Surveillance
4815 West Markham, Slot 33
Little Rock, AR 72203-1437


California – Los Angeles

California – San Francisco

Douglas M. Frye, MD, MPH
Medical Director, Surveillance Coordinator
HIV Epidemiology Program
County of Los Angeles
Department of Health Services
600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: 213-351-8150
Fax: 213-639-1380

Susan Scheer, PhD, MPH
HIV/AIDS Statistics and Epidemiology Section
San Francisco Department of Public Health
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-554-9076
Fax: 415-431-0353

California – San Francisco
California – Los Angeles

Maree Kay Parisi
Surveillance Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Statistics and Epidemiology Section
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-554-9095
Fax: 415-431-0353

Mi Suk Yu-Harlan, MSPH
Chief, Data Acquisition Unit (Line List Checks)
HIV Epidemiology Program
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
600 S. Commonwealth Ave. Suite 1260
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: 213-351-8194
Fax: 213-487-4683

California – San Francisco
Viva Delgado, MPH
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Field Coordinator
San Francisco Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Statistics and Epidemiology Section
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-554-9096
Fax: 415-431-0353

California – State (Sacramento)
Laura E. Lund, MA
Chief, HIV/AIDS Case Registry Section
California Department of Health Services
Office of AIDS, HIV/AIDS Case Registry Section
MS 7700
P. O. Box 997426
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-449-5866
Fax: 916-449- 5861

Allison Crutchfield
Surveillance Coordinator, Program Manager
STD/AIDS Section
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO. 80246
Phone: 303-692-2691
Fax: 303-782-5393

FedEx Address:
California Department of Health Services
Office of AIDS, HIV/AIDS Case Registry Section
1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 74- 616, MS 7700
Sacramento, CA 95814

California – San Francisco
Ling Hsu, MPH
HIV/AIDS Statistics and Epidemiology Section
San Francisco Department of Public Health
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-554-9084
Fax: 415-431-0353

Melanie Mattson
Program Manager
STD/AIDS Section
Colorado Dept. Of Public Health & Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246
Phone: 303-692-2756
Fax: 303-782-0904




Aaron Roome, Ph.D., MPH
Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capital Ave, MS-11ASV
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7900
Fax: 860-509-8237

Rebecca Grigg, Ph.D.
Surveillance Program Administrator
Florida Dept. of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Bin # A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1715
Phone: 850-245-4430
Fax: 850-922-4263

FedEx Address:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
410 Capital Ave, MS-11ASV
Hartford, CT 06134

FedEx Address:
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS
2585 Merchants Row Blvd., Room 305K
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1715


John Kennedy
Division of Public Health, HIV/AIDS Program
Blue Hen Corporate Center
655 South Bay Road, Suite 218
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-741-2924
Fax: 302-741-2930

Johnny Hebel
Surveillance Coordinator
Department of Health, Education, and Social Affairs
Federated States of Micronesia National Government
P.O. Box PS-70
Palikir, Pohnpei, FSM 96941
Phone: 011-691-320-2619
Fax: 011-691-320-5263

Christina Melvin
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Officer
HIV/STD/Hepatitis C Program
Division of Public Health
Delaware Health & Social Services
655 South Bay Road, Suite 218
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-741-2928
Fax: 302-741--2955


District of Columbia


Marie Sansone
Bureau of Surveillance and Epidemiology
Administration for HIV Policy and Programs
D.C. Department of Health
64 New York Avenue, N.E., 5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20002
Phone: 202-671-4974
Fax: 202-673-4367

Esther Mallada
CDC Investigator/ HIV Surveillance Coordinator
STD/HIV Prevention Program
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
P. O. Box 2186
Hagatna, Guam 96932
Phone: 671-735-7311
Fax: 671-734-2105

R. Luke Shouse, MD, MPH
Chief, STD/HIV Epidemiology Unit
Georgia Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, NW
14th Floor, Suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
Phone: 404-657-2601
Fax: 404-657-4141

FedEx Address:
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalan Kareta
Route 10
Mangilao, Guam 96923




Bernadette P. Schumann
Supervisor, STD/HIV Prevention Program
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
P.O. Box 2186
Hagatna, Guam 96932
Phone: 671-735-7403
Fax: 671-734-2105
Email: (use this
Alternate Email:

Peter Whiticar
STD/AIDS Prevention Branch
Hawaii Department of Health
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 306
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: 808-733-9010
Fax: 808-733-9015
FedEx Address :
Hawaii State Department of Health
728 Sunset Avenue, 2nd Floor
Honolulu, HI 96816

FedEx Address:
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
Room 156, 1st Floor
Route 10, 123 Chalen Kareta
Mangilao, Guam 96921

Pritty B. Borthakur, MSc, BPhil, MS
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Hawaii State Department of Health
STD/AIDS Prevention Branch
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 306
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: 808-733-9010
Fax: 808-733-9015
Email Address:

Mathews G. Mathi, CDC II
Surveillance Coordinator
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
P. O. Box 2186
Hagatna, Guam 96932
Phone: 671-735-7137
Fax: 671-734-2105
Alternate Email: (use this
email address)

Yuanshan Qiu (Sandy)
Hawaii State Department of Health
STD/AIDS Prevention Branch
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Suite 306
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: 808-733-9010
Fax: 808-733-9015

FedEx Address:
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalen Kareta
Route 10
Mangilao, Guam 96921

Josie O’Mallan
Administrator, Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalan Kareta
Route 10
Mangilao, Guam 96923
Phone: 671-735-7142
Fax: 671-734-1475
Alternate Email:

Jared Bartschi, MHE
HIV/STD Epidemiologist
State of Idaho
Department of Health and Welfare
Office of Epidemiology & Food Protection
450 W. State Street, 4TH Floor
Boise, ID 83720
Phone: 208-334-5944
Fax: 208-332-7307


Illinois – Chicago


Nanette Benbow
Director, Surveillance,
Epidemiology and Research Program
STD/HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Chicago Department of Public Health
333 South State Street Room 2150
Chicago, IL 60604-5972
Phone: 312-747-9620
Fax: 312-745-3923

Randy Mayer, MS, MPH
Surveillance Program Manager
Iowa Department of Public Health
Bureau of Disease Prevention and Immunization “03”
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Phone: 515-242-5150
Fax: 515-281-4570
Web page:

Illinois - State
Andre Rawls
Section Chief
HIV/AIDS Section
Illinois Department of Public Health
160 N. LaSalle Street 7th Floor South
Chicago, IL. 60601
Phone: 312-814-3803
Fax: 312-814-4844
Mobile: 312-848-1644

Jeni Mulqueen
HIV/STD Surveillance Director
Kansas Dept of Health & Environment
Bureau of Epidemiology & Disease Prevention
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 210
Topeka, KS 66612-1271
Phone: 785-368-8218
Fax: 785-296-0792

Illinois - State
Christine Lefler Miller
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Section, Surveillance Program
Division of Infectious Diseases
Illinois Dept. of Public Health
525 W. Jefferson Street, 1st Floor
Springfield, IL 62761
Phone: 217-524-5983
Fax: 217-524-4766

Karin A. Bosh, PhD
Kentucky Department for Public Health
275 East Main Street
Mail Stop HS2E-C
Frankfort, KY 40621
Phone: 502-564-0536 x3551
Fax: 502-564-9865
Toll Free Telephone Number: 1-800-510-0008

Daniel M. Hillman
Surveillance Director
HIV Disease Epidemiologist
HIV Disease Surveillance Program Manager
ARC Program Manager
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian, 6C
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-233-7506
Fax: 317-233-7663

Amy Zapata, MPH
Surveillance Manager
Louisiana Office of Public Health
1010 Common Street Suite 1100
New Orleans, LA 70112-2012
Phone: 504-568-7523
Fax: 504-599-1307
E -Mail:



Terry Jackson
HIV Surveillance Program Manager
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian, 6C
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-233-5580
Fax: 317-233-7663

Debbie Wendell, MPH (Alternate Contact)
Louisiana Office of Public Health
1010 Common Street Suite 1100
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone 504 -568-5504
Fax: 504-568-5760


Mariana Islands

Mark Griswold, M.Sc.
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Maine Department of Health & Human Services
Maine CDC
State House Station II
286 Water Street
Key Plaza, 9th Floor
Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: 207-287-5193
Fax: 207-287-3498

Pedro Untalan
Deputy Secretary for Public Health Administration
Department of Public Health
P. O. Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone: 670-236-8703
Fax: 670-236-8700
FedEx Address:
Department of Public Health
Commonwealth Health Center
Hinemlo Street
Lower Navy Hill, Garapan
Saipan, MP 96950

Lynn Berry, (Alternate Contact)
Planning and Research Assistant
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Maine CDC
State House Station II
286 Water Street
Key Plaza, 9th Floor
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Telephone: 207-287-2899
Fax: 207-287-3498

Mariana Islands
Roxanne P. Diaz
Public Health Program Analyst
Division of Public Health
P. O. Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone: 670-236-8712
Fax: 670-236-8700

Mariana Islands
FedEx Address:
Department of Public Health
Commonwealth Health Center
Hinemlo Street
Lower Navy Hill, Garapan
Saipan, MP 96950

Ayesya Adelbai
HIV/STD Prevention Program Coordinator
Division of Public Health
P. O. Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone: 670-664-4050, 4053
Fax: 670-664-4051

Mariana Islands
FedEx Address:
Department of Public Health
Commonwealth Health Center
Lower Navy Hill, Garapan
Saipan, MP 96950

Margarita W. Torres-Aldan, MPH
Maternal and Child Health Coordinator
Department of Public Health
P. O. Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950-0409
Phone: 670-236-8714
Fax: 670-236-8700

Mariana Islands
Edward Diaz
Acting Coordinator HIV Program
Division of Public Health
P. O. Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone: 670-236-8704
Fax: 670-236-8700

FedEx Address:
Department of Public Health
Commonwealth Health Center
Hinemlo Street
Lower Navy Hill, Garapan
Saipan, MP 96950

FedEx Address:
Department of Public Health
Commonwealth Health Center
Lower Navy Hill, Garapan
Saipan, MP 96950


Marshall Islands


Russell Edwards, MPH
Assistant Secretary for Primary Health Care
Ministry of Health
P. O. Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Phone: 011-692-625-7251 or 692-625-3355/3399, ext.
Fax: 011-692-625-4372
E-mail: or

Colin Flynn, Sc.M
Chief, Center for Surveillance and Epidemiology
Maryland AIDS Administration
500 N. Calvert Street, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-767-5050
Fax: 410-333-6333

Angelique Griffin, MS (Alternate Contact)
Acting Deputy Chief, Center for Surveillance and
Maryland AIDS Administration
500 N. Calvert Street, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-767-5645
Fax: 410-333-3974

Marshall Islands
Justina R. Langidrik, MPH
Secretary of Health
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Phone: 011-692-625-7251/5660/5661
Fax: 011-692-625-3432


Marshall Islands

James Murphy, MPH
Director, HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
305 South Street, Room 241
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: 617-983-6577
Fax: 617-983-6580

Mailynn Konelios
Administrator, Majuro Primary Health Care
Ministry of Health
P. O Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Tel: 011-692-625-8457 or 692-625-3355/3399 @
Fax: 011-692-625-4372

Betsey John, MPH (Alternate Contact)
Supervisor Core HIV/AIDS Surveillance Staff
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
305 South Street, Room 241
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: 617-983-6570
Fax: 617-983-6580

Marshall Islands
Altina Anien
HIV/AIDS Coordinator
Ministry of Health
P. O. Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Tel: 011-692-625-3355/3399 @ ext. 2121

Michigan – Detroit

Marshall Islands

Eve Mokotoff, M.P.H.
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Manager
HIV/STD and Other Bloodborne Infections Surveillance
Michigan Department of Community Health
Herman Kiefer Health Complex
1151 Taylor Street, Room 210B
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-876-4769 (0353)
Fax: 313-876-0888

Kennar Briand
Public Health Director/HIV Surveillance Coordinator
Ministry of Health
P. O. Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Phone: 692-625-3355/3399, ext. 2166
Fax: 692-625-4372
Email: or



Michigan – Lansing

FedEx Address:
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Prevention and Control Division
STD & HIV Section
Minnesota Department of Health
Freeman Building
625 Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55155-2538

Gerald Goza
HIV/STD and Other Bloodborne Infections Surveillance
Michigan Department of Community Health
Communicable Disease Division
Capitol View Bldg., 5th Floor
P. O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Main Office: 517-335-8165
Fax: 517-335-8121

Craig Thompson
Director, STD/HIV Bureau
Mississippi Department of Health
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Phone: 601-576-7723
Fax: 601-576-7909

FedEx Address:
HIV/STD and Other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Michigan Department of Community Health
Division of Communicable Disease
Capitol View Bldg, 5th Floor
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48913

FedEx Address:
STD/HIV Bureau
Mississippi Department of Health
570 E Woodrow Wilson Boulevard, Suite 350
Jackson, MS 39215-1700

Michigan – Lansing
Nilsa Mack, MPH
Surveillance Coordinator, Epidemiologist
HIV/STD and Other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Division of Communicable Disease
Michigan Department of Community Health
Capitol View Bldg, 5th Floor
P. O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Main Office: 517-335-8165
Fax: 517-335-8121

David Peyton
Surveillance Coordinator
STD/HIV Bureau
Mississippi Department of Health
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Phone: 601-576-7723
Fax: 601-576-7909

FedEx Address:
HIV/STD and Other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Michigan Department of Community Health
Division of Communicable Disease
Capitol View Bldg, 5th Floor
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48913

FedEx Address:
STD/HIV Bureau
Mississippi Department of Health
570 E Woodrow Wilson Boulevard, Suite 350
Jackson, MS 39215-1700


Amy Forbis
Disease Surveillance Manager
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Section for Disease Control and Environmental
Bureau of HIV/ STD/Hepatitis
P. O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Phone: 573-751-6119
Fax: 573-526-0235

Luisa Pessoa-Brandao
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Prevention and Control Division
STD & HIV Section
Minnesota Department of Health
P. O. Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
Phone: 651-201-4032
Fax: 651-201-4000


FedEx Address:
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Section for Disease Control and Environmental
Bureau of HIV/ STD/Hepatitis
930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109

Tina Brubaker, MPH
Health Program Manager
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services- R
P.O. Box 95007
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68509-5007
Phone: 402-471-0360
Fax: 402-471-3601

Joann Feltrop
HARS Database Manager
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Section for Disease Control and Environmental
Bureau of HIV/ STD/Hepatitis
930 Wildwood
P. O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Phone: 573-751-6463
Fax: 573-522-9145

FedEx Address:
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services-R
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68509-5007


FedEx Address:
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Section for Disease Control and Environmental
Bureau of HIV/ STD/Hepatitis
930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109

Robert Salcido
HIV Surveillance Coordinator
Nevada State Health Division
Bureau of Community Health
Communicable Disease Program
505 East King Street, Room 504
Carson City, NV 89701-4774
Phone: 775-684-5930
Fax: 775-684-4056


Nevada – Washoe County

Bonnie Bernard, MPH, CIC
Surveillance Coordinator
Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Program
Public Health & Safety Division
Department of Public Health and Human Services
Cogswell Building
1400 Broadway Street, Room C216
Helena, MT 59620
Phone: 406-444-0274
Fax: 406-444-0308

Cory Sobrio
Disease Intervention Specialist
HIV Surveillance
Washoe County Health Department
P. O. Box 11130
Reno, NV 89520
Phone: 775-328-6107
Fax: 775-328-3784
FedEx Address:
Washoe County Health Department
1001 E. 9th Street
Reno, NV 89509

Erin Barnes
Surveillance Epidemiologist
Communicable Disease Program
Public Health & Safety Division
Cogswell Building
1400 Broadway Street, Room C216
Helena, MT 59620
Phone: 406-444-3049
Fax: 406-444-0272

Nevada – Clark County
Rick R. Reich
Communicable Disease / AIDS Services Supervisor
Office of AIDS
Southern Nevada Health District
625 Shadow Lane, ATTN.: Annex A
P. O. Box 3902
Las Vegas, NV 89127
Phone: 702-759-0711
Fax: 702-868-2822 (Confidential & Secure)



FedEx Address:
Southern Nevada Health District
625 Shadow Lane, ATTN.: Annex A
Office of AIDS
Las Vegas, NV 89106

New Mexico
Monica Olkowski, MS
Surveillance Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
New Mexico Department of Health
P.O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Phone: (505) 827-0074
Fax: (505) 476-3544

New Hampshire
Heather Barto, MS
STD/HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human
Division of Public Health Services
Communicable Disease Surveillance Section
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-6504
Phone: 603-271-3932
Fax: 603-271-0545

FedEx Address:
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
New Mexico Department of Health
1190 Saint Francis Drive, Room N1350
Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110

New York – New York City
Lucia Torian, PhD
Director, HIV Epidemiology Program
NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
HIV Surveillance & Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway, Room 701, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-442-3461
Fax: 212-442-3482

New Jersey
Helene Cross, PhD
Epidemiologic Services Unit
Division of HIV/AIDS Services, DHAS
N.J. Dept. of Health & Senior Services
50 East State Street, Capitol Center, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 363
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: 609-984-5940
Fax: 609-633-2791

New York – New York City

FedEx Address:
Division of HIV/AIDS Services, DHAS
N.J. Dept. Of Health & Senior Services
50 East State Street
Capitol Center, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625

Judy Sackoff, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology Unit
New York City Department of Health
346 Broadway, Room 706
Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-788-2520
Fax: 212-349-5170

New Mexico

New York State – Albany

Lily Foster, MSPH
Program Manager
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
New Mexico Department of Health
1190 Saint Francis Drive, Room N1350
P. O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110
Phone: 505-476-3515
Fax: 505-476-3544
FedEx Address:
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
New Mexico Department of Health
1190 Saint Francis Drive, Room N1350
Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110

Chris Nemeth
Research Scientist III
Grants and Finance Manager
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Corning Tower – Room 717
Empire State Plaza Station
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-1947


New York State – Albany
Alexa Bontempo
Surveillance Coordinator
New York State Department of Health
Corning Tower – Room 717
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-5121

North Dakota
Krissie L. Mayer
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Ryan White Title II and ADAP Coordinator
North Dakota Department of Health
Division of Disease Control
North Dakota Department of Health
600 East Boulevard Ave. Dept. 301
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
Phone: 701-328-4555
Fax: 701-328-2499
Confidential Fax: 701-328-0356

New York – Albany
Lou Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
Bureau Director
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Corning Tower, Room 717
Empire State Plaza Station
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-1947

Carol Bohumolski, MS
Chief, HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Ohio Department of Health
246 North High Street
P.O. Box 118
Columbus, OH 43216-0118
Phone: 614-387-7483
Fax: 614-644-1909

New York – Albany
Mary Ann Anglin
Assistant Bureau Director
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Corning Tower, Room 717
Empire State Plaza Station
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-1947

FedEx Address:
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Ohio Department of Health
35 East Chestnut Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43216

Michael G. Harmon, MA
Chief, HIV/STD Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street, Mail Drop 0308
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Phone: 405-271-4636
Fax: 405-271-5149

North Carolina
Del Williams, Ph.D.
Mgr., Epidemiology and Special Studies
HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
Phone: 919-733-9606
Fax: 919-715-7540

Kay Holladay, MPH
Director, Surveillance and Care Delivery
HIV/STD Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Phone: 405-271-9444 X56618
Fax: 405-271-1187

FedEx Address:
HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch
NC Dept. Of Health & Human Services
Cooper Building, 4th Floor
225 North McDowell Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603


FedEx Address:
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Bureau of Epidemiology
7th & Forster Street
Health and Welfare Building, Room 925
Harrisburg, PA 17108


Pennsylvania – Harrisburg

Mark Turner, MPH
Oklahoma State Department of Health
HIV/STD Service Manager
HIV/STD Surveillance and Analysis
1000 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Phone: 405-271-4636
Fax: 405-271-1187

Godwin Obiri, MS, Dr.Ph. (Primary Contact)
Director, HIV/AIDS Surveillance & Epidemiology
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Bureau of Epidemiology
Health and Welfare Bldg., Rm. 933
P. O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: 717-787-0481
Fax: 717-772-6975

FedEx Address:
Pennsylvania Department of Health
7th & Forster Streets
Health and Welfare Building, Room 933
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Sean Schafer, MD
Medical Epidemiologist
Oregon Department of Human Services
Office of Disease Prevention & Epidemiology
HIV/STD/TB Program
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1105
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (971) 673-0153
Fax: 971-673-0178

Pennsylvania – Philadelphia
James McAnaney
Surveillance Coordinator
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AACO, AIDS Surveillance
1101 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4777
Fax: 215-685-4774

Johana Hana Ngiruchelbad
Administrator, HIV/AIDS/STD RWCA Programs
Bureau of Public Health
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 6027
Koror, Palau 96940
Phone: 011-680-488-8517
Fax: 011-680-488-1211

Pennsylvania – Philadelphia
Kathleen A. Brady, MD
Medical/Director/Medical Epidemiologist
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AACO, AIDS Surveillance
1101 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4778
Fax: 215-685-4774
Alternate Email:

FedEx Address:
HIV Prevention Program
Bureau of Public Health
Ministry of Health
Koror BNH Building
Koror, Palau 96940

Pennsylvania – Philadelphia

Pennsylvania – Harrisburg

Mike Lillis
AIDS Surveillance Supervisor
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AACO, AIDS Surveillance
1101 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4775
Fax: 215-685-4774

Bonnie Krampe, MPH
Surveillance Coordinator
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Bureau of Epidemiology
P. O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: 717-783-0481 x3217
Fax: 717-772-6975


615 E. 4th Street
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605-773-3523
Fax: 605-773-5509

Puerto Rico


Sandra Miranda de Leon, MPH
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Puerto Rico Department of Health
Centro Comercial 65 Infanteria #49 Suite 32
Rio Piedras, PR 00923
Phone: 787-763-0240
Fax: 787-763-0399
Alternate Address: (use this

Thomas J. Shavor, MBA
Epidemiologist and Director
HIV/AIDS/STD Surveillance and Data Management
Tennessee State Department of Health
Cordell Hull Building, 4th Floor
425 5th Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37247-4911
Phone: 615-532-8506
Fax: 615-741-3857

Texas – Austin
Rhode Island

Roy Reyna, MD, MPH
Texas Surveillance Coordinator
Department of State Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street
H33000, HESE, Mail Code 1873
Surveillance 406; Attn: Roy Reyna
Austin, TX 78756
Telephone: 512- 533-3102 (direct line)
Main Line: 512-533-3000
Fax: 512-371-4674

Paul Loberti, MPH
Chief Administrator
Office of HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
Rhode Island Department of Health
Cannon Building, Room 106
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Phone: 401-222-7545
Fax: 401-222-6001

FedEx Address:
Surveillance: Roy Reyna
Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
4110 Guadalupe
Surveillance, Bldg. #636
Austin, TX 78751

Rhode Island
Sutopa Chowdhurdy
Epidemiologist, HIV/AIDS Program Manager
Rhode Island Department of Health
Cannon Building, Room 106
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Phone: 401-222-7540
Fax: 401-222-6001

Texas – Austin
Stanley See (Alternate Contact)
Texas HIV Data Manager
Department of State Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street
H33000, HESE, Mail Code 1873
Surveillance 406; Attn: Stanley See
Austin, TX 78751
Phone: 512-533-3038
Fax: 512-371-4674

South Carolina
Dana Giurgiutiu, MPH, PhD
HIV/STD Surveillance Program Coordinator
Bureau of Disease Control
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
1751 Calhoun Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2606
Phone: 803-898-0933
Fax: 803-898-0573

FedEx Address:
Surveillance: Stanley See
Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
4110 Guadalupe Bldg. #636,
Austin, TX 78751

South Dakota
Christine Olson
HIV Surveillance Coordinator
South Dakota Department of Health


FedEx Address:
Vermont Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Program
Drawer 41 HAST
108 Cherry Street
Burlington, VT 05401

Texas – Houston


Jeffrey Meyer, MD, MPH (Alternate Contact)
Epidemiologist Supervisor
Bureau of Epidemiology
Houston Department of Health and Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-794-9194
Fax: 713-794-9182

Rob Lunn, MPA (Alternate Contact)
Director, HIV/AIDS Program
Vermont Department of Health
P. O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05401-0070
Telephone: (802) 651-1533
Fax: (802) 863-7314
FedEx Address:
Vermont Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Program
Drawer 41 HAST
108 Cherry Street
Burlington, VT 05401

Texas – Houston
Marcia Wolverton, MPH
Epidemiologist Manager
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Bureau of Epidemiology
Houston Department of Health and Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-558-2442
Fax: 713-794-9182

Patsy Tassler, Ph.D. (Alternate Contact)
Vermont Department of Health
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802-863-7286
Fax: 802-951-4061

George A. Usher, MPH
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program Manager
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
Utah Department of Health
Box 142105
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2105
Phone: 801-538-6096
Fax: 801-538-9913

FedEx Address:
Vermont Department of Health
Drawer 41 IDEPI
108 Cherry Street
Burlington, VT 05401


FedEx Address:
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
Utah Department of Health
288 North 1460 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84114

Dena Bensen, MPH
Director of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Virginia Department of Health
Division of Disease Prevention
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
P. O. Box 2448
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: 804-864-7959
Fax: 804-864-7983
Confidential Fax: 804-864-8052

Matthew Pettengill
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Vermont Department of Health
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802-863-7572
Fax: 802-951-4061

FedEx Address:
Virginia Department of Health
Division of Disease Prevention
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program


109 Governor Street, Room 326
Richmond, VA 23219

FedEx Address:
Infectious Disease and Reproductive Health Assessment
Washington State Department of Health
111 Israel Road
Tumwater, WA 98501

Virgin Islands

Washington –Seattle

Taetia Phillips-Dorsett, MS
Territorial Director
STD/HIV/TB Program
Virgin Islands Dept. of Health
1303 Hospital Ground Suite 10
St. Thomas US VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-9000, X4700 or 340-774-0127
Fax: 340-777-1938

Jim Kent
Senior Epidemiologist
Public Health - Seattle & King County
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
400 Yesler Way - Third Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-4645
Fax: 206-205-5281

Virgin Islands
Annette Gumbs, MBA
HIV Surveillance Coordinator
STD/HIV/TB Program
Virgin Islands Dept. of Health
1303 Hospital Ground Suite 10
St. Thomas, US VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-9000 X4667 or 340-774-3168
Fax: 340-715-1589

West Virginia

Washington – State


Tom Jaenicke, MPH, MB, MES
Surveillance Epidemiologist
Washington State Department of Health
Infectious Disease & Reproductive
Health Assessment Unit
P.O. Box 47838
Olympia, WA 98504-7838
Phone: 360-236-3409
Fax: 360-586-5440

Wendy L. Schell, MS
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
AIDS/HIV Program
Division of Public Health
P.O. Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Phone: 608-266-2664
Fax: 608-266-1288

Kaluwa Schoen
Surveillance Nurse, (Surveillance Coordinator)
West Virginia HIV/AIDS/ STD Program
350 Capitol Street, Room 125
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
Phone: 304-558-6460
Fax: 304-558-6478

FedEx Address:
AIDS/HIV Program
Division of Public Health
1 West Wilson Street, Room 318
Madison, WI 53701

FedEx Address:
Infectious Disease & Reproductive Health Assessment
Washington State Department of Health
111 Israel Road
Tumwater, Washington, 98501

Michael McFadden
HIV Care & Surveillance Supervisor
AIDS/HIV Program
Division of Public Health
P.O. Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Phone: 608-266-0682
Fax: 608-266-1288

Washington – State
Maria Courogen, MPH
Section Manager/Lead Epidemiologist
Infectious Disease and Reproductive Health Assessment
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 47838
Olympia, WA 98504
Phone: 360-236-3458
Fax: 360-586-5440

FedEx Address:
AIDS/HIV Program


Division of Public Health
1 West Wilson Street, Room 318
Madison, WI 53701

Cheryl Corbin
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Wyoming Department of Health
6101 Yellowstone Road, #510
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-7719
Fax: 307-777-6144


HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinators
Anthony Merriweather
Acting Incidence Coordinator /
Alabama Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Director
RSA Tower
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
(334) 206-2621
(334) 206-2092

Heather. Noga
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Connecticutt Department of Health
410 Capital Avenue, MS # 11ASV
Hartford, Connecticut 06134
(860) 509-7900

Kris Hartman
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Arizona Dept of Health Services
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 110
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 364-3605

Gail Hansen
Interim Chief
District of Columbia Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Epidemiology
717 14th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 671-4922
(202) 724-5145

Kim Lucas
Cal- EIS Fellow, Incidence Coordinator
California Department of Health Services
P.O. Box 997426
Sacramento, CA 95899-7426
(916) 650-6902
(916) 449-5858

Deborah Crippen
Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Georgia Department of Public Health
2 Peachtree St. Suite 14-450
Altanta, GA 30303-3142
(404) 657-4046
(404) 657-4141

Jennifer Donnelly
Project Coordinator
Colorado Department of Public Health &
HIV/STD Surveillance Program
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80210
(303) 692-2711
(303) 782-0904

Jerald Harms
HIV Surveillance Supervisor
Houston Department of Health and Human
Bureau of Epidemiology
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 5th Floor
Houston, Texas 77054
(713) 794-9190
(713) 794-9391

Page 1 of 5

Marti Merritt
Special Studies Coordinator
Illinois Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Section
Division of Infectious Diseases
160 N. LaSalle Street, 7 South
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-2023
(312) 814-4844

Joseph Foxhood
Lousiana Office of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Program
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112

David Fields
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian, Mailstop 6C-95
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 234-3122
(317) 233-7663

Colin Flynn
Chief Center for Epidemiology & Health Services
Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Center for Surveillance
AIDS Administration
500 North Calvert -5th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
(410) 767-5050
(410) 333-6333

Douglas M. Frye
Medical Director
Los Angeles County Department of Health
HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S. Commonwealth Avenue
Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 351-8149
(213) 427-8840

Nicola Bulled
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
305 South Street, Room 241
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Greg Gaines
Lousiana Office of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Program
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112

Marianne O'Connor
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Michigan Department of Community Health
HIV/STD and other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Capitol View Bldg., 5th Floor
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48913
(313) 876-0854

Page 2 of 5

Sonita Singh
HIV Incidence and Resistance Coordinator
Mississippi Department of Health
PO Box 1700
Jackson Mississippi, 39215
(601) 576-7723
(601) 576-7909

Kathleen Shea
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
P. O. Box 2073 - Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza Tower Bldg.
Albany, New York 12220
(518) 474-9819

Melissa VanDyne
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Missouri Department of Health and Senior
930 Wildwood Drive
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0570

Penny Padgett
Epidemiologist/Surveillance Officer
North Carolina Department of Health & Human
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1902
(919) 715-1739
(919) 715-7560

Charlotte Sadashige
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior
Epidemiologic Services Unit
Division of AIDS Prevention and Control
P.O. Box 363
50 East State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0363
(609) 984-5940
(609) 633-2791

Shannon Page
HIV Incidence Coordinator
Ohio Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
246 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 728-0877
(614) 644-1909

Yussef Bennani
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
New York City Department of Health & Mental
HIV Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway, Room 706 CN-44
New York, New York City 10013
(212) 442-3518
(212) 442-3482

Christie McDonald
Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street (Mailstop 0308)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117-1299
(405) 271-4636
(405) 271-1187

Page 3 of 5

Martin Ngokion MD, MPH
ISP Epidemiologist
Pennsylvania Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section
Health & Welfare Bldg. Rm. 911
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
(717) 783-0481 Ext 3208
(717) 783-6975

Kelly McCormick
HIV Incidence Program Coordinator
South Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control
Bureau of Disease Control
1751 Calhoun St.
Columbia, SC 29201-2606
(803) 898-0794
(803) 898-0573

Ruth Trino
Disease Investigator & Laboratory Coordinator
Philadelphia Department of Health
AIDS Surveillance Unit
AIDS Activities Coordinating Office
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
1101 Market Street, 8th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 685-4786

Thomas J. Shavor
Director, HIV/STD Surveillance
Tennessee Department of Health
HIV/STD Program
425 5th Ave. North, 4th Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37247-4911
(615) 532-8506
(615) 741-3857

Bernardita Lopez
HIV Incidence Coordinator
Puerto Rico Department of Health
AIDS Surveillance Program
Reparto Metropolitano Shopping Center
Americo Miranda Ave. Room 210
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00921
(787) 763-0240
(787) 763-0399

Cheryl Jablonski
Incidence and Behavior Surveillance Coordinator
Texas Department of Health
Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, Texas 78756
(512) 533-3041
(512) 490-2536

Tony Buckman
Incidence Program Field Coordinator
San Francisco Department of Health
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, California 94102-6033
(415) 554-9095
(415) 431-0353

Nene Diallo
HIV Incidence Coordinator
Virginia Department of Health
P.O. Box 2448
109 Governor Street, room 326
Richmond, Virginia 23218
(804) 864-8003
(804) 864-8052

Page 4 of 5

Alexia Exarchos
Washington Department of Health
20435 72nd Avenue S., Suite 200
Kent, Washington 98032
(253) 395-6730
(206) 205-5281

Page 5 of 5

HIV Viral Resistance Site Contact List
Last updated: October 4, 2006
Chicago Department of Health (VARHS)
Nanette Benbow
Thomas Clyde
Director of the Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Field Supervisor
Chicago Dept. of Public Health
2861 N. Clark Street
333 South State Street, Room 2150
Chicago, IL 60657
Chicago, Illinois 60604-5972
Phone: (312) 742-7367
Phone: (312) 747-9620
Fax: (312) 747-9663
Donna Peace **
VARHS Study Laboratory/Resistance Coordinator
Depaul Bldg, Room 2151
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 747-9614
Fax: (312) 747-9663
Chicago Department of Health (DFS)
Nik Prachand **
Carol Ciesielski
DFS Principal Investigator
DFS Co-Principal Investigator
Senior Epidemiologist
Department of Public Health
Chicago Department of Public Health
STD/HIV Prevention Program
Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
530 E 31st Street
2861 N. Clark Street,
Chicago, IL 60616
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (312) 747-0105
Phone: (312) 742-7362
Fax: (312) 747-0160
Fax: (312) 742-7364
Kevin Hansen
DFS Project Coordinator
Chicago Department of Health
Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
2861 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (312) 742-7363
Fax: (312) 742-7364

Page 1 of 13
Updated 10/04/2006

Natima Bualert
DFS Data Manager
Chicago Department of Health
Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
2861 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (312) 742-7363
Fax: (312) 742-7364

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (ARVDRT)
Jennifer Donnelly **
Karen Proctor
Incidence and Viral Resistance Coordinator
Data Manager for Incidence and Resistance
HIV/STD Surveillance Program
HIV/STD Surveillance Program
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80210
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530
Phone: (303) 692-2711
Phone: (303) 692-2653
Fax: (303) 782-0904
Fax: (303) 782-0904

Peter Brandauer
Lab Liason - Resistance and Incidence
Primary DFS Contact
Phone: (303) 692-2740
District of Columbia Department of Health (VARHS)
Anthony Bethea
Gail Hansen **
Supervisory Public Health Analyst
Interim Chief
5734 April Journey
HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Epidemiology
Columbia, MD 21044
717 14th Street, NW, Suite 600
Phone: (202) 727-2500
Washington, D.C. 20005
Fax: (202) 724-8677
Phone: (202) 671-4922
Fax: (202) 724-5145
Tiffany West
HIV Incidence and Resistance
Phone: (202) 671-4921
Florida Department of Health (VARHS)
Bonnie Hardy **
Berry Bennett
HIV Resistance Surveillance Project Coordinator
Retrovirology Section Chief
5917 105 St.
Florida Bureau of Laboratories
Jacksonville, FL. 32244
1217 Pearl Street
Ph: 904-573-4914 ext. 221
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Cell: 904-651-5334
Phone: (904) 791-1527
Becky Grigg, PhD
Surveillance Program Administrator
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
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Updated 10/04/2006

Pam Lowell
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin#A09

4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin#A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: (850) 245-4432

Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: (850) 245-4444 ext. 2617

Linda Friedlander
Data Manager
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A#09
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
(850) 245-4444 x2614
(850) 922-4263
Illinois Department of Public Health (ARVDRT)
Andre Rawls, MD
Marti Merritt
HIV/AIDS Section Chief
Special Studies Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Section, Division of Infectious Diseases HIV/AIDS Section
160 N. LaSalle Street, 7 South
Division of Infectious Diseases
Chicago, Illinois 60601
160 N. LaSalle Street, 7 South
Phone: (312) 814-4846
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Phone: (312) 814-2023
Fax: (312) 814-4844
Kathy Ritger, MD, MPH **
HIV/STD Epidemiologist
Division of Infectious Diseases
Illinois Department of Public Health
160 N. LaSalle St., 7th Floor South
Chicago, IL 60601
office 312-814-4846
fax 312-814-4844

Rosie Boker
Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of
2121 West Taylor Street
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: (312) 793-1076
Fax: (312) 793-0303

Core Center (operates under Illinois DOH for ARVDRT)
David Barker, MD
Stacey Kincaid **
ARVDRT Principal Investigator
ARVDRT Coordinator
The CORE Center
The CORE Center
2020 West Harrison Street
2020 West Harrison Street
Chicago, IL 60612
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: (312) 572-4505
Phone: (312) 572-4542
Fax: (312) 572-4504
Fax: (312) 572-4559

Page 3 of 13
Updated 10/04/2006

Indiana State Department of Health (VARHS)
David Fields **
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
2 North Meridian, Mailstop 6C-95
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone: (317) 234-3122
Fax: (317) 233-7663
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DFS)
Trista Bingham
Ekow Sey **
Seroepi Lead
Principal Investigator VARHS and DFS
Phone: (213) 351-8175
Fax: (213) 487-6473
Los Angeles County Department of
Health Services
HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S Commonwealth Ave, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 351-8199
Fax: (213) 487-9386
Erik Valera
Research Analyst/Lab Technician
Department of
Health Services
HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S Commonwealth Ave, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213)
Fax: (213) 487-9386
Lousiana Office of Public Health (VARHS)
Amy Zapata **
Cheryl Wheeler
Acting VARHS Coordinator
Field Epidemiologist Supervisor
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program Manager
HIV/AIDS Program
HIV/AIDS Program
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th floor
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7526
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 568-5760
Fax: (504) 599-1307

Page 4 of 13
Updated 10/04/2006

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (ARVDRT)
Colin Flynn **
Robert A. Myers, Ph.D.
Chief Center for Epidemiology & Health Services
Deputy Director Scientific Programs
Maryland DHMH Laboratories
Center for Surveillance
201 West Preston Street
AIDS Administration
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
500 North Calvert -5th Floor
Phone: (410) 767-5772
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Fax: (410) 333-5312
Phone: (410) 767-5050
Fax: (410) 333-6333

Michelle Rand
Program Director, Retrovirology
DHMH Laboratories Administration Rm 2A2
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-6157
Fax: (410) 333-5312

M. Nolana Kabwit, MPH
HIV Incidence / Resistance Data Manager
MD AIDS Administration
MD Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Center for Epidemiology & Health Services
500 N. Calvert St, 5th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
(410) 767-5360

Camelia M. Graham, MSPH
Chief, Epidemiology Division
Center for Surveillance and Epidemiology AIDS
Administration Maryland Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene 500 North Calvert Street, 5th
Floor Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 767-5676
Fax: (410) 333-6333
Massachusetts Department of Public Health (VARHS)
Arthur Kazianis
Nicola Bulled **
VARHS Coordinator
Phone: 617-983-6372
MDPH: State Lab Institute
305 South Street, Room 706
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: (617) 983-6318

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Updated 10/04/2006

Karen Wallace, MPH
Epidemiologist/Data Mgr.
Incidence Surveillance Pjt. (STARHS)
MDPH: State Lab Institute
305 South Street, Room 706
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Telephone: (617) 983-6465
Fax: (617) 983-6227

Lauren Riggio
State Laboratory Institute
HIV Laboratory, Rm 709
305 South St.
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: (617) 983-6394

Michigan Department of Community Health (VARHS)
Mary-Grace Brandt **
Garald A. Goza, MS
VARHS Coordinator
Herman Kiefer Health Complex
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Section
1151 Taylor Street, Room 210B
Bureau of Epidemiology - Suite 302
Detroit, Michigan 48202
3423 N. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd.
Phone: (313) 876-4115
P.O. Box - 30195 (US mail only not Fed Ex)
Fax: (313) 876-0888
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8165
Fax: (517) 335-8121
Eve Mokotoff
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Manager
HIV/STD and other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Capitol View Bldg., 5th Floor
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 489132
Phone: (313) 876-4769
Fax: (313) 876-0353

Marianne O'Connor
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
HIV/STD and other Bloodborne Infections
Surveillance Section
Capitol View Bldg., 5th Floor
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48913
Phone: (313) 876-0854

Minnesota Department of Health (DFS)
Luisa Pessoa-Brandao **
Peter Carr, MPH
HIV Surveillance Coordinator/ Senior
Minnesota Department of Health
STD and HIV Section
Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
Freeman Building
Prevention and Control Division
625 Robert St. N.
717 Delaware Street SE
PO Box 64975
Minneapolis, MN 55414
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
Phone: 651-201-4032
Phone: 651.201.4007
Fax: 651-201-4000
Fax: 651.201.4000
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Updated 10/04/2006
Joanne Bartkus
Supervisor, Molecular Epidemiology Unit
717 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612) 676-5249
Fax: (612) 676-5514
Ann Hammer
Bacteriologist 2
Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory
717 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (651) 201-5261

Donald Stiepan
Data Manager (DFS)
Phone: 651-201-4043
Fax: 651-201-4000
Confidential Fax: 651-201-4040
Mississippi Department of Health (VARHS)
David Peyton
Sonita Singh **
Surveillance Branch Director
HIV Incidence and Resistance Coordinator
Division of STD/HIV
PO Box 1700
P.O. Box 1700
Jackson Mississippi, 39215
Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1700
Phone: (601) 576-7723
Phone: (601) 576-7723
Fax: (601) 576-7909
Fax: (601) 576-7460

Suzanne Smith

Donna Hall

Leandro A. Mena M.D., M.P.H.
Mississippi State Department of Health
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (VARHS)
Barbara Bolden
Helene Cross
Research Scientist, Epidemiologic Services Unit
Principal Investigator/Acting Director,
50 East State Street, 4th floor
Epidemiologic Services Unit
P.O. Box 363
Division of AIDS Prevention and Control
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0363
P.O. Box 363
Phone: (609) 984-5980
50 East State Street, 4th Floor
Fax: (609) 633-2791
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 984-5940
Fax: (609) 633-2791
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Updated 10/04/2006

Tin Maung
Incidence Data Manager
Epidemiologic Services Unit
Division of AIDS Prevention and Control
P.O. Box 363
50 East State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 984-5940
Fax: (609) 633-2791

Charlotte Sadashige **
Incidence / Resistance Coordinator
Epidemiologic Services Unit
Division of AIDS Prevention and Control
P.O. Box 363
50 East State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 984-5940
Fax: (609) 633-2791

New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (VARHS)
Yussef Bennani **
Lisa Forgione
HIV Resistance Surveillance Coordinator
Lab Microbiologist
HIV Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway, Room 706
346 Broadway, Room 706 CN-44
New York, NY 10013
New York, New York City 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3453
Phone: (212) 442-3518
Fax: (212) 788-2520
Fax: (212) 442-3482
Christopher S. Murrill
Director of Research of the HIV Epidemiology
New York City Department of Health
346 Broadway, Room 703
Box 44
New York, New York City 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3467
Fax: (212) 442-3482

Lucia Torian
Director, HIV Epidemiology Unit
Office of AIDS Surveillance
New York City Department of Health & Mental
346 Broadway, Room 703
Box 44
New York, New York City 10013
Phone: (212) 788-4481
Fax: (212) 442-3482

Roy Shum
Computer Specialist
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control HIV
Surveillance & Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway Rm. 706 CN#44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3431
Fax: (212) 788-2520

Sonny Ly
NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control
(HEP) HIV Epidemiology Program
Data Support Unit
346 Broadway, Rm 707E, CN-44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3430
Fax: (212) 788-2520

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Updated 10/04/2006

New York State Department of Health (VARHS and DFS)
Ling Wang **
Dapo Akinleye
VARHS and DFS Program Manager
Assistant HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
New York State Department of Health
P. O. Box 2073 - Corning Tower
P. O. Box 2073 - Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza Tower Bldg.
Empire State Plaza Tower Bldg.
Albany, New York 12220
Albany, New York 12220
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 473-0118
Lou Smith
DFS Coordinator
Medical Epidemiologist
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Corning Tower, Room 723
Empire State Plaza Station
Albany, New York 12237
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 474-1947

Kathleen Shea
HIV Incidence Surveillance Coordinator
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
P. O. Box 2073 - Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza Tower Bldg.
Albany, New York 12220
Phone: (518) 474-9819

Monica M. Parker, Ph.D.
Director, Viral Genotyping Laboratory
David Axelrod Institute
Wadsworth Center
NYS Department of Health
P.O. Box 22002
Albany, New York 12201-2002
Phone: (518) 402-4563
Fax: (518) 473-0797

Renee Hallack
Research Scientist I
Wadsworth Center/ NYSDOH
David Axelrod Institute- Room 5069
120 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: (518) 408-2479
Fax: (518) 473-0797

North Carolina Department of Health & Human Service (VARHS)
Penny Padgett
Delbert Williams
Epidemiologist/Surveillance Officer
Head Epidemiology and Special Studies
1902 Mail Service Center
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1902
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1902
Phone: (919) 715-1739
Phone: (919) 733-9606
Fax: (919) 715-7560
Fax: (919) 715-7560

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Updated 10/04/2006

John Barnhart **
Incidence/Resistance Coordinator
HIV/STD Prevention and Care
225 N. McDowell Street, MSC 1902
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
(919) 715-6784
(919) 715-7540

Wallace Lambart
Incidence/Resistance Data Manager

Pennsylvania Department of Health
Martin Ngokion MD, MPH **
Susan Jordan
ISP Epidemiologist
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section
Health & Welfare Bldg. Rm. 911
Health & Welfare Bldg. Rm. 911
P.O. Box 90
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: (717) 783-0481 Ext 3208
Fax: (717) 783-6975
Bryan Poff
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section
Health & Welfare Bldg. Rm. 911
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108

Valerie Stover
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Bureau of Laboratories
110 Pickering Way
Lionville, PA 19353
Phone: (610) 280-3464
Fax: (610) 450-1932

Stephen Swanson
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Bureau of Laboratories
110 Pickering Way
Lionville, PA 19353
Phone: (610) 280-3464
Fax: (610) 450-1932
Puerto Rico Department of Health
Bernardita Lopez **
Sandra Miranda
HIV Resistance Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
AIDS Surveillance Program
AIDS Surveillance Program
Reparto Metropolitano Shopping Center
Reparto Metropolitano Shopping Center
Americo Miranda Ave. Room 210
Americo Miranda Ave. Room 210
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00921
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00921
Phone: (787) 763-0240
Phone: (787) 763-0240
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Updated 10/04/2006

Fax: (787) 763-0399

Fax: (787) 763-0399

Seattle/King County (ARVDRT)
Erin Kahle
Susan Buskin **
Epidemiologist/Principal Investigator
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Seattle & King County Public Health
400 Yesler Way, 3rd Floor
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
Seattle, WA 98104
400 Yesler Way, 3rd Floor
Phone: (206) 296-4581
Seattle, Washington 98104
Fax: (206) 205-5281
Phone: (206) 205-6123
Fax: (206) 205-5281
Libby Charhon Page
Research Assistant
Seattle & King County Public Health
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
400 Yesler Way
3rd Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 205-1470
Fax: (206) 205-1472

Shirley Zhang
Seattle & King County Public Health
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program
400 Yesler Way, 3rd Floor
Seattle, Washington 98104
Phone: (206) 205-6123 or (206) 296-4645
Fax: (206) 205-5281

South Carolina Department of Health (VARHS)
Kelly McCormick **
Dana Giurgiutiu
HIV Resistance Program Coordinator
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program Coordinator
South Carolina Department of Health and
STD/HIV Division
Environmental Control
1751 Calhoun Street
Bureau of Disease Control
Box 101106
1751 Calhoun St.
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Columbia, SC 29201-2606
Phone: (803) 898-0933
Phone: (803) 898-0794
Fax: (803) 898-0573
Fax: (803) 898-0573

Texas Department of Health (VARHS)
Cheryl Jablonski **
Mariama Janneh
Incidence and Behavior Surveillance Coordinator
Research Study Coordinator
Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical
1100 W. 49th Street
Center, HIV Prevention Services Research
Austin, Texas 78756
400 S. Zang Blvd, Suite 520
Phone: (512) 533-3041
Dallas, TX 75208
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Updated 10/04/2006

Fax: (512) 490-2536

Phone: (214) 645-7362
Fax: (214) 645-7303

Nimi Kadar
Data Manager
HIV/STD Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
Texas Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756
Phone: (512) 533-4043
Fax: (512) 371-4674

Douglas Shehan
Research Scientist/Program Manager
University of Texas
HIV Epidemiology Research & Behavioral Studies
Community Prevention & Intervention Unit
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
400 South Zang Blvd., Suite 520
Dallas, Texas 75208
Phone: (214) 645-7309
Fax: (214) 645-7303

Anne Freeman
Virginia Department of Health (VARHS)
Nene Diallo **
Dena Benson
HIV Resistance Coordinator
Virginia HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
P.O. Box 2448
Division of HIV/STD, Room 112
109 Governor Street, room 326
P.O. Box 2448
Richmond, Virginia 23218
1500 E. Main Street
Phone: (804) 864-8003
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Fax: (804) 864-8052
Phone: (804) 371-4114
Fax: (804) 225-3517
Oana Vasiliu
Division of Disease Prevention
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street, Suite 321
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 864-7993
Fax: (804) 864-8050
Richard Sexton
Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
600 North 5th St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 648-4480
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Updated 10/04/2006

Lisa Weymouth
Virology Lead Scientist
Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
600 North 5th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 648-4480
(804) 371-7973

Washington Department of Health (VARHS)
Maria Courogen **
Alexia Exarchos
Epidemiologist, PI for HIV/AIDS Surveillance
20435 72nd Avenue S., Suite 200
Kent, Washington 98032
Infectious Disease and Reproductive Health
Assessment Unit
Phone: (253) 395-6730
Fax: (206) 205-5281
P.O. Box 47838
Olympia, Washington 98504
Phone: (360) 236-3458
Fax: (360) 586-5440

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Updated 10/04/2006

EPS Grantee Contact List August 21, 2006
(FedEx and Postal Address the same unless noted)
California-Los Angeles
Azita Naghdi
EPS Coordinator
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S. Commonwealth Avenue,
Suite 1260
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: 213-351-8153
Fax: 213-482-4856

James E. Dickinson
Acting HIV/AIDS/STDHepC Director
Division of Public Health, HIV/AIDS Program
Blue Hen Corporate Center
655 South Bay Road, Suite 218
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-741-2926
Fax: 302-741-2955

Robert F. Vella
Health Program Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Surveillance
HIV/STD/Hepatitis C Program
Division of Public Health
Delaware Health & Social Services
655 South Bay Road, Suite 218
Blue Hen Corporate Center
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-741-2939
Fax: 302-741-2955

Patricia Lopez
545 East Avenue 28
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Phone: 323-343-8970

Aaron Roome
Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capital Ave, MS-11ASV
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-7900
Fax: 860-509-8237

James Dowling
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Health and Social Services
Delaware's Division of Public Health
Blue Hen Corporate Center
655 South Bay Road
Dover, DE 19946
Phone: 302-741-2934
Fax: 302-741-2930

FedEx Address:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
410 Capital Ave, MS-11ASV
Hartford, CT 06134

R. Luke Shouse
Chief, HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Georgia Division of Public Health
Epidemiology Branch
2 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 14-450
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
Phone: 404-657-2601
Fax: 404-657-4141

Tamika Rose Jackson
EPS Coordinator
Connecticut Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Infectious Disease Division
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: 860-509-8165
Fax: 860-509-8237

Mildred McGainey
EPS Coordinator
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Division of Public Health/Epidemiology Branch
2 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-656-2642
Fax: 404-657-4141

FedEx Address:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
410 Capitol Avenue, MS-12ASV
Hartford, CT 06134


Illinois – Chicago
Nanette Benbow
Chicago Department of Public Health
Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Division of STD/AIDS/HIV Policy and Planning
333 South State Street, Room 2150
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-747-9620
Fax: 312-745-3923

New Jersey
Linda Dimasi
Analyst 1, Research and Evaluation
New Jersey Department of Health
Epidemiologic Services
Division of HIV/AIDS Services
P.O. Box 363
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: 609-984-5940
Fax: 609-633-2791
FedEx Address:
Division of HIV/AIDS Services, DHAS
NJ Dept. Of Health & Senior Services
50 East State Street
Capitol Center, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625

Donna Peace
Chicago Department of Public Health
Office of HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Division of STD/AIDS/HIV Policy and Planning
333 South State Street, Room 2151
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-747-9614
Fax: 312-745-3923

Mary Michaud
Quality Assurance Specialist
NJ Dept. of Health & Senior Services
Epidemiologic Services
Division of HIV/AIDS Services
PO Box 363
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: 609-984-5980
Fax: 609-984-2455

Amy Zapata
Surveillance Program Manager
Louisiana Office of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Program
1010 Common Street, Suite 1100
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: 504-568-7523
Fax: 504-599-1307

FedEx Address:
Division of HIV/AIDS Services, DHAS
N.J. Dept. Of Health & Senior Services
50 East State Street
Capitol Center, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625

Colin Flynn
Member, Director Team
Chief, Center for Surveillance and Epidemiology
AIDS Administration
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
State of Maryland
500 North Calvert Street, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-767-5061
Fax: 410-333-6333

New York -New York City
Vicki B. Peters
Medical Specialist
Coordinator, Pediatric HIV/AIDS Projects
HIV Surveillance & Epidemiology Program
NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
346 Broadway, Room 706
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-442-9898
Fax: 212-788-2520

Jami Stockdale
Division Chief, Health Services Evaluation
Maryland AIDS Administration
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Center for Surveillance and Epidemiology
500 North Calvert Street, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-767-5143

Annette Brooks
NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
Office of AIDS Surveillance
346 Broadway, Room 707D, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-442-3495
Fax: 212-349-5170


James Swanzy-Parker
Public Health Advisor II
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
HIV Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway, Room 706C, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212-442-3489
Fax: 212-788-2520

Althea Kirkland
Disease Surveillance Program Supervisor
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Surveillance Unit
AIDS Activities Coordinating Office
1101 Market Streets, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4773
Fax: 215-685-4774

New York – Albany
Lou Smith
Bureau Director
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Division of Epidemiology
ESP Corning Tower, Room 717
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-1947

Puerto Rico
Sandra Miranda
AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
Puerto Rico Department of Health
AIDS Surveillance Program
Reparto Metropolitano Shopping Center
Americo Miranda Ave. Room 210
San Juan, PR 00921
Phone: 787-763-0327
Fax: 787-763-0399
Email: (primary email address)
Alternate Address: (use this

Wendy P. Pulver
Research Scientist
New York State Department of Health
Division of Epidemiology, Room 729
Corning Tower, ESP
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-474-4284
Fax: 518-474-1947

Maritza Cruz
Puerto Rico Health Department
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program
Division of Epidemiology
Palmar del Río, Apartment 426
#18 Arbolote Avenue
Guaynabo, PR 00969-5515
Phone: 787-763-0240
Fax: 787-763-0399

Pennsylvania –Philadelphia
James McAnaney
Surveillance Coordinator
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AACO, AIDS Surveillance
1101 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4777
Fax: 215-685-4774

Ilsa Santiago
Data Manager
Puerto Rico Health Department
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Division of Epidemiology
Libra Street, #1733 Venus Garden
San Juan, PR 00926
Phone: 787-763-0265
Fax: 787-763-0399

Kathleen A. Brady
Medical Director/Medical Epidemiologist
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AACO, AIDS Surveillance
1101 Market Street, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-685-4778
Fax: 215-685-4774
Alternate Email:

South Carolina
Teresa Stephens
Director, Surveillance and Technical Support
South Carolina Dept of Health & Environmental Control
Surveillance and Technical Support
Disease Control
203 Stonemede Drive
Irmo, SC 29063
Phone: 803-898-0419


Dana Giurgiutiu
HIV/STD Surveillance Program Coordinator
Bureau of Disease Control
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
1751 Calhoun Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2606
Phone: 803-898-0933
Fax: 803-898-0573

Marcia Wolverton
Epidemiologist Manager
HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Bureau of Epidemiology
Houston Department of Health and Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-558-2442
Fax: 713-794-9182

Sylvia Vena
EPS Project Coordinator
HIV/STD Surveillance
Bureau of Disease Control
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
1751 Calhoun Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2606
Phone: 803-898-0702
Fax: 803-898-0573

Koya Davis
City of Houston
Health and Human Services
Office of Surveillance and Public Health Preparedness
8000 North Stadium Drive
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-798-0852
Fax: 713-794-9391

Texas - Austin
Sharon Melville
Department of State Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street
H33000, HESE, Mail Code 1873
Surveillance 406
Austin, TX 78751
Phone: 512-533-3038
Fax: 512-371-4674

Jeffrey Meyer
Epidemiologist Supervisor
Houston Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Epidemiology
8000 North Stadium Drive, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-794-9194
Fax: 713-794-9182

FedEx Address:
Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
4110 Guadalupe Bldg. #636
Austin, TX 78751

Sharon Denton

Tammy Sajak
Texas Department of State Health Services
HIV/STD Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch
Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756
Phone: 512-533-3101

Elvia Ledezma
Texas Department of State Health Services
HIV/STD Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
4110 Guadalupe, Building 636
Austin, TX 78751
Phone: 512-533-3045


J2. Listings of Expert Consultants and Consultation Summaries (if available)

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Mollie Adkins
Kentucky Department of Health
275 East Main Street, Mail Stop HS2C-A
Frankfort, KY 40621
Phone: (502) 564-6539
Fax: (502) 564-9865

Yussef Bennani
New York City Department of Health
346 Broadway, Room 701-707, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3456
Fax: (212) 442-3482

Chris Aldridge
444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 339
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 434-8090
Fax: (202) 434-8092

Berry Bennett
Florida Bureau of Laboratories
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 791-1527

Zuleika Aponte
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4593
Fax: (404) 639-8640
Naomi Bock
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-3281
Fax: (404) 639-8640
Paul Beatty
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCHS
Metro IV Building
3311 Toledo Rd., MS P08
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Phone: (301) 458-4090
Fax: (301) 458-4031
Nanette Benbow
Chicago Department of Health
333 South State Street, DePaul Center, Rm 2150
Chicago, IL 60604-5972
Phone: (312) 747-9620
Fax: (312) 747-9663

Diane Bennett
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-5349
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Anthony Bethea
District of Columbia Department of Health
717 14th Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 724-8801
Fax: (202) 724-8677
Trista Bingham
HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 351-8175
Fax: (213) 487-6473
Keith Bletzer
Arizona Department of Health Services
3815 North Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, AR 85015
Phone: (602) 230-5835
Fax: (602) 230-5973

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Ulana Bodnar
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6071
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Jenny Bolster
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street, 2nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 767-5229
Fax: (410) 333-4805
Alexandra Bontempo
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza Station, Corning Twr, Rm 765
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 474-5121
Bernard Branson
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6166
Fax: (404) 639-8640
Jerry V. Burkman
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian, Mailstop 6C-95
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 233-7506
Fax: (317) 233-7663

Robert Burton
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of HIV/AIDS
Health and Welfare Building, Room 1010
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108-9908
Phone: (717) 783-0574
Fax: (717) 772-4309
Susan Buskin
Public Health - Seattle & King County
400 Yesler Way, 3rd Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 205-6123
Fax: (206) 205-5281
Bob Byers
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E48
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2025
Fax: (404) 639-8642
Chris Cagle
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E48
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-8156
Fax: (404) 639-0910
Ellen Caldeira
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 767-5143
Fax: (410) 333-6333

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Beth Canfield
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Metro IV Building
3311 Toledo Rd., MS P08
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Phone: (301) 458-4275
Fax: (301) 458-4031
Juliann Carlos
Los Angeles Department of Health Services
600 South Commonwealth Avenue, 6th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 351-8077
Fax: (213) 382-7605
Regina Charter
CO Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, DCEED-A3
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Jane Cheeks
Alabama Department of Public Health
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400, RSA Tower
Montgomery, AL 36104
Cham Chetty
100 Randolph Street
Durham, NC 27712
Phone: (919) 620-2444
Fax: (919) 620-2495
Carol Ciesielski
Chicago Department of Health
333 South State Street, DePaul Center, Rm 2150
Chicago, IL 60604-5972

Hollie Clark
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2048
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Lavonne Cole
Tennessee State Department of Health
426 5th Avenue, North, Cordell Hull Bldg, 4th Floor
Nashville, TN 37247-4911
Phone: (615) 532-2693
Fax: (615) 741-3857
Sam Costa
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-3990
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Terry Crockett
Lousiana Office of Public Health
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 599-1307
Allison Crutchfield
CO Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, DCEED-A3
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Phone: (303) 692-2653
Fax: (303) 782-0904
Maritza Cruz
Puerto Rico Department of Health
Americo Miranda Avenue, Room 210
San Juan, PR 00921
Phone: (787) 763-0240
Fax: (787) 763-0399

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Cheryl Cunningham
Houston Department of Health & Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 5th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Danni Daniels
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-3973
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Hazel D. Dean
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2050
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Philip Dibartolo
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
123 South Broad Street, 23rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Phone: (215) 685-6659
Fax: (215) 685-6674
Gordon Dickinson
Medical Service (111-I)
Miami VA Medical Center
1201 N.W. 16 Street
Miami, FL 33125
Phone: (305) 324-3267
Fax: (305) 324-3139
Jennifer Donnelly-Moe
CO Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, DCEED-A3
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Phone: (303) 692-2711
Fax: (303) 782-0904

David Dotson
ISDH Laboratory Services
635 Barnhill Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (317) 233-8050
Fax: (504) 599-1307
Teri Dowling
San Francisco Department of Public Health
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-9167
Fax: (415) 431-7547
Ken Earley
NJ Department of Health & Senior Services
Market and Warren Streets, Laboratory Bldg L-231
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 984-9318
Fax: (609) 292-4856
Elizabeth Eastman
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
305 South Street, 5th Floor
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: (617) 983-6577
Fax: (617) 983-6363
Dena M. Ellison
Virginia Department of Health
1500 E. Main Street, Room 112, P.O. Box 2448
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 371-4114
Fax: (804) 786-6242
Lorena Espinoza
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2063
Fax : (404) 639-2980

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Fran Eury
Illinois Department of Health
160 N. LaSalle Street, 7-South
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 814-4846
Fax: (312) 814-4844

Colin Flynn
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 767-5050
Fax: (410) 333-6333

Matthew Facer
Epidemiologic Studies Section, Office of AIDS
California Department of Health Services
611 North 7th Street, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95814-0208
Phone: (916) 323-7335
Fax: (916) 327-3252

Ernestine Frazier
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4497
Fax : (404) 639-2980

Hala Fawal
Alabama Department of Public Health
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400, RSA Tower
Montgomery, AL 36104
Shawn Fellner
Ohio Department of Health
246 North High Street, 35 E. Chestnut Bldg, 7th Flr
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 728-0877
Fax: (614) 644-1909
Joann Feltrop
Missouri Department of Health
930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: (573) 571-6463
Fax: (573) 751-6417
David K. Fields
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian, Mailstop 6C-95
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 233-7032
Fax: (317) 233-7663

Debra Frederickson
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street, Maildrop 0308
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Phone: (405) 271-4636
Fax: (405) 271-1187
Douglas Frye
Los Angeles Department of Health Services
600 South Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005-4001
Phone: (213) 351-8149
Fax: (213) 427-8840
Alicia Gable
Institute of Medicine
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20418
Phone: (202) 334-2366
Fax: (202) 334-2939
Roy Gager
HIV Counseling, Testing and Training Section
Office of AIDS, Department of Health Services
611 North 7th Street
Sacramento, Ca. 95814
Phone: (916) 323-7298
Fax: (916) 323-4642

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Kathleen Gallagher
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2057
Fax : (404) 639-8640

Gary Goldbaum
Public Health - Seattle & King County
400 Yesler Way, 5th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 296-4991
Fax: (206) 296-0208

Myriam Garcia
Department of Health of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 70184
San Juan, PR 00936-8184
Phone: (787) 274-5721
Fax: (787) 274-5707

Beverly Gordon
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
400 South Zang Blvd., Suite 520
Dallas, TX 75208
Phone: (214) 944-1070
Fax: (214) 645-7303

Ann Gardner
Arizona Department of Health Services
3815 North Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, AR 85015
Phone: (602) 230-5828
Fax: (602) 230-5973
Jerry Gibson
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
444 N. Capitol Street, NW., Suite 339
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 434-8090
Fax: (202) 434-8092
Dana Giurgiutiu
South Carolina Department of Health
1751 Calhoun Street, Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 898-0933
Fax: (803) 898-0573
Kate Glynn
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2003
Fax : (404) 639-2980

Gary Goza
Michigan Community Public Health Administration
3423 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8165
Claudia Gray
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Stacie Greby
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E59
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4488
Fax : (404) 639-0929
Angelique Griffin
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Becky Grigg
Florida DOH/Bureau of HIV/AIDS
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1715
Phone: (850) 245-4430
Fax: (850) 414-4430

Kevin Hansen
Chicago Department of Public Health
2847 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (312) 744-5507
Fax: (312) 742-7364

DeAnn Gruber
Lousiana Office of Public Health
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 599-1307

Norma Harris
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4622
Fax : (404) 639-2980

Hania Habeeb
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

Debra Hayes-Hughes
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4493
Fax : (404) 639-2980

David Hale
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E58
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-5233
Fax : (404) 639-5257
Irene Hall
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4679
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Earl Handwerker
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2061
Fax : (404) 639-2980

Theresa H. Henry
Virginia Department of Health
1500 E. Main Street, Room 112, P.O. Box 2448
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 371-4119
Fax: (804) 225-3517
Mike Herbert
Missouri Department of Health
930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Jeanine Hernandez
Michigan Department Community Health
3423 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 241-5940
Fax: (517) 241-5922

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Robert Janssen
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D21
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-0900
Fax : (404) 639-0910

Jon Kaplan
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS A12
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4581
Fax: (404) 639-4664

Jeffrey Jenne
City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health
1101 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 685-5639
Fax: (215) 685-5293

Hema Kapoor
Michigan Department Community Health
Bureau of Laboratory
3350 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8099
Fax: (517) 335-9631

Tamika Julian-Gray
Houston Department of Health & Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 5th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Danielle Kahn
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-4455
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Linda Kaimins
ARUP Laboratories
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Phone: (801) 583-2787 x. 2293
Fax: (801) 584-5108
Laurie Kamimoto
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-3917
Fax : (404) 639-2980

John Karon
2505 Elfego Road
Albuquerque, NM 87107-3010
Phone: (505) 342-5639
Arthur Kazianis
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
305 South Street, 5th Floor
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Lynda Kettinger
South Carolina Department of Health
1751 Calhoun Street, Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 898-0625
Fax: (803) 898-0573
Betsy Klebanoff-Hills
Public Health - Seattle & King County
400 Yesler Way, 3rd Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 205-9124
Fax: (206) 205-4039

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Maurice Knuckles
District of Columbia Department of Health
717 14th Street, NW.
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 724-8801
Eileen Koski
Quest Diagnostics
Incorporated Advanced Diagnostics
1 Malcolm Avenue
Teterboro, NJ 07608
Phone: (201) 729-7809
Fax: (201) 729-8764
Bonnie Kwan
Florida DOH/Bureau of HIV/AIDS
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1715
Phone: (850) 245-4444 x.2564
Fax: (850) 922-4202
Erin Lammers
Kent County Regional Lab
700 Fuller, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone: (616) 336-2299
Fax: (616) 336-2274
Susan Langer
AIDS Epidemiology Program, ID Division,
Department of Public Health
410 Capital Avenue, MS #11ASV
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7900
Fax: (860) 509-8237
Amy Leber
Quest Diagnostics, Nichols Institute
33608 Ortega Highway
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92690
Phone: (201) 729-7809

Stan Lehman
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2041
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Peter Leone
NC Department of Health & Human Services
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
Laurie Linley
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-2086
Fax : (404) 639-2980
Bernardita López
Puerto Rico Department of Health
Americo Miranda Avenue, Room 210
San Juan, PR 00921
Brian Louie
San Francisco Public Health Laboratory
101 Grove Street, Room 419
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-2800
Fax: (415) 431-0551
David Lundberg
Tennessee State Department of Health
426 5th Avenue, North, Cordell Hull Bldg 4th Floor
Nashville, TN 37247-4911
Phone: (615) 741-7511
Fax: (615) 741-3857

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Sam Martinez
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E02
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone : (404) 639-5219
Fax : (404) 639-5257

Kathleen McDavid
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6034
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Jeff Massey
Michigan Department of Community Health
3350 N MLK, Jr. Blvd
Bldg. #44
Lansing , MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8850

Steve McDougal
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS A25
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-3434
Fax: (404) 639-2108

James McAnaney
Philadelphia Department of Public Health, AACO
AIDS Surveillance
123 South Broad Street, 23rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Phone: (215) 685-6655
Fax: (215) 685-5223

Matthew McKenna
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2050
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Paulette McClure
Ohio Department of Health
HIV/STD Prevention Program
Southwest District Office
1 S. Main Street, Suite 440
Dayton, OH 45402-2021
Phone: (937) 285-6291
Fax: (937) 285-6631
Lyle McCormick
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2081
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Joanne Mel
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS F19
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (770) 488-7945
Fax: (770) 488-7459
Leandro Mena
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 East Woodrow Wilson Blvd., Suite 350
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Phone: (601) 576-7723
Fax: (601) 576-7909
Don Mixon
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4108
Fax: (404) 639-2029

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Hal Moore
Alabama Department of Public Health
201 Monroe Street, Suite 1400, RSA Tower
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: (334) 206-2613
Fax: (334) 206-2092

William Oleszko
NYCity Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Public Health Laboratory
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: (212) 447-2864
Fax: (212) 447-2877

Benjamin Muthambi
Department of Health
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: (717) 783-0481
Fax: (717) 772-6975

Ida Onorato
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D21
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-0909
Fax: (404) 639-0910

Denis Nash
New York City Department of Health
346 Broadway, Room 703, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 442-3518
Fax: (212) 442-3482
John Nkengasong
c/o United States Embassy
Abidjan, Cote D'lvoire
Phone: (225) x. 231
Heather Noga
AIDS Epidemiology Program, ID Division
Department of Public Health
410 Capital Avenue, MS #11ASV
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7900
Fax: (860) 509-8237
Terry Oldfield
Illinois Department of Public Health
2121 West Taylor Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7260
Phone: (312) 793-1042
Fax: (312) 793-1322

Bharat Parekh
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D12
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-3647
Fax: (404) 639-2660
Karen Pendergrass
Illinois Department of Public Health
525 West Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62761
Phone: (217) 524-5983
Fax: (217) 524-6090
David Peyton
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 E. Woodrow Wilson, Blvd., Suite 350
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Phone: (601) 576-7723
Fax: (601) 576-7460
Ruby Phelps
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-5187
Fax: (404) 639-2980

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Nancy Pitstick
ARUP Laboratories
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Phone: (801) 583-2787 x. 2433
Fax: (801) 584-5117

Ann Robbins
Texas Department of Health
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: (512) 490-2500 x 2692
Fax: (512) 490-2536

Lisa Randall
Division of HIV/AIDS - STD
2479 Woodlake Circle, Suite 300
Okemos, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 241-5924
Fax: (517) 241-5922

Aaron Roome
AIDS Epidemiology Program, ID Division,
Department of Public Health
410 Capital Avenue, MS #11ASV
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7900
Fax: (860) 509-8237

Timothy J. Rasmussen
Mayo Medical Laboratories
Mayo Clinic, Hilton 460E
200 First Street, SW.
Phone: (801) 583-2787 x.2293
Krista Reddington
100 Rodolphe Street
Durham, NC 27712
Phone: (919) 620-2709
Christie Reed
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4956
Fax: (404) 639-2980
April Richardson-Moore
New York State Department of Health
ESP Corning Tower, Room 315
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: (518) 474-3671

Steve Rubin
New York Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Bureau of STD Control
125 Worth Street, Box 73
New York City, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 788-4413
Fax: (212) 788-4431
Charlotte Sadashige
NJ Department of Health & Senior Services
50 East State Street, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 363
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 984-5940
Fax: (609) 633-2791
Travis Sanchez
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-1742
Fax: (404) 639-8640

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Ron Sanders
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4678
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Richard Selik
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4495
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Xen Santas
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E48
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2036
Fax: (404) 639-8642

Charu Sharma
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
400 South Zang Blvd., Suite 250
Dallas, TX 75208
Phone: (214) 645-7343
Fax: (214) 645-7303

Jared Schiffer
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS F19
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (770) 488-7673
Sandy Schwarcz-Kaplan
AIDS Surveillance Branch
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-9134
Fax: (415) 431-0353
Joseph Schwendemann
David Axelrod Institute/Wadsworth Center
HIV Laboratory
120 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: (518) 474-2163
Fax: (518) 473-0008
Kim Seechuk
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E27
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-8339
Fax: (404) 639-8340

Kristen Shaw
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
400 South Zang Blvd., Suite 250
Dallas, TX 75208
Phone: (214) 645-7344
Fax: (214) 645-7303
Douglas Shehan
HIV Epidemiology Research & Behavioral Studies
Community Prevention & Intervention Unit
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
400 South Zang Blvd., Suite 250
Dallas, TX 75208
Phone: (214) 645-7309
Fax: (214) 645-7303
Haynes W. Sheppard
California Department of Health Services
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 307-8538
Fax: (510) 307-8601

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Timothy Sherrill
7207 North Gessner Road
Houston, TX 77040
Phone: (713) 856-8288
Fax: (713) 856-4373

Theresa L. Smith
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-3893
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Luke Shouse
Georgia Division of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street, NW., Suite 14-450
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
Phone: (404) 657-2601
Fax: (404) 657-4141

Kevin Sohner
Ohio Department of Health
1571 Perry Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 644-4669

Frangiscos Sifakis
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 North Wolfe Street, Suite E-7132
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: (443) 253-8884
Fax: (410) 333-6333
Mike Skaggs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2972
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Amanda Smith
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2978
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Lou Smith
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza Station, Corning Tower,
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 474-1947

Ruiguang Song
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E48
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4801
Fax: (404) 639-8642
Brooke Steele
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2044
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Dana Strope
Missouri Department of Health
307 West McCarthy Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Patricia Sweeney
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2047
Fax: (404) 639-2980

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Paul Swenson
Seattle-King County Department of Public Health
325 Ninth Avenue, Room BWCO3
P.O. Box 359973
Seattle, WA 98104-2499
Phone: (206) 731-8963
Fax: (206) 731-8963
Natalie Tackett
Bureau of HIV/AIDS
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: (850) 245-4444 x. 2570
Fax: (850) 922-4202
Gita Talati
Lousiana Office of Public Health
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 599-1307
Raekiela Taylor
UAB School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology
RPHB 220, 1530 3rd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0022
Phone: (205) 975-8657
Fax: (205) 934-8656
Jimmie Tingle
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 E. Woodrow Wilson, Blvd., Suite 350
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Phone: (601) 576-7723
Fax: (601) 576-7460

Lucia Torian
New York City Department of Health
346 Broadway, Room 703, Box 44
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 788-4481
Fax: (212) 442-3482
Howard Turner
Houston Department of Health & Human Services
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 5th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Mark Turner
Epidemiology Division
HIV/STD Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street
Mailstop 0308
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Phone: (405) 271.4636
Fax: (405) 271.1187
Ana-Maria Valle-Rivera
Texas Department of Health
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: (512) 458-7735
Andrew Vernon
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E07
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-8006
Fax: (404) 639-8600
Janie Wallace
Immunology Division
MS Public Health Laboratory
570 East Woodrow Wilson
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone: (601) 576-7582

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Kelci Wallace
Arizona Department of Health Services
3815 North Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, AR 85015
Phone: (602) 542-6126
Fax: (602) 230-5973
Huisheng Wang
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6079
Fax: (404) 639-8640
Ling Wang
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza Station, Corning Twr, Rm 729
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 474-1947
Debbie Wendell
Lousiana Office of Public Health
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 599-1307
Barbara Werner
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
305 South Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: (617) 983-6365
Fax: (617) 983-6363
Guy Weston
District of Columbia Department of Health
717 14th Street, NW., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 727-4935

Judy Wethers
David Axelrod Institute/Wadsworth Center
HIV Laboratory
120 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: (518) 474-2163
Fax: (518) 473-0008
Lisa Weymouth
Virginia Department of Health
1500 E. Main Street, Room 112, P.O. Box 2448
Richmond, VA 23218
Nikki White
Jefferson County Health Department
850 Barret Avenue, Suite 302
Louisville, KY 40204
Delbert Williams
NC Department of Health & Human Services
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
Phone: (919) 733-9606
Fax: (919) 715-7540
Matt Wilson
Michigan Department Community Health
3423 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8165
Fax: (517) 335-8121
Leslie Wolf
NC Department of Health and Human Services
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902

4th HIV Incidence Consultation: Strategies & Procedures for Implementation
Atlanta, Georgia ♦ March 25-27, 2003
Participant Directory
Mitch Wolfe
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-8663
Fax: (404) 639-8640

Patty Young
Colorado Department of Health & Environment
Laboratory & Radiation Services Division
8100 Lowry Blvd.
Denver, CO 80230-6928
Phone: (303) 692-3499

Marcia Wolverton
Texas Department of Health
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756-3199
Phone: (512) 490-2500 x.2701
Fax: (512) 490-2532

Irum Zaidi
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2082
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Meridith S. Woodman
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-8338
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Amy Zapata
Lousiana Office of Public Health
234 Loyola Avenue, 5th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-7523
Fax: (504) 599-1307

Toni Woods
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6167
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Arthur Wozniak
South Carolina Department of Health
1751 Calhoun Street, Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 896-0965
Fax: (803) 898-0573
Joan Wright-Andoh
District of Columbia Department of Health
717 14th Street, NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 727-2500
Fax: (202) 724-5145

5th HIV Incidence Consultation
Laboratory & Specimen Transport Consultation
Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington, D.C.
December 9, 2004
Participants Directory
Berry Bennett
Retrovirology Section Chief
Florida Department of Health
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Phone: (904) 791-1527
Ulana Bodnar
Medical Officer
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6071
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Bernard Branson
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS D21
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-6166
Fax: (404) 639-0897
Tony Buckman
Incidence Program Field Coordinator
San Francisco Department of Health
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, California 94102
Phone: (415) 554-9096
Fax: (415) 431-0353
Richard DeStephens
Office Manager for Surveillance
Arizona Department of Health Services
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 110
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 364-3610
Fax: (602) 364-3268

Tonji Durant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4494
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Jennifer Donnelly
Project Coordinator
Colorado Department of Public Health &
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80210
Phone: (303) 692-2711
Fax: (303) 782-0904
Alison Freeman
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-3911
Fax: (404) 639-2980
Rosemary Humes
Association of Public Health Laboratories
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 550
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 822-5227 x211
Fax: (202) 887-5098
Richard Kline
Public Health Analyst
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-4958
Fax: (404) 639-2980

5th HIV Incidence Consultation
Laboratory & Specimen Transport Consultation
Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington, D.C.
December 9, 2004
Participants Directory
Lisa M. Lee
Team Supervisor
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2052
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Joseph Prejean
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-5273
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Laurie Linley
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2086
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Stacy Saunders
Technical Supervisor
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
Phone: 800-242-2787x2433
Fax: (801) 584-5103

Brian Louie
Senior Microbiologist
San Francisco Department of Public Health
101 Grove Street, Room 419
San Francisco, California 94102
Phone: (415) 554-2800
Fax: (415) 431-0651

Joseph Schwendemann
Research Scientist
New York State HIV Laboratory
120 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, New York 12208
Phone: (518) 474-2163
Fax: (518) 473-0008

Kim Lucas
California Department of Health Services
P.O. Box 997426
Sacramento, California 95899-7426
Phone: (916) 650-6902
Fax: (916) 449-5858

Timothy Sherrill
Laboratory Corporation
of America
7207 North Gessner Road
Houston, Texas 77040
Phone: (713)856-8288x3936
Fax: (713)856-4373

Matthew T. McKenna
Branch Chief
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-5381
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Lou Smith
Medical Epidemiologist
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza Station, Corning Tower,
Room 729
Albany, New York 12237
Phone: (518) 474-4284
Fax: (518) 473-0118

5th HIV Incidence Consultation
Laboratory & Specimen Transport Consultation
Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington, D.C.
December 9, 2004
Participants Directory
Patricia Somsel
3350 N. MLK Boulevard
P.O. Box 30035
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Phone: (517) 335-8067
Kelci Stroud
Public Health Scientist II
Arizona Department of Health
250 North 17th Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 542-6125
Fax: (602) 364-1655
Brent K. Sugimoto
California Department of Health
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Richmond, California 94804
David Sundwall
Senior Medical and Scientific Officer
American Clinical Laboratory Association
1250 H Street, Suite 880
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 637-9466
Fax: (202) 637-2050
Anthony Tran
Association of Public Health Laboratories
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 550
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 822-5227 x229
Fax: (202) 887-5098
Frances Walker
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE MS E47
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 639-2085
Fax: (404) 639-2980

Barbara Werner
Infectious Diseases Consultant
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
305 South Street, 5th Floor
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130
Phone: (617) 983-6365
Fax: (617) 983-6363
Lisa Weymouth
Lead Scientist
Commonwealth of Virginia
600 North 5th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: (804) 648-4480x283
Fax: (804) 371-0666
Michael L. Wilson
Director, Department of Pathology
Denver Health Medical Center
Mail Code: 0224
777 Bannock Street
Denver, Colorado 80204-4507
Phone: (303) 436-8667
Fax: (303) 436-6340
Neil Wylie, Jr.
Scientific Director, Infectious Diseases
Specialty Laboratories
2211 Michigan Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90404
Phone: (310) 828-6543x2377
Fax: (310) 586-7342
Joseph D.C. Yao
Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine,
Medical & Microbiology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
200 First Street, S.W.
Rochester, Minnesota 55905-0002
Phone: (507) 266-4533
Fax: (507) 284-4272

Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
9 December 2004, Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington DC
Attendees: Berry Bennett, Ulana Bodnar, Bernard Branson, Tony Buckman, Richard DeStephens,
Jennifer Donnelly, Tonji Durant, Alison Freeman, Rosemary Humes, Richard Kline, Lisa M. Lee, Laurie
Linley, Brian Louie, Kim Lucas, Matthew McKenna, Joseph Prejean, Stacy Saunders, Joseph
Schwendemann, Timothy Sherrill, Lou Smith, Patricia Somsel, Kelci Stroud, Brent Sugimoto, David
Sundwall, Anthony Tran, Fran Walker, Barbara Werner, Lisa Weymouth, Michael Wilson, Joseph Yao.

Presentation: Matthew McKenna (CDC) – Welcome
Matt McKenna presented background on the need for national HIV incidence surveillance, a
more direct measure of HIV transmission, in addition to the existing national surveillance of new
HIV diagnoses. The incidence surveillance system will provide critical feedback to HIV
prevention programs, helping them to better target prevention activities. It will provide critical
data to better characterize the HIV epidemic locally and nationally. The goal of this meeting
was to reach consensus on a plan and outline policy considerations for shipping specimens to
the CDC-STARHS Laboratory for HIV incidence testing.

Presentation: Lisa M. Lee (CDC) – Introduction & Charge to the Group
Lisa M. Lee welcomed the participants and stakeholders thanking them for their commitment to
collaborate in this process. The charge to the group was to: (1) develop ideas for a plan to ship
specimens from private and commercial laboratories to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory, (2) reach
concurrence on a plan of action, (3) outline any policy issues that may need to be addressed in
order to implement the plan, and (4) create a list of action items to follow-up on after the
conclusion of the meeting.

Presentation: Barbara Werner (MA State Laboratory for APHL) – Role of APHL in HIV
Incidence Surveillance
Barbara Werner presented background information on the Association of Public Health
Laboratory’s (APHL) mission to promote the role of public health laboratories (PHLs) in support
of national and global objectives and continuous progress in improving laboratory practices.
APHL represents state, territorial, county, and city PHLs. APHL works closely with Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a number of activities including reference testing,
training, consultations, and a cooperative agreement for laboratory activities in AIDS
surveillance, HIV counseling and testing, STD, TB, bioterrorism, and epidemiology / laboratory
capacity for emerging infectious diseases. APHL has a cooperative agreement with CDC for
HIV Incidence surveillance that is designed to facilitate the transfer of HIV positive sera from
commercial laboratories to the CDC-STARHS laboratory (currently contracted to the New York
State Public Health laboratory) either directly or through the state’s PHL.

Page 1 of 14

Presentation: Lisa M. Lee (CDC) – Incidence Surveillance 101
Lisa M. Lee presented an overview of the HIV incidence surveillance system. The purpose of
incidence surveillance is to provide national and local population-based estimates of the number
of new HIV infections per year. HIV incidence surveillance will be integrated into the existing
core HIV/AIDS case surveillance systems in each state. The Institute of Medicine issued a
report that emphasized the need for a funding allocation system for HIV prevention that is based
on the number of new HIV infections, not the number of AIDS cases and deaths.
The two requirements for HIV incidence surveillance are: (1) an aliquot of serum from all
confirmed positive HIV tests done in the US for testing using STARHS (Serologic Testing
Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion), and (2) surveillance data, including supplemental
testing history information, for inference to the population.
The 33 participating sites represent over 85% of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the US. Currently
the assay used in STARHS is the Vironostika Less Sensitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The
BED HIV Capture EIA manufactured by Calypte will replace the Vironostika in spring / summer
2005. With the adoption of the BED test, sites will no longer require Institutional Review Board
(IRB) approval or patient consent as the BED assay is not under Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) regulations.
The BED test has been labeled for surveillance use only, not for clinical or diagnostic use,
therefore results will not be returned to the provider or the patient. Currently only CDCauthorized laboratories can use the BED test to conduct public health surveillance.
Questions & Comments:
Is today’s discussion aimed for use with the new BED assay?
Yes. Although the BED assay has not been approved by the FDA, they have issued an opinion
stating that the assay may be used for public health surveillance ONLY and therefore does not
fall under an IND or IDE. Therefore, informed consent is no longer required and though results
can be linked to the patients’ surveillance records, results cannot be returned to providers or
patients. For at least the first year, all testing will continue to be performed at the CDCSTARHS Laboratory (currently contracted to the NY State Public Health Laboratory).
If consent is not required, then do specimens not need to be unlinked when the BED assay is
Unlinking is no longer required. Linkage will be maintained for deduplication purposes both
within and across jurisdictions. Incidence data will be a subset of case data which has and will
continue to be sent from states to CDC without personal identifiers. Although linked on the local
surveillance record, it is extremely important to note that results from the BED assay cannot be
returned to the provider or the patient under any circumstances. STARHS is being performed at
the request of the public health surveillance system, not a health care provider, therefore results
are returned only to the public health department’s (PHD) HIV incidence surveillance
coordinator, not to the originating laboratory, provider, or client.
Will there be continued development of the BED assay for clinical purposes?
Currently CDC does not intend to develop the BED for clinical use; it was developed for public
health (PH) surveillance purposes only. This or other assays may be investigated for clinical
use by others, but CDC’s current objective is public health surveillance, not clinical use.

Page 2 of 14

Are IND changes going to change implementation procedures? Will local IRBs accept the new
FDA decision?
The FDA does not require an IRB-approved protocol because the assay will be used for routine
PH surveillance purposes only and does not fall under IND/IDE requirements. The change
means that the HIV incidence surveillance activities will come under a different section of the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), one related to the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) instead of the section relating to the FDA. Routine PH surveillance deemed
non-research by a federal agency is not subject to IRB review. The IRB process is for research
protocols and the human subjects legislation allows federal agencies to determine whether an
activity is research. If determined to be non-research, then the activity does not enter the IRB
process nationally or locally. It is similar to routine surveillance activities (for example, foodborne specimens for PulseNet) that do not need to be approved by local IRBs. However, when
state law requires IRB submission of PH surveillance procedures, then the new incidence
procedures follow IRB procedures set forth by state law.

Presentation: Richard Kline (CDC) – Laboratory Issues & Proposed Options for Specimen
Richard Kline presented the current status of HIV incidence surveillance and specimen handling
flow from PHLs to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory. Currently, most sites that are collecting
samples for HIV incidence surveillance are public testing sites or private sites that use the state
PHLs as an intermediary before shipping to the CDC STARHS laboratory. The PHLs received
support for specimen handling and tracking through the HIV Incidence Surveillance Cooperative
Agreement. As commercial laboratories (large national reference laboratories) begin collecting
specimens for HIV incidence surveillance, an APHL Cooperative Agreement allows them to bill
for specimen handling.
Two specimen flow options were presented:
Option 1: Private laboratories send all confirmed HIV positive samples to state PHL; State PHL
then interacts with State Incidence Coordinator to determine eligibility, then sends all eligible
samples to CDC-STARHS Laboratory.
Samples from private laboratories would be shipped twice.
Only eligible specimens are sent to CDC-STARHS Laboratory.
Option 2: Both the State PHL and the private laboratories send all confirmed HIV positive
samples directly to CDC-STARHS Laboratory. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory then interacts
with the 33 state Incidence Surveillance Coordinators to determine eligibility of both public and
private specimens. Only eligible specimens are then tested using STARHS.
Samples would be shipped only once.
This option requires communication between CDC-STARHS Laboratory and all state
Incidence Surveillance Coordinators.
There may be legal or policy considerations about cross-jurisdictional specimen
Questions & Comments:
Is there potential for STARHS testing to be done at the state level or will it always be

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For at least the first year of use of the BED Capture EIA, all testing will be centralized at the
CDC-STARHS Laboratory (currently contracted to the New York State Public Health
Laboratory). After that time we will re-evaluate. No matter where testing is performed,
specimens will still need to move from one point to another and will be done for surveillance
purposes only.
Will the Vironostika HIV-1 Plus O assay continue to be validated by CDC?
Not at this time. For the purposes of CDC HIV Incidence Surveillance, the BED assay will be

Discussion about Proposed Options
For the purposes of this discussion, there are three main laboratory types. Each laboratory type
may need a different specimen transport model.
Laboratory Types:
1) Commercial laboratories that test samples from many states (included in this category
are: Quest Diagnostics Inc, Laboratory Corporation of America [LabCorp], ARUP
Laboratories, Specialty Laboratories, and Mayo Clinic)
2) Smaller private / university laboratories that operate at the state or local level
3) Public health laboratories (PHLs)
Issues and Clarifications regarding Funding:
1. The precedent for reimbursement for handling of specimens for surveillance, in general, (for
example, antimicrobial resistance, food-borne specimens, tuberculosis, and West Nile virus)
has relied on cooperation between private laboratories, PH departments, and CDC. Even
though funds exist now for handling STARHS specimens, this will likely be the case only
during the start-up phase of this system.
2. The APHL Cooperative Agreement will reimburse high volume, cross-jurisdictional
commercial laboratories only; private laboratories are not included in the current
Cooperative Agreement.
What is the distribution of confirmatory tests done at PH and private/commercial laboratories for
each state?
The distribution of the number of confirmatory HIV tests varies by state. Each state can
estimate the distribution of confirmatory testing done at each laboratory type based on the origin
of laboratory reports to the HIV/AIDS surveillance system.
What proportion of HIV positive tests meet STARHS eligibility requirements?
This is not yet known. Many confirmatory tests are not diagnostic. It depends on many factors
(for example, how often patient changes health care providers) and is therefore difficult to
What identifiers will accompany the specimen to CDC-STARHS Laboratory?
The specimen must be linked between the diagnostic laboratory and the HIV/AIDS Case Report
Form (CRF) going to the state PHD. The surveillance system must get a unique specimen
number that links laboratory results to the testing history data (either from the counseling and
testing system’s PEMS software or the CDC provided Testing History Questionnaire) and CRF.

Page 4 of 14

The CDC-STARHS lab will assign each eligible specimen a unique STARHS Lab ID number as
CDC-STARHS Laboratory Plan for numbering eligible STARHS specimens:
9-digit unique number:
## - ## - #####
(1) (2) (3)
(1) = Unique site code (e.g., 01) that is specific for each HIV incidence site (specific
to the state or local health department that will be receiving STARHS results) and
could be specific to each of the 5 commercial laboratories **
(2) = Year (e.g., 04)
(3) = Sequential specimen number from the specific site within a particular year
** A unique site code will allow the CDC-STARHS Laboratory to identify which state
PHD the results should be returned to. If specimen came from commercial laboratory,
then a new, state-specific number could be assigned to specimen when it reaches the
CDC-STARHS Laboratory so that they can return results to the correct PHD.
What is the most efficient way for private and commercial laboratories to aliquot and limit
specimen involvement and responsibility?
One suggestion was for commercial laboratories to send all HIV positive specimens to state
PHL or other facility (i.e., CDC-STARHS Laboratory) and let state Incidence Surveillance
Coordinators determine and inform the CDC-STARHS Laboratory which specimens are eligible
for testing using STARHS.
What identification number should private laboratories include with the specimen if they don’t
have a Counseling, Testing, and Referral Sites (CTR/CTS) or Program Evaluation Monitoring
System (PEMS) number (at best the private laboratories may have a hospital identification
All confirmed WB must be reported by the laboratory to the state HIV surveillance system with
identifying information. The tube of blood must be sent with the same identifying information. It
will be critical for laboratories to report the unique specimen ID (e.g., accession number) to the
surveillance system. This is already the case in most areas, but not all. Incidence surveillance
coordinators will need to ensure that the specimen ID is transmitted to and stored in
Can each laboratory assign its own identification number before shipping?
Since it would be possible for two different laboratories to have the same laboratory-assigned
identification numbering system, coordination is required among the private laboratories, the
surveillance site Incidence Coordinator, and the CDC-STARHS Laboratory. The most feasible
approach would probably have the private laboratory send samples to the state PHL which will
then coordinate eligibility and assignment of the STARHS laboratory ID. The eligibility
determination burden should not be the responsibility of the private laboratories.
Discussion Points regarding Sending Samples Directly to CDC-STARHS Laboratory from
Private Laboratories:
1. The laboratory accession number will most likely be different than the STARHS number,
so the laboratory accession number must be included on the CRF submitted by the
laboratory to the state health department. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will need to be

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in close contact with the state Incidence Coordinator (and vice versa) to provide a
linkage between the laboratory accession number and the STARHS identification
number. The state surveillance department should be able to link the laboratory
accession number to the surveillance data.
If national commercial laboratories send all HIV positive samples directly to the CDCSTARHS Laboratory, then the samples can be stored at the CDC-STARHS Laboratory
until eligibility is determined for STARHS testing. Commercial laboratories should not
wait until eligibility is determined before sending samples to the CDC-STARHS
The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will need to know the laboratory and other pertinent
information and the state in which the sample was drawn so that results are sent back to
correct site. This means that there needs to be something encoded in the STARHS
number that indicates where to send the results.
Electronic reporting systems may be difficult to alter to include laboratory accession
number if it is not already reported to the state surveillance system, but this could
possibly be included in comments section.
Samples from commercial laboratories sent directly to the STARHS laboratory will need
to be re-labeled with the STARHS number. This means that potential for error will be
introduced. The Incidence Coordinator from each state will contact the CDC-STARHS
Laboratory to test specific identification numbers (e.g., laboratory accession numbers),
then CDC-STARHS Laboratory will pull only those samples, re-label with STARHS
number, and test. Therefore, only samples eligible for STARHS testing will be relabeled.
There was concern about laboratories sending the laboratory accession number to the
CDC-STARHS Laboratory because of potential HIPAA concerns since the laboratory
accession number can be linked back to the patient’s medical record. However, there is
a ‘carve-out’ for public health surveillance activities in the HIPAA legislation which allows
such linkage.
Commercial laboratories would prefer to send samples directly to CDC-STARHS
Laboratory and not have to divide up samples and ship to (potentially) several different
state PHLs. The commercial laboratories would also prefer to send all HIV positive
samples and not hold for eligibility determination because the time frame for storage is
not feasible. Simplicity is key for the commercial laboratories.
Other laboratories would prefer to integrate this specimen transport into their current
procedures with their local PHL. Many private labs have existing relationships with their
state PHL for specimen transport for other diseases, including West Nile virus,
salmonella, and tuberculosis. Instead of creating new procedures with the CDCSTARHS Laboratory, they requested to use their state PHL. In this case, the PHL would
work with the Incidence Surveillance Coordinator to determine eligibility. The state PHL
would assign the eligible samples a STARHS laboratory ID number from a pre-assigned
set of IDs generated by the CDC-STARHS Laboratory and distributed to all participating
Concern was raised about whether the state can legally communicate with the private
laboratories to ask them to pull select HIV positive samples for shipment for STARHS
testing as that would indicate to the laboratory that sample came from newly reported
HIV cases and that samples not requested came from previously diagnosed and
reported cases. The fundamental issue is that the information connected to the
individual comes into the HIV surveillance system, but that information about the
individual does not go out of the system. Given that, we will need to do our work without
disclosing anything to the originating laboratory.

Page 6 of 14

Recommendations for Specimen Transport Methods:
1. More than one option for specimen transport is feasible and preferable:
a. Originating laboratory can send an aliquot of all confirmed HIV positive samples
directly to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory
b. Originating laboratory can send an aliquot of all confirmed HIV positive samples
to the state PHL
2. Both methods must address specimen labeling issues and ensure a link between
specimen identification number and the STARHS identification number.
3. The originating laboratory may choose which method would be preferable for them.
4. CDC in collaboration with participants of this consultation will draft a specimen transport
procedures guidance outlining options for implementation of both methods.
5. Whichever method is chosen by the originating laboratory, an operating plan must be
Timeline for completion of procedures guidance document:
1. Draft completed within 60 days
2. Review process
a. Draft will be distributed to consultation attendees for comment.
b. PHLs will provide input with assistance from APHL.
c. Medical center and local private laboratories can provide input via state
Incidence Surveillance Coordinator.
d. Legal review will be conducted internally at CDC and at major commercial
laboratories for legality and HIPAA interpretation. The procedures may also
need to be reviewed by states for HIPAA interpretation.
3. Distribution of Final (Reviewed) Procedures to Incidence Surveillance Coordinators,
APHL for PHL directors, ACLA for commercial laboratories

Summary of Policy or Legal Issues to be Considered when Developing Draft Procedures:


Simplicity and flexibility of system – simpler system will be more likely to be acceptable
Turnaround time required / frequency of shipments – protocol needs flexibility
Resources – sufficient funds, time, and personnel for aliquoting and shipping specimens
Reports to PH surveillance programs must include laboratory specimen (accession)
number so that STARHS result can be linked to surveillance data
Many laboratories send EIA positive specimens to a reference laboratory for
confirmatory Western Blot (WB) or immunofluorescence assay (IFA). In some states
both laboratories are required to report the positive test. In this case, care must be
taken to ensure that the appropriate specimen accession numbers are associated with
the correct surveillance reports.
Confidentiality must be protected and meet standards required for HIV surveillance
HIPAA regulations must be addressed
Some states have both State and City jurisdictions, which will require coordination
between city, state, and private laboratories
Packaging and shipping procedures and regulations
a. Shipping specimens by non-FedEx courier – Some jurisdictions, e.g. San
Francisco, are not allowed to use FedEx. A CDC account number may be useful.
Need flexibility in choice of shippers.
b. Diagnostic specimens – Specimens may be shipped as ‘diagnostic specimens’,
not ‘dangerous goods’ per change in shipping regulations about 2 years ago.

Page 7 of 14

c. Dangerous goods certification – All laboratories shipping HIV positive samples
must still be certified to ship dangerous goods even with the change in regulation
allowing samples to be shipped as ‘diagnostic specimens’.
d. Tracking shipments – Who will keep track of specimens shipped and received?
One suggestion was to use the current system: Laboratories send a fax to the
CDC-STARHS Laboratory when specimens are shipped, and receiving
laboratory will notify site if specimens are not received.
10. Specimen numbering – How is laboratory accession number assigned? How will
laboratory accession number be linked to state information on the individual? What
number will be sent to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory?
11. Specimen volume – How much is too little to ship? Or ship all?
12. Rejection criteria must be documented (e.g., sample thawing, breakage, and lost in
13. Sample storage and retention – How long should PHLs and CDC-STARHS Laboratory
retain specimens?

Specimen Numbering Issues
Questions: How is laboratory specimen number assigned? How is specimen number linked to
state information on individual? What identification number will be sent to the STARHS
1. Specimen needs to be linked with individual’s PHD surveillance record.
2. STARHS results also need to be linked with individual’s PHD surveillance record, but we
do not want STARHS laboratory to link specimen to identifying data or medical record
numbers outside of the surveillance system.
3. When samples are tested in the PHLs, the state surveillance Incidence Coordinator tells
the PHL which samples are eligible for STARHS so the PHL can aliquot the specimen,
label with the STARHS ID in the series assigned by the CDC-STARHS lab, sends a list
of specimen IDs and corresponding STARHS IDs to the surveillance program, and
sends the eligible specimen (labeled with the STARHS ID) to the CDC-STARHS
Laboratory. STARHS ID is entered into the case surveillance record by the Incidence
Surveillance Coordinator.
4. For national commercial (or other private) laboratories, the simplest plan is for the
laboratory to send all HIV positive samples directly to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory with
the originating laboratory’s accession numbers. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will track
the laboratory accession number and storage information, retaining samples until
eligibility is determined. Once a sample is determined eligible by the state Incidence
Surveillance Coordinator, the CDC-STARHS Laboratory will pull and label the sample for
testing. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will provide to the state Incidence Surveillance
Coordinator the link of accession number to STARHS number. The linkage is
subsequently destroyed at CDC-STARHS Laboratory and only the STARHS number is
used to process the testing. Any stored specimens that are not eligible for STARHS
testing may be destroyed per appropriate laboratory procedures.
5. It is better (easier, less error prone) for the CDC-STARHS laboratory to assign (apply)
labels to tubes and then apply the same label sticker to a line listing of accession
numbers, rather than generating a label for a tube from a list of numbers provided by the
state PHD.
Can laboratory accession number be disclosed?

Page 8 of 14

Currently, the testing laboratory sends CRF to the state PHD with various identifying and
demographic information and may or may not include the laboratory accession number. It is
imperative that the laboratory accession number be reported to the surveillance system with
a positive test, as this is the only linkage between the specimen at the testing laboratory and
the CDC-STARHS Laboratory ID numbers. It is this link that makes it possible to link
STARHS results reported by the CDC-STARHS Laboratory to the Incidence Surveillance

Page 9 of 14

General Specimen Flow
= specimens
= eligibility inform.


Only eligible specimens sent


CTR sites; University / Medical
Center laboratories; Regional or
Local independent commercial
laboratories (or smaller branches of
national laboratories)

= report


possibly other private

Page 10 of 14

Three Scenarios for Specimen Transfer

1. HIV Case Report with
Identifiers, Specimen
Accession # (1234), and
Collection Date

(e.g. Specimen Accession # 1234)

2. Sends aliquots of all HIV+ with
Specimen Accession # (1234) +
Collection Date

3. Contacts CDC-STARHS lab with list of all
ELIGIBLE specimens by Specimen Accession #


5. Links STARHS # & Accession # and then
destroys linkage at STARHS lab.


6. Sends Results w/ STARHS # to PH Incidence Surveillance
4. STARHS Lab pulls and reCoordinator
labels eligible specimens.
STARHS # assigned to
Specimen Accession # at
CDC-STARHS Lab. Sample
tested by STARHS #.

Key Points:
• National laboratory may recycle numbers by year. May need to close out series after
appropriate time period (1 year) or may need to add year to number.
• This scenario can also work for other smaller private laboratories (university or small
independent laboratories) that would like to ship all remnant samples directly to CDCSTARHS Laboratory instead of state PHL.
• The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will be responsible for re-labeling the aliquoted samples
when they are pulled for testing. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will apply a label to the
sample tube and then to a line listing of eligible specimen accession numbers received from
the State PH Surveillance Program. The CDC-STARHS Laboratory will send the State
Incidence Coordinator the linkage information and then destroy the linkage information. All
subsequent testing and results will only refer to the STARHS identification (ID) number and
will no longer include the specimen accession number.

Page 11 of 14


with assigned Specimen #
1. HIV Case Report
with Identifiers &
Specimen # (1234)

(e.g. Specimen # 1234)
3a. Aliquots sample in correct tubes.
3b. Assigns STARHS # and attaches
labels provided by strip of labels from
3c. Ships only eligible samples to

2. Notifies lab of
specimens by
Specimen #
4. Links Specimen # with
STARHS # for all
specimens shipped to


5. Sends Results w/ STARHS # to PH Incidence Surveillance

Key Points:
• Reports from testing sites must include specimen number (CTR/CTS system number on
sample) to PH Surveillance Program.
• In most states, the PHL will transfer samples to a new tube for retention purposes, but it
retains the same specimen identification (ID) number.
• PHL sometimes assigns new specimen identification number. If so, they must maintain a
link between private laboratory number and new specimen identification (ID) number.

Page 12 of 14

university hospital laboratory, regional or local independent commercial laboratory) AND
Assigns Specimen Accession #

2. Ships aliquots of all HIV+ samples to
State PHL with Testing Lab information
& Specimen Accession # (1234)

(Repository for all HIV+)
Stores by Specimen
Accession #

(e.g., Specimen Accession # 1234)

(e.g., Specimen Accession # 1234)
3. Notifies PHL of
specimens by
Accession #

1. HIV Case Report
with Identifiers,
Specimen # and
Testing Lab

4a. Aliquots sample in correct
4b. Assigns STARHS # and
attaches labels provided by strip of
labels from CDC-STARHS lab.
4c. Ships only eligible samples to
5. Links Specimen
Accession # with
STARHS # for all
specimens shipped
to CDC-STARHS lab.


6. Sends Results w/ STARHS # to PH Incidence
Surveillance Coordinator


Key Points:
• Part of this process may already be routine (Steps 1 and 2)
• Counseling, Testing, and Referral (CTR,/CTS) sites may assign specimen number
instead of the testing (originating) laboratory.
• The CRF from the private laboratories must contain the specimen accession number so
that linkage can be made at surveillance site; this may not be routinely reported
• PHL sometimes assigns new specimen identification number. If so, they must maintain
a link between private laboratory number and new specimen identification (ID) number.
• Role of PHL is to serve as a repository for samples. Eligibility will be determined by PHL
and Incidence Surveillance Coordinator before sending samples collected in these types
of private laboratories to the CDC-STARHS Laboratory.

Page 13 of 14

Summary of Next Steps (Matt McKenna, CDC)
1. Summary of meeting notes to all participants for comment
2. Draft of Guidance document in 30-60 days
3. 3 models for specimen movement
There is always tension between 3 concerns: 1) HIV/AIDS is a lethal disease that people
want to prevent, 2) equitable dispersal of public funds and 3) privacy concerns for patients.
HIV/AIDS is a very high priority of CDC. Information from incidence surveillance is very
important for resource allocation by CDC and other Federal agencies. This collaboration has the
potential for synergy between epidemiologists, laboratories, clinicians, laboratory technicians in
affecting disease prevention.

Page 14 of 14


The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Invited Participants/Experts
A1. Mary Louise Newell
C2. Mark Cotton
B3. Christine Rouzioux
C4. Israel Kalyesubula
C5. Siobhan Crowley
US Investigators:
B1. Gwen Scott
C2. Toni Fredericks
B3. Celine Hanson
C4. Patricia Whitley-Williams
A5. Peter Havens
B6. Ken Rich
C7. Jim Oleske
A8 Russ Van Dyke
B9 Andrea Ruff
A10 Steve Nesheim
A11 Vicki Peters
C12 Martha Rogers
A13 Sharon Melville
B14 Edward Handelsman
A15 Zoe Rodriguez
B16 Mary E. Paul
C17 Eve Mokotoff
C18 John Bernhart
B19Susan Fiscus
B20 Pat Flynn
C21 Sheryl Henderson
A22 Barbara Warren
Community Representative
C23 Ms. Damaris Richardson
Health and Human Services (HHS)
B24 Betsy Smith,
A25 Lynne Mofenson
C26 Brian Feit

1 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Suzanne Whitmore, Nan Ruffo, Alpa Patel- Larson, Ken Dominguez, Stephanie Sansom,
MG Fowler, Michael Campsmith, Matt McKenna, Allyn Nakashima (or alternative Division
representative), Andy Mitsch, Kate Glynn, Beverly Bohannon, Bernie Branson, Mary Jo
Earp Dr. Norma Harris, Athena Kourtis, Larry Edmonds, Ruby Phelps, Lorena Espinoza,
Judy Griffith, Margaret Lampe, Jill Clark, William Marill, Ester Edward

2 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Participants List :
Mark F Cotton M.B., Ch.B, M.Med, FCPaed(SA), DCH(SA), DTM&H
Director, KID-CRU (Children's Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit)
J8/Tygerberg Children's Hospital
Faculty of Health Sciences
Stellenbosch University
Francie van Zyl Ave, Tygerberg, 7505
South Africa
Tel 27 21 938 4219
Fax 27 21 938 4153
Dr. Siobhan Crowley
Treatment & Prevention Scale up Team
Department of HIV/AIDS
World Health Organization
Building C Room 125
20 Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneve 27
Tel 004122 791 1609
Fax 00 4122 791 4834
Dr. Israel Kalyesubula
Makerere University
Department of Pediatrics
PO Box 7072
Kampala, Uganda
Cell phone 156 77 674704
Fax 156 41 541044

3 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Marie-Louise Newell MB, MSc, PhD
Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology
Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Institute of Child Health
30 Guilford Street
London WC1N 1EH, UK
Tel +44 20 7829 8699
Fax +44 20 7813 8145
Christine Rouzioux, PhD
Hoptial Necker-Laboratorie de Virologie
149, Rue de Severs
75014 Paris, France
Tel 33 1 44 9 49 61/62
Fax 33 1 44 49 49 60
United States
Susan A. Fiscus, PhD
Professor, Dept of Microbiology and Immunology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine 709 Mary Ellen
Jones Building, C.B. 7140 Chapel Hill, NC
Tel (919) 966 6872
Fax (919) 966 9873
Pat Flynn, MD
Department of Infectious Diseases
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale St.
MailStop 600
Memphis, TN 38105
Tel (901) 495-2338
Fax (901) 495-5068

4 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Toni Frederick, PhD
University of Southern California (LAC)
1640 Marengo St
HRA Building 300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Tel (323) 226-5068
Fax (323) 226-8362
Edward Handelsman, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
SUNY Downstate/Kings County Hospital Center
Pediatric Consultant New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
450 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
(718) 270-1690
Fax (718) 270-4137
Celine Hanson, MD
Texas Children’s Hospital
Allergy/ Immunology section
6621 Fannin, Feigin Center
3rd Floor, MC FC330.01
Houston, TX 77030
Tel (832) 824-1325
Fax (832) 825 7131
Peter L. Havens, MS, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical Director
Wisconsin HIV Primary Care Support Network
Children's Hospital of WI Page operator:
MACC Fund Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Tel (414) 266-2000
Tel (414) 456-4122 (Dawn Schlecta, assistant)

5 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Fax (414) 456-6539
Sheryl Henderson, PhD, MD
Emory University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
341 Ponce de Leon
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 616-0655
Fax (404) 6166 9898
Sharon K. Melville, MD, MPH
HIV/STD Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
Texas Department of State Health Services
Austin, TX 78758
Tel (512) 490-2500 ext.2614
Fax (512)490-2536
Steven Nesheim, MD
Emory University School of Medicine
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
341 Ponce de Leon
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel (404) 616-9791
Fax (404) 616-9898
James M. Oleske, MD, MPH
François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Department of Pediatrics,
New Jersey Medical School
Newark, New Jersey
Tel (973) 972-5066
Fax (973) 972-6443

6 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Mary E. Paul, MD
Texas Children's Hospital
6621 Fannin MC FC330.01
Houston, TX 77030
Tel (832) 824-1319
Fax (832) 825 1260
Vicki B. Peters, MD
Director, Pediatric Unit
HIV Epidemiology Program
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
346 Broadway, Room 706
New York, New York 10013
(212) 442-9898
Fax (212) 788-2520
Kenneth C. Rich, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
840 South Wood Street, M/C 856
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60012
Tel (312) 996-8287
Fax (312) 413-8694
Zoe Rodriguez, MD
University of Puerto Rico
Department of Pediatrics
P. O. Box 365067
San Juan, PR 00936-5067
Tel (787) 756-4010
Fax (787) 777 3227

7 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Martha, F. Rogers, MD
Director, Center for Child Well-Being
The Task Force for Child Development and Survival
750 Commerce Drive, Suite 400
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Tel (404) 592-1431
Fax (404) 592-1438 or
Andrea J. Ruff, MD
Associate Professor
Department of International Health and Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health,
615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Tel (410) 955 1633
Fax (410) 502 6733
Gwendolyn B. Scott, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease
University of Miami School of Medicine
P.O. Box 016960 R-131
Miami, Florida 33101
Tel (305) 243-6522
Fax (305) 243-5562
Russell Van Dyke, MD
Section of Infectious Diseases
Department of Pediatrics, TB-8
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
1430 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
Tel (504) 988-5422
Fax (504) 988-3805

8 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
Barbara Warren
Assistant Director, Bureau of HIV Ambulatory Care Services
New York State Department of Health
AIDS Institute
Corning Tower, Room 459
Albany, NY 12237
(518) 486-6048
Patricia N. Whitley-Williams, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Allergy, Immunology, Infectious Disease
Medical Education Building
1 Robert Wood Johnson Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1928
Tel (732) 235-7894
Fax (732) 235-7419

Lynne Mofenson, MD
6100 Executive Blvd
Room 4B11
Rockville,MD 20852
Tel (301) 496-7339
Fax (301) 496 8678
Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Smith, MD
Medical Officer
Pediatric Medicine Branch, TRP
6700-B Rockledge Drive; Room 5157
Bethesda, MD, 20892-7624
Tel (301) 402-2300
Fax (301) 480-4582

9 of 10

The Consultation on the CDC Pediatric HIV
Surveillance Case Definition
Doubletree Buckhead Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia
April 20 – 21, 2005
CSTE Eve Mokotoff, MPH
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Manager
HIV/STD and Bloodborne Infections Surveillance Section
Michigan Department of Community Health
Herman Kiefer Health Complex
1151 Taylor, Rm 210B
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 876- 4769 (0353)
Fax (313) 876-0888
E Mail:
John E. Barnhart
Surveillance and Evaluation Program Manager
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
444 N. Capitol St., NW Suite 339
Washington, DC 20001-1512
Tel (202) 434-8073
Fax (202)434-8092
HRSA Brian Feit, MPA
Division of Community Based Programs
Health Resources and Services Administration
7A-21 Parklawn Building
5600 Fisher’s Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Tel (301) 443-3478
Fax (301) 443 1839
Community Representative
Damaris Richardson
Chief, Division of Health Communications, Public Information, & Prevention for
HIV positive persons
(410) 767-5018

10 of 10

November 29, 2005
Brief write-up on revision of perinatal HIV surveillance case definition
April 20-21, 2005
In April 2005 CDC held a consultation to discuss revisions to the perinatal HIV surveillance case
definition. The most recent revision of the HIV surveillance case definition was implemented in
1999; since then HIV testing technologies have improved such that HIV can be diagnosed sooner
after infection. However, data from the Enhanced Perinatal Surveillance study reveal that a large
percentage of infants born to HIV-infected mothers were classified with an “indeterminate” HIV
status using the current surveillance definition (32% indeterminate among EPS births from 19992001).
The goals of the consultation were to:
review the current HIV surveillance case definition and the proposals for revision,
review evidence for changes that would simplify/improve the definition based on
current scientific evidence, and ultimately
provide recommendations for the revision of the perinatal HIV surveillance case
Consultation participants included domestic and foreign experts in HIV surveillance, pediatric
infectious disease, immunology, HIV testing technologies, and community advocacy. In
addition to CDC participants, consultants represented the World Health Organization; institutes,
universities and schools of public health; hospitals; state health departments; national HIV/AIDS
organizations; advocacy groups; and the Department of Health and Human Services.
Upon conclusion of the consultation a plan was drawn up for guideline revision. Tasks have
been outlined and assigned to various consultation participants. Currently a working draft of the
revised surveillance case is definition under development and will be ready for review by the end
of December 2005. This revised definition will be published as an MMWR Reports and
Recommendations; the goal is to have the R & R submitted to CDC clearance by the end of
March 2006, with publication in June 2006.

Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Kathryn Anastos, MD
Montefiore Medical Center
3311 Bainbridge Avenue
Bronx, NY 10467
Telephone: 718-515-2593
Email Address:
Chris Archibald, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC
Director, Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Public Health Agency of Canada
Room 2354, LCDC Building
Tunney's Pasture A/L: 0602B
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-941-3155 Fax: 613-946-8695
Email Address:
John Barnhart, MPH
444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 339
Washington, DC 20001-1512
Telephone: 202-434-8092 Fax: 202-434-8092
Email Address:
Samuel A. Bozzette, MD, PhD
Senior Behavioral Scientist
RAND Corporation
1776 Main St., m5s
Santa Monica, CA 90407
Telephone: 310-393-0411 Fax: 310-393-4818
Email Address:,
Txema Calleja, MD
World Health Organization
20 Av Appia
CH 1211 Geneve 27
Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: 41 22 791 42 52 Fax: 41 22 791 15 84
Email Address:
Charles C.J. Carpenter, MD
University Medicine Foundation, Inc.
164 Summit Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
Telephone: 401-793-2928 Fax: 401-793-4351
Email Address:

Siobhan Crowley, MB, BS, BSc, MRCP
Family HIV Care, HIV Dept
World Health Organization
Department of HIV/AIDS
20 Avenue Appia
Geneva, Switzerland 1201
Telephone: 004 122 791 1609 Fax: 004 122 791 4834
Email Address:
Richard Davey, MD
National Institute of Health
Building 10, Room 11C103
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: 301-496-8029 Fax: 301-402-4097
Email Address:
Don C. Des Jarlais, PhD
Beth Israel Medical Center
Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency
1st Avenue at 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
Telephone: 212-387-3803; 212-845-4464
Email Address:
Theresa Diaz, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E.
Mailstop E-30
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-639-6312 Fax: 404-639-8114
Email Address:
Eric A. Engels, MD
National Cancer Institute
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
Viral Epidemiology Branch
6120 Executive Blvd, EPS 8010
Rockville, MD 20892
Telephone: 301-496-8115 Fax: 301-402-0817
Email Address:

Page 1 of 7

Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Patricia Fleming, PhD, MS
New Jersey Medical School
Department Preventive Medicine & Community Health
185 So. Orange Ave.
Newark, NJ 07103-2714
Telephone: 973-972-4528 Fax: 973-072-7625
Email Address:
Douglas Frye, MD, MPH
Medical Director
Los Angeles County HIV Epidemiology Program
600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Telephone: 213-351-8149 Fax: 213-427-8840
Email Address:
Donna Futterman, MD
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Childrens Hospital at Montefiore
111 East 210th Street
Bronx, NY 10467
Telephone: 718-882-0322
Email Address:
Becky Grigg
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program Administrator
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of HIV/AIDs
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A09
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Telephone: 850-245-4444, ext. 2527 Fax: 850-414-0038
Email Address:
Francoise Hamers
EuroHIV, Dept of Infectious Diseases
Institut de Veille Sanitaire
12 Rue du Val d'Osne
St. Maurice Cedex, France
Telephone: 33 01 41 79 68 09 Fax: +33(0)1 41 79 68 02
Email Address:

W. Claire Hicks, MD
Clinical Coordinator
Georgia Department of Public Health
Southeast Health Unit - District 9-2
162 Memorial Drive
Jesup, GA 31545
Telephone: 912-588-2511 Fax: 912-588-2518
Email Address:
Scott Holmberg, MD
Senior Infectious Disease Epidemiologist
Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International
Kroger Center Oxford Building, Suite 119
2951 Flowers Road South
Atlanta, GA 30341-5533
Telephone: 770-234-5020 Fax: 770-234-5030
Email Address:
Jack Jourden, MPH
Washington State Department of Health
Infectious Disease and Reproductive Health
PO Box 47844
Olympia, WA 98504
Telephone: 360-236-3466 Fax: 360-586-5440
Email Address:
Alice Kroliczak, PhD
Associate Director for Science
Health Resources and Services Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Room PKLN 7-90
Rockville, MD 20857
Telephone: 301-443-3592 Fax: 301-594-2511
Email Address:
Harry Lampiris, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
San Francisco VA Medical Center
UCSF Department of Medicine, Infectious Disease
4150 Clement Street, 111 W
San Francisco, CA 94121
Telephone: 415-221-4810
Email Address:

Page 2 of 7

Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Alan Lifson, MD, MPH
University of Minnesota
Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Medicine
420 Delaware Street, SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Telephone: 612-626-9697 Fax: 612-625-4410
Email Address:
Norman Markowitz, MD
Henry Ford Health System
Infectious Diseases
2799 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48202
Telephone: 313-916-2573 Fax: 313-916-2993
Email Address:
Anthony Merriweather
Alabama Department of Public Health
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Branch
Department of Public Health
RSA Tower, Suite 1400
201 Monroe Street
Montgomery, AL 36104-3017
Telephone: 334-206-2621 Fax: 334-206-2092
Email Address:
Frank J. Palella, MD
Northwestern University Medical School
Division of Infectious Diseases
676 North St. Clair, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60611-0949
Telephone: 312-695-5053 Fax: 312-695-5048
Email Address:
Jennifer Pennock
Acting Manager
Public Health Agency of Canada
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Section
(#6) Building
Tunney's Pasture, AL: 0602B
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-941-6291 Fax: 613-957-2842
Email Address:

Eileen Schneider, MD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop E-10
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5345 Fax: 404-639-8959
Email Address:
Timothy R. Sterling, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Division of Infectious Diseases
A4103 Medical Center North
1161 21st Avenue, S
Nashville, TN 37232
Telephone: 615-322-5977
Email Address:
Karen T. Tashima, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Brown Medical School
The Miriam Hospital
164 Summit Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
Telephone: 401-793-4089 Fax: 401-793-4323
Email Address:
Pablo Tebas, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Division of Infectious Diseases
536 Johnson Pavillion
36th Street and Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-607
Telephone: 215-349-8092 Fax: 215-615-4360
Email Address:
Lucia V. Torian, PhD
New York City Department of Health
HIV Surveillance & Epidemiology Program
346 Broadway Room 701-707
New York, NY 10013
Telephone: 212-442-3461 Fax: 212-442-3482
Email Address:

Page 3 of 7

Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Loren Cadena
Program Consultant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS-E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-3281
Email Address:
Michael Campsmith, DDS, MPH
Team lead
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5174
Email Address:
Mi Chen, MS
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-6009 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Kenneth Dominguez, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
M/S E-45, 1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-639-6129 Fax: 404-639-6127
Email Address:
Tonji Durant, PhD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4494 Fax: 404-639-2950
Email Address:
Lorena Espinoza, DDS, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton RD NE MS E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2063
Email Address:
Lyn Finelli, DrPH, MS

Chief, Hepatitis Surveillance
Centers Disease Control and Prevention
Epidemiology Branch
Division of Viral Hepatitis
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-371-5313 Fax: 404-371-5221
John Gerstle
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Northrop Grumman
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-3980
Email Address:
Kate Glynn, DVM, MPVM
Supervisory Epidemiologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd, MS E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2050
Email Address:
Pamela Gruduah, BBA
Program Consultant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd., MS/E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-8459 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Felicia Hardnett, MS
Mathematical Statistician
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
MS E-48
Atlanta, GA 30013
Telephone: 404-639-6447 Fax: 404-639-8642
Email Address:

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Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Debra Hayes-Hughes, MS, MPH
Deputy Branch Chief
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4493 Fax: 403-639-2980
Email Address:

Lisa Lee, PhD
Chief (Acting), HICSB
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd., NE MS E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2050 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Denise Hughes
Scientific Data Manager
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Northrop Grumman
846 Arlington Drive
Atlanta, GA 30084
Telephone: 404-639-3959
Email Address:

Qiang Ling
Scientific Data Analyst
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Northrop Grumman
3026 Greenbrook Way NE
Atlanta, GA 30345
Telephone: 404-639-6172
Email Address: QAL3@CDC.GOV

Danielle Kahn
Data Manager
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Northrop Grumman
3560 Lantern View Lane
Atlanta, GA 30079
Telephone: 404-639-4455
Email Address:

Laurie Linley, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE
Mailstop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2086 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Tebitha Kajese
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA
Telephone: 404-639-6369 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Lyle McCormick, MSW, MPH
Scientific Data Manager
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HIV Incidence and Case Surveillance Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2081 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Laurie Kamimoto
Medical Epidemiologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd, E-47
8 Corporate Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-3917
Email Address:
Lata Kumar, MS, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4836, Cedarwood drive
Atlanta, GA 30047
Telephone: 404-639-3893 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Kathleen McDavid, PhD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mailstop E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-6034 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

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Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Steve McDougal, MD
HIV Lab Branch, CDC
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mailstop A25
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4158 Fax: 404-639-2726
Email Address:
Matthew McKenna, MD, MPH
Branch Chief
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
MS D-21, 1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5200 Fax: 404-639-0897
Email Address:
AD McNaghten, PhD MHSA
Team Leader, Clinical Outcomes
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, MS E-46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-6325 Fax: 404-639-8640
Email Address:
Martha Miller, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, MSE-47
Atlanta, GA 30030
Telephone: 404-639-4482 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Andrew Mitsch, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Corporate Square Blvd, Bldg 8
M/S E47
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-639-6192 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Donald Mixon
Program Consultant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd., NE, MS-E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4108
Email Address:

Alpa Patel-Larson, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-3253 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Ruby Phelps, BS
Public Health Analyst
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
MS E-47 1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5187 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Joseph Prejean
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5273 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Adria Prosser, PhD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HIV Incidence and Case Surveillance Branch
8 Corporate Blvd., Rm. 2072
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-639-2061 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Tonya Ross, BA
Program Consultant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road MS E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5191 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Ron Sanders, BA, MPA
Program Consultant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, Mail Stop E47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4678 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address: RSanders@CDC.GOV

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Consultation on CDC Adult and Adolescent AIDS Case Definition Sheraton
Doubletree Atlanta Buckhead „ Atlanta, GA
August 30-31, 2005

Anna Satcher, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-6167 Fax: 404-639-2050
Email Address:
Richard Selik, MD
Medical Epidemiologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
MailStop E47
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4495 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Patrick Sullivan, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVM
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Behavioral and Clinical Surveillance Branch
Atlanta, GA
Patricia Sweeney, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2047 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:
Fran Walker
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2085
Email Address:
Suzanne Whitmore
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-1556
Email Address:

Page 7 of 7

Executive Summary
CDC Adult/Adolescent HIV/AIDS Surveillance Case Definition
and Clinical Staging Consultation
Draft as of 2 November 2006

In August 2005, the HIV Incidence and Case Surveillance Branch (HICSB),
Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP), National Center for HIV/STD/TB Prevention,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), convened a consultation in Atlanta,
Georgia on the CDC adult and adolescent AIDS case definition for surveillance and
clinical staging of HIV to determine whether and how the case definition and/or the
clinical staging system should be revised. Attendees included clinical and surveillance
experts in the area of HIV/AIDS, representing the World Health Organization (WHO),
National Institutes of Health, CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada, Veterans’
Administration, Health Resources and Services Administration, State and local health
departments, and academia.

The consultation was convened because advances in treatment and diagnostics
and knowledge about the spectrum of HIV disease warrant examination of the current
HIV classification system and AIDS surveillance case definition. Recent treatment
recommendations for the use of antiretrovial (ARV) agents identified asymptomatic
persons with CD4+ T-lymphocyte (CD4) counts <350 cells/µL as having a short-term
risk of developing an AIDS-defining condition high enough to warrant offering ARV
therapy, suggesting that HIV-infected persons with this level of CD4 lymphopenia may
warrant specific identification in a disease classification system. Opportunistic illnesses
are making smaller contributions to AIDS case surveillance with time. WHO is similarly


examining these issues in the global context in developing their recommendations for
revisions to the AIDS surveillance case definition and HIV clinical staging system.

Consultants recommended only minor modification to the adult/adolescent AIDS
case definition, and strongly agreed that the immunologic criteria, currently set at CD4+
counts <200 cells/µL or <14% of total lymphocytes, should remain unchanged. Consultants
supported a review of the clinical criteria that currently include twenty-six AIDS-defining
illnesses for retention in the case definition. The group consensus was that a separately
assembled panel of experts address some key unresolved issues, including the addition,
maintenance, or exclusion of clinical conditions as AIDS-defining and the classification of
primary HIV infection (the period between viral acquisition and initial stabilization of the
immune system—approximately six months) in any revised AIDS case definition.
Consultants recommended that the CDC classification system for HIV infection
should be changed and not discontinued. This system had been useful to clinicians and, to a
lesser extent, surveillance staff. The system has fallen into disuse and should be revised to
increase its usefulness. While a specific proposal for the revised system did not emerge
from discussants, they agreed that the classification system should apply to HIV-infected
persons and include immunologic and clinical components. Recommended revisions
stressed that immunologic (CD4) criteria should serve as the backbone of classification,
although a category of clinical conditions should remain as “AIDS-defining”. The major
recommended revision to the existing classification system was that categories should be
mutually exclusive, ordered hierarchically, ordinally, or otherwise with a clear progression
from less severe to more severe. While consensus was not reached whether the system


should be applied in a dynamic fashion, with reclassification reflecting improvement and
deterioration of the patient’s clinical condition, consensus was reached that any developed
system could be used in this fashion .
Based on these recommendations, HICSB plans several activities. To best address
the consultation recommendations, HICSB will propose a revised HIV infection classification
system focused on the status of the patient at the time of diagnosis and completely
integrated with one comprehensive HIV/AIDS case definition for public health surveillance.
The proposal will be vetted through surveillance partners such as the Council of State and
Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), field surveillance staff, clinicians, and other affected
parties. A second consultation is scheduled for mid-June 2006 with a wider set of
stakeholders including those who establish policy, where participants will discuss consensus
achieved at the first as synthesized by CDC staff. A more detailed report on the
proceedings of this consultation is attached. For comments or questions, please contact
Andrew Mitsch (404-639-6192 or or Dr. Kate Glynn (404-639-2003).

The findings and conclusions in this report have not been formally
disseminated by CDC and should not be construed to represent any agency
determination or policy.


HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation
June 15–16, 2006
Corporate Square, Building 8, Conference Room 1 B/C
Meeting Notes
June 15
Charge to the Group

Tim Green
Tim Green

Main Objectives
1. Examine the validity of the HIV incidence estimation method proposed by Karon, Song,
Kaplan, and Brookmeyer, if the necessary information can be gathered, with respect to
a. Stochastic uncertainty
b. Bias (violation of assumptions)
c. Performance characteristics of the assay
2. Identify other methods of HIV incidence estimation.
3. Determine what sort of an estimate can be produced by December 2006 for calendar year
Overview of Estimation Procedure
1. Background
2. Sample survey approach
3. Potential problems and points for discussion
4. Assumptions about procedure

John Karon

Discussion of Karon model
1. Stochastic uncertainty
a. Variances have been worked out for several of the terms that involve uncertainty
(e.g., Io, I1, IB).
b. One big source of variability is the uncertainty in the multiplier in equation 5 of the
Statistics in Medicine submission (i.e., the coefficient of variation of φ). The estimate
is very sensitive to the estimate of the mean window period.
2. Bias and assumptions
a. Incidence and testing patterns (i.e., hazard, or instantaneous risk, of being tested)
remain constant during AIDS incubation period (steady state).
Problem: These assumptions are quite strong.
Question: On the basis of these assumptions, can we use simpler models to arrive
at a similar estimate?

HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation—Page 2

b. All data are complete and accurate (including results of the assay and all responses to
supplemental questions about testing history).
Problem: Realistically, we can only expect about 50% of assay results and an even
smaller proportion of data on testing history. Missing data could be a
big problem and needs further evaluation.
c. The window period distribution is valid.
Problem: The window period distribution for the BED assay hasn’t been fully
d. Testing characteristics of persons who avoid testing (i.e., test-resistant) differ from all
others at risk for testing and must be stratified accordingly.
Problem: Conscious delay of testing may not be an accurate reflection of
infection, especially if motivation for testing is not related to infection
(i.e., we must assume a rational motive in both directions: early [soon
after person becomes infected] and delayed testing).
3. Testing history information
a. We do not currently use motivation to classify individuals. Supporting information
and justification is available from HICSB on request. We will test the sensitivity of
the estimate to this assumption.
b. We do not need individual-level information on testing frequency.
c. We can obtain subgroup information from NHBS to determine the intertest
Problem: NHBS surveys only populations at high risk.
Question: Is it possible to survey HIV-negative persons who receive HIV
counseling and testing services (CTS)?
d. We will consider incorporating into simulations the increased risk of testing soon
after infection.
e. We have not resolved whether it is necessary to stratify according to whether
individuals consciously delay testing.
i. The proportion of persons with AIDS who have not had a previous HIV test
seems to be stable. A proportion of this population might be test-resistant.
ii. It may be possible to evaluate test-resistance by using testing frequency
information from various populations (e.g., incidence data, NHBS, HITS,
SHAS, BRFSS, NHANES, NHIS). We need to investigate whether these data
sets are useful for us based on the available data variables and sample sizes.
4. General criticism
a. The group seemed to consider the mathematics valid but to believe that some of the
steady state assumptions may be too strong.
b. Some participants felt that because of the steady state assumptions, this approach uses
a sophisticated weighting scheme to essentially produce an estimate of the total
number of new diagnoses—information that could be obtained more directly from
surveillance data.

HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation—Page 3

Status of Implementation
1. Data collection
Maria Rangel
2. Data completeness
Rick Song
a. Dr. Rangel highlighted the collection of data on testing history and the collection of
blood specimens for BED testing.
b. Dr. Song presented preliminary surveillance data, with emphasis on completeness of
data collected during 2005. Of the roughly 29,000 new cases diagnosed during 2005,
i. More than 80% of reports of cases of HIV infection (not AIDS) were missing
data on the most recent negative test result.
ii. Only 13% of cases of HIV infection were BED tested.
iii. 24% of cases of HIV infection received a diagnosis of AIDS within 1 month
after receiving a diagnosis of HIV infection.
c. In response to a request, Dr. Rangel presented the testing frequency distribution
among cases diagnosed during 2005.
Review of Estimators
1. Estimators for persons with a previous negative test result of known date
2. Estimators for persons not previously tested
3. Estimators for persons whose BED test was delayed
4. Extension of estimators to persons for whom data were missing
a. Stratification
b. Propensity scores
c. Incorporation of patterns of missing data into simulations

John Karon

HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation—Page 4

June 16
Other Estimators and Supplemental Approaches
1. Naïve estimator: Number of newly diagnosed cases scaled to the national population
(accounting for persons who will never get tested)
Problem: Assumes that new diagnoses = new infections.
2. Back-calculation model developed by Rhodes and Glynn
3. Simplified STARHS estimator:
The following proposal, although less mathematically sophisticated than the Karon et al.
proposal, is much simpler. It is based on, but different from, I0 + IB.
Is = (# STARHS-recent) ÷ [P(1)*P(2)*P(3)], where
P(1) = P(test HIV+ within 1 year | newly HIV infected)
I.e., the probability that a person will be tested within 1 year after infection (stratified
by subgroup).
P(2) = P(STARHS administered | test result HIV+)
I.e., the probability that this person receives a STARHS test. This estimate can be
obtained from incidence surveillance data (13% for 2005). The number varies,
depending on geographic location as well as testing location.
P(3) = P(detected during window period | STARHS administered within 1 year after
HIV infection)
I.e., the probability the infection will be detected during the window period if
STARHS is administered within 1 year after the person becomes infected.
a. Local areas may be able to use this estimator to compute local estimates.
b. Like IB, the information on testing behavior does not have to be linked to individual
test results. Thus, several estimates can be obtained for each component of the
estimator and combined to obtain a range of credible estimates for HIV incidence.
c. Example.
Number STARHS-recent = 757. This is the current number reported to HIV
incidence surveillance for 2005.
P(1) = 0.48 = 252/527. This is the proportion of newly diagnosed cases with at
least 2 HIV tests during the 2 years before diagnosis, based on the data from the
pretest questionnaire for incidence surveillance. Because this proportion does not
include persons who had never tested before or who did not respond, it is likely to
be inflated.
P(2) = 0.13. This is the proportion of incidence surveillance cases that were
STARHS tested in 2005.
P(3) = 0.42. This is based on the mean window period = 5/12.

HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation—Page 5

d. Ways to obtain a better estimate of P(1).
i. Use incidence data to estimate P(1) among HIV+ persons.
ii. Use NHBS data to estimate P(1) in a population at high risk for infection.
iii. Use BRFSS or other sources (see list above) to estimate P(1) in a general
e. Seattle data on intertest intervals are linked with results from an incidence assay
(probably Abbott).
f. Try to verify the assumption that P(1) does not actually depend on infection status or
how recently one was infected once membership in a population (e.g., MSM, IDU, or
heterosexual adults or adolescents at high risk) is accounted for.
4. Direct (back of the envelope) estimator
a. Use incidence rate and population size data on MSM in NYC.
b. Scale to all transmission categories and national population.
5. Alternative approaches and issues
a. To detect trends in incidence, monitor the number of new infections as a proportion
of the total number of infections diagnosed over time.
b. Obtain information on the total number of persons tested during a given period. This
would require information on the number of negative test results and an adjustment
for repeat testing among both positive and negative individuals—information is
generally available only on the number of test kits distributed or the number of tests
performed rather than on the number of persons tested.
c. Obtain the testing frequency in a general population by surveying persons with a
negative test result at CTS sites.
d. Test the independence between the proportion recently tested and the proportion BED
tested by site or facility (there should be no association).
e. Evaluate uncertainty, consistency, and plausibility. Possibly convene an expert
working group.
f. Produce plausible ranges and lower and upper bounds for N and for large subgroups.
g. Compare 2005 estimates with historical estimates for the mid-1990s.
h. Evaluate window period estimates.
Questions: Can better estimates of the window period be obtained? Very few data
are available on people who have been infected more than 3 years.
What about those who remain STARHS-recent even after a long time?
Are incidence trends robust to STARHS results that falsely indicate
recent infection (i.e., false-recents)?
i. Investigate whether the probability of being tested within a year after becoming HIV
infected is higher than the probability of being tested before infection.
j. Investigate whether our sample of HIV+ persons whose specimens have been
subjected to STARHS is biased because the early implementation of STARHS has
been mostly at public testing sites.
k. Estimate the proportion/number of HIV+ persons determined only by AIDS

HIV Incidence Estimation Consultation—Page 6

l. Investigate what might happen if testing behavior changes.
m. Produce subgroup estimates.
i. age (young adults 18–25, …)
ii. sex
iii. race/ethnicity
iv. transmission category (male-to-male sexual contact, injection drug use, highrisk heterosexual contact)
Estimates of Window Period Distribution
Bob Byers
Need to Adjust for Persons with Very Long Window Periods
Meade Morgan
No recommendations were made to adjust the window period or formally incorporate
adjustments for false-recents into the BED results.
Next Steps
1. Have draft report of 2005 estimates ready for internal review in 3 months (30 Sep 2006);
have final report by 31 Dec 2006.
2. Convene groups to work on each of the estimation methods suggested. Each approach will
incorporate data from multiple sources and will account for bias as well as variability.
DHAP Principals
Timothy A. Green, Chief, Quantitative Sciences and Data Management Branch (QSDMB)
Irene Hall, Lead (Acting), HIV Incidence and Viral Resistance Team (IVRT), HIV Incidence
and Case Surveillance Branch (HICSB)
Susan Hariri, Epidemiologist, IVRT
John Karon, Emergint Corporation (contractor to DHAP/QSDMB)
Lillian Lin, Lead, Statistical Science Team (SST), QSDMB
Matthew McKenna, Chief, HICSB
Maria Rangel, Epidemiologist, IVRT
Philip Rhodes, Mathematical Statistician, QSDMB
Ruiguang Song, Mathematical Statistician, SST, QSDMB
External Consultants
Ron Brookmeyer, Johns Hopkins University Bloomfield School of Public Health
Stephanie Broyles, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Bob Byers, CDC (retired)
Jason Hsia, Division of Reproductive Health, NCCDPHP, CCHP, CDC
Ronaldo Iachan, ORC Macro
Ed Kaplan, Yale University School of Management
Meade Morgan, Global AIDS Program, NCHHSTP, CCID, CDC
Sally Morton, RTI International
Phil Rosenberg, National Cancer Institute
Glen Satten, Division of Reproductive Health, NCCDPHP, CCHP, CDC
Ping Yan, Public Health Agency of Canada

CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

A. Cornelius Baker
National Policy Advisor
National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition
1707 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: 202.489.7490 Fax: 202.234.3661
Email Address:

John Barnhart, MPH
Surveillance & Evaluation Program Manager
444 N. Capitol Street, NW
Suite 339
Washington, CA 20001
Telephone: 202-434-8073 Fax:
Email Address:

Beth Bell, MD, MPH
Chief, Epidemiology Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop G-37
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-718-8550 Fax:
Email Address:

Spencer Bennett, MPH
Retrovirology Section Chief
Florida Bureau of Laboratories/APHL
1217 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Telephone: 904-791-1527 Fax: 904-791-1529
Email Address:

Sara Bingham
Public Health Analyst
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-07
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-0906 Fax:
Email Address:

Bernard Branson, MD
Associate Director
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop D-21
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-6166 Fax: 404-639-0897
Email Address:

Laura Cheever, MD, ScM
Chief Medical Officer, Deputy Director
HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Telephone: 301-443-1993 Fax:
Email Address:

Michael D'Arata, FNP
Director Adolescent Services Family Care Network
Family Care Network
3100 Summit Street, 2nd Floor
Oakland, CA 94609
Telephone: 510-869-8486 Fax:
Email Address:

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

Richard Davey, Jr., MD
Deputy Clinical Director
10 Center Drive MSC 1460
Building 10 CRC 4-1479
Bethesda, MD 20892-1504
Telephone: 301-496-8029 Fax: 301-480-5560
Email Address:

Dennis deLeon, JD
Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc.
24 West 25th Street
9th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Telephone: 212-675-3288 Fax: 212-675-3466
Email Address:

Isabelle Devaux, PhD
12 rue du Val D'Osne
Saint Maurice, France 94415
Telephone: 33 141 79 69 40 Fax: 33 141 79 68 02
Email Address:

Theresa Diaz, MD MPH
Branch Chief
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-30
Atlanta, GA 30033
Telephone: 404-639-6312 Fax: 404-639-8114
Email Address:

Damon Dozier
Director of Government Relations and Public Policy
1931 13th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: 202-483-6622 Fax:
Email Address:

Judith Feinberg, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Holmes Hospital
Eden Ave & Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0405
Telephone: 513-584-5897 Fax: 513-584-6040
Email Address:

Eberhard Fiebig, MD
Director, Clinic Lab
Clinic Lab NH 2M24
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA 94110
Telephone: 415-206-8588 Fax:
Email Address:

Lance Gable, JD, MPH
Senior Fellow
Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-662-9281 Fax: 202-662-9408
Email Address:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

James Gibson, MD, MPH
State Epidemiologist
SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control/CSTE
Mills-Jarrett Bldg, DHEC
Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29211
Telephone: 803 898-0861, 803 608-6016 Fax: 803 898Email Address:

Charles Gilks, D Phil. FRCP.
Director/Coordinator, Treatment and Prevention Scale-Up,
HIV Department
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
Geneva 27, Switzerland 11-12
Telephone: + 41 22 791 445 99 Fax: + 41 22 791 48 34
Email Address:

Jennifer Kates, MPA, MA
Vice President & Director, HIV Policy
Kaiser Family Foundation
1330 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-654-1423 Fax:
Email Address:

Lynda Kettinger, MPH
STD/HIV Division Director
SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control/NASTAD
Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29211
Telephone: 803 898-0625 Fax: 803 898-0573
Email Address:

Robert Kohmescher, MS
Acting Chief, TICB
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-49
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-1914 Fax:
Email Address:

Peter Leone, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of North Carolina
130 Mason Farm Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7030
Telephone: 919-966-2536 Fax: 919-966-6714
Email Address:

Duncan MacKellar, MPH
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404.639.6199 Fax:
Email Address: DYM4@CDC.GOV

Suzanne Marks, MPH, MA
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-10
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5343 Fax: 404-639-8961
Email Address: SQM3@CDC.GOV

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

Patricia Moten Marshall
Synerchange Chicago
1146 Westgate, Suite 103
Oak Park, IL 60301
Telephone: 708-383-2725 Fax: 708-383-5451
Email Address:

Steve McDougal, MD
Team Leader HIV diagnostics
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop A-25
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404 639 4158 Fax: 404 639 2726
Email Address:

Matthew McKenna, MD, MPH
Branch Chief
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2050 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Andrew Mitsch, MPH
Corporate Square Boulevard
Building 8
Atlanta, GA 30047
Telephone: 404-639-6192 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

Eve Mokotoff, MPH
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Manager
1151 Taylor Room 210B
Detroit, MI 48202
Telephone: 313 876 4769 Fax: 313 876 0888
Email Address:

Allyn Nakashima, MD
Associate Director for Science
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop D-21
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-0900 Fax: 404-639-0897
Email Address:

Israel Nieves-Rivera
Health Program Planner
San Francisco Department of Public Health
25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102-6033
Telephone: 415 554-9551 Fax: 415 431-7154
Email Address:

Michele Owen, PhD
Acting Associate Director for Laboratory Science NCHSTP
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop A-25
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404 639-1046 Fax:
Email Address:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

Pragna Patel, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
827 Inman Village Pkwy., NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
Telephone: (404) 639-6132 Fax: (404) 639-8640
Email Address:

Jennifer Pennock, MSc
Acting Manager
Public Health Agency of Canada
LCDC Building #6 Tunneys Pasture
AL 0602B
Ontario, Canada K1A 0K9
Telephone: (613) 941-6291 Fax: (613) 957-2842
Email Address:

Monica S. Ruiz, PhD, MPH
Deputy Director, Public Policy
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
1150 17th Street NW, Suite 406
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-331-8600, x 13 Fax: 202-331-8606
Email Address:

Ron Sanders, MPA
Program Consultant
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-4678 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address: RSanders@CDC.GOV

Eileen Schneider, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-47
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5345 Fax: 404-639-2980
Email Address:

R. Luke Shouse, MD, MPH
Georgia Division of Public Health
2 Peachtree St., NW
Suite 14-450
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142
Telephone: 404-657-2601 Fax: 404-657-4141
Email Address:

Gregory I. Smiley, MPH
Director of Public Policy
AAHIVM National Office
1705 DeSales Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-659-0976 Fax: 202-659-0976
Email Address:

Andrew Spieldenner, BA, MA
Director of Programs
National Association of People With AIDS
8401 Colesville Road
Suite 750
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Telephone: 240-247-1024 Fax: 240-247-0574
Email Address:

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

Patrick Sullivan, DVM, PHD
Chief, Behavioral and Clinical Surveillance Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-46
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-633-5633 Fax:
Email Address:

Edward Tepporn
HIV Program Manager
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
450 Sutter, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108
Telephone: 415 568 3309 Fax:
Email Address:

Steven Tierney, EdD, CAS
Deputy Executive Director
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
995 Market Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94103
Telephone: 415-487-3034 Fax: 415-487-3059
Email Address:

Ivy Turnbull
AIDS Alliance for Women, Children Youth and Families
1600 K Street NW, Suite 2000
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: 718-245-4756 Fax:
Email Address:

Ronald Valdiserri, MD, MPH
Deputy Director, NCHSTP
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-07
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-8002 Fax: 404-639-8600
Email Address:

Andrew Vernon, MD, MHS
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-10
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-5341 Fax: 404-639-8961
Email Address:

Hillard Weinstock, MD
Medical Epidemiologist
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-02
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-2059 Fax:
Email Address:

Richard Wolitski
Chief, Prevention Research Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-37
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: (404) 639-1939 Fax: (404) 639-1950
Email Address:

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CDC Adult/Adolescent Surveillance HIV Case Definition Consultation
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Buckhead * Atlanta, GA, June 27, 2006

Linda Wright-De Aguero, PhD, MPH
Chief, Program Evaluation Research Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Mail Stop E-59
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-315-6372 Fax:
Email Address:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

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File TitleMicrosoft Word - Document7
File Modified2006-11-08
File Created2006-11-01

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