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Request an SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Information
So~cis Security Onli
Replace an SSA-1o99/1o42 S
(Tax Year
www .socialsecurity .gov
, Request an SSA¢ 1099/1042S for Tax
You can request a copy of your most recent SSA-1099 or SSA 1042S using the buttons at the bottom of this page .
What is an SSA-1099/1042S Social
Security Benefit Statement?
What You Should Kno w
What to Expect
• A copy of your SSA-1099/1042S will arrive in the mail i n
about 10 days (30 days if you live outside the Unite d
States) . If you need it sooner, contact your local_Socia l
Security.,_Offce .
• The SSA-1099/1042S will be mailed to the address on fil e
at Social Security.
If You Have Moved
If you need a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for a n
earlier tax year, contact us .
• You can request an SSA-1099/1042S for yourself or o n
behalf of a deceased beneficiary if you are receiving benefit s
on the same record as the deceased .
• For security reasons, there is a 30 minute time limit t o
complete each page . We will warn you when you run out of
time . You can get more time to finish .
For More Informatio n
An SSA-1099 is mailed to you in January showing the tota l
amount of benefits you received in the previous year . If yo u
are a nonresident alien who received or repaid Socia l
Security benefits last year, you will receive an SSA-1042 S
instead .
If you have moved, you must report yourchange of_addres s
to us before we can process your request.
If you recently reported a change of address to SSA, yo u
need to contact us to make your request .
For more information on taxation of Social Security Benefits, or t o
order the publication "Tax information for Older
Americans" (Publication #554), call the IRS at 800-829-3676 or visi t
the IRS Web site .
Special Instructions for People Who are Blin d
Block Access to Your Personal
If you want to prevent online and automated telephone access t o
your personal information, you can block access toy_our persona l
information .
What Do You Want to Do ?
Request for Mysel f
Request for a Deceased Person
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If you are navigating using only the keyboard or using an assistive device and need help, visit our "
Instructi~mal pageforalternative views and navigation_" Warning: If you select this link, you will leav e
this secure site and go to a new browser window . You will automatically return to this page when yo u
close the new browser window .
Block Access to Your Personal Informatio n
If you block access to your record, no one, including you, will be able to see or change your persona l
information online or by using our automated telephone service .
What is Your Social Security Number ?
Enter number without dashes . For example, 12345678 9
Please answer ONE of the following questions :
• What is Your Password ?
• What is your Date of Birth?
If you need additional information, you may call us at 1-800-772-1213 ,
Monday through Friday between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, call our toll-free TTY number ,
1-800-325-0778, Monday through Friday between 7 a .m . and 7 p.m .
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2006-06-08 |