Responsibilities of Awardees and Applicant Institutions for Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science -- 42 CFR Part 50

ICR 199710-0937-001

OMB: 0937-0198

Federal Form Document

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ICR Details
0937-0198 199710-0937-001
Historical Active 199407-0937-001
Responsibilities of Awardees and Applicant Institutions for Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science -- 42 CFR Part 50
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Approved without change 12/05/1997
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 10/02/1997
Approved as amended by HHS' memoranda to OMB of 11/28/97 and 12/5/97. Approval through December 1999 will provide sufficient time for reviews of misconduct policies and procedures and any changes to this form that might result from those initiatives. In addition, HHS has agreed to revise this form to make clear that names of persons against who sanctions or allegations have been made should not be included in the description of the event.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
12/31/2000 12/31/2000 12/31/1997
3,607 0 7,153
4,659 0 4,551
0 0 0

Section 493 of the Public Health Service Act and 42 CFR part 50 require each institution that applies for research and research-related grants to establish policies and procedures for investigating and reporting instances of alleged or apparent misconduct that are supported by PHS funds and to report such instances to the Secretary.



IC Title Form No. Form Name
Responsibilities of Awardees and Applicant Institutions for Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science -- 42 CFR Part 50 PHS-6349

  Total Approved Previously Approved Change Due to New Statute Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA
Annual Number of Responses 3,607 7,153 0 -3,546 0 0
Annual Time Burden (Hours) 4,659 4,551 0 108 0 0
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0



On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
    (i) Why the information is being collected;
    (ii) Use of information;
    (iii) Burden estimate;
    (iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
    (v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
    (vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.

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