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Social Security Online
Government Pe_
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The Official
How to Contact Us
What you can do
New Rules
of the -, Sot:is
Careers with
Administrw i n
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006 15 :58 :22 Last Updated Wednesday Jun 07, 200 6
12 :55 :32
Questions about :
Choose Subject --- -
Latest Information on Veterans Affairs Dat a
Securit y
Nu ..&.
Retiremen t
Planyourretirement I Calculate_you r
benefit s
Do you qualify? I Apply for
retirement benefits
Already receivingbenefit s
Social Securi t
New s
Social Security_ Delivers . the
Most Popular Baby Name s
for 2005
Social Security Trustee s
release their 2006 Report
Commissioner Barnhart
New Medicare Prescription Drug
paying fbr Pla n
west TIphiOn "A National Day of Conversation drup
Friends and Family First "
Public Warned about Identit y
Theft E-mail Sca m
SoctiaLSegulity ihas., releasecl
ltsFY2007..,and....Revised E Y
Disability and SS I
Pla n
Social Security announces
the 2006 CostofLiving
Qn..Sonctay s Abgi.tst:r4th.,
SogiaLSepurity ...Markorlit s
Electronic Newsletter
eNew s
Your Social Security
Statemen t
Forms I Publications
Actuarial resources, History ,
Research & Data
Freedom of Information Act
Social Security s Financing, .
Planning & Budget I
Internationa l
QurPrggramsRLil gs I EEQ
Data for No Fear Act I
Rulemakin q
Sepurity iWetisites
Request a Social Securit y
Speake r
Information for :
The Press I Congres s
& Health Professional s
Widows, widowers & othe r Vendors, Contractors, &
Service-Disabled Veteran survivors
7.0th .Armiyersary
Apply here for extra hel p
with prescription drug cost s
Report_ fraud,__ waste_ an d
abbse More news : .,
Report a deat h
QualifKand_appl y
Already receiving benefit s
About Social Security' s
Get help with you r
situatio n
Use your ZIP code to fin d
our offic e
Aggl....toty ggo .f.a .y.gritg sd Es
Marriage, divo rce, ari d nam e
change s
Birth of achild I Death in_
fawn y
You disagree with our decision I
More situations
maiLthis pagg g alrig.n d
P cZ 01
gRS'I''GOVBe nefits go y .§ ris
http ://mwww .ba .ssa .gov/
Other Lar
qualify? I Apply fo r
Employers I The Self:
disability benefits
Employe d
Already receiving benefits I Ticket to Women 1 Kids I School s
Demographic Groups I
Adults disabled before age 22
Immigrant s
More disability informatio n
Maragy5sRggrg sgnitalivgs.
2606 AnnuptPertormance.
y'sl oWn bRseitLPlaouloiciess& Other Important Information 1
Q.wnggLamaILDeasi ggs.s.
Federal, State & Loca l
Government Employee s
ag gntAg gngigs.
Medicare Outreac h
This is _a U S Government computer system subject to Federal.
Page 1 of 3
Social Security Online : What You Can Do Online
Social Security Online
Online Claims & S e
What You Can Do Onlin e
Updated : 05/11/06
Hours of Operation :
(All times ET)
If you get benefits, you can
Other Things Yo u
Can Do Onlin e
Weekdays 5 AM - 1 AM
Saturday 5 AM - 11 PM
Sunday 8 AM 11 :30 PM
Change your address or telephone number .
5 AM - 11 PM on
these holidays :
New Years Day
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Request Proof of Income letter .
Get a letter that verifies your Social Security
benefit information .
Hours for all othe r
holidays are :
5 AM - 1 AM
Field Office Locator
Use your ZIP code to
locate the closest Social
Security Office .
Weekdays (except
2 AM - 3 AM)
Saturday 5 AM - 11 P M
Sunday 8 AM 11 :30 PM
Holidays 5 AM - 11 PM
Get a replacement Medicare Card
Get a Form 1099/10425 -- Social Security
Benefit Statement .
Replace the lost, damaged, or missing tax
summary of your Social Security benefits for
2005 (not available for SSI) .
Get a password when
o You want password access to
information about your benefits ,
o Your password request code has
expired, or
o You lost, forgot, or do not have your
password or password request code .
Block online and automated telephone access
to your personal information .
If you have a password, you can
Apply fo r
Social Securit y
extra help wit h
y pyr .MedicarQ
prescription .0 ryg
cost s
Find out if youqualify
fo r
extra J-1p.ip wit h
Your MeOlOP.
prescription dru g
cost s
Social Security ,
Suppi grri gatai
Incom e
(BSI), or _othe r
EstimaAg._ yqur. tutu i-P
Request a Socia l
Security Statemen t
Use our online busines s
service s
If you have a
passwor d . . .
• Check your information and benefits .
See the contact, direct deposit, Medicare an d
payment information we have on file for you .
Request or change directdeposit .
• Qbopse_yp ur password .
If you received a letter from us about passwor d
services, you can choose your password o r
block access to your personal information .
Changeypy[pAs .word .
http: //mwww .b a. s s a. gov/online services/
6/7/200 6
Page 1 of 1
Overview of Pages in i 1099
Overview of Pages in i1099
Screen Number
Screen Name
Application Pages
ee001 a
Request an SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Infonnation
ee001 b
This Service Is Currently Unavailabl e
Legal Acknowledgemen t
Public Agreemen t
General Infonnation About Yo u
'General Infonnation About the Decease d
Please Log I n
Please Log I n
Message Pages
Cookies Not Enable d
How to Report a Change of Address and Request a Replacement SSA-1099/1042 S
'How to Report a Change of Address and Request a Replacement SSA-1099/1042 S
How to Request Your Replacement SSA-1099/1042 S
Information about Time Limit s
Internet Security Policy
Special Instructions for People Who Are Blin d
'The Infonnation You Entered Does Not Match Our Record s
This Service Is Not Available at this Tim e
This Service Will Shut Down Within 30 Minutes
We Are Processing Your Request . . .
You Have Reached the Limit on the Number of Request s
Your Session Has Expire d
Unable To Complete Your Request at this Tim e
Unable to Process Your Request 1099/index .html
Request an SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Information
Social Security C:)nline
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ax Year 2005)
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Request an SSA 1099/1 042S for Ta x
Informatio n
You can request a copy of your most recent SSA-1099 or SSA 1042S using the buttons at the bottom_of thspage .
An SSA-1099 is mailed to you in January showing the tota l
amount of benefits you received in the previous year . If yo u
are a nonresident alien who received or repaid Socia l
Security benefits last year, you will receive an SSA-1042 S
instead .
What is an SSA-1099/1042S Social
Security Benefit Statement?
What You Should Kno w
What to Expec t
• A copy of your SSA-1099/1042S will arrive in the mail i n
about 10 days (30 days if you live outside the Unite d
States) . If you need it sooner, contact your loCal_Socia l
Security Office.
• The SSA-1099/1042S will be mailed to the address on fil e
at Social Security .
If You Have Move d
For More Informatio n
If you need a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for a n
earlier tax year, contact us .
• You can request an SSA-1099/1042S for yourself or o n
behalf of a deceased beneficiary if you are receiving benefits
on the same record as the deceased .
• For security reasons, there is a 30 minute time limit t o
complete each page . We..will_warn when you run out of
time . You can get more time to finish .
If you have moved, you must rep0rt..your_changeofaddres s
to us before we can process your request .
• If you recently reported a change of address to SSA, yo u
need to contact us to make your request .
For more information on taxation of Social Security Benefits, or to
order the publication "Tax information for Olde r
Americans" (Publication #554), call the IRS at 800-829-3676 or visi t
the IRS Web site .
Special Instructions for People Who are Blin d
Block Access to Your Personal
If you want to prevent online and automated telephone access t o
your personal information, you can blockaccess to .your .personal
information .
What Do You Want to Do ?
Request for Myself
Request for a Deceased Person
Priya..r..y Policy I A .cc..essihility_En icy I irate. etsec.urity_eeky I Site Map I FeeaaJi
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Request an SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Information
Social Seem* C : nline
Replace an SSA-1099/1o42 S
www socialsecurity .gov
This Service I s
Currently Unavailabl e
The SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Year 2005 will be mailed before
January 31, 2006 .
You can request a replacement SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Year 200 5
on or after February 1, 2006 .
If you need a replacement SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Year 2004 o r
. Call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213, or our toll-free TTY
number, 1-800-325-0778 ; o r
• Visit your local Social Security Office .
• If you live outside the United States, see Service Around th e
World .
Privacy Policy i Accessibility Policy
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Internet Security Policy i Site Map
I Feedback
Page 1 of 1
Legal Acknowledgement
Social Security Online
Replace an
042 S
ax Year 2005)
www .socialsecurity .gov
Acknowledgemen t
Social Security provides this website for your convenience .
Any person who knowingly and willingly makes any representatio n
that is false to obtain information from Social Security
records, and/o r
that is intended to deceive the Social Security Administratio n
as to the true identity of the individual ,
could be punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both .
I have read the above statement and am the individual to whom th e
SSA-1099/1042S information applies .
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Public Agreement
So cia .l Security Online
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ax Year 200 5 )
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Public Agreemen t
Social Security provides this website for your convenience .
The Privacy Act Statemen t
Social Security is allowed to collect the facts on this form unde r
Section 205 of the Social Security Act. We need these facts t o
quickly identify who you are and provide the information yo u
requested . Giving us these facts is voluntary . However, without the m
we may not be able to give you the information that you want . The
Social Security Administration will not use the information for an y
other purpose . If you want to read more information on this subject ,
read The Collection and Use of Information from Your Application .
Paperwork Reduction Act
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U .S .C . §
3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act o f
1995 . You do not need to answer these questions unless we displa y
a valid Office of Management and Budget control number . The OM B
control number for this form is 0960-0583, expiration date
01/31/2007 . We estimate that it will take about 10 minutes to rea d
the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions . Yo u
may send comments on our time estimate above to : SSA, 1338
Annex Building, Baltimore, MD 21235-0001 . Send only. comment s
on our time estimate to this address, not the completed form .
By using this website, you agree to its limitations .
I Disagree
http ://
I Agre e
Page 1 of 1
General Information About You
Social Securi y nlin e
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General Informatio n
About Yo u
Why do you need a replacement SSA 1099/1042S ?
Have you had a change of address that
has not been reported to Social
' Ye s
Previous .html
Continu e
Page 1 of 1
General Information About the Deceased
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General Informatio n
About the Deceased
Why do you need a replacement SSA 1099/1042S?
[ Previous
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Continu e
Page 1 of 1
Please Log In
Social Security- Onlin e
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ax Year 2005)
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Please Log I n
Please provide the following information to identify yourself . Be sure
to type your name as it is shown on your Social Security Card .
Denotes required field
` Your Social Security Number :
Use your own number even if you ar e
receiving benefits as a spouse, parent or chil d
under another person's number .
(without dashes or spaces )
Your Name :
First, Middle Initial (if any), Last, Suffix (if any )
Other Last Name (if any) :
For example, your name as shown on a
recent letter from Social Security or you r
maiden name .
Your Date of Birth :
Month, Day, Year
t Continu e
Page 1 of 1
Please Log I n
Social Security Onlin e
Replace an SSA-1o99/1042 S
'fax Year 2005)
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Please Log I n
n z.
Please provide the following information to identify yourself. Be sure
to type your name as it is shown on your Social Security Card .
If you are requesting an SSA-1099/1042S fora decease d
beneficiary, you must be receiving benefits as a spouse, parent o r
child on the same record as the deceased .
* Denotes required field
Deceased Beneficiary's Social Security
Number :
(without dashes or spaces )
Verify who you ar e
Your Social Security Number :
Use your own number even if you are
receiving benefits as a spouse, parent or child
under another person's number .
(without dashes or spaces)
Your Name :
First, Middle Initial (if any), Last, Suffix (if any )
Other Last Name (if any) :
For example, your name as shown on a
recent letter from Social Security or you r
maiden name .
` Your Date of Birth :
Month, Day, Year
Previous 1099/ee005b .html
Continu e
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Social Security Onlin e
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Tax Year 2005)
www .socialsecurity .gov
Confirmatio n
Thank you, Joan Public .
What You Should Know
We received your request for a copy of an SSA-1099/1042S on Apri l
3, 2006 .
You should receive your replacement SSA-1099/1042S by
April 13, 2006 (May 3, 2006 if you live outside the Unite d
States) .
It will be mailed to the address Social Security has on file fo r
you .
If you do not receive it by April 13, 2006 (May 3, 2006 if yo u
live outside the United States), please call us Monday-Friday
7 :00 a .m .-7 :00 p .m . at 1-800-772-1213 or, if you are deaf o r
hard of hearing, on our TTY number at 1-800-325-0778 .
If you live outside the United States, see ServiceAround the
Use your browser's "print" function to print this page for you r
records .
Does someone else in your househol d
want to request a replacement SSA1099/1042S?
Ye s
Continu e
Privacy Policy
I Accessibility Policy
l Internet Security Policy l Site Map
Feedbac k
Social Security Online
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Replace an SSA-1o99 j1o42S
(' Year 2005)
www .socialsecurity .gov
Confirmatio n
Thank you, John Public .
What You Should Know
We received your request for a copy of an SSA-1099/1042S for a
deceased beneficiary with the Social Security Number 123-45-6789
on April 3, 2006 .
You should receive the replacement SSA-1099/1042S b y
April 13, 2006 (May 3, 2006 if you live outside the Unite d
States) .
• It will be mailed to the address Social Security has on file fo r
you .
• If you do not receive it by April 13, 2006 (May 3, 2006 if yo u
live outside the United States), please call us Monday-Frida y
7 :00 a .m .-7 :00 p .m . at 1-800-772-1213 or, if you are deaf o r
hard of hearing, on our TTY number at 1-800-325-0778 .
• If you live outside the United States, see Service Around the.
Use your browser's "print" function to print this page for you r
records .
Does someone else in your househol d
want to request a replacement SSA1099/1042S?
Ye s
Privacy Policy
http://eis .ba.ssa .gov/appages/iIO99/eeO06b .html
I Accessibility Policy I
Internet Security Policy
I Site Mao I
Page 1 of 2
Cookies Not Enabled
Social Security Onlin e
Replace an SSA-1o99/I042 S
(Fax Year 2005)
www .socialsecurity .gov
Cookies Not Enable d
To get a replacement SSA-1099 or 1042S (for non-citizens/nonresidents) online, you must enable "cookies" on your computer . We
use "session cookies" that we store on your computer only durin g
your visit. The session cookie keeps you from losing informatio n
you've entered for a business transaction with us if, during your visit ,
you leave our website and return .
Once you turn off your computer or stop using the Internet, th e
cookie is erased .
To enable cookies, follow the instructions below for the browse r
you're using .
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 .0 +
• Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu .
▪ Click on the "Privacy" tab .
• Click the "Default" button (or manually slide the bar down to
"Medium") under "Settings" .
• Click "OK" .
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 . x
Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu .
Click on the "Security" tab .
Click the "Custom Level" button .
Scroll down to the "Cookies" section .
Set "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" to
"Enable" .
Set "Allow per-session cookies" to "Enable" .
Click "OK" .
Mozilla Firefox (1 .0 final release and earlier)
Go to the "Tools" menu .
Select "Options" .
Select the "Privacy" icon in the left panel .
Check the box corresponding to "Allow sites to set cookies" .
Click "OK" to save changes .
Netscape 7 .1/Mozilla 5 . 0
▪ Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu .
• Click on the arrow next to "Privacy & Security" in the scrollin g
window to expand .
• Under "Privacy & Security", select "Cookies . "
• Select "Enable all cookies" .
▪ Click "OK" .
http :// .html
Page 2 of 2
Cookies Not Enabled
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 . x
Select "Internet Options" from the View menu .
Click on the "Advanced" tab .
Scroll down to find "Cookies" within the "Security" section .
Select "Always accept cookies" .
Click "OK" .
Netscape Communicator 4 . x
Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu .
Find the "Cookies" section in the "Advanced" category .
Select "Accept all cookies" (or "Enable all cookies") .
Click "OK" .
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Start Ove r
How to Report a Change of Address and Request a Replacement SSA-1099/1042S
i&xial Security Online
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(Tax Year 2005)
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How to Report a Chang e
of Address and Reques t
a Replacement SSA 109911042 S
You told us you have moved and have not reported this to us . To
report your new address and request a replacement SSA 1099/1042S at the same time, please call or visit Social Security .
To contact Social Security :
In the United States :
o call us at 1-800-772-1213 Monday through Frida y
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
o call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, if yo u
are deaf or hard of hearing, Monday through Frida y
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m ., o r
o visit your local Social Security Office .
If you live outside the United States, see Seryice_Around th e
World .
Close this window to return to the application . 1099/msgO65 .html
How to Report a Change of Address and Request a Replacement SSA-1099/1042S
Social Security Onlin e
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Replace SSA-1099/104 S
(Tax Year 2005 )
www .socialsecurity .gov
How to Report a Chang e
of Address and Request
a Replacement SSA 1099/1 042 S
You told us you have moved and have not reported this to us . T o
report your new address and request a replacement SSA 1099/1042S at the same time, please call or visit Social Security .
To contact Social Security :
In the United States :
o call us at 1-800-772-1213 Monday through Friday
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
o call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, if you
are deaf or hard of hearing, Monday through Frida y
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m ., o r
o visit your local Social Security Office .
If you live outside the United States, see Servic e.Around_th e
World .
Exi t .gov/appages/ilO99/msgO66 .html
Page 1 of 1
How to Request Your Replacement SSA-1099/1042S
Social Security Online
Replace an SSA-1o99/1.o42S
(Tax Year 2005 )
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How to Request You r
Replacement SSA1099/1 042 S
Were sorry you cannot request a replacement SSA-1099/1042 S
online . You must call or visit us to request a replacement SSA 1099/1042S .
To contact Social Security :
In the United States :
o call us at 1-800-772-1213 Monday through Frida y
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
o call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, if yo u
are deaf or hard of hearing, Monday through Frida y
between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m ., o r
o visit your local Social Security Office .
If you live outside the United States, see
World .
Service Around the
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Information about Time Limits
Social Security Online
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Information about Tim e
For security reasons, there are time limits for your work on each
page .
You will receive a warning after 25 minutes on a page tha t
will allow you to extend your time .
• After the third warning on a page, you must move to anothe r
page or your time will run out and you will be logged out .
▪ If you have turned JavaScript off in your browser, you will not
receive these warnings . After spending 30 minutes on a
page, you must move on to another page or you will b e
logged out .
Do not use the Back button on your browser to move backward .
Do not use the Enter key to move around in the application .
Close this window to return to the application . 1099/msg036 .html
Page 1 of 1
Internet Security Policy
Social Security Online
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Internet Security Polic y
Is it safe to transmit information to the
Social Security Administration over the
SSA is taking all reasonable and proper measures, includin g
encryption, to ensure that your personal information is disclosed onl y
to you . However, the Internet is an open system and there is n o
absolute guarantee that others will not intercept the persona l
information you have entered or requested and decrypt it . Althoug h
this possibility is remote, it does exist .
What is encryption ?
Encryption means that all information relating to you and you r
account is scrambled and locked with a mathematical key during th e
electronic transfer . Most browsers have an icon such as a key or a
lock to represent an encrypted mode or session . A broken key, ope n
lock, or no lock indicates that the session or mode is not encrypted .
Why is special software necessary to
access the Internet application?
So that your online request can remain confidential, SSA uses a
security protocol (method) called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) fo r
this application . You must use a Web browser that supports SSL .
Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer are tw o
browsers that support SSL . Using this security protocol, al l
information sent between your computer and our server is encrypte d
before being sent over the Internet .
Why SSL?
SSL provides a high level of security and is the security protoco l
supported by more browsers than any other . It is estimated tha t
about 92% of Web browsers have an SSL browser available for thei r
use .
I have the right software and I am trying
to connect during your posted
business hours, but I still cannot
access your form . Why?
We have found that a number of business, government, an d
educational networks do not have their firewalls configured to allow
passage of secure Web traffic . Check with your system s
administrator to determine if this is the case at your site . If this is th e
case, you will not be able to access this application web site .
Close this window to return to the application .
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Special Instructions for People Who Are Blind
Social Security Online
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Special Instructions fo r
People Who Are Blin d
The following instructions are for screen reader users like JAWS an d
Window-Eyes and Browser based readers like Home Page Reader.
In order to fill out this application you will be required to tab to eac h
control and provide the requested information . Instructional text
usually occurs at the beginning of each screen and can also b e
accessed by tabbing through the screen . Tab indices have also bee n
added to allow for tabbing through text . Additionally, consisten t
headers have been set up to access questions an d
examples/instructions more easily . All headers that are at level 3 wil l
have additional help text . Additionally, the titles of each page ar e
header level 1, and they will have general help information .
Unless you have turned Javascript off in your browser, you wil l
receive a warning after 25 minutes and you can extend your time o n
the page . After the third warning, you must move to another page, o r
your time will run out and your work on that page will be lost .
At the end of most screens there is a Continue button to allow th e
user to go to the next page and a Previous button to return to th e
prior page . The hotkey ALT + C is associated with the Continu e
button, ALT + P for the Previous button, and ALT + X for the Exi t
button . Press Alt + C or ALT + P and then press Enter to mov e
forward or back, or ALT + X to exit .
Close this window to return to the application . 1099/msg024 .html
The Information You Entered Does Not Match Our Records
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The Information Yo u
Entered Does Not Matc h
Our Record s
Please check this information :
To contact Social Security :
• Call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 . Explain that yo u
are unable to complete your request online . If you are deaf or
hard of hearing, call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-3250778 . Representatives are available Monday through Frida y
from 7 a .m . to 7 p .m .
• Go to your local Social Security Office and tell th e
representative that you were unable to complete you r
request .
• If you live outside the United States, see Service Around th e
World .
If you typed the wrong information, you will need to correct i t
before continuing .
• If the information is correct, contact Social Security . Be sur e
to tell the representative that you tried to complete your
request online and received this message .
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Previou s
This Service Is Not Available at this Time
Social Security Online
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Year 2005 )
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This Service Is No t
Available at this Tim e
This service is available during the following hours (Eastern time) :
Monday through Friday : 5 :00 AM - 1 :00 A M
Saturday : 5 :00 AM - 11 :00 P M
Sunday : 8 :00 AM - 10 :00 P M
Holidays : 5 :00 AM - 11 :00 PM
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This Service Will Shut Down Within 30 Minutes
Social Security Online
Replace an SSA-1099/1,042 S
(Tax Year 2005 )
This Service Will Shu t
Down Within 30 Minute s
The replacement 1099/1042S service is available during th e
following hours (Eastern Time) :
Monday through Friday : 5 :00 AM - 1 :00 A M
Saturday : 5 :00 AM - 11 :00 P M
Sunday : 8 :00 AM - 10 :00 P M
Holidays : 5 :00 AM - 11 :00 P M
Select Continue to start your request now . If the system shuts dow n
before you finish it, you will have to begin again when the syste m
becomes available .
Select Exit to go to the Social Security home page .
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Continu e
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We Are Processing Your Request . . .
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A"‘ We Are Processin g
, Your Request. . .
Please wait a moment before selecting the Continue button .
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You Have Reached the Limit on the Number of Requests
Social Security Online
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M~ r
You Have Reached th e
Limit on the Number of
We have not been able to match the information you entered wit h
our records .
To resolve the discrepancy :
Call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 . If you are deaf o r
hard of hearing, call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-3250778 . Representatives are available Monday through Frida y
from 7 a .m . to 7 p .m .
• Call or visit your local_Social SecurityOffice .
• If you live outside the United States, see Service Around_ th e
World .
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Your Session Has Expired
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Your Session Has
If you would like to make this request online, you may select th e
Start Over button below . Select Exit to go to the Social Securit y
home page .
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Start OverJ
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Unable To Complete Your Request at this Time
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Unable To Complet e
Your Request at thi s
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we cannot process you r
request at this time .
If you still wish to make your request, you may :
Try again later, o r
Call or visit u s
o In the United States :
. call us at 1-800-772-1213 Monday throug h
Friday between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
▪ call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-3250778, if you are deaf or hard of hearing ,
Monday through Friday between 7 a .m . and 7
p .m ., or
▪ visit your local Social Security Office .
If you live outside the United States, see
Around the_World .
Exi t
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Social Security Online
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(Tax Year 2005)
www .social secu rity .gov
Unable to Process You r
Reques t
If the information you gave us is correct, were sorry but this servic e
is not available to you .
If the information you gave us is correct and you are currentl y
receiving benefits, online access to your account may be blocked .
For assistance, please call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday throug h
Friday between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m . If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing ,
call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, Monday throug h
Friday between 7 a .m . and 7 p .m .
Return to Online Services
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2006-06-09 |