Attachment 1(B)
Instructions for Measures Review and Streamlining Form
Worksheet: To assist EPA in identifying potential reductions in measures listed in the FY07 National Program Manager (NPM) guidance documents, EPA has made available a crosswalk of these measures on a password-protected website, Commitments QuickPlace. This crosswalk contains measures relating to state performance contributions which are included in the NPM guidance documents (issued in April 2006 and available at
Please list the measures you deem appropriate in the attached form which contains three headings and expands as necessary to accommodate your information. The form should be filled out by staff with the most expertise and provided to EPA by the State Commissioners.
State Contact Person: A point-of-contact is necessary in the event that EPA has questions or requires additional information.
Access to Website: You will be provided access to the measures via a password-protected URL by your EPA regional contact. Once you gain access to the QuickPlace, please review the FY07 crosswalk.
Filling out the Form: After your review, in the appropriate columns: (1) identify the measure (by ACS Code listed on the crosswalk); (2) note whether you recommend deleting or modifying it (and if modify, provide suggested language); and (3) provide a short explanation for your recommendation.
EPA contact: By November 8, 2006, please forward the form to Kathy O’Brien by email at or by fax at 202-564-1433 and submit a copy to your EPA Regional Administrator.
OMB Control No. 20XX-XXXX
Approval Expires XX/XX/XX
Attachment 1(B)
Measures Review and Streamlining Form (Instructions Attached)
Due Date: November 8, 2006
Contact Person: Name:________________; Tel.____________; e-mail___________
Measures (identify by ACS Code) |
Delete (D) or Modify (M) (if modify, please provide suggested language) |
Rationale for Recommendation |
The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
Attachment 1(C)
State Burden Reduction and Measures Streamlining Initiatives
Key Milestones
Lead |
Burden Reduction |
Measures Review |
Due Date |
Deputy Administrator |
kick-off memo to Regional Administrators (RAs) and State Environmental Commissioners |
Oct 10, 2006 |
State Commissioners |
recommendations on top 5 issues to RAs and OCIR (Attachment A) |
recommendations to reduce/change measures to OCFO (Attachment B) |
Nov 8, 2006 |
RAs |
memo to OCIR assessing state recommendations in Attachment A |
recommendations to reduce/change measures to OCFO (Attachment B) |
Nov 21, 2006
initial synthesis of state/regional responses to states and EPA HQ and the regions |
initial synthesis of state/regional responses to states and EPA HQ and the regions |
Dec 1, 2006
HQ Program Offices (OAR, OECA, OPPTS, OSWER, OW, OEI, etc.) |
recommendations to OCIR, based on review of state/RA input |
preliminary list of FY08 measures, identifying those recommended for elimination/modification to OCFO |
Dec 8, 2006 |
discussion with Agency senior management on initial results and recommendations |
mid-Dec 2006 |
briefing for Deputy Administrator on initial results and recommendations |
mid-Dec 2006 |
Deputy Administrator |
review of draft FY08 NPM guidance, including draft measures and changes to reporting requirements; |
Jan 2007 |
Deputy Administrator |
communication from the DA on reporting burden reduction results |
Feb 2007 |
NPMs |
issue draft FY 2008 NPM guidance, which includes improvements to measures and reporting requirements |
Feb 2007
States, Regions Tribes, others |
formal review and comments to NPMs on draft NPM guidance, including proposed improvements to measures and reporting requirements |
Feb-Mar 2007
NPMs |
issue final FY08 NPM guidance with final measures and changes to requirements |
Apr 2007
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Attachment 1(B) |
Author | CScully |
Last Modified By | CScully |
File Modified | 2006-10-05 |
File Created | 2006-10-05 |