The three surveys being submitted are
focused on learning about the impact of changing the Summer Food
Service Program (SFSP) eligibility threshold from 50% of the
children at 185% of the poverty line to 40% of children at 185% of
the poverty line in rural PA. This research, mandated by Congress
to assess the PA pilot, will primarily assess differences between
40% and 50% sites regarding the numbers, types, and sizes of
sponsors and sites, the numbers, types, and characteristics of
children, the geographic locations of sites, and the ancillary
services offered at sites. There are other secondary topics on
which this research will focus.
Pub.L. 108 - 265 116 Name of Law: Child Nutrition and WIC
Reauthoriztion Act of 2004
PL: Pub.L. 108 - 265 116 Name of Law: Child
Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004
Dawn Wolfgang 703 305-2811
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