F Letter1_web_survey_intro_English.doc ile Code: |
Date: |
Respondent’s name and address |
Dear “Respondent Name”
The Southwestern Region of the Forest Service, which is comprised of Arizona, New Mexico, and little bits of Oklahoma and Texas, is about to begin the process of revising the forest plans for all the forests and grasslands in the region. The whole process will take about three years.
To make good decisions about how to manage the National Forests and Grasslands in the Southwest, we need to hear what people think about those lands. The Forest Service motto is: “Caring for the land and serving people.” To help us care for the land and serve people, we need to know what you think and what you want for your National Forests and Grasslands.
We’ve asked the Rocky Mountain Research Station, which is part of the Forest Service, and the University of New Mexico to design and carry out a survey of people in this region. That survey will get at some of the issues involved in managing National Forests and Grasslands in this region, and give us a reading on what people think; both those who live near a forest or grassland and those who live farther away. We need to hear from all kinds of people.
Some people might prefer to respond via the internet rather than fill out a mail back questionnaire. You have the option of completing the survey on-line. The web address (URL) and unique user ID shown below will allow you to take the survey online.
URL: http://quaero.unm.edu/usfsr3
User ID: JB12345
For those who choose not to use the on-line survey option, in a couple weeks you will receive a letter and a questionnaire from the University of New Mexico. If you prefer to receive those materials in Spanish, put your name and address on the enclosed postcard and drop it in the mail. Please view the questionnaire as serious business, and a chance to give your input and opinions about the National Forests and Grasslands in the Southwestern Region. However you choose to respond, I hope you enjoy this opportunity to tell us about how you use the National Forests and Grasslands and how they are important to you. We want to manage the National Forests and Grasslands in the best way possible. To do that, we need your help.
I hope you agree that the National Forests and Grasslands are important for the people of this region, and that you will take some of your time to complete the questionnaire as best you can. Thank you in advance for your help.
Harv Forsgren |
Regional Forester, Region 3 - Southwestern Region |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | File Code: |
Subject | Formal, 4 signatures |
Author | IBM_USER |
Last Modified By | FSDefaultUser |
File Modified | 2006-11-01 |
File Created | 2005-12-15 |